A/N: Second chapter of two (so this is the end). Hope you enjoy!
Chapter 2
His body was so cold even as the just-too-hot water beat down against his body. Curled on the floor under the shower, Haruka stared blankly across the bathroom. When he had first collapsed onto the tile he was sobbing. Maybe he was still crying; he couldn't really feel his face anymore. He couldn't feel much of anything.
He felt numb. What had he done? He had kissed Makoto. He had kissed him, and it had scared Makoto, disgusted him he was sure. Would his best friend, if he could even call him that anymore, ever speak to him again?
Haru dragged his limbs across the tile of the floor and his knee knocked his razor. His dull blue gaze flickered to it and he slowly forced himself into a sitting position. Shaking hands reached for it before he retracted it quickly, clutching it to his chest.
The water continued to beat down, burning his skin.
Maybe he would go to bed. Maybe he would pull himself from the shower and curl up under his blankets and never get up. That sounded nice. The bed had no expectations, it would simply hold him and never let go if he didn't want it to.
He wished… he wanted… he wished Makoto were here. But that wouldn't happen.
So instead he pulled himself to his feet, turned the shower off and left the bathroom. Without drying off, without getting dressed, Haru buried himself in the blankets of his bed. As he slowly dried off, he took deep breathes of the warm, humid air filling his dark cave. He closed his eyes and cut out the dim light that was still filtering through his blankets. It wasn't long until he drifted off to sleep.
He had the nightmare again. And when he did, he stumbled, still naked, from bed and drew himself a bath. He didn't know what time it was, he didn't care if it was midnight or if it was four in the morning. Haru didn't even wait for it to fill, he simply slid into the tub and let the cold water lap at his skin. He sunk down until he could rest his head on the side of the tub and stared up at the dark ceiling.
It took him several long minutes of staring to realize that the tub was more than full and was now overflowing onto the bathroom floor. He sat up quickly and turned the knob, spilling more water out onto the floor. Then he let himself sink back into the icy water, resting his head once more against the side of the bath, and closed his eyes. The cold was nice. It was…soothing. Calm…silent except for the soft drip-drip-drip of overflowing water…he could hear his breathing and it was slow…and even…and…
"Haru! Oh god, what are you doing? Haru, Haruka!"
Someone was talking to him, shouting at him but it sounded very far away and he just wanted to roll over and go back to sleep. He was so comfortable, so peaceful. He had never slept so well in his life, why couldn't they let him be?
"Haru, please wake up! Please open your eyes!"
There were hands now, hands on his neck and face and arms. They were warm and large, but panicked and urgent. And Haru just wanted to sleep, he was so comfortable.
"Haru, please!"
He was being moved now. Someone was bodily picking him up, dragging him from his peaceful bed and towards them. A strong someone with broad shoulders and warm arms and soft, gentle lips moving incessantly against his ear in hurried whispers. He knew that voice.
Haru opened his eyes slowly and looked up at the face hovering before him. Makoto's panicked face swam into view. "Ma…koto?" he mumbled. Why was his mouth so hard to move? He tried to sit up straighter, but found that his body wasn't really cooperating. "Go away… I was sleeping."
"In the bath?! In freezing cold water? Haru what were you doing? You could've…could've…could've died," Makoto's voice had been reduced to a hoarse whisper and he was clinging to Haru tightly. It kind of hurt.
"I was taking a bath," he mumbled. "Nothing wrong with that."
Makoto chose to ignore him. Haru tried to wiggle free of his best friend's arms, but the other swimmer wouldn't let go. Instead the brunet was running his hand up and down Haruka's arm.
"We need to get you warmed up," he whispered and stood up. Haru let out a startled noise as he was pulled to his feet, but his legs didn't seem to want to work on their own. So he simply allowed Makoto to carry him over to the shower. He did it like Haru didn't weigh anything. Maybe he didn't. Maybe he was wasting away and didn't even know it. The taller fumbled with the hot and cold and turned it on.
