A/N: Hello! I'm really excited about this story and I hope you enjoy reading it. A few quick things - With the timeline of the show and everything I wasn't sure when the baby would be born exactly, April felt right so I went with it. Also, I think each chapter of this story will take place during one significant every year as the baby grows up or after a large time leap. Daisy's letter would cover most important things that occurred throughout the year and in the writing after the letter I'd focus on one major event, like the baby starting kindergarten or his birthday. I feel as though it would suit the story well and keep the plot from being repetitive... So, let me know what you think about that. Anyway, thank you for reading! Reviews are always appreciated.

Chapter 1

April 13th, 2015

Dear Lance,

I'm not exactly sure why I'm writing this, you can't read it, you can't hear me or see me, I know all of this to be true yet here I am writing it anyway. I guess I just really miss you. Never mind, I know I really miss you. Even through it's been weeks since everything happened, since the whole world slipped between my fingers. I was clinging to a single drop, our son, Lance. Every time I felt one of his little kicks I couldn't help but feel like he was trying to remind me that you were still here, that you were everywhere around me. Just in a different form, in thoughts and actions and songs and the people we are now.

If I were being honest, I'd tell you how much I'm struggling, how hard everything is. Nothing is easy. But you taught me that there is always a choice, and I have chosen to be strong. So, here I am. New things have happened and I have started rebuilding my world. There was darkness in the beginning, it was so thick I thought I would never survive. I thought there would be no relief, no more joy in life but today something beautiful happened and it showed me that there is happiness and there is misery in life and they coexist in a constant struggle but neither is permanent, and somehow I find comfort in that. In knowing that joy can be found even when it doesn't seem possible.

I wish I had told you how much I loved you when you were still here. Now it's too late. It seems like it's too late for a lot of things. It tears me apart to know you're gone, I can't imagine it, not really. Even months later, I keep thinking I'll see you walking through the front door, wearing that smile. You know which one I'm talking about, don't you? Like you were invincible. Like nothing in this world could bring you down. I like to think that it couldn't. Your life may have been taken, but your spirit, your heart, your soul haven't. You have spread them through all the things you have done, every word you spoke, breath you took, action you participated in. You are forever a part of this world and whatever the world may have forgotten or missed, I will carry with me and when the time comes I will pass it on to our son. He will know all that you did, your strength, your knowledge, your kindness and loyalty. He will remember you. I won't let him forget.

I can't thank you enough for everything and especially for our son. Lance, it happened today. Early this morning at precisely 2:14 a.m. on April 13th, 2015, Seeley Lance Wick-Sweets was born. He has your last name and he has your eyes. I can just tell by his little head of black hair, he's going to look like you. He's so unbelievable small, when I held him in my arms, despite how ridiculous it seems, it felt like I was holding the whole world. Nothing else mattered except for our baby boy. I'm sure you'd have some shrink-y explanation for that, I really miss those. I wish we could have gotten married and I wish we could've had more kids. I wish we could have had a lot of things but what we did have was okay, it was more than okay, it was magical because I had you, the best thing of all and you gave me our son who has inherited the status of "best thing of all" from you. No amount of time together could ever be enough but what we had was still great and incredible and I wouldn't change it for the world. I miss you so much. I say it often because it's true. I miss you.

The birth went so well, Seeley's as healthy as could be and so cute! I wish you could have been there physically, Lance. Physically there to hold him and feel his tiny, warm weight. He's 19.97 inches long and weighs 7.16 pounds. I miss you, we all do, and now there's another little guy who's going to miss you too. Booth was there, they all were. But Booth, oh, you should've seen him holding the baby. Booth's already so protective of little Seeley. Dr. Brennan was there, too. She held Seeley and the look in her eyes broke my heart in all the best ways. Our baby is so loved. Booth, Dr. Brennan, Angela, Hodgins, Cam, and Caroline- they were all there, they stayed the whole time. I wasn't alone and Seeley isn't going to be alone, either. None of us are going to let that happen. And you'll be there too. Baby Seeley will always know how much you loved him and how proud you are of him.

In a little while Booth and Dr. Brennan are coming back with Christine. She can't wait to meet her 'little brother'. Christine really misses you, she came over yesterday. I played princesses with her and dolls and we threw a little tea party, she wanted to know more about you so I told her. She heard so many stories yesterday, she's such a sweet kid. She listened attentively and laughed at all the goofy things you've done. When we were finished she gave me the biggest hug. I love that little girl so much. I think I hear her outside my hospital room right now!

Lancelot, I miss you and I love you.


Daisy finished signing her name in her looping writing. She folded it neatly in half and once more before placing the letter under a book on her bedside table. There was a soft knock on her door.

"Come in," Daisy called.

The door to her room opened and an excited Christine entered, clad in a green dress and pink headband. A small teddy bear was clutched between her fingers.

"Aunt Daisy!" She cheered and skipped towards Daisy's bed.

Daisy sat up and her eyes met Brennan's, she smiled warmly before the younger woman returned her attention to the little girl beside her.

"Hey Christine," Daisy said, pulling the girl into a hug.

"This is for you and Seeley," she said, handing the bear to Daisy.

"Why thank you, Miss Christine," Daisy said.

The little girl giggled, "I want to see Baby Seeley."

"You do?" Daisy chirped. "Let's get a doctor to bring him in."

A few minutes later, a doctor appeared in the doorway. "I've got a little Seeley Sweets here," she laughed.

Daisy smiled. "Could I see him?"

"Of course," the doctor replied and placed the small baby into Daisy's arms. He was bundled in a light blue blanket, wearing a blue hat. His eyes were closed and he slept peacefully. Daisy was both amazed and terrified by the overwhelming sense of love she felt for the little human being in front of her. Christine climbed onto the bed and snuggled up beside Daisy before she placed Seeley into the little girl's arms. Booth helped make sure his daughter was holding the baby correctly.

"He's so small!" Christine whispered, "And he kind of looks like Uncle Sweets already."

Daisy felt tears pool up in her eyes, she looked at Christine. "He does, doesn't he?"

Christine nodded enthusiastically and Daisy hastily wiped away a tear. Brennan reached over and squeezed Daisy's hand.

"Why are you crying?" Christine asked, her innocent voice bubbling with concern.

"I'm just missing your Uncle Sweets a lot," Daisy said, smiling wistfully.

Christine handed the baby to Booth before cuddling closer to Daisy and wrapping her arms around her.

"Mommy and Daddy said that Uncle Sweets wouldn't want me to be sad and I don't think he wants you to be sad either. We should be un-sad together."

Daisy smiled at the little girl. "Okay."