OK, explanation time: I had an idea the other day while being bored, listening to Touhou house sets (go listen to those things, guys. They're freaking awesome) and trying to think of some scenarios in my head. As I was listening to the set for Double Dealing Character, I suddenly thought: "What if I made a fanfic where the Nordics are pulled into saving a magical world and become closer as friends and brothers because of the journey?"
Fast forward to a day at school where my brain is everywhere else but in class. I was thinking of the tracks "Reverse Ideology" and "Lonesome Werewolf" and what epic boss themes they could be for the Nordics. Suddenly, a scenario comes to me: Norway is being controlled by a magic artifact known as the Dragon's Orb and is driven to fight the other Nordics, resulting in a hard battle where everybody is either gonna live or die.
Anyhow, this is in a magic universe, and I do reccommend listening to Reverse Ideology and it's remix by Jerico while you read this excerpt. If you enjoy this, please tell me, because I want to see if I could seriously make this a fanfic.
Hetalia is not mine.))
"Now all that's left is Norway."
The four Nordic countries looked up at the furious Norwegian, those foreign red eyes narrowed. He mumbled something unintelligible, then brought a hand up.
"MOVE!" Denmark shouted, and all the Nordics made a run for it as a white-hot blast shattered the rocks behind them to pieces.
Denmark brandished his axe, ready to fight. "How can we snap him out of it?"
"I think we need to try and get through to him," said Finland. "Remind him of who he really is, and break his real self free."
"We'll have to get closer," said Sweden.
"Right!" Denmark said, before turning to Iceland. "Keep yourself safe. We'll save him." He grinned and headed into the arena.
Iceland sighed.
The three Nordics rushed into battle, weaving and diving through the rocks as Norway continued to blast them.
"Here's the plan," said Denmark. "Swedes and I are going to head out and try to break the orb's control for a second. If we can get Norway to stop moving and try to recover himself, Finland can shoot him and we'll save him then. That should be enough to completely shatter the orb's grip."
"I...I have to shoot Norway?!" Finland looked horrified.
"It'll be fine, Finn!" Denmark answered. "Gunshots are easy for nations, and if we don't stop him now it's either Nor dies or he kills us!"
Finland turned to Sweden, pleading for direction.
Sweden nodded. "For once, I agree with Denmark."
Finland's eyes widened, seeing that it would have to be done. He nodded, drew out his rifle and climbed onto a ledge, making sure to be unseen.
"OK! Let's go!" Denmark shouted, jumping onto a higher rock tower and dashing across. Sweden took the lower route.
Denmark chased down Norway from behind, jumping from rock to rock as fast as he could move. He followed the floating Norway's magical circle, axe at his side and teeth grit in concentration. He came to a much higher ledge and jumped, luckily using his axe to snag it and pull himself upward to almost come to the same level as Norway.
Norway turned to look behind him, and indeed saw the running Dane approach. He raised a hand, mumbled a spell, and started sending balls of glowing red energy to knock the man off into the crevice.
Denmark was prepared, though. He quickly dodged the bombs, sometimes knocking them away or slicing through them with his axe. He was getting closer and closer.
"Norge!" Denmark called out, getting the possessed Norwegian's attention. "Norge! Please! You have to listen! It's me, Denmark!"
Norway suddenly came to a stop, as if he were pondering what Denmark had said. Denmark caught up and ran to him, finally able to look the Norwegian in his bloody red eyes.
"Come on, Nor," Denmark pleaded. "Stop this. I miss you. We're supposed to be friends...brothers, even. I don't want to fight you."
Norway was silent.
"Listen, I know you're in there, deep down somewhere," Denmark went on. "You're probably calling me an idiot for trying to help, instead of saving myself. I know you'd be selfless like that, even though you don't show it. Please...please remember me!"
Norway was still silent. Denmark saw a shadow in those red eyes, a shadow of the real Norway inside the shell. He smiled, a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes.
But it didn't last long.
One minute, Denmark was upright, talking to Norway and coaxing him from the orb's influence. The next, he was on the ground, sharp pains stabbing his face and chest.
Denmark forced an eye open and put a hand to his face. There was blood on his hand.
Denmark looked up at Norway.
Norway was completely blank, a bloodied mace in his hand.
Norway moved forward, touching down onto the ground and walking towards him.
"No..." Denmark whispered. "No...no! NO!"
Norway raised the mace.
Norway was bringing the mace down.
POW. Sweden swooped in and pushed Norway off the edge with the back of his sword, sending the Norwegian careening into the crevices below.
Sweden knew Norway was going to rise right back up. He turned to Denmark. "Get up. This battle isn't gonna end itself."
Denmark blinked, and then a wild grin spread on his face. "Understood!" He snatched up his axe despite the pain shooting through his body, and dashed after Sweden as he sensed Norway rising out the crevice in the magic sphere again.
Iceland, meanwhile, couldn't bear it. He couldn't stand seeing Norway attempt to murder Denmark and Sweden while he just stood around and waited. He knew he had no weapons; he didn't know how to use an axe or sword like Den and Swedes, he'd never used a gun like Finland, and he knew no magic.