Both of them were drenched in the warm spray. Haru hissed and tried to jerk away from Makoto's grasp and out of the burning water. It was so hot, and his body was so cold. His chest seized up momentarily at the shock. "Haru, stop," Makoto said. "Haru, you need to warm up!" He moved his hands from Haru's arms and clutched his face instead, holding it still between both hands.
Haru opened his eyes and looked at the one holding him. He was met with a fully clothed and soaking Makoto, his eyes wide and pleading. Was he crying? He looked so scared. His lips were trembling just a little, and Haru wanted to kiss them. "Haru what are you doing? W-why were you asleep in the bath?"
"Had a nightmare," Haru mumbled, looking away. Don't look at me like that, don't ask me hard questions. I had a nightmare a nightmare a nightmare and that's it can't you just accept that?
"Look at me," Makoto ordered. Haru's blue eyes flickered to him. The water was running down the brunet's hair and face, falling into his eyes and over his lips, but he didn't seem to care. He didn't seem to care that he was still fully dressed. He locked his green eyes with Haru's and he just couldn't get himself to look away. "It's more than that."
"No," Haru murmured.
"Haru, please," he whispered. "Why were you in a freezing bath? You could've died. I c-could've… lost you."
Lost me. But you still have a future. Even if I'm not here… Haruka couldn't drag his gaze from his friend. His mouth hung open in a dazed sort of fashion. "I…" he said. "It helps. It distracts me."
Makoto's face contorted in pain. As if he had physically been struck, and Haru had been the one to do it. "Distract you from what?" he choked out. He didn't let go, and Haru flushed. He was so close. So close, last-night-after-practice close and he simply mouthed for several seconds.
"Just… things," he replied.
Things I don't want to tell you because you'll be ashamed because I'm pathetic because I have no future.
The hands on his cheeks were trembling. Haru wanted to reach out and hold him, he wanted to pull him close. But he didn't want to chase away Makoto more than he already had. He tried to step back away from him, maybe lean against the wall, but his friend didn't let him.
Instead, he pulled him closer and pressed his lips against Haru's.
Well, that woke him up. His blue eyes widened in shock. Why are you trembling so badly? He wondered as he felt Makoto's lips against his, pressing close, shuddering. And then his mind thawed and he pulled Makoto closer, fingers tangling in his wet hair and bit sharply at his lips.
Makoto actually whimpered; the sound hit his lips and he drank it down immediately. The taller boy was still trembling, as if he were scared, as if he didn't know what he had done and didn't know what to do. He sucked in a shallow breathe, their lips still touching. Haru kissed him again, harder, breathless, and licked into the brunet's mouth.
Haruka's legs felt a little wobbly. He was kissing Makoto. He was actually kissing him, and Makoto was kissing him back. He slipped backwards, causing the taller to stumble, and fell against the shower wall.
"I thought…" Haru murmured after they had broken apart, panting softly. "I thought you were disgusted."
Makoto looked at him, eyes wide. His face was pink, all the way to his ears, and the dark-haired boy couldn't help but think how cute he looked like that. "No," he replied. "…startled. A little unsure. But not disgusted."
Not disgusted. Not disgusted. Not disgusted.
Haru's heart beat hard in his chest until he thought it would burst.
"I…I," Makoto stuttered then blurted out, "how'd you learn how to kiss so well?" His cheeks turned crimson when he realized what he had just said and he let go of Haruka.
This was a bit too much for the dark-haired boy. Without Makoto's support, he slid down the wall to sit on the floor, knees pulled to his chest. The pleasure and joy that the kiss had given him was slowly ebbing away already and he slumped, closing his eyes.
"Haru!" Makoto yelped and dropped to his knees before him.
"I'm just tired," Haru murmured softly into his knees.
"Okay. You don't have to go to school. Let's get you to bed…" the brunet breathed and helped Haruka to his feet. Haven't you seen my legs? Won't you be disgusted? I've hurt myself on purpose. But it didn't seem that Makoto had noticed, because he simply wrapped Haru in a towel and led him into the bedroom.
This wasn't what he wanted.
No this isn't me.
The water dragged against his body in a way it had never done. He felt like he was being pulled under and as he struggled harder, kicked harder, he was dragged back more harshly. It felt like it was wrapping around his body and he couldn't breathe, couldn't think, couldn't move.
