Author's Note: Here is the last and final portion of the story! We hope you guys like it! You guys have been amazing throughout the whole story and we want to thank you for the final time for reading, reviewing, favoriting, and following us! We really appreciate it and we thank you for reading the story and letting us know what you thought etc! It was a fun write, we both enjoyed it! We will be collaborating again since it seemed to go successfully, so look out for a new story in a few weeks. Thank you once again and we hope you enjoy the chapter!

Thank you to: brankel1, drish29, The Scarlet Letter (x2!), Sunkissu9, cainc3, BeWitchingRedHead36, bjq, viki, AngelPete87, Guest, spiderwho, hansongirl14, AliLorien, Irislim, Guest, Czomom, Lady Mischief (x2!), Guest, irma66, & Kerali!


Chapter 11: All I want for Christmas is You

Logan and Veronica got out of the cab holding hands; both felt like a weight had been lifted off their shoulders. After last night Logan never felt closer to Veronica and she felt the same. Even though she had to fight the urge to run when he asked her if she wanted to move in with him, she was glad that she fought her instincts and stayed.

Now that things were different Veronica was confident that this time it would work out. She didn't see how they couldn't; she had grown up a lot in the past few weeks. She was willing to tell him she loved him and he was willing to show her he loved her. It seemed that slowly, but surely their issues would be worked out one by one if they both remained committed to working together.

They walked up the small path to the doorway of the cabin and knocked loudly on the door since neither of them had a key.

"Well Hola!" Dick greeted as he opened the door. He grinned goofily at them and Logan smirked at the obvious afterglow Dick had from finally getting into Mac's pants.

Logan fist bumped him and Dick's goofy grinned widened.

"Gross," Veronica mumbled, pushing past them and going further into the cabin. She immediately went into the kitchen and began to make herself breakfast when Logan stuck his head in and grinned at her.

"Dick and I are going out to the slopes. Wanna come?" he asked, watching as she made a massive sandwich.

"No, I think I'll stay here if Mac is. You guys have fun though," she said, waving him off.

He nodded and walked further into the kitchen to kiss her 'goodbye.' Once he and Dick left she began to munch on her sandwich, wondering where Mac was. As if on cue her friend came down the stairs looking tired.

"Rough night?" Veronica mocked through a mouthful of sandwich.

"You already ate?" Mac asked, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"Dick wore you out?" Veronica asked in a teasing tone.

Mac blushed and plopped down beside her friend. "Where are the guys?"

"Skiing. I guess you're just stuck with me," she said, eating the last bite of her sandwich.

"If you hadn't eaten we could've gone to brunch," Mac said, annoyed. She leaned her head back against the couch.

Veronica wiped the crumbs from her lips and then hoped off the couch. "I could eat. Let's go then. Go get dressed," Veronica said, making a shooing motion.

Mac smiled and hurried upstairs, eager to leave. A few minutes later she came back down and the girls called a cab since the boys left in Logan's car.

"So tell me about last night," Veronica demanded.

"What about last night?" Mac asked, giggling in a very un-Mac fashion.

"What was it like? Did you have fun? Was he good to you? You know, tell me everything!" Veronica said, smiling when Mac grinned.

"My cheeks hurt from smiling so much," Mac mumbled, looking away.

"So it was good then?" she asked giddily.

"Better than good. It was perfect. He was wonderful and loving. Yeah we had a few mishaps, but overall it was amazing," Mac gushed.

"Good! As long as he's nice to you he won't have to be introduced to Mr. Sparky," Veronica said with a resolute nod.

They were interrupted by the cabbie honking for them to come outside. They hopped in the cab and gave directions to a small diner near the resort they'd seen and wanted to try.

Once they were seated in a booth and had browsed the menu Mac turned the conversation back to last night.

"I just can't believe that I'm dating Dick Casablancas," she said in awe.

"You and me both," Veronica teased, not looking up. She was still trying to decide between the Sunrise and the Sunset brunch.

