(Sorry guys, this story doesn't have any continuation, I re-updated it 'cause I ran through it and I just rolled my eyes because of the many grammar mistakes, so I edited it again, still has a few grammar mistakes, maybe not as much as it had before.)
Hello guys! This story is about Red having really naughty thoughts about his favourite FBI agents; be aware this is M rated for reason!
And a huge thanks to ElsaT; I made it extra smutty for you ;)
(The scene is look like Red's hotel room in the episode 2x02 by the way…)
Now it begins…
Raymond Reddington had never been that kind of man who could sleep more than five hours and his criminal life didn't allow him either. But this day was different; he had been up for almost thirty-five hours because of the new Blacklister. That son of a bitch had run away and Lizzie had insisted to go after him.
Intractable as always, he smiled.
When he had saved that little girl he hadn't thought that one day she would be his second chance and surprisingly she would be that talented; talented as an agent and talented as a criminal. Today was the perfect example for that; she had sneaked into the target's apartment without much trouble and stole the important documents for the case. And if it wasn't enough she had interrogated one of their suspects without mercy; as the poor man shouted for help she had tortured him without a wink of the eyelid.
He was enthralled by her composure; since Berlin had threatened their lives and Tom had disappeared from the picture she became stronger and wiser. He was afraid that Liz would break down and got depressed but no, his Lizzie was stronger than every woman he had used to know.
Red was really tired when they arrived at their suit of rooms; he kicked his shoes off and undressed himself until he didn't wear anything but his T-shirt and black boxers. They had discussed that tomorrow would be a casual Sunday so finally he could sleep a little.
Within a minute he fell asleep.
He was at the living room and staring out of the window. The night already caught the city but it seemed happy about the capture because at nights its streets were quiet, only a few people were down there. The moonlight danced wildly on the soft waves of the river while the crickets declared their devotion to the warm darkness. It was mesmerizing. There were moments when Red felt that he was really alive; he heard and smelled everything better, the colors were brighter and even the soft touch of the summer air sent jolts down on his spine.
Maybe that was the reason why he sensed that somebody entered the room. He didn't have to turn around because that delicate perfume betrayed the owner.
"You should rest a little" he said without looking at her.
"I can't sleep." she said quietly.
Finally he turned around to look at her; she was wearing a blue A-line dress which exposed her well-shaped legs and gave a perfect décolletage. She was beautiful.
He furrowed his brow; why was she wearing this dress?
"I can give you some sleeping pill if you want." he suggested and walked over to the couch to sit down. Red put his right hand on the arm of couch and his left at the back of the furniture.
"I don't want sleeping pills." she shook her head slowly, her eyes never leaving his.
"Well, there are plenty of scotch here." and again she shook her head while she was slowly walking to him and stopped when her high heels hit his shoes.
He didn't know what was on that pretty head of hers but Red was curious.
"Then how could I help you fall asleep?"
"I'm correcting myself; I can't sleep because something is disturbing me."
"What exactly disturbs you?"
She smiled shyly as she took a look on him from eyes to his lap then back again into his eyes. He didn't know why but this gaze made his heart beating a little faster. Was he uncomfortable? Maybe. Afraid? Hardly. Aroused? Definitely!
"You." she said and left her lips slightly parted.
"Me?" Usually he understood all of the circumstances around him but right now he was clueless.
She was still confident; he had noticed before that his proximity made her uncomfortable but this time she chose that and she was very satisfied with it.
"What is so disturbing about me?"
"There are plenty of things which cause me trouble."
Was she flirting with him? Red noticed as she dropped her voice lower and her cheeks flushed a bit. It was unbelievably sexy but he had to be calm and collected; he didn't know why but a tiny voice told him not to overcomplicate the already complicated things with admitting the attraction.
"Tell me these things."
"Your scent."
"I beg your pardon?"
"Your scent gives me a lot of trouble. It fills the whole suit and there's nowhere to hide."
