A/N: I'm still working on FA... It may involve puppies. But for now, have this. I'm actually oddly proud of this, mostly because I wrote it entirely on my phone.
"So…how did you two meet?" Steve's eyes flicked between the two assassins who had just finished a spar. He'd actually been a little worried a couple times, they actually looked like they wanted to kill each other. They seemed fine now though, exchanging meaningful glances.
"I'll tell it, you never do it right." Natasha said with a smirk that worried Steve. A lot of things worried him about the pair, even if they tended to be more fun to be around. At least they didn't look at him like it was inane that he was alive, or ask him questions about the past.
The blonde man didn't appear to be very bright. He continued to needle at their captors until Natasha was sure that he had suffered some sort of brain damage from the knock he'd gotten. But then he turned bright blue eyes her way, and she knew he was just as intelligent as her. Emotions and thoughts passed through those eyes within an instant before he looked away and Natasha was forced to reevaluate.
He was intelligent, just annoying. The combination wasn't much better, in her mind. Although she did wonder where he'd come from. She had been there some time, locked in one of the cages. He was in the one opposite her, and spent his time leaning against the bars and heckling the guards. He was currently bugging them about getting some sort of entertainment. Something about a card game, but she wasn't really interested enough to care.
She got a little more interested when she heard the slightest click. His eyes shot to her when she shifted, then to the guards as he kept talking. They hadn't moved, and now she noticed that his hands were as busy as his mouth, if moving a little more slowly. She could see his strategy now. Annoy the guards enough that they would pointedly ignore him, then use it to get out of the cage. She approved, although her strategy was different. At the moment it really just involved waiting for backup.
She did stand from where she'd been sitting on the tiny cot and moved to the bars when his door swung open. The guards didn't have a chance to move before he was on them, and then they were laying on the floor, unmoving. She watched impassively, not expecting a rescue, but impressed by his escape. The blue eyes met hers again, and he gave a crooked smile.
"You're Black Widow, right?" He questioned. She tilted her head in a single nod, although she wondered what that meant. She had far too many enemies. The grin stayed as he moved towards her cage, stopping a few feet away. He held up a business card between two fingers and flicked it through to her.
"Call me when you get out. I'd like to talk."
"Ah, and how she fell for my charms." Clint said with a sigh, then winced when she hit his shoulder.
"And I have regretted it ever since." She said dryly. Steve hadn't realized just how hidden the two normally kept their relationship. At least, compared to this easy friendship. It was almost strange, and he eyed the door.
"Well, that's…interesting." The two were eyeing each other again with a decidedly different look, one that promised things he never wanted to see. They didn't even seem to notice when he slipped out the door.