"I just can't believe I'm dating Dick. I mean this is Dick Casablancas we're talking about here. This is a guy who has mooned more people than I'd ever like to know. He likes blondes and big boobs and girls like Madison. How am I supposed to keep his attention?" she asked, slightly panicked now that the afterglow had worn off.

"But despite all of that, I'm incredibly crazy happy and I'm just so…" Mac trailed off, making Veronica laugh.

"Happy?" Veronica finished for her.

Mac nodded. "Yeah, it's just so surreal I guess."

Veronica nodded, completely understanding the feeling. She had that with Logan too, sometimes – like last night she'd realized how real everything was and how happy he made her. It made her wonder why she ran so much over the years.

Seeing Mac so happy made Veronica begin to think about her own sex life. She knew that Mac had, had the perfect experience – it was obvious by how she couldn't stop smiling – and Veronica wanted that too. Again she felt jealousy towards Mac and Dick for being able to leave all of their past shit behind them and move on.

Veronica didn't want to be impulsive about her and Logan having sex. She didn't want to jump into bed with him. They'd done that too many times to count. She was determined to make it right this time, which meant no spontaneous jumping of Logan Echolls' bones no matter how much they both wanted it. She couldn't help but smile at the thought.

"So how was last night with Logan?" Mac asked, interrupting her thoughts.

"He asked me to move in with him," she blurted out, smirking when Mac chocked on the coffee she was drinking.

"And you're still here? What did you say?"

"Yeah, I'm still here." Veronica said, quietly knowing that, since she hadn't running screaming in the opposite direction, she was ready to finally think about what he'd offered last night.

After their completely intimate evening the night before she felt like she could move in with him now that he was leaving the Grand. She knew that they would fight and it would be difficult, but it would all be worth it. Having sex with him without fully thinking and analyzing everything was a different story. She figured sex would happen when they were finally at the right place and if that took until they were living together than so be it. She just didn't want to be brash about reuniting with him. In the past it had gotten them into more trouble.

"So what are you going to do?" Mac asked curiously.

Veronica smiled to herself, already knowing her next step. Living with Logan would be a big step. She was scared to do it but that is how she knew it was right; she loved him and that's all that mattered. Well, it wasn't all that mattered, but it was the driving force of wanting this to work this time and if moving in with him was the key than that was it.

The snow continued to fall as Logan and Dick whipped down each hill at Heavenly. The ice swiped at their cheeks as they careened down the slopes. Finally they decided to take a break and go grab a beer in the tavern to warm up.

After shedding off their layers they took a seat at the bar and ordered a few beers. Both were freezing from being outside for hours.

"I have to tell you something," Logan began, peeling at the wrapper on his beer bottle.

"What's up dude? Did you cheat on me or something?" Dick mocked.

Logan rolled his eyes and gulped down some beer, "Listen…so I've been thinking of moving out of the Grand."


"I think it's the right time."


"I'm not ditching you."

"Dude, I know. You don't have to be such a girl. I get it, you want to live somewhere that's not full of…memories," Dick finished off, taking a large gulp of his drink.

"Honestly I've been thinking of moving out too, especially with this thing I have going with Mac. I was thinking of moving into the frat house until summer," Dick admitted.

"So we're cool? I mean you're welcome to come over, dude," Logan said.

"Duh, dude! Who else would help you throw awesome ragers?" Dick said, rolling his eyes and finishing his beer off.

"How about the person who lives there," Logan said, pointing to himself.

Dick chuckled and waved the bartender over. "Listen, I'm at a good place with Mac so being on campus just makes sense. And, for what it's worth, I think it's a good idea that you move out too. Too much stuff has happened in that place," Dick said quietly.

"Yeah," Logan agreed, thinking about all of the things that had happened in the hotel.

"Maybe eventually I'll find my own place too. Grow up or some shit," Dick revealed.

Logan laughed and shook his head. "Dude, the day you grow up is the day I decide to join the Navy. Never going to happen."

Dick tossed him an annoyed look and they continued to drink until it was time to go back to the cabin.

