You Cut Me Open

Category: Action/Angst/Romance

Pairing: Densi

Summary: Kensi comes down with a bad strain of the flu but despite insistence from her team she joins their next case. When the main suspect abducts her, it's up to Deeks and the rest of team to figure out what he wants with her and why the pieces aren't fitting alongside the emerging facts.

Warnings: None

Disclaimer: I own nothing... except for a shiny penny.

Authors Notes: First NCIS LA fic, constructive criticism and feedback very welcome *hugs*.

"I'm telling you, Curling is a real sport..." Deeks sat back in his chair, folding his arms tightly across his chest as Sam and Callen exchanged a look. Maybe it wasn't the most manly sport out there but it still counted and he was determined to prove his point. "It's in the Olympics, you can't argue that-" he threw his feet up on the desk, wondering where Kensi was. She would back him up. No, actually she probably wouldn't... but he could still try.

Callen pushed himself up and hedged over the desk with an almost visible smirk, "Bobby Thomspon, Dwight Clark, Michael Jorden... you're telling me one day Curling is going to produce some amazing moment in sporting history?" He stood straighter, his eyes lifting as footsteps sounded across the bullpen. Whatever comeback Deeks was now trying to run with he ignored it as his gaze narrowed in on the women trudging towards them. "You get any sleep last night Kens?"

She dropped her bag on Deeks desk rolling her neck as the weight lifted off her shoulder. Truth was she felt like death warmed up but the world didn't stop turning just because she had a head cold. "You trying to tell me something Callen?"

"Just that you look a little... off today." He chose his words carefully, glancing across to her partner and wondering if the man was going to be a little more blunt about the obvious elephant in the room. They all cared about each other, they were a tight-knit group but the bond between partners was special and somehow the detective had earned the right to comment where others couldn't. Even if the attempts were usually met with a punch to the arm.

"Man's got a point." Sam jumped in first, spinning his chair to face her, "you do look a little green." In his opinion she looked worse than that. Her pale features screamed exhaustion but he wasn't going to push his luck. He'd learnt the hard way that telling a women she looked tired was akin to asking about age or weight... no-go zones to be avoided at all costs.

Kensi blew out a sigh turning her head towards Deeks. He was wearing the same sympathetic wet dog expression as the other two men and she curled her finger tightly around her hips giving him a pointed stare. "What, you want to take a shot too?"

He winced at her red and blotchy skin and even though he should have known better he couldn't stop the words from falling out of his mouth, "you look like you got into a fight with a lawnmower...and the lawn mower won."

Both Callen and Sam snorted in time, each doing their best to hide their reactions with fake coughs as Kensi punched her partner hard in the shoulder.

"Ow!" Deeks rubbed the spot gingerly, about to protest when the door above them swung open with force.

"Guys, you ready?" Eric's voice sounded from the top section of the stairwell and Callen nodded his head directing the team towards the OPS centre.

He deliberately went last so he could trail behind Kensi, placing his hand gently against the small of her back as they moved up the stairs. If she noticed the act she didn't say anything and he offered her a quick smile as he took point and entered the darkened room. There were three different photo's being projected onto the screen and he started committing each one to memory as he stepped up to where Nell and Eric were seated. "What have you got for us?"

"This is Malcolm Stoker-" Nell pointed to an older man with greying hair, "a Navy liaison and board member of Syverson and CO, a global shipping company that delivers mechanical parts in and out of Europe. Two days ago he was found beaten in his home and is currently in ICU. The company are pointing their fingers at these two men..."

Eric picked up the conversation as he flipped open a file, "finance executive Trent Stallard and his colleague Hank Grady. According to the other board members Trent and Hank have been using their positions to cover what could be drug smuggling operation but here's the kicker-

"Mr Stallard was found dead in his office yesterday, the cause blunt force trauma to the head." Nell took control again showing the crime scene photos on the screen, "Mr Grady has dropped off the radar and Syverson haven't exactly been forthcoming with information to back their allegations... which is why we need to infiltrate the shipping company-"

"...and find Grady." Eric turned back to the group and visibly flinched as Kensi broke into a sneezing fit. "Whoa, bless you." He gave her the once over and then subconsciously rolled his chair back a few inches, "that's just allergies right, I mean you're not contagious or anything?"

Callen quickly interjected deciding it was better for everyone if Eric avoided the same fate as Deeks. "Sam and I will hit the shipping headquarters. Kensi if you're sure you're up to it, you guys take Stallard's apartment. See if you can find anything linking him to illegal behaviour."

She nodded, her way of silently telling him she could handle it. If anyone else had made the insinuation she probably would have given them some sort of backlash but even though it was embarrassing she knew it was part of his job to make sure there were no liabilities on the team.

Once they were all in agreement Kensi took the lead trying not to wince as the lights of the bullpen stung her eyes. There was no doubt in her mind it was going to be a long day and when she felt Deeks brush up beside her she instinctively threw her fist into his arm.

"Ow! Ok, there is no possible way you could have known what I was just thinking-" he gapped, rubbing the spot where she'd hit him again, "that was just a coincidence, right... Kensi?"

Instead of answering she shook her head breathing out a sigh. Long day felt like an understatement, getting through the next hour with her partner was going to be challenging enough.