"That'll be easy to solve; I won't use my aftershave and shower gel while we're here. Okay?"
What was wrong with this woman?
"Yes, that would be nice." she answered.
"Anything else?"
"Yes, your smug behavior."
"I'm sorry sweetheart but I'm afraid I can't change that," he laughed hard. "And that would be the reason of your insomnia?"
"And just tonight?"
She shook her head slowly. Damn those short answers, he thought.
"If you want to play twenty questions, it's going to be a long night." he sighed heavily.
She smiled devilishly.
"No, it's not just tonight; I've been suffering from insomnia since you hugged me when you gave me the music box. That was the first time when I felt your proximity in a different way than before."
"I'm not sure where this conversation is going." he arched his eyebrow.
"It felt good. More than good." with that she slowly climbed into his lap and straddled him but she didn't sit on his thighs. Liz kept her hands lazily next to her thighs while she held his gaze firmly. "I couldn't help but when Tom and me renewed our marriage, on the wedding night when I climaxed, don't know why but I thought about you."
He sucked the air while he felt her words roaming down to his groin. She didn't restrain him but Red felt like he was immobilized by invisible shackles, he couldn't move his hands nor his eyes away from hers.
"Lizzie…" his hoarse voice surprised him but before he could continue Liz put her index finger to his lips and shushed him. Liz lingered her finger on his lips then slowly she caressed his skin down on his jaw and throat until she reached where his shirt was unbuttoned and played with his chesthair. Her eyes followed her movements.
"Have you ever touched yourself while you were thinking about me?" she slowly lifted her gaze to meet with his widened eyes. Her pupils were dilated but he wasn't sure about the reason; because of him or because of the semidarkness?
"That's really an inappropriate question." he whispered. His heart now was pounding against his ribs while he desperately wanted to avert the blood from his groin. Maybe the conscious breathing would help him; in…out…in…out…yeah, that would work.
A few minutes before he wasn't afraid but now Red was a bit scared; the forbidden fruit tempted him more than anything in the world but he knew he shouldn't even look at it.
She ignored his comment and leaned close to his ear:
"Have you ever imagined how it would feel, touching my thighs?" with that she grabbed his wrists and brought his hands under her skirt to caress her thighs with them.
He couldn't help but let her do that. He closed his eyes and tried to hold back the moan which wanted to escape from his throat since she had straddled him.
Liz didn't stop at her thighs, she drove him up to her ass and squeezed it with his hands.
"Grab my ass and hold it tight?" she breathed. Liz let his hands go but like before, Red couldn't move. He had a hard time to breathe steady while she didn't stop the sweet assault. Liz slightly pressed her chest to his parted lips. "Kissing and licking my breasts?"
That was the point when that little moan broke free from his throat. Fuck the breathing, he thought and let the sensation roaming through his body. He didn't know it was just the beginning.
Red pressed his lips to her décolletage and licked it with the tip of his tongue which probably drove Lizzie insane because a soft moan of hers escaped, too.
"Because I do." she breathed to his ear and sucked the earlobe. She reached for his right hand a drove it down on her thigh to her knee and turned back but this time on the way of her inner thigh. " Since then, whenever I touched myself I imagined that it is your finger which caresses my…" she gently placed his middle finger to her throbbing sweet spot and started circling with painful slowness. The mere thought of the lack of underwear made him horny. She shut her eyes immediately and threw her head back. "Yessss" she hissed through her teeth.
Maybe his brain was numb but his finger instantly knew its job; with steady circles which were light then became harder he brought her to the edge but she wasn't the only one. The wetness all for him, her cries and moans, the way she grabbed his shoulder to keep herself from falling, how her hips move forward his touch turned him on until his trousers was really uncomfortable.
She came hard with his name on her swollen lips and put her head where his neck and shoulder met. She needed a minute to recover and he let her but he still couldn't move so Red just enjoyed the sensation of her rising and falling breasts brushing against his own. Liz took a deep breath and leaned to his ear again.
