The Death of Tails

Author Note: Hey this is Healmaster0927 and this is my first story! Sorry if it sucks but please don't review too harshly. Disclaimer: I don't own Sonic, Tails, or Dr. Eggman/Dr. Robotnic they all belong to Sega. R&R

Chapter 1

Sonic lay on the ground, beaten and broken. Eggman's new robot had really done some damage. He had a broken leg, had cracked his skull, and injured his arm.

"Hohohohohohoho" Said a familiar laugh.

"Show yourself Egghead!" Said Sonic.

"If you insist,"

Suddenly Eggman flew down from above in a machine the machine looked somewhat like the Death Egg Robot but with a huge laser cannon attached to it, along with missile launchers on its arms and legs.

"Take This!" Shouted Eggman.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Said a familiar voice as the laser was shot at Sonic.

Sonic saw an orange blur run in front of the laser and was hit by it causing the orange blur to be launched backwards over his head.

"Curse that fox!" Yelled Eggman, "now I need to go recharge!"

"Tails!" Yelled Sonic.

Sonic saw his friend collapsed on the floor.

"Sonic..." Tails moaned weakly.

Sonic rushed over to Tails' side and saw the large hole in his chest.

"Tails but why?"

"I just couldn't let you die, you would have done it for me."

"Tails, you can't leave me!"

"Sonic... I would never leave you if it were my own freewill."

Tails felt himself dying but he had to get out his final message.


"Yes Tails?" Sonic sobbed.

"Thank you... for... everything."

When those words escaped him Tails died in Sonic's arms.

"Tails?" Asked Sonic "TAILS?!"

To be continued...