"There is a lot of food here," Mac said, looking over the menu. That night they all decided to go out for Italian at a restaurant in the casino. The atmosphere between them was the most laid back it had been since they left Neptune. Both couples were blissfully enjoying the last few hours of being unencumbered by issues before going back home.

"It has nothing on Mama Leoni's," Veronica said, tossing her menu on the table having already made up her mind on what she wanted.

"What are you getting?" Logan asked, tossing his own menu down on top of hers.

She gave him a look and he chuckled, wrapping an arm around the back of her chair.

"How silly of me to even ask," he mumbled, leaning over and kissing her on the lips.

The gesture made Dick yell, "Get a room!" and he added in a few howls making Mac smack him on the shoulder.

Logan pulled away from Veronica and glared over at his best friend. Veronica blushed despite herself. Finally once the noise had settled down a waitress came over to take their order.

Dinner was a happy affair with all of them eating as much Italian food as possible, especially Veronica who claimed she had been going through lasagna withdrawals.

Once dinner was finished they snuck onto the game floor and began to spin the quarter slots until a security guard came over to them.

"IDs?" the security guard demanded.

"I no speakth Ingles," Dick said, making Mac giggle behind him.

The security guard glared at the four of them and then nodded towards the exit. The foursome begrudgingly left the casino, but once they got out of the building they burst into laughter at getting kicked out of a casino on their last night in town.

"Of all the places to get caught…" Veronica mumbled, pressing herself into Logan's side.

He tugged her closer and they walked into the winter snowstorm towards the car. They drove back to the cabin and Dick immediately took Mac's hand and pulled her up to his room. She followed him without protest, barely sparing a glance at the other couple, but Logan and Veronica were too wrapped up in the other to notice.

"What do you wanna do?" Logan asked, dropping himself onto the couch.

"I'm cold," she said, staring longingly at the fireplace.

Logan rolled his eyes playfully. "Always so demanding," he said before he got up to make a fire. Veronica went to go grab a bottle of wine and two glasses. Once the fire was started they sat on the couch together and sipped their wine each enjoying the other's company.

"I can't believe the week is over. Did you have a fun trip?" he asked, playing with her hair.

"Yep. I did," she said crisply before turning fully to him and putting her glass on the coffee table.

"Veronica—" Logan began, wondering where her sudden change in demeanor came from.

"I've been thinking," she said, pausing to take a deep breath. She turned her whole body toward him and gazed into his eyes as she said, "I'd like to move in with you if the offer still stands."

He nodded, feeling a familiar tightness in his chest that only Veronica could bring. His eyes bore into hers, making her tummy flip flop in only the way Logan's presence could. She knew what she was doing was the right thing.

"My only condition is that you have to come with me to tell my dad," she said, smiling slightly as fear crossed his face. He recovered quickly, his look of fear replaced by his typical mask indifference.

"Sure, piece of cake," he lied, brushing it off.

Veronica smiled and nodded, "So you say, but I see the look you get when my dad is mentioned. He owns guns you know."

"Neither of you will ever let me forget that fact," he said, moving in and pressing a gentle kiss on her lips. He nipped her bottom lip lightly and she opened her mouth in response. Her arms wrapped around his neck. Wanting to bring him even closer, she moved to straddle his lap. She could feel him through her jeans and she so desperately wanted to take him upstairs. His hands grazed down the sides of her body until they reached her waist and then slid behind her to cup her bottom. He pulled her closer, grinding up against her and making her moan into his mouth.

He took that as a cue to take things further and removed one hand from her ass and moved it to the front of her pants. He unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans before she even knew what was happening. When she felt his hand dip down into her jeans she suddenly pulled away and slid off of him, creating a cold spot where she'd been.

"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" he asked, worried that what happened with Mercer had taken a deeper toll on her than he'd realized.

"No, just…" she ran a frustrated hand through her hair.

"Veronica?" he asked, reaching out to touch her.

She recoiled and bit her lip, frustrated by her own gestures and his pushing. She quickly fixed her pants and avoided his gaze.

"I don't want to be impulsive," she said, getting off the couch and pacing the length of the room.