"My turn" she whispered and her hands ran down with open palm to his hard groin and cupped him through the trousers; again, her eyes locked with his. He saw the satisfaction and confidence in those gorgeous eyes, it was like she would be proud of herself to do what she had done nearly a minute ago…like their action had given her more power.
The next thing which entered his mind was that he couldn't think anymore. She unzipped his trousers and pulled his hard shaft from his boxers. With a small whimper she lingered her hand on his proud member back and forth as she began to stroke it with slow but steady thrusts. This time it was Red who threw back his head and groaned. Liz took the opportunity and bit his neck above the pulse point.
"You still haven't answered my question yet." she whispered seductively to his ear.
"What?" he breathed.
"I asked you if you had been fantasizing about me. Yes or no?" she teased him. When he didn't answer she squeezed him which caused more pleasure than pain to him.
"Jesus, Lizzie…" he moaned.
"Tell me." She did it again then stopped.
"Yes! The answer is yes!' he almost shouted. Red hardly remembered when was the last time that he had been under a woman's mercy. It was embarrassing - he was the fourth most wanted criminal for God's sake! He had tortured many people and sent them to the other side. He was a dangerous, ruthless criminal! But right now he didn't felt any of it. He was a puppet which danced as this petite woman wanted him to.
Red felt her lips grinning against his ear while she continued the torture.
"And in these fantasies what did I do with you?"
Red wasn't capable of speaking so he just shook his head to let her know that he wouldn't answer this question.
"No? Are you sure you don't want to answer?"
He nodded.
"I'll give you one more chance before I restrain you to the radiator and let you suffer until you answer."
He didn't know what was wrong with him but he believed her.
"So…tell me that fantasy…you already know mine." she encouraged him.
"I'm not sure y-you want to h-hear it." he breathed.
"Just tell me." she was irresistible so he began to speak.
"You…on your knees…" it was enough for her and she put her finger on his lips again.
"That's my boy." Liz whispered and withdrew from his lap to kneel in front of him.
"No, no, no, Lizzie I didn't say that because I want you to...GOD!" before he could protest she took him deep into her mouth and Red lifted his hips automatically. Of course he wanted her to do it but he was a gentleman who would never ask her to caress him in this way. She continued pampering him with her mouth and he forced himself not to grip her head. God, her tongue…the fire in his belly was almost unbearable. He knew if she didn't stop he would climaxing soon; he wanted to lift her cheeks gently but she grabbed his wrists, pinned them down next to him and tightened her lips around him.
He was almost there…when he woke up and groaned loudly.
He hadn't had a dream like this before with Lizzie but it was so intense, so real. Nothing proved better than his morning hard-on. He lifted the sheets to take a look then let the blanket fall down while he tried to calm down but suddenly his door opened and last person whom Red wanted to see was standing in front of him.
Before she could notice his…ehm…problem Red threw one of his pillows to his lap as he rested himself against the headboard.
"What's wrong?" she worried.
"No…" Damn! Since when do I have such a hoarse voice? he asked himself then cleared his throat. "Nothing. Why?"
"I heard you groaning. It was like you were groaning in pain."
"Um, yeah…my…neck cracked and didn't feel good." both of them knew it was a lie.
"O-kay." she said slowly and furrowed her brow. She didn't really understand why was a pillow on his lap but she didn't really care. His embarrassment and his red ears were more interesting for her.
"Why don't you sleep by the way?" he changed the topic and tried not to think about her beautiful lips.
"Red, it's eight in the morning." she said with disbelief. "Are you sure you're all right?"
"Yes, thank you." he smiled at her.
"If you say so…by the way I made coffee."
"Give me a minu…" the thought of his hard groin crossed his mind. "Give me ten minutes and I'll be in the kitchen."
She narrowed her eyes at him but she turned around and left the room.
Red sighed heavily as he got up from the bed and locked the door.
To be continued…
I know, I know…Liz was really out of character but in a dream everything can happen, right?
What do you think? Should I stop writing this? :)