Kamen Rider Jayd

The world, a bright and peaceful place that is filled with light, business, and most importantly life. However it wasn't always this way. For in the beginning there was nothing but shadows that oversaw the actions of every living thing and forced it into submission. The shadows were so great that even the strongest of life, humans who were raised in the dark, were no match for them, and the world was left darkness with no hope in sight.

However, in these dark times, a single spark was able to be lit seemingly by chance. For it was discovered that the one thing strong enough to combat the shadows was something from with the shadows themselves, their own blood. With the power of their enemy in hand, humanity was able to harness it into weapons capable of fighting back the shadows and humanity restored peace, order and most importantly light to the once grim and dark world. Due to the green pigment of the shadow's blood, the substance itself was rightfully named… Jayd.

1st Revolution: Strangers Meet, Cast the Die of Fate

Present Day: Hawkmorne, Michigan

The city awakens to a bright Saturday morning. The sun was shining, and the soft chirp of birds along side the drowning cry of cicadas filled the air. All of a sudden, a loud thud shook through a suburban neighbourhood which was followed by a wave of shouting so loud that it caused several flocks of birds to vacate the area.

"LIZ!" a teenaged boy shouted from the floor just outside his bedroom, "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE RUNT!"

"NO WAY!" Shouted a girl about half the boy's age from the other end of the hall. She held up a small black box and flaunted it in front of the boy, "If you want whatever this is back you better ask politely."

The boy grunted, "NO WAY IN HELL IS THAT HAPPENING!" He shouted as he clawed his way to his feet and chased after Liz.

Liz ran down the stairs, the boy following shortly after. The two ran into the kitchen where and grown woman was sitting at a table in the centre of the room, enjoying her breakfast while reading the paper. A man stood by a white stove on the side presumably preparing food for the two children who were acting like, well, children. The boy was about to grab Liz before the girl raised her arms over her face and let out a scream.

"MOM!" She shouted, "TREY'S BEING MEAN TO ME!"

"Trey!" Shouted the voice of the woman at the table, "Be nice to your sister!"

The boy's jaw dropped, "But!"

"I don't want to hear any excuses mister," The man at the stove called out. He turned to Trey while smacking a lifter against the palm of left hand, "Now, Liz… what did you take from your brother this time?"

Liz averted her eyes from her father, "Nothing…"

Trey growled a bit, "That's a lie."

"Fine!" Liz grunted, "take your stupid nerd stuff!" She said handing the black box over to Trey, "I don't care about it anyway."

"Then why did you steal it?" Trey demanded.

"Ah, quit talking ancient history," Liz said patting Trey on the shoulder, "So dad, what's for brick fist?"

"Ear worms and sea slugs," Liz's father said with a grin.

"Sweet!" Liz shouted throwing her arms into the air, "My favorite!"

Trey let out a sigh, "It's just bacon and eggs."

"Let her have her fun," Trey's mother said with a slight grin, "How can you ruin such a joyful little face as her's?"

Trey smirked, "I can think of a couple ways."

"But we'll have none of that this morning," Trey's mother said before tapping him lightly on the head with her newspaper, "Besides, shouldn't you be heading out now?"

Trey looked to the watch on his wrist which read half past eight. his eyes widened.

"... Shit," He slipped the black box into his pocket and dashed over to the doorway of the kitchen, he stopped for a moment and turned around slightly to face his family, "I gotta go now, bye."

"Have fun!" Trey's mother and father called out to him as he ran out of the kitchen.

Trey picked up a black and red backpack off the couch in the living room and ran out the front door of the house, closing it behind him. He took one step outside and took in a deep breath, then exhaled.

"This is it," He said with a smirk tightly clenching the black box in his hand, "the day that'll change everything!"

{Insert Opening Theme - "Rinbu Revolution" by Chihara Minori}

a comic shop clerk is busy stocking the shelves behind the front counter with game books and trading card starter packs. He cracks his neck after emptying the box he held in his hand onto the shelves. At that instant a bell rang from the front of the store as Trey bursted through the door slamming it behind him.

"Sup Mike?" Trey asked.

The clerk turned to the door as the customer walked in, "Oh, hey Trey... Didn't expect you to be here this early."

"Yeah, I would have been here later but I needed to get out of the house for a bit," Trey stated as he closed the door behind him.

"Sister giving you trouble again?" Mike asked.

"Oh yeah," walking over to the counter, "Anyway, those dice I ordered come in yet?"

"You bet," Mike said as he ducked under the counter and pulled out a small black case lined in silver clasps, "Even gift wrapped 'em for ya," He said as he placed the box on the counter and pushed it towards Trey.

