A/N: One-shots, long or short, most likely covering every rating from K to M and every situation. They are not in order or related to each other, some might even be AU. The only things they have in common are the Twelfth Doctor, Clara, and the way I see their relationship. You can also send me prompts here in the reviews or on Tumblr (peterbaeafcapaldi), I'll be very glad to write something for you. That said, enjoy yourself and drop a review if you like, I'd really appreciate it :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who or its characters, even though I'd like to own Peter Capaldi or David Tennant….but that's a whole other story.

Title: About Each Other

Rating: K

Words: 445



"Clara, I'm not your boyfriend."

He says it firmly, even though not without regret. He has never been so explicit with a companion. Not once, not ever. He has always left the door open for them to enter his life, to take his love and rip his hearts into pieces. But not this time, no. This time heartbreak is so utterly certain that he can almost sense it lingering in the air. He has seen the look in her eyes, seen what she craves for: stopping time, rolling it back, rewinding the days back to when he was still her young, dashing loving Doctor.

Clara between everyone else, he has thought would understand, would know. But she doesn't see him. He knows it, he sees it, and it hurts. He's hurt and he won't deny it. He is willing to wait but now, in this moment, his world is falling into pieces and he just has to put a barrier between the two of them.

Besides, he doesn't want to be her boyfriend. Far from it. He's miles away from something so small and frivolous and human. He doesn't want to be her boyfriend, he wants to be her everything: but right here, right now, she's not able to give him that. Perhaps she never will.


"Never thought you were."

She answers simply, honestly. Of course she has never thought he was. They've flirted, joked, hugged, crossed almost every law about personal space, risked their lives for each other, but even though she has fancied him she has always seen it as a one-way thing. She has never seen his clumsy signs of affection as signs of love: after all, he was touchy-feely with everyone.

"Never said it was your mistake."

That sentence startles her and causes her to re-read every second of their time together, looking for any possible meaning besides the obvious one. That sentence leaves her confused, more confused than she already was, and Clara thinks she might just break. She knew regeneration, knew the theory, but what about the practice? How do you actually handle the fact that the most important person of your life has just changed not only in appearance but also in behaviour, way of thinking, view of the world? That's not something they teach you at school, and it's not something she feels ready to learn. Not now, at least, not like this, when she's still trying to embrace the thought that she'll never hear his voice again.

Then her phone rings and everything changes. She discovers she was wrong about hearing his voice again. Then, maybe, -just maybe- she was wrong about everything else too.