"Show us your freestyle!" No I can't I can't swim I can't this isn't me I don't want to be here stop looking at me. He couldn't swim anymore. He couldn't. As he slowed down, he felt the tug of the water against him. He heard the crowd and their shocked gasps and the calls of confusion but he didn't care as he dropped his feet to the bottom of the pool, standing.
Head bowed, Haru watched as droplets of water fell from his hair into the pool. The murmurs that raced through the crowd sounded like the rush of the ocean and he forced his eyes closed. This is not me…
Haruka heard the footsteps and he knew it was Rin before he even looked up. And then his arm was being grasped in a tight hold and he stumbled back a little bit. He met the maroon gaze with his own sharp glare.
"Haru! What do you think you were doing? Why the hell did you do that?!" Rin yelled, eyes narrowed. He still hadn't let go, and the hold was getting painful.
"It has nothing to do with you," he mumbled and jerked his arm away from his friend. Go away Rin, go away leave me alone stop pushing your dreams onto me Rin stop.
Rin grit his sharp teeth. "Like hell it doesn't! This was an important match with all the scouts watching!" The redhead was furious but Haru wasn't intimidated. There was very little Rin could say to change anything.
You don't know anything you don't know anything Rin I'm not you get away from me Rin go away! Leave me alone! He was choking on his breathe, it was getting stuck in his throat. He swallowed hard against that dry lump and tried to calm his heart. But he just couldn't.
"What do I care about that? Because scouts were watching? So I can set records in front of a crowd? None of that is what I swim for!" Haruka snapped back, eyes narrowed. Rin recoiled for a moment, and it brought him a dark sort of pleasure. But it obviously wasn't enough to get Rin to back down.
Stop just stop!
"Then what do you swim for?" Rin asked, his voice cracking slightly as he shouted.
"I swim for myself and for my friends!"
Rin's face contorted. "Then swim for those friends and for your own sake! Do you not understand that what you do out there is going to impact your future?" I don't have a future. "Don't you have a dream?!" I don't have any dreams. "Take this more seriously! I know you could—" Stop talking!
Haruka's hand slammed into the lockers beside him and the clattering bang that echoed through the room was much too loud. Rin flinched, taking a step back, as if for just a second he had thought he had been struck. For a moment Haru thought he had hit him too. But as he felt the cool sting of the metal against his fist, panting hard in panic and anger, he knew he hadn't and part of him wished he had.
"You're the one who doesn't understand! What dream?! What future?! It's you who cares about all that! I'm not you! I don't have any of that!" he yelled, causing Rin to take another startled step backwards. I'm not like you. I'm not you. I don't have a future I don't have dreams can't you see that Rin I wish I could be you but I can't I can't be you I don't have any dreams I don't have any future.
Panting hard and relishing in the expression Rin was making, he pushed himself away from the lockers and turned. He was met with Makoto, Rei and Nagisa standing in the doorway, frozen with shock. Oh no… "I didn't know you all here," he said, attempting his normal calm and failing miserably.
It was happening again. The overwhelming crash of emotions that had hit him after he had kissed Makoto the first time. His chest tightened and he couldn't breathe.
"Haru-chan…" Nagisa murmured.
They won; they had beaten the Samezuka relay team. It had been close, so close, millisecond close, but Haru had done it, slapping his palm against the pad right ahead of Rin. Panting softly from the exertion, he listened to his teammates and the rush of the crowd and the softer words that Rin was saying to Yamazaki and Nitori and the younger Mikoshiba, and he couldn't help but bow his head.
They had won. They had given it their all, giving Rin and Sousuke, especially, a race to remember… so why… why…why do I want to run and hide?
Makoto hadn't left even though Haru wanted nothing else but to sink into an icy bath and try to numb the unrelenting pain that was creeping through his brain. He wouldn't be able to keep it together for much longer and he knew it. Makoto just go home. Go home, please go home. I don't want you to see me.
But Makoto was speaking to him as they walked through the door of the Nanase residence, and he didn't look like he was going to leave and that was when Haruka remembered they had planned on doing homework together. Why had he decided that would be a good idea?