"Sweet!" Trey said swiping the box as he unclasped the locks and peeled off the lid revealing seven sapphire colored dice lined in a violet cloth insert,

"That'll be thirty-two dollars," Mike stated holding out his hand.

"WHAT!" Trey shouted nearly causing the glass to shatter.

"I'm joking, calm down already," Mike chuckled, "... It's only twenty-five."

"Wait, why so much?" Trey gawked.

"Well they were special ordered and they weren't tumble sanded so the balance wouldn't be screwed up, so in other words they're of pretty high quality," Mike explained, "Not to mention that case wasn't cheap either."

Trey stared blankly at the wall for a few seconds thinking of how to respond, "... Frequent flyer miles?"

"This ain't no Airport kid!" Mike barked at him.

"Alright alright," Trey pouted as he fished out a twenty dollar bill from his wallet along with a ten,

"Here," He growled as he handed the money over to Mike.

"Thank you," Mike said as he opened the register to put the money in and quickly closed it again.

"Hey, where's my change?" Trey demanded slamming his hands down on the counter.

"Remember that five dollars you owed me from a couple of days ago?" Mike asked.

"Yeah, what about it?" Trey asked.

"Well, consider it repaid in full," Mike returned.

"GAH!" Trey exclaimed as his jaw dropped and eye began to twitch rapidly, "But... but but but."

"Oh get over it," Mike sighed.

Trey took in a deep breathe and then exhaled, "Okay," He exclaimed with an idiotic grin,"EEEE!" He squeed as he looked at seven dice in the case Mike just gave him.

"You know, I hate to break it to you but new dice doesn't mean you'll beat Zack this time," Mike proclaimed.

"Doubt!" Trey said shoving his figure into Mike's face, "Not good mojo!"

"Mojo Trey, really?" A voice called out along side the bell from the door. "Anyway, since you've got your own now," he extended his hand to Trey, "I'll be needing my set back now."

"Oh, right of course," Trey reached into his pocket and pulled out the black box from earlier and handed it over to Mike.

Mike took the box from Trey and pulled it open revealing a set of emerald green dice, "You didn't damage them at all did you?"

"They're just dice," Trey scoffed, "What's the worst that could happen?"

Mike glared at Trey, "You really don't get this stuff do you?"

"You take the dice and throw em," Trey raised an eyebrow, "what else is there to get?"

"Never mind," Mike sighed. He looked over to a clock on the wall, "Anyway, it'll be a while before the others get here," he stated pulling out a small deck of cards, "wanna play a round until then?"

Trey's lit up, "Sure! I'd love to!"

On the other side of the city, a dark figure clad in a hooded blue long coat searched through a long and dark alleyway. The figured placed it's hand on a wall covered by giant claw marks that went in deep within the surface of the wall.

The hooded figure let out a sigh, "What do you think Eli?"

"It couldn't have gotten far," a voice echoed from a green gem adorning a gauntlet that the hooded figure wore on it's right arm, "We should be able to catch up to it if we hurry."

The hooded figure let out a sigh, "I certainly hope so."

"BLAMO!" Trey shouted as he slammed his hand down on the table, "Once again, you lose and I rock!" He said with smirk.

"Ten straight wins in a row," Mike said as he picked up the cards from the table and put them back into the deck, "How did you become so good at card games anyway?"

Trey shrugged, "What can I say, I'm just really lucky."

Mike chuckled, "Ah look at mister joker."

"Eh, joker smoker," Trey laughed as the bell to the door rung, Trey not giving it any notice, "Wanna play again?"

"That might have to wait," a voice called out.

Mike and Trey turned to the door as three young men who looked to be around their age entered the store.

"Hey Zack, Noah, Kevin," Mike said with a small wave as the three walked through the door.

"Hey Mike," Zack said with a grin before turning his attention to Trey, "So Mike says you feel like you actually beat me this time… you serious?"

"Yeah Zack, really!" Trey exclaimed marching right up to Zack's face, "Today will finally be the day that I wipe the board with you and your little raid!" He said flicking his new dice into Zack's face.

Upon flicking his wrist Trey lost his grip on the case. Zack quickly dodge the case as it flew through the display window at the front of the store.

"Or the day you finally kill someone," Zack snarked as Trey stood in silence with the same stunned expression as before.

"... I'll go get that," Trey pouted hanging his head as he slumped past the three.

"You'll pay for that too," Mike exclaimed.

"Shut up!" Trey barked.

"So... We going with the usual tonight?" Zack asked.

"Actually, we just got something new in this afternoon," Mike stated pulling out box from behind the counter.

