Finale Chapter! Enjoy!
I open my eyes in a big gasp. Trish wakes up,"What's wrong?"
"Do you think I would be crazy if I told you that I am seeing Austin?"
"Seeing Austin? What do you mean?"
"I see him in mirrors. And he visited me in my dreams. He-he said that he's coming back."
"What do you mean?"
"He told me this. How else can I explain it?" She doesn't say anything but just looks at me unknown what to say. "Trish? Are you okay?"
"Yes, I'm fine. It's just that it doesn't make any sense."
"Does anything ever really make sense in a supernatural world?"
"Yeah, I guess you right. I'll look in my spell book to see if there is something I can do."
"It's a good thing I take it everywhere I go." Trish smiles.
I decided to go for a walk while Trish figured out a way to bring Austin back. She said there is a way and she will do everything she can to get him back. I love him. I always will.
I walk on the running track outside at a park. I see a strange guy a fair distance in the path ahead of me. I keep walking and try to walk past him but he bumps into me. Almost like on purpose.
Trish's POV
I search there the book. Flipping page by page franticly looking for a spell, any spell to get Austin back. I've probably been looking for a about a good hour or so. I have a weird feeling that something has happened badly but I shake it off and continue searching. I stop at a spell that catches my eye. A Life Spell. It brings the supernatural back from the life who have pure spirits. I look up what a Pure Spirt is that has to do with the supernatural and it says that they are spirits that still have access to humanity. I think what that means if you still have your humanity as a vampire that you can come back to life. I start to practice it and then when Ally gets back I'll do it. I hope it works.
I start doing the spell and then a bright light flashes between my eyes and it goes black. I open my eyes and I couldn't believe that I actually did the spell. That it actually worked and that I'm still alive. I know that because I see Austin. Right in front of me. "Austin?" I run up to him and give him a huge hug. "It worked. The spell worked. I can't believe it worked!" I look at Austin and he looks confused. "What?"
"How did you get here?" He asks me.
"What are you talking about? I did a spell and brought you back to life."
"A spell was never done. Oh my God." He says shocked.
"Trish what did you see when you finished the spell?"
"A bright white light. Then it went dark and when I opened my eyes you were here."
"Trish don't freak out."
"Because the spell didn't work. It was too powerful for you. Your body couldn't handle the power needed to successfully complete the spell."
"What are you saying?"
"You died Trish."
Ally's POV
"Sorry Miss. Are you Ally Dawson?" The man asks.
"Yes. Who's asking?"
"Piper." Then suddenly I feel a pain in my chest and I look down that the person had staked me with a wooden stake. I look down and my skin turns grey. I fall to the ground and then I see a white light and it goes black. I open my eyes and look around me. I'm in the woods. I stand up and look around. I look behind me and see Trish with Austin.
"Trish? Austin?" I go to hug Austin. He hugs me softly but looks confused. "The spell worked. Austin, you're back! What's wrong? This is great!"
"Ally, the spell didn't work."
"What are you talking about? Austin's right here and I can see him and feel him." I touch his arm.
"The spell didn't work because I overworked myself and I wasn't powerful enough to finish the spell and I..."
"You what, Trish?"
"I died."
"Wait...if you're dead that means Austin's is still dead. But how am I able to see Austin?" Tears start to form in my eyes.
"Ally, you're dead." Austin says softly.
"Oh my God." Austin intertwined our fingers together. "Where are we?"
Trish says, "I don't know. We we suddenly transported here or something when you must have died."
"How do we get back?"
"I don't think we can." Austin says.
"No, I was looking through my spell book and I know a spell. I should be able to do it because witches are more powerful when on the other side."
"Is that where we are?" I ask.
"There really isn't a special way to say it but I just call it the other side."I nod. "Hold my hands." She grabs both our hands and Austin and I stand in opposite sides of Trish. She starts saying the spell and repeats it over and over again. It gets windy and we all fall on the ground. It goes black.
I open my eyes and I'm in my bed. My house. Before it burned down. I run downstairs and see my parents. They are in the dining room. "Mom! Dad!" I pull them in for a hug.
"Whoa what's got my sixteen year old all in a good mood?" My dad asks.
"Just seeing you is a gift."
"What are you talking about?" My mom asks. I hug them again then realized something.
"Who's Austin?"
I run out of the house, "A guy!" I run to the mansion and run inside. "Austin? Austin! Austin!" I try to vampire run but it seems to not work. Am I not a vampire anymore? I hear a familiar voice.
"Ally? Ally! Is that you?" I see him run around the corner. I run into his arms. "What happened?"
"I think it worked. But we're sixteen. I'm not a vampire."
"Neither am I."
"The spell must if sent us back in time. I saw my parents Austin. My house isn't burnt down."
"Time must have restarted the spell." Suddenly the door opens and Trish comes running in calling Austin and I.
"Guys! You have no idea what happened?" She stops talking and looks at both us.
"Time restarted. We figured that out."
"Yeah. I must haven't read the fine print."
"That's okay. This is a good. We get a chance to restart over. Change our life. As human." I say intertwining Austin's fingers.
"Together." Austin smiles. I grab his shirt and kiss him. Sparks fly and it was like I haven't kissed anyone ever. Like my first kiss which was with Austin.
And that is it folks! That's the end of Night Sky! Review and tell me what you thought! Bye for now! PS you should check out my other stories I've been working on!