Chapter 4
The Titans whipped around to see yet another Beast Boy, this one glaring angrily. He was wearing his purple Doom Patrol uniform.
"Oh, great," Cyborg said. "Which one are you?"
"Which one am I?" he repeated. He jabbed a thumb into his chest. "I'm Beast Boy-the real one."
After a moment of complete silence, Beast Boy scoffed.
"We're leaving," he said. "Now."
Wisdom stood slowly. "That is up to Matumaini now, Ndugu."
"Wait!" cried Curiosity, throwing his hands up. "I want to know what happened. How did they get here? Why are they here? Why are you mad? Did you guys get in a fight with some weird guy?"
Beast Boy took a deep breath and exhaled heavily.
"Yeah, man," Cyborg said. "We don't remember what happened. The last thing we remember is fighting someone, and then a bright flash of light, and we woke up in Bravery's realm."
As Cyborg spoke, Beast Boy only looked more sullen, and he scowled at him. "Really?" he sneered. "Well, if you don't remember, I don't see the point in explaining."
"That doesn't make sense!" Robin snapped. "Just tell us what happened. It's important, and I need to know."
Beast Boy rolled his eyes. "Well, it all started when Cyborg decided to play a prank on me..."
Cyborg snickered as he punched in the code to Raven's room. He knew full well that she had been dragged unceremoniously to the mall by Starfire for 'girl time,' so now was the perfect time to execute his plan. He took a moment as he entered the dim room to imagine Beast Boy's face when he realized what Cyborg had done. Holding back gleeful laughter, Cyborg made his way to Raven's dresser, upon which sat exactly what he was looking for: Raven's mirror to Nevermore.
He swiped it and quickly made his way to Beast Boy's room, careful to lock Raven's door as he left. Beast Boy's was hardly ever locked, simply because he could never remember his own password and locked himself out. His eyes scanned over the messy quarter, looking for the perfect spot to put the mirror. He didn't want to lay it out in an obvious place; Beast Boy might manage to get it back before Raven noticed its absence. But he also didn't want to hide it too discreetly, or only he would be able to find it, thus revealing his master plan. His eye fell on the bed, specifically the bottom bunk, which he knew for a fact Beast Boy never even touched. Perfect. After hiding it, he nimbly stepped out of his green friend's room and made his way back to the common room, whistling a merry tune.
"Dude," Beast Boy said as he entered. "Longest bathroom break ever. Hurry up, I'm dying to kick your butt again."
"Ha!" Cyborg scoffed, sitting and picking up his controller. "As if you could beat me, green bean."
"Oh yeah?" came his determined reply. "Watch me!"
At this they started the racing game, filling the room with engine noises. Cyborg was hunched over his knees, staring dead at the screen. Only his thumbs moved across the controller pads. Beast Boy, on the other hand, squirmed and physically moved the controller in the direction he wanted to go. His tongue peeked out of the corner of his lips, and his brow was furrowed in concentration. He occasionally let out a yelp as Cyborg left him a trap, and cheered when he briefly managed to pass Cyborg's car.
Hours passed, and Starfire and Raven finally returned. Starfire deposited her numerous bags on the floor, and Raven tiredly drifted past the couch without a word.
"Glorious evening to you, my friends," Starfire greeted, hovering behind the couch to watch the cars onscreen for a moment. "Please, where is Robin?"
"Uh," Beast Boy uttered, trying to think and play at the same time, which never worked well for him, "training gym place I think."
"I see. Thank you!" she called as she flew off, arms spread wide and a happy smile on her face.
"I'm winning!" Beast Boy declared victoriously, pressing a button that allowed his car to move at astonishing speed.
Cyborg scowled, and was about to retort when the television suddenly exploded.
"Whoa!" both boys cried, dropping their controllers in shock.
Almost immediately after the television shorted, the windows shattered, and the kitchen behind them could be heard falling to pieces. Beast Boy and Cyborg exchanged astonished looks before Robin and Starfire burst into the common room, demanding an explanation for the commotion. Then Raven appeared through a portal, eyes flashing angrily.
"Where is it?" she demanded, glaring at Cyborg and Beast Boy.
"What are you talking about, Raven?" Beast Boy asked, mouth gaping.
"My mirror! Where is it? Now!"
Beast Boy blinked and looked in horror to Cyborg, who feigned ignorance and shrugged.
"Where did you leave it, Raven?" he asked helpfully.
More things broke before Raven managed to take a few calming breaths. Robin stepped forward, hands raised.
"Raven, try to calm down. Are you sure you didn't move it?"
She glared daggers at him. "I never take it out of my room," she seethed. "And I looked everywhere in my room. It should be in my room, yet it isn't. Someone took it." Before anyone could interrupt, she continued, "And it was there before I left with Starfire. That leaves three suspects, one of which is out. So that leaves two suspects." Raven's angry eyes turned on the metal teen and his green companion.
"I didn't take it," Beast Boy offered quickly.
"Okay," Robin said, folding his arms. "One of you is going to come out and admit it, or there will be a room search. If you give the mirror back now, I'll be willing to let you off easy."
"I won't," Raven growled.
Cyborg raised his eyebrow at Beast Boy. "Dude, just give her mirror back."
"I didn't take it!" Beast Boy insisted.
Robin sighed heavily. "Room search it is. And whichever of you has it is going to clean all of this up, take all the chores for the next month, and on top of that, extra training sessions!"
"Dude," the two suspects protested.
Robin marched off towards the teens' rooms, and stopped at Beast Boy's, which was closer. "All right, Beast Boy. Open your door."
"It's not locked," he muttered, reaching past the boy wonder to press the open button.
Once the door was opened, Raven brushed past them and looked around in disgust. "I swear, if you have it," she growled. She was obviously not in the mood for any of this. All she wanted to do was relax, but she wouldn't be able to until she found her precious mirror.