"Well what are we doing standing around yapping!" Trey shouted running back into the store, "Let's play!"

"Eager to lose I see," Zack laughed.

Trey looked back at him, "Shut up!"

{End of Part A}

{Start of Part B}

A werewolf like creature leapt from rooftop to rooftop, the hooded figure trying it's best to keep up with it. The beast turned a corner before slamming into a wall.

"End of the line Grak'nar," the hooded figure proclaimed as it drew closer towards the beast, "there's nowhere left for you to run."

The beast felt along the wall until his claw found a rusty steel pipe. The best smirked, "That's where you're wrong."

The hooded figure raised an eyebrow, "Wait, what are you-"

Before the figure could finish speaking, the beast bit into the pipe unleashing a sickly green gas and directing it at the hooded figure.

"Hack! Hack!" the hooded figure coughed before turning to where the beast stood to realize that he had vanished, "Damn it!" the shouted slamming their fist against a brick wall. Their eyes then widened, "Eli, do you feel that?"

"It's a fledgling alright," The voice echoed from the green gem.

"And where there's a fledgling, a Gate Keeper is sure to find it," The figure sighed, "Doesn't help that he has a caster on him, he'll be drawing them in like flies on shit."

"You planning on going after it?" The voice asked.

The figure smirked, "As if you need to ask."

"and with a seventeen critical hit, you lose again Trey," Zack said cracking his fingers and leaning back in his seat.

"Balderdash!" Trey shouted slamming his hands on the table the group was using for their game, "Rematch! Right now!"

"That's three rematches already," Zack said. "Shouldn't you be getting home by now boy?"

Trey's eyes twitched uncontrollably, "Whatever you think being better than me at a game makes you more mature or something?"

Zack chuckled, "You seem to think so."

"Oh shut up," Trey said grabbing his dice and putting them back in the case they came in. "I'd like to

stay and chat but I have somewhere I need to be!"

"Have a safe trip home mama's boy," Zack snarked as the door to shop opened and slammed. "So Mike, we doing another round?"

"Sure thing," Mike said preparing the board for another match.

"I'll get some more snacks," Noah said getting up from the table and walking into the back room.

"More Coke please!" Kevin ordered.

"Got it!" Noah shouted back.

"You think he'll ever learn?" Zack asked Mike as he reset the board.

"Not sure," Mike returned. "I hope so."

"Zack thinks he's so tough," Trey scowled as he marched down the street. "Just wait until next time, he'll be so sorry that he ever messed with me! Then we'll see who's the true master."

As Trey stormed down the street, a faint growling sound filled the air. Trey stopped and looked around.

He shrugged, "Eh, guess it's just my imagination."

As Trey walked he felt a cold gust of wind rush towards him. He ducked as a street sign in front of him was sliced to pieces.

Trey turned around to see a deep blue wolf like creature with blood red eyes standing directly behind him.

"You're a quick one fledgling," The beast growled. "I'm sure you'll make a great addition to my shadow."

Trey stood in horror of the beast. "Wha... what the hell are you?"

The beast leaned in closer to Trey, "I am to be your master."

Trey broke away from the beast and ran from it as quickly as he could. In a few moments he ran up to a passing couple.

"Hey, please you've got to help me!" Trey pleaded. "There's this thing after me and you gotta hide me!"

The two looked at him in confusion,

"Um... are you alright?" The man asked.

"Right there, do you see it that wolf looking thing!" Trey shouted pointing over to the beast.

"Sorry, we're in a bit of hurry right now." The woman said as the two pulled away from Trey and

walked down the street in the opposite direction.

"They don't see that thing?... am I just crazy?" Trey thought as he turned back to the beast to see that it had disappeared.

"Well, it seems like you can see me after all huh fledgling?" The beast called out, reappearing before Trey. "Now, why you can is a good question. You should make a great Gate Keeper."

"What's this thing talking about? That doesn't matter, I've gotta get out of here!" Trey ran into an alleyway, the beast soon following after him. Trey ran down the alley until he came to an deadend.

"Crap, nowhere to run," He said turning back to see the beast closing in on him. "Is this it? Is this how my life is going to end? Right before I've been able to do anything with it... Please, someone... help me!"

Trey covered his eyes and coward on the ground as the beast charged at him with it's claws fully extended. A slashing noise them came from seemingly out of nowhere and filled the air.

Trey pealed his hands away from his eyes to see a figure clad in a green hooded coat with two curved swords standing between him and the beast, a pair of yellow eyes glared through the hood. The beast stood holding it's arm which had been cut open and growled, only this time at the figure instead of Trey.

