Epilogue: Jake and Bells, Now and Forever

Disclaimer: S. Meyer owns Twilight

A year had passed, and Bella and I were happy together. Sure, we had our spats like any other couple, but we never went to bed angry, and the make-up sex was always so hot, I was surprised the sheets didn't burst into flames.

Bella was about four months pregnant, and I was absolutely over the moon with joy. We were at Babies R Us picking out newborn clothes, a diaper bag, etc., when I noticed a familiar face. It was Jeanne with a telltale bulge under her blouse too. Standing beside her was a tall Native American, with long black hair, dark eyes and the biggest grin on his face every time he gazed at her—which was a lot.

Nudging me, Bella asked, "Isn't that Jeanne over there by the crib mattresses?" I nodded in response.

Jeanne glanced our way, and waved. Surprisingly, she actually looked glad to see us. My ex-fiancee whispered something in the man's ear, and motioned to him to follow her. She walked toward us, her arm around his waist, his around her small shoulders.

I felt a little awkward, but Jeanne set my worries aside in a hurry. She turned toward her companion, and said, "Eli, I'd like you to meet Bella and Jacob Black."

Eli stepped forward, and boomed, "So you're Jacob!"

I jerked back, expecting him to slug me. Instead he put his hand out and said, "Thank you."

Damn, was I ever confused. I shook his hand. "For what?"

"If it hadn't been for you, I would've never woken up to the fact that I was in love with Jeanne. When she was with you, I was a pitiful mess. I missed her like crazy, and felt like an idiot for letting her out of my sight. The day you two broke up was the day I started to live again. We've been married now for six months … happiest six months ever."

Well, that was unexpected. "And thank you," he said to Bella, "for taking him off the market, and opening the door for me to reinsert myself into Jeanne's life."

I must've looked quizzically at Jeanne, 'cuz she remarked, "I'm in love with Eli, Jake. It's real love, not some magical wolf thing." She whispered so nearby ears couldn't hear. "Don't worry; he knows all about it, there are some shape-shifters in his family."

Taking a deep breath, Jeanne turned to go. "It's been nice seeing you again … you too, Bella."

She and Eli walked away to the other end of the store. Bella had a faraway look in her eyes. "I guess it's true, love can conquer all. It's all powerful, no witch's spell, or freaky wolf matchmaking can win in the battle of the heart."

The End