Kate stumbled into the Ranger Union building, exhausted. "Hey Keith," she called out, with a big yawn.

Keith skipped over, slowing as he reached her and muttered, "Whoa, you look terrible."

Kate gave him a sarcastic smile. "Gee, thanks. Anyways, I'm just stopping by to say I'll be at home if I'm needed. Just got back from a really tiring Quest.."

Keith nodded. "Right. I'll send you a voicemail if we need you. Until then, you go get some rest; you've earned it."

"Thank you. Are you staying for the rest of the night shift?"

"I think Sven's got it right now, but I expect to be helping out most of the night."

Kate grinned. "Don't stay up too late, Keith."

"But Top Rangers don't have bedtimes!"

"You tell yourself tha-" She stopped herself as the two heard a knock. "Who's knocking at this hour of the night?"

Keith shrugged. "No idea, not to mention why they'd be knocking on the outside wall when the door opens automatically.." He scratched his head, looking just as confused as Kate.

"Hello? Rangers are home?"

Kate frowned. "I know that voice...but from where..?"

She glanced at Keith, whose eyes were wide open. "It's him," he whispered.

"Who? Wyatt Hall? No, he doesn't talk like that.."

Keith suddenly gripped her shoulders; she let out a yelp. "It's him. It's Heath."

Kate gasped. "It is Heath! What is he doing here?!"

"You tell me!" Kate noticed he was shivering. But it wasn't cold..

"Keith..are you feeling okay?"

He released her shoulders. "I'm fine! We need to figure out how to get Heath away from here before he blasts a hole in the walls again."

Kate suddenly noticed he was covered in bruises; come to think of it, she had seen them before. Why had she not realized it then? "Well...why don't we ask him what he wants?" she suggested.

"Are you crazy?" Keith shouted. "He worked for Dim Sun! He was part of the Sinis Trio! What makes you think-"

"Well," she said quietly, "he knocked. I think we should see what he has to say instead of scaring him off."


Kate walked toward the door.

"Kate!" Keith yelled in anguish.

She stood close enough to the door so it would open, taking a step back as soon as it did. Heath stood in the doorway. "Hello Ranger," he said somewhat cheerfully. He didn't look cheerful.

Kate tried to smile. "Hello..Heath...What brings you here to the Ranger Union?"

Heath frowned. "I came to say sorry. Sorry for Keith. Can Rangers forgive me?"

Keith's face turned as red as his hair with rage. "No! No, we don't forgive you!"

Kate whirled around to glare at him. "Keith! I realize you don't trust him, and I don't either, but can you at least accept his apology?"

Keith was shaking. "No!"

"You don't have to be a jerk about it!" She glanced back at Heath, who was looking away from the two Rangers. "Is that all you came for, Heath?" she asked politely.

Heath seemed to have trouble deciding what to say. "No," he said finally.

Keith was still fuming. "Too bad, you're leaving now anyways!"

Heath flinched. Kate glared at her colleague again. "Keith, will you shut up?" She turned back to Heath. "What do you need, then, Heath?"

He looked down at her. "I want to become Ranger."

Keith's mouth hung open. "Wha-you can't-Kate, tell him no!"

Kate turned up her nose at the other Top Ranger. "Of course you can be a Ranger, Heath."

"KATE!" Keith shrieked.

"Keith," Kate scolded, "Don't you remember what Ms. April told us? Anyone can be a Ranger."

"But-Dim Sun! He worked for Dim Sun!"

"Dim Sun doesn't exist anymore," she responded calmly. "Besides, what's so bad about him wanting to do good? We'd have one less potential enemy to deal with, wouldn't we?" She put her hands on her hips.

Keith growled. "I'm getting Chairperson Erma."

"Fine!" Kate shot back.

Heath fidgeted. "Sorry I am causing much trouble, Ranger," he apologized. "I make it up to you."

"It's okay, Heath," she replied, glaring at the escalator Keith had ascended upon. "Keith is just being very stubborn. But I have a feeling Chairperson Erma will think differently..."

A few moments later, Keith returned with Erma. She looked at Heath with wary eyes. "So, you wish to become a Ranger?"

Heath nodded slowly.

"Very well."

"Excuse me, Chairperson Erma.." Keith started, but his superior waved a hand at him.

"That will not be necessary, Keith. Heath will be allowed to become a Ranger."

Heath's eyes lit up. "Really? I can be Ranger?"

"Wha-no!" Keith stuttered.

Kate shushed him. "You heard Chairperson Erma," she said with a smile.

"Heath will be sent to the Ranger School to become a student. However.."

Heath waited patiently for Erma to continue.

"..He will need supervision at all times. A Top Ranger will need to accompany him everywhere. Meaning, someone will need to chaperone Heath during his studies."

Keith stepped back. "Not it."

Kate glanced from Heath to Erma. "I'll go with him," she announced. "Since nobody else seems to want to."

Erma nodded. "Very good. The entrance exam and the first day is tomorrow. Designate this a Mission, if you will."

Kate nodded back. "Shall I make a request to assign him to a certain Ranger Base upon his graduation?"

"No; I would like him to be immediately stationed to the Ranger Union."

"You don't trust the Area Rangers?" Keith interrupted.

"I trust the Area Rangers, but I do not trust Heath."

Heath shuffled around awkwardly.

"He'll be staying here tonight and after graduation, right?" Kate inquired. "If not, I could take him with me to my house."

Erma shook her head. "He will stay at the Ranger Union, where he can be monitored by me or Prof. Hastings in the event I need all my Top Rangers on a Mission."

Kate tugged on Heath's arm. "Shall I show him to his room here?" Upon getting a nod from Erma, she took him up the escalator to the next floor. "I don't live here at the Ranger Union, but I think a few of the other Rangers do. It might get a bit lonely at night, but during the day it gets really busy!" she explained as they walked.

They stopped at the room in the hallway to the right of the map room, where Kate herself once stayed. "It's a bit small, but it's cozy."

"Thank you, Ranger," Heath said quietly. "I will be seeing you in morning?"

Kate nodded. "Yeah, I'll be here."

Heath smiled at her before walking inside.

"Good night, big guy," Kate whispered to herself, then yawned. "Now I need to get some sleep."