Night already? Being in here is making me lose track of time.
I shift a little amongst the filth, resigned. Nobody is coming to help me, even the janitor didn't bother to make his rounds today.
This isn't fair! What did I do to deserve this? What the fuck is their problem?
Why does Emma hate me?
I'm gonna die in-What was that?
Footsteps. Someone is here!
I bang on the locker door as hard as I can. "Hello?! Is there anyone there?!"
The footsteps draw closer, hope blossoming in my chest as they stop in front of the locker. It is too dark to see anything clearly through the slits, but even without the screech of tearing metal the sight of my savior ripping the locker door open would be impossible to miss.
I tumble out moments afterwards, covered in gunk from used, rotting tampons and worse, but happy beyond description. A cape! I was rescued by a cape, a hero! I look up. My rescuer is dressed completely in black which makes it difficult to pick out any details in the dark, but I'm sure he has some kind of armor and a wide-brimmed hat on his head.
Dammit I'm crying in front of a hero. "T-thank you, I-…I- thank you!" I blubber as I force myself to my knees.
Huh, is he holding somethi- "look out!" Huh?
My hero kicks me in the chest, flipping me onto my back before he draws his hand back and stabs me in the gut with whatever he is holding.
"Fuck!" Johan Johansen snarled as he chased his target through the dark alleys and backstreets of Brockton Bay. He had seen it! He was certain that he had seen it!
And if that thing was here, then…
He had to hurry!
A kid his age wearing ABB colors leapt out of the side street ahead of him, brandishing a knife. The gang brat's demeanor changed the instant he saw Johan's mask. "Hand over-ohshit cape!"
He was blinded by a flash of light and an invisible force twisted the knife out of his hand before Johan rammed a taser into his side. The kid's two friends, a girl and an even younger boy, were dumbstruck both by the revelation that they were facing a cape and how easily Johan had dealt with their compatriot.
Johan left them staring at their unconscious friend. He had more important things to do right now, and the distraction had almost made him lose sight of the target.
Skipping around the corner, and narrowly avoiding tripping over a trashcan, Johan caught the target breaking down the doors to Winslow High School.
"The hell?" That thing never entered buildings, not unless it was following whoever it was after inside, and Winslow should be empty at this hour. He rubbed the back of his neck. This whole thing was ringing every alarm bell in his head but there was just no time!
"C2!" He sent C2 ahead of him to tail the target, which was about the only thing that C2 would be able to do against it anyway. C2 quickly outpaced Johan even as the young man set off in a dead sprint towards the broken down doors of Winslow.
Right in time to see it preparing to stab its own target: A dirty, filth-covered girl who was looking up at it with adoring eyes.
"Look out!" He yelled in vain, his pistol not even out of its holster as the target stabbed the girl in the gut. Oh fuck a bucket of finished its job, the target turned towards Johan and started to walk back to the exit.
"Hey, asshole!" Johan passed the cheap revolver to his left hand and pointed it straight towards the target. His left leg took a half-step forward while his right leg rotated ninety degrees to point straight right. His head followed the movement of his right leg and his right hand pulling the brim of his fedora over the upper part of his mask. "Remember me?!"
He pulled the trigger and the revolver kicked in his hand, its bark heralding the streaking bullet.
Which was caught by C2 a few feet from the mouth of the barrel.
"Oh for- Really? Really?" Even if he used a gun? Johan glared at the target, snarling at it even as he moved out of its way. He had no desire to have C2 strangle or blind him again.
Besides, Johan thought as he watched something rise out of the girl, she needed him right now. He called 911.
"Looks like I'll be staying in costume for a while." He mumbled to himself and C2. He'd have to stay with the girl for a while to explain what the hell happened to her. It wasn't many who survived being stabbed by that thing, and those who did usually stayed unconscious for a while.
Which meant that he had to stick around and keep her Stand from hurting anyone. Joy.
I wake up in a hospital room.