Suddenly, Finland's words echoed in his mind.
"Remind him of who he really is, and he'll break free..."
He knew what to do.
Iceland looked around and made sure nobody was watching. When it was clear, Iceland threw himself onto a ledge and started climbing. The rock was slippery and crumbling, making him almost fall to his death a few times, but he kept going.
I've gotta save Norway...
I've gotta save my brother...
As he climbed, images flashed through his head. Norway attending to him when he was a kid...Norway letting him tag along when visiting Denmark...seeing Norway defend him from some humans...Norway bugging him to call him big brother...Norway and the rest of the Nordics...
He might be a naggy, irritating snark, but he was Iceland's brother, and he was going to help him.
Finally, he reached the top, and hoisted himself up. From his spot on the rock, he could overlook the entire battle. Denmark and Sweden were frantically swinging at Norway with their weapons as Norway sent continuous blasts at them, while Finland was gathering the courage to shoot his friend.
Iceland mustered up his bravery and cleared his throat. "HEY! NORWAY, OVER HERE!"
Blood red eyes locked with his violet ones.
"Ice, what do you think you're doing?!" Denmark shouted. "He's going to—"
Sweden held him back. "Hold on. He's onto somethin'."
Norway started to head towards Iceland's spot, eyes narrowed in hate and murder.
Iceland felt terrified of this image of his brother, but kept his wit. "Listen to me, Norway...I know you're in there somewhere..."
Norway was getting closer.
"...and I know how I can be a brat sometimes..."
Norway's eyes flashed as he neared.
"But, I have to say this...to save you and me..."
Norway was almost there, making Iceland gulp.
"Um...see, I just..."
Norway raised his hand.
"I really can't imagine being without you, Den, Sve, and Fin..."
Norway was charging up an attack.
"Iceland, NO!" Denmark screamed, flailing in Sweden's grasp. Finland's hands were shaking so hard he almost dropped his rifle.
Iceland took a deep breath and looked straight into those red eyes.
"I enjoy having you as my big brother!"
Norway's hand dropped limply to his side, eyes widened and mouth slightly agape. He hung there, staring blankly at Iceland, who was sweating bullets in anxiety.
Utter silence.
Then, Iceland called, "Finland! Shoot him! NOW!"
Finland nodded slowly and closed his eyes, finger on the trigger. "I'm really sorry, Norway...please, please forgive me...I'm doing this for you...I'm so sorry..."
Norway jolted as the bullet entered the square of his back, his eyes widening. The magic sphere dissolved and Norway began a long descent to the unforgiving ground below.
"Sweden! Catch him!" Iceland screamed.
Sweden didn't hesitate. He released Denmark and dived after Norway, sliding across the ground and watching as the Norwegian fell and fell...
...right into the Swedish man's arms.
Sweden walked back onto the higher ledge where Denmark, Iceland and Finland waited, all three bruised and bloody from the fight. Sweden placed Norway on the ground, where he lay still and silent.
"He's still alive, of course," said Sweden quietly.
Denmark gently turned Norway over and saw the bullet wound. He bowed his head and removed the bullet, using a scrap of cloth from his torn-up coat to clean it. As soon as he finished, he could see the wound healing itself rapidly. Within a few minutes it had completely disappeared.
The Nordics watched Norway silently, all waiting for the Norwegian to wake up.
Denmark shook him. "Norge...? Buddy...?" He rested his hand on Norway's heart, feeling the slow heartbeat.
Suddenly, to the surprise, relief, and happiness of the four, Norway stirred and opened his dull indigo eyes to look at their wide-eyed faces.
SLAP. "Get your hands off me, moron."
"NORWAY!" The Nordics fell over themselves to embrace their fellow nation, even Sweden. "Norway, you're back! You're back!"
Norway looked from one nation to the other, slightly confused. "What?"
"You were being controlled by the orb! We had to battle you and shoot you so we could break you free!" Finland exclaimed.
"Oh, I remember that," said Norway. "Most of it was fuzzy, especially the parts where you guys were fighting me. But I do remember the orb taking over my body, I remember Den talking to me, and I remember Icy calling me "big brother"." He smirked slightly at Iceland.
"I was just trying to save your butt," said Iceland, turning away stubbornly. "Don't think I'm going to refer to you as "big brother" any more than I usually do."
Norway threw his arms around Iceland. "Once is enough for me."
Iceland sighed, but hugged back.
"I never thought I'd miss you slapping me," said Denmark. SLAP. "Yep, I seriously missed that."
"Anyway, now that you're free, what do we do?" Finland asked.
Norway placed a hand to his chin, thinking. "Well, it's obvious that we can't reach the orb unless one of us wants to be controlled. We'll need an expert."
"What kind of expert?" Iceland asked.
Norway sighed. "Romania."
BTW, yes, according to official art, Norway's actual weapon of choice is a mace. (But he likes magic better.)
I hope you liked this excerpt, and once again: tell me if you think this should be a full fantasy/action-adventure fic!
Anyway, I better go and write some fluff. Hasta la pasta!))