I'm back again! :D Anyways, this prompt is quite long and it will probably take a couple parts to finish. Like maybe three or four. I might even just make it one long fic, who knows? Besides this, I am still taking prompts for smut one shots. (No one seems to have any) But you can message me on here, put it in a review, or message me on tumblr. My tumblr is the same as my FF name so it should be easy to find me. WARNING: This is a G!P Santana story. Don't like? Don't read.

Even though it starts out Quinntana, everyone remember BRITTANA IS ENDGAME!

Santana is married to Brittany's sister (could be Quinn or OC) who is a workaholic and never has time for sex.

Brittany is 8 years younger and goes to live with them when she starts college. Santana knows Brittany has always had a crush on her but initially just sees her as a kid.

Things change when Brittany starts to bring her hookups at home when she thinks Santana and her sister are asleep.

Brittany is really loud in bed. Santana's wife takes sleeping pills so she doesn't wake up, but Santana gets really aroused and one night just gives into it and starts masturbating. The next morning Santana can't look at Brittany the same. Especially when Brittany keeps giving her flirty smiles.

When Brittany's sister goes to a business trip they finally fuck.


-rough sex with a lot of dirty talk. Santana calling Brittany a cockslut and telling her how she's so much better in bed than her sister.

- they continue with the affair even after the sister comes back and they get bolder and bolder. (E.g. Finishing fucking just moments before Santana's wife comes home)

- finally they fuck in bed with the wife deeply sleeping next to them!

"Babe," Quinn said to Santana, who had almost fell asleep in her bowl of Cocoa Puffs. "I'm headed off to work."

"As usual," Santana mumbled under her breath.

"I can't help it Santana! I have to get us money somehow! You sure as hell aren't doing it."

Santana rolled her eyes and ate a spoonful of cereal before replying, "I work in the library at the community college here. I make as much money as I can, but you go and spend it all on those damn pills."

Quinn dropped her briefcase on the table and rubbed her eyes. "Being a lawyer is stressful on me okay? I need those pills so I can sleep. I need sleep so that I can get up and go to work. I need to get up and go to work so that we have a place to live."

"Look, I'm sorry babe. I shouldn't of made a comment." Santana got up and pulled her wife into her arms. "Do you forgive me?"

"Yes, but it's not just you. I need to start spending some more time at home. I'll try and see if I can have this weekend off, but you know how Rachel is. She probably will make me for overtime just for asking."

Santana traced small circles on her back. "It's alright, I'll see you when you get home tonight?"

"Yeah. Oh, and don't forget my younger sister will be here today."


"Yeah, she is going to college here and needs a place to stay."

"How old is she?" Santana asked, sitting back down to resume eating.

"She's nineteen."

"Then why can't she rent an apartment? I'm sure she has tons of money from daddy. I bet she got the money once he kicked you out for being gay. It also doesn't help that your wife has a dick."

"He did the same to her. She came out as bi. So I told her she had a place to stay. I have to go, can you please make her feel at home when she gets here?"

Santana leaned over and gave her wife a kiss. "Sure thing, love you."

"Love you too." And with that, Santana had the house to herself.


After three hours of watching TV, masturbating, and eating, Santana heard a knock at the door.

Groaning, she got up to go see who it was. When she opened the door, her jaw dropped. Never in a million years had she seen a girl so beautiful, except Quinn of course. If she were to be honest, Brittany was much better looking.

"Can I come in, or are you going to keep staring at my boobs all day?" Brittany asked with a giggle.

Santana blushed, but nodded and turned to show the younger girl in. "You have a lovely house."

"Thanks, do you want me to show you to the guest bedroom?"

"No," Brittany deadpanned. "I want to sleep in a bed with you."

"Uhm." Santana was speechless.

The blonde smirked, "I'm kidding. Please show me to the guest room."

Nodding, Santana showed her to the room which was right next to her own. "You don't talk much anymore. Why is that? I mean we used to be super close a few years ago."

Santana remembers back to when her and Quinn first started dating. Brittany hag the biggest crush on her and would always try to talk to her or be next to her and Quinn. Laughing, Santana replied, "Our relationship, consisted of you being a major cock block. Literally."

Brittany knew about Santana's condition and she didn't judge her. It actually kind of turned her on.

"Maybe that's because I didn't like the thought of you ramming my sister with me just a few rooms away."

"Well you won't have to worry about that anymore," Santana scoffed.

"Why is that? Did my sister want to become a nun or something?"

"No, It's just every time she gets home from work, she is always too tired to have sex. Then she takes those pills so she sleeps heavily and then she wakes up just to do it again. It's so frustrating."

Brittany started laughing.

"Don't be an asshole. It's not funny. I wake up every morning with a chubby and she won't even blow me because she has no time to do that and get ready."

