Law sat in his quarters thinking about his nearing towards Dressrosa. Flashbacks ran through his mind of those days. He gritted his teeth and kicked over a chair in anger. He lied on his bed to calm down and clear his mind. The memories couldn't stop chasing him. Anger and hatred grew more inside of him with each passing minute. His mind wandered so much that soon his anger was not only directed towards Dolflmingo but at the horrible soldiers from Flevance and soon at himself.

He became so engulfed into his emotions, his eyes began to swell, he shot up from the bed shouting "FUCK!" and punched a hole in the wall. Hitting the wall didn't satisfy his anger enough, he wanted to break everything in sight. His eyes were swelling, grinding his teeth, his fingers gripping his hair and pulling. He stared at his nodachi across the room. Self inflicting thoughts filling his mind, wondering if any of his efforts thus far were even worth it. He stomped over to the sword, and whipped it out of the casing. He stood there gripping it in both shaky hands towards his body.

"Just fucking do it and be rid of this hell life!" he said in his mind.

He knelt to the ground determined to end it all.

A moment of stillness filled the room. It felt as though time completely stopped. A soft giggle whispered in his ear. Law's face was in shock, his eyes becoming more tearful. A cold sensation wrapped around his waist. As if someone were hugging him from behind.

Within the stillness a distant voice emerged,

"Big Brother"

Law stared blankly at the wall through his watery eyes.

"It's okay brother…nothing hurts anymore"

Tears streamed down Law's face, his chest tightening as his heart sank. He continued gritting his teeth to contain his emotions. The cold sensation grew tighter around Law as if they were hugging him tighter.

"I'm always with you…"

Law began choking up and let out a whimper of sorrow. Tear drops hitting his hands.

"I will live on…"

At that moment Law broke down sobbing. Lowering his nodachi down, he grabbed his chest, unable to bare the constricting pain. He leaned forward on his knees bawling in agonizing pain, hitting his head on the floor. The cold sensation slowly subsided and a soft giggle left the room.

Loud footsteps sped to his room and the door swung opened.

"What in the hell is going on?!" Nami scolded.

Taken off guard by her abruptness, he threw his nodachi to the side and shot up to his feet quickly. Taking advantage that his back was to her he discreetly wiped his eyes.

"What the hell was that banging?!" Nami asked sternly. She then notices in her peripheral the hole in the wall. "AND WHY IS THERE A HOLE IS THE WALL?! Do you know how much that will cost to fix?!" she scolded.

Law tries to contain his erratic emotions and calmly says "I'm sorry Nami-ya…I stubbed my toe and over reacted, I will cover the damage…but can you please leave, I need to get some rest for tonight."

Nami inspects the hole near the door, "This is going to be like 300 berries you owe! And if I leave how do I know you won't just start going crazy ag-" she lectures until cut off.

"JUST LEAVE!" he shouted angrily at her while glaring.

Nami had never seen Law this angry before, she felt silently terrified by his voice and became silent. She was nervous to even make eye contact until she noticed his dark eyes were reddish, still glaring at her.

"L…Law? A-are you okay…?" she asked timidly.

"Yes! I'm fine! Just let me be!" he yelled again.

Nami could tell now something was seriously wrong. Her eyes glanced to the side of the bed, and saw the nodachi lying uncovered.

"No…" she said softly walking towards him. "Law…what were you doing…"

"Nami-ya! I'm only going to say this one more time, JUST. GO!" he scolded to her, breaking eye contact.

Nami's heart sank, she didn't want to leave Law alone where things could escalate again. She walked up to him and reached out to touch his arm. "Law…please…" she began to say choking up.

Law turned swiftly and grabbed her wrist. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE LAMIE!" he screamed to Nami.

Nami, struck with fear, not knowing how to react, stared blankly at Law.

