Kei-Kei Yuki: Hello everyone, and sorry for the long wait, but I'm and ready to give you another chapter! I hope you all enjoy it!
Sena: A part of me fear this chapter a little!
Kei-Kei Yuki: Stop Being a scaredy-cat!
Chapter 7
After the incident that happen in the lobby, Sena found herself slung over Hiruma shoulder like a bag of potatoes, as he walked them to room they would be sharing, taking his keycard from out his pocket to unlock the door, before next kicking it open.
"A-Ano, Hiruma-san is what y-you said down there r-really a-all true?" Sena stuttered, still a bit shaky at who she will be sharing a room with during the stay of the trip.
"Of course my fucking peewee!" Hiruma walk in the room and (gently?) dropped her on the ground, as the little mouse began to scan her eyes around the room.
The room was grand, that was definite, as it had it's own sushi bar/kitchen, in the back towards the balcony there was a large jacuzzi, coming back to the large space room, there were fine luxurious furniture couches, and chairs, with a large plasma screen television sat up front against the wall, standing off to the side there was two grand long staircases that Sena had to guess lead up to the rooms?
'This is nowhere near how a hotel room should look like!?' Sena thoughts screamed, pointing her big brown doe eyes over at Hiruma, who did nothing but blew a bubble from his sugarless bubblegum.
"Wow, what kind of VIP room is this. . !?" Walking inside the open door was Sena best-friend Monta.
"Monta-kun what are you doing in here?" asked Sena since no one without any brains, or strong willpower for that matter, will have the nerve to walk in the room of none other than, Hiruma Yoichi.
"Taka-san and I share a room on this floor, and since I saw the door open and spotted you. . .decided . . .to check. . .in on . . .you." Monta words become more, and more distance due to the large ominous black aura that was standing behind Sena, coming from Hiruma, who quickly had a gun pointed straight in the direction of Monta forehead.
"I'm leaving now!" Monta said in rush, running out of the room, and away from Hiruma.
"Tch. Noisy monkey." Muttered Hiruma back to normal, pointing his attention down at Sena.
"Pipsqueak, I want dinner tonight, and you're gonna cook it! Don't even try to give any complaints about how you can't cook, because I know your secret, thanks to your Okaa-san! So go out there, and get groceries!" Ordered Hiruma, next throwing a black wallet in her hands, before taking a seat on the couch, taking out his laptop. Now how did Hiruma found this piece of secret information, that Sena tried her best to be kept a secret from others(football player) with the exception of Mamori/Monta/Suzuna, from her mother some of you may be wondering?
Well it was all thanks to one of their trips walking home together, in which Sena mother spotted Hiruma with her daughter, squealing like a fan-girl to see her daughter finally brought home a boy, which freaked Sena out, but became even more freak/scared out, when Hiruma started to act freaking OOC, she still have nightmares about that night, as this (angel!?) Hiruma instantly won over Mihea, who dragged Hiruma inside, asking the (polite!?) boy to stay for dinner. After that night, Mihea was now a SenaHiruma shipper, and repeatedly called Hiruma son-in-law, a nickname that once belong to a certain white hair runner back/childhood friend.
"Don't be surprised if you come back, and I'm not here, as I have other business to take care of, now get a move on pipsqueak!" Demand Hiruma, as Sena quickly tried to get herself from off the ground, and was out the door in a blink of an eye.
Walking down the hall Sena end up running into two people, or should us fangirls say, two beautiful people, one who had striking deep ocean blue fox eyes, while the other posses deep red one that could peer inside your soul, as Sena found herself back on the ground, but what really caught the two attention, was the pain expression that appeared on her face.
"Sena!" Called out the two worried males, bending down to see if the brunette was okay.
"Are you okay?" Akaba was the first to asked, but was a bit unhappy when he saw Kakei put a comforting arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to his chest.