Looking around tells me that there is someone else in here too: A guy in a greyish green jacket, jeans, a full-face mask, and a fedora. He's currently sitting in a chair by my bed, resting his head on his arms on the nightstand, asleep.
I turn my head to the left and scream.
"Whuzat?!" The guy wakes up with a start and ends up falling out his chair, but I'm too busy screaming to pay it much mind. The upper half of a straightjacketed woman is sticking out of my stomach, her filth-encrusted attire covering every inch of her body as she soundlessly shoves her face into mine. How the fuck did I not see that thing when I woke up, and how long has it been there?!
The guy grabs me by the shoulder and forces me back down on the bed when I try to escape. "Listen! Hey, lis-!" Something makes the air around me ripple, and the guy is violently launched away from me as if he was hit by a car.
"Ugh…" He stands up as I start to hyperventilate. "Look, that thing is your friend. You 'triggered' last night, you're a cape."
I'm a cape? "I'm a cape?" I blink. The woman hasn't done anything but grow out of my stomach so I try to calm my breathing, slowing down and-
"Taylor what is-YOUSONUVABITCH!" Dad?
Dad, his face a mask of complete and utter rage, rushes the masked guy with his fist rearing back to strike. What's with him? Oh…
I realize how it must look to him: I'm lying here screaming while a masked guy Dad doesn't know is standing over me. No wonder he jumped to the obvious conclusion. The guy seems to realize it too, for he backs away from me the instant Dad started to rush him, his hands held placatingly in front of him. "Mr. I can assure you that this is-"
Dad doesn't listen of course, throwing a wild haymaker towards the guy when he gets close enough. Not that the guy seems all that worried, he's just standing there with his hands-
A ghostly arm, muscled but slim, comes out of the guy's shoulder and catches Dad's fist, stopping it cold. The arm looks like it is covered in some strange cloth made up of multicolored patches, though the colors themselves shift and flow hither and dither across the arm.
"Like I was saying:" The guy says as he forcibly brings Dad's arm down to his side. "This isn't what it looks like. You daughter has…'triggered', and was panicking at the sight of the projection created by her power." At Dad's confused expression he adds: "It is only visible to your daughter and myself. We are what most people refer to as…" A trace of disgust enters the guy's voice:
"Arrow Capes."
I'm an Arrow Cape? Like Star Platinum and Gold Experience? I am about to ask, but the entry of a man wearing what is obviously Tinker made armor cuts me off before I can begin. "Arrow Cape?" The newcomer asks gruffly. I spot the hilt of a halberd jutting over his shoulder, is this Armsmaster?
"That's right, Armsmaster." Replies the guy in the fedora, his voice dripping with venom. "An 'Arrow Cape'. And I am not relinquishing, so if that's what you're here for then you can just turn yourself around right now!" The multicolored arm and the body it is attached to emerge fully from the guy, revealing the full form of the Arrow Cape Projection. All Arrow Capes have them, but only other Arrow Capes can see them.
"I am only here to inform the girl of her options." Armsmaster responds with some heat. He then goes on to list the benefits of joining the Wards program after my time with 'C2'.
"That would be me." Says the guy with the fedora. "It stands for 'Century Color', but I shortened it to C2. That kinda thing is normal amongst us"
C2 straightens up a little. "The 'time with me' that Armsmaster was talking about is part of the deal between Open Mic and the PRT: The gist of it is that I'll be your guide into the world of…'Arrow Capes' for the next couple of weeks. After that…" He shrugs. "Up to you. But right now…"
C2 turns towards Dad and Armsmaster. "Could you two please wait outside? I am about to unmask."
Armsmaster has to drag Dad out of the room, but eventually I am alone with C2. "I'm unmasking because secret identities aren't as useful among Stand Users as with other capes. Are you okay with us both unmasking?"
I'm masked? I touch my face. "Why am I masked? And why aren't they? The secret identities, I mean."