Trey sat in awe, barely able to speak a word. "... woah."

"You alright fledgling?" the warrior asked keeping it's attention fixed on the beast. Trey nodded. "Good," the figure said in a warm female voice, "now sit back… this won't take long."

"You don't give up easily," the beast growled, "do you?"

"Just doing my job," the hooded warrior proclaimed as she scraped her swords together, "Now… let's finish this."

"Eager to die I see," the beast growled as he licked his lips.

The warrior dashed over to him and rammed the sword in her left hand between his jaws, "shut your mouth." She said before pulling her sword through the beasts jaw slicing his jaw open as a green fluid ran out from the wound.

She jumped back and slammed her fist down on the top of her belt buckle as a green D6 die popped out, quickly replacing it with an orange one and running her hand over a dial giving the die a good spin.

"REROLL!" Her belt shouted as the die came to a halt, "HUNTER! Burning Arrow Arise!" the swords in her hands faded away as a crossbow formed in her left hand, her coat changing from green to orange and a quiver replacing the sheaths on her back.

"Let's make this quick," she said to herself before firing off five shots at the beast before her, each one making their mark sending the beast back a few feet.

She slammed her fist down on the top of her belt buckle once again and replaced the orange die with a red one.

"FINAL ROLL!" her belt shouted as a loud charge up sound erupted from her bow. She spun the dial on her belt spinning the die before it came to a halt as a white six appeared on it, "SIX! CRITICAL STRIKE!"

She pointed her bow at the beast and pulled back on the trigger firing off a giant arrow at the beast engulfing him in the blast. As the smoke cleared the warrior pressed down on the top of her buckle, ejecting her die as her coat returned to a pale blue.

"You think we killed it?" She asked as she removed her hood revealing her as young looking girl with deep green eyes and dark red hair that shone brightly in the moonlight.

"He was a tough one," the voice from her gauntlet echoed, "I feel we haven't seen the last of him just yet."

"Man what a pain," she let out a sigh before turning her attention to a pool of neon green fluid on the ground that the beast left behind, "Ah well," she said pulling off a small vial from her belt and scooping up a bit of the fluid, "At least we got something out of it."

"Um, excuse me!" Trey shouted grabbing the girl's attention.

"The fledgling," the voice from the girl's gem echoed.

"Oh yeah... I almost forgot about him," the girl put the vial back on her belt along side several others just like it. "Sorry about that, the creature you just saw was a windigo… well, kind of."

"That must have been quite the fright we gave you wasn't it?" The voice from the gem asked as the girl approached the boy.

"Oh no I deal with monsters all the time," Trey returned laughing the matter off, "I totally had the whole thing under control."

"Oh...?" She said kneeling down in front of him, "You quite brave for a fledgling." she smiled at him, "Tell me, what's your name?"

Trey gulped as his face began to turn a bright red, "Oh, it's a Trey- Trey Morgan… what's yours?"

The girl patted him on the head, "That's not important, you're safe now so how's about you head on home and forget that this whole thing ever happened. Kay Fledgy?" She got up and turned her back to him before making her way out of the alley, "Later kid!"

"Wait you're leaving!" Trey shouted.

"I've got stuff to do, I ain't got time for babysitting. Be safe kiddo," She stopped for a moment and turned back for a moment, "Oh and that's much easier said than done because there are literally thousands of monsters just like that one lurking around here that can't wait to get their claws on someone like you." She said with an evil smirk as she slowly walked over to one side of the alley and hid behind a wall so only her face was still visible, "Oh, and there's probably one of them in your closet so… bye bye!" she shouted before disappearing around the corner.

Trey sat on the ground with his eyes open wide, he thought for a moment and then jumped to his feet, "I GOTTA GET HOME!"

Trey dashed out of the alley and ran out on to the street as the girl in the long coat watched over him from atop a tall building.

"I think you might have gone a touch over board there Syd," the voice from her gauntlet echoed.

"Oh come on Eli, I was only having a little fun," the girl laughed as she watched Trey run off, "Although… yeah, I might have scarred him just a tad too much."

"You think his troubles with Gate Keepers are over?" Eli asked.

"No," Syd returned, "I have a feeling we're just getting started."

To be continued

{Insert Ending Theme - "Kyoukai no Kanata" by Chihara Minori}

Next time on Kamen Rider Jayd:

Wow, things sure are getting interesting. Who is this girl Jayd? Where did she come from? What's her story? Well you're just going to have to wait and see when Kamen Rider Jayd continues with it's Second Revolution: Jayd, Protector of the Unseen World!