"Sena, are you in pain?" Kakei called out worriedly, keeping a close grip on the girl shoulders, who soon began to notice the warm chest she was now lying next to, blushing red, before answering the worried males.
"I'm fine, just a l-little p-pain!" Sena reassured them both males both feel a little uneasy at the way they continue to stare at her, before finally turning away, relieved that she was alright.
Just when Sena was about to open her mouth, to tell that two that she had to go, and was fine, she was unexpectedly lifted up bridal style in a strong pair of arms, that did not belong to either Akaba, nor Kakei, as this had the two glaring up at the tall figure who was holding their Sena.
"Sena-chan, are you okay? Why are you in middle of hall with these two?" To say, when Yamato walk down the hall, hoping of finding a certain someone, he didn't expect to find her in the middle of the hall, with two of his rivals/teammates, one of the two holding his precious someone in his arms, with a slight look of pain written on her face.
"I'm o-okay Y-Yamato-san!" 'Where did he come from?' Sena felt nervous due to the situation she was in, as temperature in the hall, was greatly dropping each second Yamato continue to hold her in his arm, like some sort of prince, with Sene being the cute princess.
"Yamato-san, you can let me down now, seeing I have to go pick up groceries." replied Sena, unaware at how in bliss Yamato was at the moment, to feel Sena petite body in his arms, looking so cute, and innocent, . . and ravishable.
"If Sena-chan is going to get groceries then I will-
"I will help!" Came the quick replied from the Akaba, and Kakei, cutting Yamato out before he could finish his sentence.
"Eh!?" Squeaked Sena.
Yep, the temperature in the hall, was steadily dropping.
Later that night when Yoichi walk back to his room, awaiting the dinner that he knew his shrimp must have cooked up for him by now, he didn't expect a few pests to be in his room, all three seem to be happily helping out the little pipsqueak cook his dinner. There was only one question on Hiruma mind at that moment. Who the hell let these pests in his damn room!?
"Oh-Y-You're back M-Master!" Distracting him away from his anger for a quick second was the soft voice of the pipsqueak, who currently wearing a pink frilly apron, that was only for Hiruma eyes to see, but no it just had to be share with three others.
"I see you're finally back!" Hiruma noted it was that idiot Yamato, with a mega brilliant bright smile, that could light of a fucking country for a year, who spoke up first.
"Sense you weren't here, we decided to help Sena cook." Next to speak, Hiruma saw it was that stoic blue eyed fox freak, who's eyes kept lingering over to the sweetly humming Sena, who was mixing some ingredients in a bowl.
"Fuu~ Also for thanking us, Sena invited us to stay for dinner." Last to speak, was the musical retard (Hiruma words-not mine), Akaba. After hearing this, without a second wasted, their was two very large firearm in Hiruma arm now. As there was only one thought that enter Hiruma mind.
Time to do some pest annihilation.
"H-Hiruma d-did you really h-had to do that!?" exclaimed Sena, still a bit shaky up about the bloody destruction that just took place a few minutes ago, as there was now maids, order by Hiruma, cleaning up the place, and was blackmail to keep their mouth shut about the destruction of the place.
"Shut-up, and continue feeding me!" Order Hiruma, was sitting like king, with a shy Sena in his lap, feeding him his dinner, that was miraculously save during the bloodshed battle. After Sena was finishing with her job, Hiruma soon told her that they will be going to bed a bit early tonight, seeing how he had a long hellish training menu set out for the team tomorrow, and how Sena will be have a huge role, that she need plenty of rest for.
Sena was about to go in the direction of her room, when she felt a arm, lifted her up from the back of the collar of her shirt, dragging her away, before next hearing a door kick open. Only to be next dropped down on a nice comfort bed, with a sadistic laughing Hiruma standing over her.
"Chibi, didn't you know, that we're sharing the same bed?" Que evil grin, and a scared mouse. Will Sena survived through the night, who knows?!
To Be Continue. . . . .