"I was the one who found you after you got arrowed, so I out a spare mask on you after I called the cops." C2 patiently explains. "And since we can see each other's stands, with some exceptions, just putting on a mask isn't as effecting as it otherwise would be. And before you ask: Stand User is the proper term for people like us. 'Arrow Cape' is a slur. The word 'Stand' refers to the projection."
Oh. "I-I'm fine with it." I blink. "You first."
He chuckles. "Of course." C2 smoothly reaches up and plucks his mask of his face. Wait, the Norwegian guy who transferred in to Winslow last year? "Johan Johansen, at your service. My Stand is named Century Color." The riot of color beside him bows as if expecting applause.
I take off my own mask, my mouth dry as I introduce myself. "My name is T-Taylor Hebert." I swallow and look at my 'Stand'. The straightjacketed woman hasn't done anything else since I noticed her. "My stand is called…called…" My eyes start watering as I just sit there and gape dumbly at C-Johan. Damn it, just…damn it.
"If the name doesn't come at once you should try to move it a little." I glance back at the woman through the years in my eyes. How the hell do I do that?
"Just will it to do so. Try to think of it as a limb, like an extra arm and not like a separate being."
I swallow and close my eyes in concentration. "Lean to the left." The woman without a minimum of fuss. Huh. I make it lean slowly from side to side, though it can't make it come all the way out. There also feels like there is some sort of switch in it, like…
I flick the switch, Johan yelps and hugs himself- "Taylor!"
"Y-yes?!" I squeak.
"Calm down." He holds up a pair of threadbare jackets and a pair of equally threadbare pants, and I notice that he is standing in nothing but his boxers and a t-shirt. "Just…just fix 'em, kay?"
"Y-yes." God, I hope Dad doesn't enter right now. I flick the switch again, and the two jackets and the two pairs of pants smoothly flow together to form two full articles of clothing, which Johan proceeds to put back on. "Do you know what I just did?"
Johan shrugs. "No, but I think you power is similar to Sticky Fingers'. At first I thought that you were just halving the mass of my clothes and making separate articles with them, but the color and weight were different so you might have separated them by fabric." He turns back to me and smiles friendlily. "We'll have to experiment, which the best part of seeing a new Stand in action. Which reminds me: Do you know what its name is now?"
How was that supposed to- wait. I…I just- I just know it…
"Isolated." I utter breathlessly. "My Stand's name is Isolated."
JOJO's Bizarre Adventure Part 6 [BET]: Colors Must Go On.
Stand Name: Century Color 'C2'
Master: Johan Johansen 'JoJo'.
Destructive Power C
Speed B
Range A
Durability D
Precision A
Developmental Potential A
Million Color: Century Color can change the color of any person or object within a one kilometer range as long as it or Johan can see the target in question. The shade and brightness of these colors can be changed at will, and are not limited to one color per target.
Long Range: Century Color can move more than one hundred meters away from Johan before it starts to lose strength and speed.
Named after the J-pop song of the same name by Rays Guns.
Stand Name: Isolated
Master: Taylor Hebert.
Destructive Power A
Speed E
Range D
Durability C
Precision B
Developmental Potential A
Made Segregated: Isolated can divide a target into separate parts. These parts are sorted by a property that the user decides on. People can survive the separation if Taylor maintains the separation effect and doesn't move more than ten meters away, the separate parts will act as if they were still connected. If she cancels the effect or moves out of range the target will most likely die from being neatly sliced into bits or any other gruesome fates awaiting them.
Have no choice but be isolated: Isolated can at any time form a short-lived field two centimeters from the user's skin that instantly annihilates anything between it and the user. Objects outside this field but within a two meter radius will be subjected to a powerful omnidirectional shockwave. This ability must be triggered by the user, but Isolated can launch weak shockwaves from itself if it thinks that Taylor is being threatened.
Stationary: Isolated is stuck within Taylor and cannot move away from her, though it can partially emerge from different parts of Taylor's body.
Named after the song of the same name by Chiasm.