After being gone for two weeks on one of their most difficult cases, they were heading back. So much had happened in those two weeks. On top of having to see things no one in their right mind needed to see, Penelope Garcia had broken up with Kevin. She should have seen it coming; the little hints he was throwing around, the little talk he had with Rossi that he didn't want to talk about. She had said she wasn't ready for that and he started arguing with her. He was saying she didn't love him like he loved her; that she never had. He argued that he knew who she really loved and accused her of being with him because she couldn't have who she really wanted: Derek Morgan.

She walked through the bull pen, straight to Hotchner's office and laid the files down she was carrying. She decided not to wait for the team like she usually did. She packed up her things and left. She headed for the bar close by that they always hang out in. It was St. Patrick's Day and there was a party going on and she wanted, no needed, a drink.

Entering the bar, she saw all the people having an after work drink and decided to settle at the bar instead of a table since she was all alone. She ordered her drink and hoped the members of her team did not show up. Little did she know that they had planned on it.

Derek, along with the rest of the team, dragged themselves in after a very long flight. The case was frustrating, long, and difficult, to say the least. The things that they had seen and heard will go down in one of the books as one the toughest they've had but at least they had caught their UNSUB. He set his bag down and just realized Garcia was not waiting for them as usual. He remembered how different she had been acting. No doubt the case was getting to her but that wasn't it. He had noticed how she stopped calling him all his nicknames she had for him, instead calling him Derek. He wasn't the only one, the rest of the team did too. He went to her office and found it dark and empty. He turned the light on and looked around. He was walking back to the bullpen when Rossi found him.

"We're going across the street for a drink. You coming?"

"Yeah but I was looking for Garcia. Have you seen her?"

"As a matter of fact no. She usually waits for us but she wasn't there this time. She might be at the bar. It is St. Patrick's Day."

He gathered his thinks, threw them into his truck and drove to the bar. He walked in and immediately heard her laugh. He walked in further and saw her in all her colorful glory. She was laughing with JJ and Reid. He stopped at the group and looked at Penelope. She saw him and turned away. He went to her side and leaned in.

"What's wrong baby girl? Are you mad at me?"

"No." She smiled at him. "I'm just tired and this case was one of the bad ones."

"I know and I hate that you had to see those photos and the videos. If I could have stopped that from happening I would."

"I know and I love you for that."

"Tell me what's really going on and before you thinking …" interrupted by the ringing of his phone.

"Hey…yeah we just got back…I'll see if I can…" he watches Penelope move toward Reid and the rest. By now Rossi and Hotchner have showed up. They are laughing and drinking but he is too busy staring at Penelope to pay attention to the conversation on the other end. He hangs up not remembering what he had promised. Emily watches him with a smirk.

"Who was that on the phone?"

"No one Prentiss."

"Ah must be Tamara. He gets tight-lipped when it comes to her."

"So what is going on with you two?" Rossi asked. "Ever since her brother died and we solved the case, she has been calling you a lot. Are you seeing her?"

"She gave me a necklace that belonged to her brother. We have been spending time together but we aren't dating."

"If you're not, then she really wants you two to be." JJ replied. "It's obvious she likes you and not just as a friend."

"We're are just friends."

He watches as Penelope gets another drink and moves to a table, with JJ and Emily following her. He tries to sit by her to find out what is wrong but she is surrounded by her friends. Thirty minutes later Tamara is standing at the table. He looks up startled.

"Hey what are you doing here?"

"You said it was ok I came by."

"Yeah that's right I did."

Standing up he gives her his chair so she can sit. Not long after that Penelope gets up to go to the restroom. Since he can't leave Tamara there he decides to wait to talk to Penelope. Tamara tries to engage him on conversation but fails. She talks to everyone else. His baby girl comes back and looks like she has been crying. After a couple of more drinks, he notices that Penelope is almost, if not completely drunk. The rest are ready to go and by then he is too. Tamara left about an hour ago. She had wanted him to go with her but he had declined. He knew that his baby girl was going to need him. Walking out was JJ, who Will had come to pick up, Emily, who Reid was taking home, and that left him and Penelope, who he was taking home. He helped her into his truck and went around to the other side and got in. She was just looking out the window, staring off into the night.

Penelope woke up to a buzzing sound and a headache to end all headaches. She tried opening her eyes and found the sun shining through the windows to bright for her eyes. She blinked a couple of times and tried to move and realized two things at once; this was not her room and she was naked. She looked to her right and saw the door and then looked to her left and her eyes widened. She closed her eyes and shook her head no. She opened her eyes again and stared. Slowly and quietly she slid from the bed and looked for her clothes. They were scattered all over the room. She put them on and looked for her shoes. Movement from the bed caught her attention and she froze. Nothing happened and she opened the door and hurriedly walk down the hall and went in search of her shoes. Upon finding them, she let herself out the door and searched for her phone as she walked. She called a cab and waited at the corner.

Entering her apartment, she threw her purse and shoes on the floor and slumped down against the door. She let the tears flow when she realized what had happened; she has slept with the love of her life, Derek.