Chapter 7

Germany looked at America with a great shock in his eyes. America who was still trembling, refused to meet anyone's gaze. It was obvious to everyone that America wasn't used to this situation, that someone other than him was the hero, and to make it even worse one of the other heroes of today was none other than Russia.

Germany now felt that he had heared what he needed to hear so he turned to Russia instead. He noted that Russia seemed very calm, which was a great relief for Germany after hearing America's story. Now he repeated what Russia had said when he came out to them, but as a question.

"And now he's all right?"

"Japan is sleeping right now, but a doctor from the ambulance has examined him and he says he's going to feel good when he wakes up, he may possibly be a little tired for a few days but he'll be fine" Russia explained.

Then Russia turned his eyes to America instead.

"It is really America that the doctors are worried about" Russia continued and pointed with his finger at him to clarify who he was talking about. America stiffened when he heared someone saying his name and then he looked back at Russia who seemed to be the one who had mentioned him.

"What do you mean?" he asked. He didn't feel sick, not in any way, but after seeing Russia's skilled way to save Japan's life, America has gained a new confidence in his bigger "friend".

"Italy saw you pass out after the ambulance guys took care of Japan" Russia declared without taking his eyes from America. You may have been in a pretty big shock and they want you to meet a psychologist."


America met Russia's eyes with a feeling of both shock and disbelief, he didn't remember fainting, but on the other hand he didn't remember how Japan was taken from the scene either and obviously he wasn't there now. The last thing he remembered was that he had seen Russia try to revive him.

Germany was totally speechless right now, over the stupid things the others did when he was not there to stop them, but now he wanted to see for himself exactly how bad it was with Japan and for safety's sake, he suggested that America and the others would follow him. Germany had seen shocked people before and he knew very well that it wasn't the best idea in the world to leave them alone. Moreover, he believed that America would do well to see with his own eyes that there was no longer any danger for Japan's life.

While Germany was proposing that, he glances he bit at Russia at the same time to try to read by his expression if he taught it was a good or bad idea to do it that way. Russia understood what Germany looked for and nodded before turning around to lead the others to Japan.

Veneziano, Romano and Belgium sat in the window of the room were Japan was resting in, and they talked quietly with each other. Italy was pretty miserable, this wasn't the way he had wanted his birthday to end.

Australia stayed outside the room to speak with Hungary who had sat down on a chair close to a window. From a few words that America heared from their conversation, he understood that the two of them planed to, if necessary, force Japan to the Swim-Club as soon as he could stan up, and then force him to learn how to swim, before he got into another accident.

Veneziano who heared this and who could clearly imagine how Japan would feel about this, with having to take that many clothes of and so on, went out to them. Not because he thought that it was a bad idea, more because he wanted to help.

Japan was lying completely still in the bed, speeping peacefully just as Russia had told them he did. When America entered with the others, he thought that Japan looked very tired but he had at least been able to rest a little while and more important, he was still breathing. America still felt pretty bad about knowing how close it had been that this day had got a far more tragic ending. Never again would he throw someone in the water, not even in the bathtub. He knew no words to describe how relieved he was that Japan was still alive, and also for the fact that Japan's friend Italy didn't seem to hate him, even though he almost accidentally killed one of his closest friends.

Even though the story actually ended happily America couldn't help but hate himself right then. A feeling he didn't recognized had taken over his consciousness, and his confidence had suffered a lot as well. For once he wasn't the hero, he was quite the opposite actually, he had been the one that caused damage, and Russia, Australia, Hungary and everyone else would be the people that Japan would thank for his life when he woke up. Even Russia was a hero today. But the worst to America right then was that he had to, at least try to come up with a really good excuse to deliver to Japan, before he woke up.