Outrage (Super Lana 46)

Originally written July 2010

Notes Part 1: Smallville belongs to DC and the CW. Dahak is from Xena Warrior Princess which belongs to StudiosUSA and MCA. Kim Possible and her cohorts are Disney's.

Notes Part 2: This story follows "Zorpox" and "Metamorphosis" in the "Impossible Quartet" series. I'll try to catch everyone up but just know that Ron Stoppable has a hell of an alter ego. Dahak eggs him on. The other, a maniac genius named Zorpox, has wiped the landscape with his classmates, teammates and teacher. He badly hurt Miranda Arighatto. Now he's aiming for Smallville.

Wonder how the Legion's going to deal with this one? Read on…..

Chapter 1 [Day after the end of "Role Play"]

[Kent Farm]

Clark leaned on the plow and took a deep breath. Over the previous two hours, he'd furrowed and seeded the farm's entire back forty. Since returning from the other universe, thoughts and questions continued to gnaw at him. I hope the other Professor is all right. How did everything just disappear? He took a big gulp out of his water bottle and another deep breath.

"Cheer up, Clark. The day's bright and warm."

He grinned to see Martha pushing Ryan toward him in the latter's carriage. "I should. Thanks, Mom. How's the little guy?"

"Being good. He wanted to see his Daddy," she indicated while smiling warmly. "Isn't that right, Ryan?"

Ryan's eyes popped open. He looked up into his father's eyes and reached up.

"How can I resist something like that?" Clark picked his son up and hugged him closely against himself. "Building the dream for you, Little Guy. That's what Mommy and I are doing. We love you." He kissed his son's forehead.

Ryan put his head against his father's chest.

As it happened, Clark felt a flash of white hot pain searing through the link. What? Argh! He made sure not to drop his precious bundle. "Mom, take him please!"

"Clark? What is it? What's going on?" she queried anxiously.

He ground his teeth while hearing Miranda scream.

Then he heard Lana yell, "MIRI!"

A loud cackling laugh mocked his sensibilities.

"Something's wrong at the Talon, Mom. Be back when I can!" He rushed off toward town at super speed.

Now what? Martha began to worry about the new crisis developing there.

[Ten minutes earlier—Talon]

The Talon bustled as always on a midweek afternoon. Lana and the wait staff rushed around with orders. April worked in Angie's. And Lex noted everything going on from his corner booth.

Lana started yet another cappuccino at the coffee press. She was backed up three orders deep and knew more would be coming. Wish that Miri were here! She'd…..

Then she felt the blinding hot white sensation that Clark had before. She reeled and almost dropped the drink she was working on.

Fortunately Alicia was there to catch it. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine," Lana ground her teeth and caught her breath. "Miranda isn't though. Can you take five and you know?"

"I'm on it," Alicia concurred before heading into the back. Once there she disappeared in an emerald flash.

"Lana, you really should sit down," Lex insisted.

"I can do a coffee if you need it," Byron offered.

"That's really sweet of you. Thanks." Lana sat down before they pushed her down. She needed to get her energy back. She felt Miranda's pain still. As she did so, she noticed her scar glowing. "Now what? Lex?"

Lex saw the same thing and noted the plaque doing its thing. "Great."

Then one of the patrons saw something outside. "Hey! Dig the blue guy!"

"Blue guy? I…." Byron's eyes went wide. "EVERYONE! GET DOWN!" He grabbed two people and threw himself and them to the wooden floorboards.

The front window exploded inwards with a rain of broken glass shards as something hit it.

Miranda's unconscious form slid to a stop halfway to the counter. She lay bruised, badly burned and bleeding from several different spots.

"MIRI!" Lana yelled in a panic. She rushed over to her friend's side and listened closely. "She's got a pulse!"

"What hit her?" Lex wondered.

Then they all heard the laughing. "AHHBOOYEAHHHH! HAHAHAHAHA!"

"I'm going to turn that clown's smile upside down!" Byron hissed while stalking out the broken front door. "HEY!"

"The stupid poet. Should of known!" Zorpox cracked.

"GRARHHH! AIN'T STUPID!" The dark poet charged the intruder.

Zorpox levitated off of the ground. He made the sky turn cobalt blue. "You think you're strong, do you? TRY THIS!" He swung with his right fist connecting with Byron's right shoulder.

A blue monkey outline and a loud screech could clearly be heard.

Byron flew backward through the window and slammed into the far wall. He slumped to unconsciousness.

"Is THAT the best you have?" the attacker taunted while stalking into the café. "Too bad this place wasn't leveled the last time!"

"Ron Stoppable? YOU DID THIS?" Lana hissed from where she kneeled next to Miranda.

"No! It's ZORPOX NOW! Come on, Lana! Let's see what you've got!" the intruder baited.

Lana's eyes narrowed and she clenched her fists tightly.

Then Clark rushed in faster than the eye could see and bulled into Zorpox from behind.

"The other one!" He fired a dark energy burst catching the other masked Kryptonian unawares. "Anyone else? Didn't think so!"


Zorpox rolled his eyes. "Dark Unkie now? BOO YEAH!"

"STOOPID! HURT MIRI! GONNA HURT YA'LL!" the Protector snapped while making Zorpox levitate. "YER GONNA PAY!" His open left eye glowed yellow. His hand glowed blue. "EAT THIS, SMART ASS!" He threw a blast at the teen and knocked him back into the street. "GIT MOVIN'!"

As he stalked into the street, Dahak's pyre shot up out of nowhere. I AM NOT DONE YET! It covered Zorpox in a sheet of fire and vanished. FOLLOW ME IF YOU DARE TO FIND THE FIRE HAIR AND THE ASIAN SOW! HAHAHAHAAHA!

"DAMMIT!" the Protector bellowed and kicked at the asphalt. "Gonna git that punk! Wha'ever!" He tromped back into the café. "Big Bro's gonna be pissed! Wha's w' Miri-Ma?"

"She's been worked over pretty badly. Ambulance is on its way," Lex reported.

The Dark One shook his head and grabbed Clark. "Les git! Make sure she's 'kay!" He vanished in a dark flash of light.

Lex and Lana looked at each other anxiously. If Ron had flipped, what could they do?