He watched her quietly, wondering what in the hell she was talking about.

"Moving in together should be enough, but you want to have sex and I want to have sex. I figured if we held off long enough it would help me. I wouldn't be impulsive anymore. I mean, I'm trying, Logan. I want to think everything through and I don't want to rush to make reckless decisions. I mean I'm always jumping to hasty conclusions and I want this to be different. No more rash decision-making with cases, or sex or my emotions. I think we should think this through. I mean moving in is a big step already," she finished quietly.

She looked over at him and took in the guarded look on his face. If she didn't know him so well she would think that he was indifferent, but she caught the subtle clenching of his jaw and the uncomfortable look in his eyes.

"Ok…I mean, I accept your decision, but…" he let out a long sigh and stood up. He walked to her until he was a few feet away and he bent down to give her a kiss on the forehead. She closed her eyes for a brief moment before opening them again to see him with an almost identical look to the one he had when he'd broken up with her all those weeks ago.

"Listen, I'm not pushing you. I want you to be ready when you're ready, but I need to be alone for a while," he said, moving away from her.

She felt a familiar pain in her chest. It was similar to how she felt every time they took one step forward and two steps back. She knew that not being impulsive was good – it got them into trouble when they weren't – but on the other hand she felt like she was pulling away and doing exactly what Logan didn't want her to.

She watched as he went upstairs to go to bed and shortly after she followed. She tried to ignore the pangs of hurt in her heart at the way he'd looked at her before bed; it was too similar to the last time they had broken up.

As Veronica brushed her teeth she thought about what had passed between her and Logan. What she'd said may have created an unnecessary distance between them. Was trying so hard not to be brash actually holding her back physically to compensate for being so open emotionally? Was she forever going to hold at least one part back from Logan? She was ready to have sex with him, so why was she holding back? It wasn't fair to him. The only thing he asked of her was to be more open. She had been emotionally but at the expense of being open physically. She groaned realizing that they now had the opposite problem as before.

Once she was finished brushing her teeth she took several deep calming breaths went to his door. She knocked loud enough for him to hear, but not loudly enough to penetrate Mac and Dick's love nest next door.

He opened the door and stared at her. She looked up at him with longing, fear and apologies already on the tip of her tongue. He gazed down at her with an identical expression, but before either of them could voice their emotions or concerns, Veronica decided to act on her physical desires. She jumped across the threshold and into his arms. He pulled her close, smashing their lips together. There were a hundred things he wanted to say but he decided that he just wanted to show since that meant more to her. He twirled her around and slammed the door shut with his leg, blocking out the rest of the world; no one existed but the two of them.

"Why do we have to go home, again?" Mac whined while making little lunches for everyone to take on the car ride back.

"So we can christen my room, Mackie," Dick said, kissing her on the cheek and handing her some more slices of bred.

"What if it's not the same?" she asked. She stopped slathering jelly on the PB and J to give him a sidelong look.

"What do you mean?" he asked, putting down the slice of bread he had been holding out to her.

She turned to him, trying to collect her thoughts before voicing them to him. "I'm just worried about when we go back to be Neptune," she revealed quietly.

"What if things change once we are back to reality?" she added.

He smiled slightly at her anxiety, but quickly caught himself and turned serious. He didn't want her to think he was mocking her fears. "Babe, you're worrying about nothing. We'll take Neptune by storm and whoever doesn't like it can suck it. We're both happy and if people don't like it they can kiss my—"

"Dick! Are you guys ready?" Veronica asked, popping her head into the kitchen.

"Just about. Is Logan warming up the car?" Mac asked, seeing that the bags that had been by the door were gone.

"Yep, everything's all ready to go. We'll be in the car," she said, grabbing some of the food bags from the counter and taking them with her to the car. She put them in the passenger seat between her legs and settled in beside Logan.

"Are they coming?" he asked, fiddling with the radio.

"Yeah they're finishing up the sandwiches," she said.

"Mac and Dick, the cooking hour," Logan mocked, stealing a kiss before their friends could interrupt them.