Law took a second to realize what was happening and what he had just yelled. He was mortified. He broke eye contact again, starring at the floor locking his jaw in frustration and then loosened his grip on Nami's wrist. Tears began rolling down his face, and hit the ground on his knees. Nami, seeing that he was crying, whimpers "Law-kun…"

He looked up at her and broke down, "I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean to! I just….I just…!" he weeped uncontrollably. Nami's eyes swelled with tears and lunged at him with an embracing hug. Law held her body close to his, crying into her shoulder. Nami guided Law up from the ground, to the side of the bed and they sat there side by side. She cradled his head on her chest and whispered "It's okay Law-kun, I'm here for you…I will always be here for you…whatever it may be…"

Nami began to cry seeing how much pain he was in. She has always had feelings for him, even though it was hard for her to show. She only knew Law for a short time yet there was something that always pushed her towards him.

Hearing Nami's heartfelt words did not stop Law's tears. Nami continued to comfort the grieving doctor. She nuzzled her face atop his head while gently rubbing his back. Her other hand gently stroked the side of his neck. Law's arms were wrapped around her waist for support as he rested on her. Law was able to calm down enough where he could think clearly again. Feeling Law's breathing go back to normal, Nami kissed the top of his head in relief. He feels her lips through his shaggy hair and responds with an affectionate nuzzle lying on her chest. Her fingertips caressed his neck, the feeling gave Law a warm sensation throughout his body. His fingertips began caressing Nami's side in the same manner.

Nami couldn't help but blush at his compassionate gesture. Law dragged his head up slowly along her neck. His nose brushing against her as his warm breath from his mouth traveled up to her ear. Chills flowed through her body feeling his sensual touch.

"Thank you, Nami-ya." Law whispered into her ear. He then tenderly kissed her temple.

Nami turned her head slowly, face to face with the doctor, she stared into his bloodshot eyes taking in the moment. Unable to control her urges, she kisses Law's bottom lip tenderly. She pulled away shyly and muttered "I'm sorry…I just-"

Law silenced her with a passionate kiss. They made out for some time, before Nami positioned her body to face Law, his arms still holding her tightly. Soon their lips parted, inviting one other inside. Nami let a small moan escape her lips in the heat of the moment, making Law's heart flutter. He scooched both their bodies on the bed more comfortably, he laid down and positioned Nami on top of him never breaking contact with her lips. Law's hands rubbing Nami's back made her arch her body into him more. At one point, he let out a deep groan when one of her arches eroded into a sensual thrust. Law then trailed his hot kisses, from her jaw line, down her neck. His hands move lower on her body and to the side of her hips. He slid two fingers through her jeans playing with her panty line.

Hot and flushed, Nami moans out the doctor's name. "Laww-kun~"

His hips eagerly grind into hers hearing his name. His member grew harder through his jeans. Nami could feel it rubbing against her core. Her hands wandered down his muscular body to his hips. She found the opening to his shirt and slid her delicate hands up his body. Law began heavy breathing on her neck in excitement. Her soft hands touching his skin. His shirt started rising up, exposing his tan muscular abs. Her hands stop at his tattooed chest. He nipped and licked her neck playfully making her squeal. She felt him smile against her neck. As he was about the push Nami's jeans down, there was a sudden knock at the door.

"Nami? Law? Is everything alright? I heard yelling from up deck…" said Robin with concern.

Startled and flustered Nami replies "Y-yes! We're fine! Be right out!" Robin's footsteps travel back upstairs. They both sigh in relief.

Nami didn't want to move off of Law but knew she had to go back out, to make it look least suspicious. Law let go, allowing her to get up. He had a look of disappointment on his face, not wanting her to leave. Nami leaned into him and kissed him softly on the cheek as if she was saying "sorry". Law took her hand, holding it gently, "Will you come back for the night…?" he asked almost nervously. Stunned by his question, she smiled and held his hand tighter. "Yes…" she answered softly.

Even though Law was avoiding eye contact at the moment, she could see a smirk across his face. She stood up and their hands parted slowly. She walked out of his room, closing the door. Law was saddened by her absence, yet looked forward to seeing her later tonight. Even though dreadful and painful memories could darken his mind, Nami was one that shined right through. Her loving words echoing through his head and filled his heart with hope again. Law put away his nodachi in the corner of the room and walked back to his bed. He laid there patiently waiting for Nami's return.