Authors Notes

I didn't intend to make this a chapter into itself and hopefully this will not be long. Either way this was started a while back, and then left to rot, then finished yesterday.

This is the story of Lorelei after Prelude and before Tsukihime 2 if it ever comes or if it doesn't. It is set in the 2000's which I know goes against anything Frozen, but considering Ciel's tiny village is basically like the middle ages, I don't think it matters much.

To be honest I don't actually like Frozen much; the night that I actually watched it I was like, wow Elsa's powers are so stupid. I wonder how they would fit in Type-Moon. And eventually I got here. Elsa here seems stronger than her Disney counterpart, but since you've read the story you know that during most of the time Elsa used her powers in the movie she was running on fumes. Disney and Type-Moon do not mesh well, however, since this story was set in Norway, and the Louvre hunt was in Norway it was an opportunity too good to miss. Queen against Queen, Lorelei against Elsa. I would like to say that this story is entirely about Lorelei that is why Anna, Kristoff, Sven, only get mentions. The trolls and Olaf were important.

Rather than a crossover between two universes where things happen and the outcome is different, from the beginning I wanted the outcome to be the same. Rather I believed that Hans was not a good enough antagonist in that all he did was take advantage of a great opportunity. Basically Frozen didn't have an antagonist, someone who drove the story, so I decided to make that antagonist Lorelei. Of course Lorelei is only an antagonist if you think of it in a Frozen sense, since here she is actually the protagonist. She's not a good person, neither is she that admirable, however, Lorelei is who is she and at the end of the story she finds out who she really is and accepts herself for who she is, and isn't that the morale to Frozen anyway. Other than not shutting people out.

If using lyrics sounded awkward to you I'm glad that it did. It just goes to show how different Lorelei is to Frozen and Disney in general where singing is natural. Here it's artificial, stilted, awkward, and even cringeworthy like Lorelei herself.

Either way thank you reading and please review. I'm pretty sure this is going to be the only Type-Moon, Frozen crossover for a long time.

Either way the song that Lorelei sings at the end is called As I Strolled Out To Alyesbury. Google it if you want to listen to it, it's on youtube.