"How do you feel about going home?" she asked suddenly, turning to look over at him.

"Why do you ask?" he asked curiously.

She shrugged and looked away, "I was just wondering. I was listening to Mac and Dick talk and I was just wondering how you felt."

"I'd feel better if I knew your father wasn't going to kill me as soon as we mentioned you moving in with me," he said slightly, both joking and very serious.

"Logan, even if he's against it I'll still move in with you. I am an adult, remember?" she said, giving him a look.

He looked out the window and sighed. "Yeah, but it would be better for all of us if we got your dad's approval."

She giggled, making him grimace. "Are you worried about getting my father's blessing for moving in together? What's going to happen when we get married? Will I have to hold your hand when you ask him that too?" she teased.

He looked over at her, a heated look in his eyes. He picked up her hand off her lap and entangled their fingers. He brought the back of her hand up to his lips and kissed the soft skin there.

"I love you," he whispered, looking at her like she was the only one in the world.

She blushed and ducked her head. "I l-love you too," she said, only stumbling slightly over the words. She was still unused to saying them.

They gazed at one another both lost in the abyss of each other's eyes. They only broke away when the door to the cabin slammed and Mac's giggles penetrated the air.

"So going home will be ok?" she asked anxiously as Dick and Mac approached the car.

"Yeah," he said confidentially. He squeezed her hand one last time before letting go. They both settled into their seats as Dick and Mac climbed into the back.

The drive home wasn't as easy as getting there. Halfway through driving down south the GPS batteries died and they had to use a good, old-fashioned map. Since Dick barely had a clue of how to read a map and Logan was driving, Veronica demanded that she be the one to direct them.

"Logan! You were supposed to turn left there! You have to take the highway to—" Veronica snapped, waving the map in his face.

"Veronica! I distinctly remember taking the backstreets until the next highway. The best route to get home is—"

"No! We should follow the map! I want to get home sometime today. Go back and get on the highway."

"That's not the highway we took!"

"Yes it is! We are going south!"

"And that's southeast! We aren't going to Vegas! Dick tell her!" Logan demanded, pushing the map Veronica kept shoving in his face back into her lap.

"Dude…" Dick trailed off looking back and forth between them. He looked over at Mac for help, but found her listening to her iPod. She smiled at him and offered him an earbud so he could tune them out too.

"Logan! Turn around! That highway is faster!"

"Veronica get that map out of my face or we're going to end up in a ditch!" he yelled.

"If you would just turn around—"

"Stop! Please just stop! I can't deal with you two anymore! You sound like an old married couple!" Dick yelled, reaching forward and grabbing the map from Veronica's hands.

"Hey!" Veronica protested, reaching back to grab it from him.

"We are taking the 395 back, ok? That's it. We're done. Stop fighting!" Dick yelled.

Logan and Veronica exchanged a look.

"I thought you didn't know how to get to the cabin," Logan said suspiciously.

"I lied," Dick said, grabbing the earbud he'd dropped while telling them to be quiet.


"Seriously, you guys, sound like my parents on road trips. Just take the 395 south and we'll be back to Neptune in no time," Mac said, interrupting Veronica.

Veronica looked over at Logan with a grin on her face. She knew when he turned to give her a sidelong look that he was thinking the same thing she was. They were arguing like a normal couple about a simple thing like road directions not about chasing down rapists and spending too much money on frivolous things.

"Good idea," Veronica said, reaching her hand out to grab Logan's. He smirked at her and tightened his grip on her hand. Both of them couldn't be happier with their realization; they were finally the normal ones.

"So I was thinking when we get back home, maybe we could get one of those bears that say 'I wuv you beary much,'" Logan said quietly so only she could hear.

She grinned and shook her head. "So you think this whole thing will stay normal, then?" she said matching his quiet tone.

"Probably not, but I wouldn't want it any other way," he said, giving her a meaningful look.

She grinned and sat back in her seat. "Me too."

As the drove back to Neptune where the real world awaited them, they realized that they were ready to take all that life could throw at them, together.