Brittany only remained laughing. "Oh god."

Santana picked up a couch pillow and threw it at her. "Fucking stop it." She couldn't help but laugh when she saw an evil glint in Brittany's eyes.

"You, have made a great mistake." Santana's eyes went wide as soon as she realized what Brittany was planning.

"No, I didn't mean to hit you with a pillow, I promise." Santana got up and started backing away from the younger girl, who was armed with a pillow.

"Run." Brittany yelled as she took off in a sprint towards Santana. Santana was faster, and made a beeline for the bathroom at the end of the hall.

She turned the lock and realized that the door had been locked from the inside. "What, no no no no." She gulped and turned around so that her back was up against the door. "Please don't."

But Brittany started walking towards her, ready to hit her with the pillow. Santana had no other choice, she ran forwards and tackled Brittany to the ground.

Both girls fell into a pit of laughter, with Santana on top of Brittany. They could feel each other laughing and it only amused them more. "I'm glad you're staying here," Santana smiled, pulling back to look at the girl below her.

"Me too," Brittany smiled. She couldn't help but look at the Latina's lips. They were so round and kissable. She watched Santana's eyes reciprocate the action, and they both leaned in. The door opening stopped them.

"I'm home for lunch, Is Britt here?" The sound of Quinn's voice made them jump ten feet from each other.

"Yeah," Santana said, making her way to the kitchen where Quinn was located. She gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "I didn't know you would be home for lunch today babe?"

"Berry actually let me because I told her my sister was in town. I didn't necessarily tell her for how long, but she let me come home to see her."

"Oh, that's amazing. It means I get to see you even more."

"Where is she by the way?"

"I don't kn-"

"Right here." Brittany said, walking towards Quinn to give her a hug.

"It's so nice to see you again." When Quinn pulled her in for a hug, she winked at Santana behind her back, who had started blushing.

"I'll let you two catch up a bit," Santana mumbled, walking back into the living room. She couldn't help but turn back and watch Brittany's eyes move from her ass.

"So," Quinn started. "Was Santana nice when you first arrived? I know you two used to be pretty close a few years ago, but she's a little different now. Not a bad different, just she doesn't talk to many people anymore."

"She was really friendly, she even showed me to the guest bedroom. By the way, I love your house."

"Thank you, It's so hard to live up here in New York for the price we have."

"The community college around here is good right? Because that's where I am going."

"It's an amazing school, and San works there so you will get to see her."

Brittany bit her lip and smiled. "Is she a teacher there?"

"No, she's the librarian." Quinn smirked, and pulled out the bread to start making a sandwich.

"Ohlala, a sexy librarian. How often do you role-play that fantasy?" Brittany began to tease her, knowing that Quinn never let Santana fuck her. Which was a shame, if she had Santana as a wife she would probably bang her every day.

"We, uh, don't have sex." Quinn frowned.

"Why? If you don't mind me asking of course."

"I never have time to, and I'm always so tired and rundown from work. Do you want a sandwich?"

"No thanks. I'm gonna go to the living room with your wifey. By the way, you should totally get up on that. Before someone else does."

"Santana would never cheat on me."

Brittany put her hands up in the air. "I'm not saying I'm gonna do it, but someone will. Because if you aren't giving her some attention, she's gonna go look for it somewhere else." With that, Brittany walked to the living room, leaving Quinn bewildered.


It was nine thirty, and Santana sat on the couch with Brittany watching 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.' Quinn had already taken her pills and went to bed an hour before.

Since the girls' 'almost kiss' everything had gotten awkward between them. They sat on completely different ends of the couch and tried not to look away from the TV.


"Brit-" Both of them started at the same time.

"You first," Brittany smiled lovingly at the Latina.

"What almost happened earlier, was a mistake. It can't happen again. Not only because I have a wife, but because she is your sister. Also our age difference."

"What, no. I am 19 you are 27. It's legal I promise. And I know you felt something too so just admit it."

"I didn't feel anything," Santana lied.

"Then it doesn't have to involve feelings. We can just have sex because I know you aren't getting it from my sister."

Santana contemplated the idea. It sounded amazing, but she knew what would happen after it started. They wouldn't want to quit and then feelings would get involved. "I'm sorry, I can't."

Brittany inhaled sharply. "You're going to regret this," She said before getting up to leave.

"Where are you going, the movie isn't over yet?" Santana turned to look at the younger girl.

"To go fuck myself in the shower because I'm super turned on and you won't do anything about it." Santana felt her dick twitch, and she watched Brittany's ass as she walked up the stairs.

Swallowing, she looked down at her left hand. "It's just you and me again tonight," she said, pulling her sweat pants down.

I feel like this chapter is kinda short, but it will get longer. I promise. :D