"I'm telling you I don't!" Beast Boy replied sullenly. He pouted his lip and started kicking things up from the floor, revealing the absence of the mirror underneath. Then he moved to his desk and opened all of the drawers, then emptied his closet. He knelt down and dragged heaps of junk out from underneath the bed, but still no mirror. It wasn't on his bunk, either. "See?"
"Bottom bunk," Robin said, folding his arms.
Beast Boy leapt down and ripped the pillows off the bed. Then he removed the blanket. "See?" he said. "No-huh!?"
The mirror gleamed almost mockingly on the bed, and Raven snatched it up.
"I knew it!" she said, turning on him.
Beast Boy's mouth opened and closed like a fish, unable to find words. "I-I didn't-It wasn't! I didn't take it, I swear!"
"Then why was it in here, your room?" Raven demanded.
Robin intervened. "Beast Boy, go and clean up-"
"I didn't take it!" Beast Boy protested, looking close to tears. He turned his gaze on Cyborg, who had an innocent expression. "Dude?"
"Beast Boy," Robin said shortly. He was losing his patience quickly. "You-"
He was cut off when Beast Boy was suddenly thrown against the wall with a small shriek of surprise. Raven raised her hand to strike him with her magic again, but Starfire grabbed her wrist, uttering her friend's name.
"Raven, stop!" Robin said as she wrenched her arm free.
"I've had it with him going in my room!" she said. Rage was getting the better of her again.
Beast Boy cowered against the wall, looking quite scared and shaken by Raven's behavior-especially considering his innocence in the matter.
Cyborg stepped forward, now looking concerned. "Hey, man. Calm down, it's just a mirror. It's not like he broke it or anything."
"Let me go!" Raven snapped, kicking Robin in the shin. He winced but held on tightly. She tried to pull herself free, but dropped her mirror in the process.
Beast Boy immediately reacted: he lunged forward and caught it just before it hit the floor, saving it from shattering. He breathed a sigh of relief and glanced up, hoping that Raven would have calmed down a bit from his heroism.
She was only further enraged.
Robin, Starfire, and Cyborg were pushed back by her magic, and she moved to hit Beast Boy with it as well. He gasped and cringed away, holding his arms-with the mirror-up for instinctive protection.
"Raven, no!"
Their friends moved to hold Raven back, but were a little too late. Her magic struck the mirror, but rebounded, engulfing the room in a bright light. Beast Boy squeezed his eyes shut against it, but didn't feel any pain. Then he slowly opened his eyes and looked around his room. His friends were gone.
Raven, by the end of Beast Boy's story, looked very ashamed of herself. And, for the matter, so did Cyborg, although in his head he still thought the concept behind the prank was a funny one. Perhaps if Raven hadn't been in a bad mood when she noticed the mirror missing, she would not have gotten so caught up in her anger.
Beast Boy's expression softened when he realized that his friends really didn't remember, and that they looked sorry for it. Of course he immediately forgave them-that's what friends did.
"So what do you say we get out of here?" he asked, smiling a little.
"That sounds good," Robin nodded.
Wisdom spoke, "Then let us all gather around. Friends, please stand around Hope. Join hands." They did, looking down at the little fire that was Hope. Raven reluctantly took Beast Boy's hand, still feeling extremely guilty. Cyborg took his other hand, and then knew that Beast Boy had forgiven him. "Brothers, gather round the Titans in the same manner." All of Beast Boy's inners encircled them and joined hands.
As the circles were completed, Hope suddenly grew bright, growing taller and wider. The Titans flinched, expecting to burn, but the flames were cool to the touch. As Hope grew brighter and brighter, they had to close their eyes against it. Then the light suddenly withdrew, and they slowly opened their eyes.
They were in Beast Boy's nasty room again. In the place of Hope was Raven's mirror, which she gingerly picked up.
"Well," Beast Boy said, glancing at his digital clock on the bedside table, "good night. Or is it morning?" It was 3:07 in the morning. Then he shrugged and jumped up into his top bunk, rolling into his numerous blankets and turning his back on the Titans.
They exchanged a glance, reluctant to part with him. They wondered if he was still angry at them. Before they could say anything, Beast Boy suddenly rolled over and looked at them with his startling green eyes.
"You guys should wash your faces. That paint isn't exactly meant for light-skinned people." His eyes flicked to Cyborg's face. "Yours is cool, though. I like it. Wear it forever."
Cyborg rolled his eye. "Yeah? Well, where's your face paint?"
Beast Boy smirked. "The plants I need to make it don't grow around here. Luckily I found some of Robin's money and got the plants I needed to entrance myself to go into my mind and get you guys. You guys really messed with my emotions today! I'm tired."
Robin nodded. "Thanks, Beast Boy. Good night, th-wait, where'd you find my money?!"
"Good night!" Beast Boy sang quickly, rolling over again. He pretended to snore loudly, successfully ending the conversation.
Robin narrowed his eyes. He would get him for that.
The other Titans wished Beast Boy a good night and left his room quietly. Raven quickly disappeared into her own room so she could finally get some meditation in.
"I guess I'll cancel tomorrow's training," Robin said decisively. Starfire and Cyborg grinned happily. "We've had a long day. Well, let's all get some shut-eye-"
The Tower alarm blared loudly.
"Titans, trouble!" Robin announced, bounding off towards the common room with Starfire at his heels.
Cyborg sighed, but then chortled when he heard a loud groan from Beast Boy's room. "Good morning!" he called through the door before joining Robin and Starfire.
A/N: I didn't expect to finish this tonight. But since I did, I'm updating it! ^-^b
Thanks to all my readers and whatnot~ I hope you didn't hate the story. :)