Prologue: Syo, Shin and Momo

Another hot and humid day in Tokyo. Traffic was busy as always, and you could feel the vibe of busy life as dozens of people were occupied with their everyday lives. The schools had finished, and it was around 3:20pm. School girls were gossiping about their day, school boys headed to play football in local parks. Business men and women rushed about in their suits and dresses. And in the mists of all this chaotic life, on a quiet street, three best friends walked home from school.

"For the first time in forever~" Momo Harada sang loudly, a 16 yr old girl, wearing her Meiji high school uniform ( same as Ema's) with big brown eyes, long dark pink hair, most of it resting on her right shoulder, with her hair clipped back on the left, showing off her two piercings, she had in her left ear. She swayed her body side to side, arms stretched out, with a blue ice lolly in her left hand.

"I can go the distance, i'll be on my way~" Shin Takano sang loudly back, a 16 yr old guy, wearing his Meiji uniform (same as Futo's). His dark blue eyes match his short dark blue hair. With a hand on his chest and his other reaching forward, holding his blue ice lolly, he was behind Momo.

"To a whole new world~" Syo Kurosawa sang back, a little laughter escaping his lips. Syo was the youngest out of the three. 15 yrs old, soon to be 16 in less than a month. He's also wearing the same school uniform, and because Syo is rather small for his age, the top part of the uniform is a little big on him. His messy, dirty blonde hair, with longish bangs made his big, bright emerald eyes stand out. He watched his friends being their usual fun selves and giggled at the sight. He had known Shin since middle school and they met Momo in high school. The teacher had sat them all next to each other in class, that was a big mistake, for the teacher of course. They both turned around and faced him, still in dancing about. Singing a line from a disney film, was something they liked to do.

"Coz at last i see the light~" Momo sang again, a huge smile had filled her face after she once again had taken a nibble of her blue ice lolly. Syo giggled, happy to have such friends by his side everyday.

"And you'll be in my heart~" it was Shin's turn now, once they had set an order, they sang in that order. Shin had brought his hands to his chest.

"Coz we are one~" Syo sang, as he did a little spin. A huge grin formed on his face.

"So let it goo~" Momo stretched her arms out and lifted them higher.

"Let it goo~" Shin then joined her, they still both faced Syo.

"Can't hold it back anymore~" And so Syo jumped forward copying his friends actions. All smiled and held back their laughter.

"So Let it go!~" Momo sang with full power. She swung her arm rapidly, making her blue ice lolly fly out of her hand and hit the wall. All went silent, Momo's jaw dropped. And Shin and Syo made eye contact, then both with Momo. Laughter burst through the street. The three best friends, all doubled over, crying with laughter.

"It, it was just like the film! Instead of a tiara it was your ice lolly!" Shin said hysterically. This drew Momo's attention, she moved towards him, her eager eyes had spotted Shin's ice lolly.

"Give me yours then!" She tried to grab it, but he held it in the air, Momo still aimed to get it.

"Don't give up Momo!"

"Thanks Syo!" She beamed a smile, whilst Shin pretended to be hurt.

"Syo, how could you, you've broken my heart."

"Sorry Shin, but if I'm not on Momo's side, I'm in trouble." Syo giggled.

"Yeah! See Shin! Wait, awh Syo you should be scared"

Momo did a final jump, and by doing so, knocked the ice lolly out Shins hand. It fell to the ground.

"Awwwww, come oooooon" Shin pouted. Momo stucks her tongue out at him.

"Well thats payback."

"What for?" Shin pouted again. Syo walked to him and to ruffle his hair and had to stretch out his hand for him to reach the top of his head.

"For making me lose my ice lolly."


"Dammit Shin" Syo chuckled.

"Yeah, haha, dammit Shin" Momo linked arms with Syo and walked away. Shin quickly followed whining to his two best friends. After about five minutes they ended up at the cross road where they head in different directions to go home.

"Cya tomorrow guys!" Shin shouted and waved as he walked away.

"Later losers!" Momo stuck out her tongue, then smiled whilst doing a peace sign.

"I'll talk to you both later on, bye bye." Syo waved with both hands, before putting his blue headphones on, selecting a song, Demons, from his favourite band, Imagine Dragons , the song made him smile to himself as he continued to head home.

Authors note:

Hiya guys, well this is my first fanfiction ever. So i hope you will read, review, follow and most of all enjoy. I know this isn't much and in chapter 1 i will be introducing the brothers, well most of them. I just wanted to give you a feel of my OC's. Thanks for reading and hope you liked it.

From LiveforAnime :)