And to top it off, it would be the first time they were alone, completely alone with no interruptions and no places they'd need to run off to, since the incident with the bath and the shower. And the kiss. Makoto hadn't spoken about it and hadn't even mentioned it in passing. It made Haru worry. As if he needed more of that.
Did Makoto regret kissing him in the shower? Did he do it because he was scared for him and didn't know what else to do? Makoto would definitely be someone to sacrifice something of himself for the betterment of his friends. Haru didn't want his friend to be going along with this, whatever this was, because he thought it would help the dark haired swimmer.
He worried his lip absently as he kicked off his shoes in the foyer and headed upstairs to grab his books and homework, leaving Makoto to settle himself in the living room. For a moment he stood in his room, taking deep breathes and trying not to let his mind wander to ways he could just maybe get a flash, a second flash, of peaceful white. But the brunet was waiting downstairs. He would undoubtedly come up looking if Haru didn't come down in the next couple minutes and he really didn't want him to find out.
With a quick brush down his thigh, he found his most recent cut, I'm so pathetic… so weak…, and pushed down on it hard. A gasp escaped his lips and he doubled over momentarily as pain washed up his leg. A moment's blankness. A moment's peace. Then he straightened and grabbed his school bag and went down to join Makoto.
"Neh, Haru," the brunet hummed as he joined him on the floor, across the low table.
"I've been thinking…" he said then broke off. The blue eyed boy looked up from where he was organizing his books, and was met with a brilliantly blushing backstroke swimmer. Makoto was looking down at his papers, his eyes ever so often flickering to Haru's face.
Stop it. Stop being like this. It makes it so hard.
"I've b-been thinking about how we, um, kissed…" he stuttered out. It seemed that his mouth didn't really want to work. It was cute, the way his lips moved when he was nervous.
Here it comes. He'll let you off gentle. I know it, it's how he is.
"…A little bit ago…"
It'll be okay. I'll be okay, just spit it out and tell me. Get it over with.
"I really liked it."
Haru's eyes widened and he stared at his best friend, mouth hanging open slightly. He couldn't have heard him properly. Surely he missed a 'didn't' in that sentence, Makoto had been speaking so quietly, maybe it hadn't reached his ears.
"Come again?" he asked dumbly.
"I liked kissing you, Haru," Makoto said and this time his voice was firm, and even though he was still blushing furiously, there could be no doubt that he was being honest. That he meant it. And as this fact sunk in, Haru's eyes widened even more and his cheeks burned so hot that he felt that they might melt off.
Makoto wasn't done, though. "And I think I might, well, um, like you…like that," he mumbled under his breath, but the words were loud and clear.
Haru couldn't breathe. He literally could not breathe. His chest was so tight that it hurt, and it felt like his heart was going to explode, burst from its confinement.
"H-Haru?" Makoto asked, startled and concerned, no doubt, with just how still and silent he was.
And then he could breathe again, but he was breathing too hard and too fast, because this isn't how it's supposed to work. You're supposed to say you don't feel that way that you're not disgusted but you don't love me, don't want to kiss me. You're not supposed to do this. His head spun as he hyperventilated, gulping down shallow, whimpering breathes.
Papers and books fell onto the floor as the table was knocked aside violently, and then Makoto was kneeling in front of him and clutching at his face. His eyes were wide with panic. "Haru," he said, "Stop. Stop, you're going to pass out."
Haru forced himself to hold his breath for a few seconds, then let it out slowly. Makoto smiled encouragingly, although he was still obviously panicked. "Deep breathes. Slow breathes," Makoto said. Again Haruka took a breath, and he was able to, slowly and carefully, take deeper and deeper breathes. His head had stopped spinning.
"Are you telling the truth?" he murmured, meeting Makoto's green gaze.
"W-what? Yes! Of course I am!" the brunet yelped and he was pleased that the question had shocked him so badly. Then maybe it was true.
"Can you pinch me?" Haru asked.
"Pinch me," he said again, "because I…I don't want this to be a dream." He was sure that his gaze was desperate, that he was looking at the brunet with wide and panicked eyes. He wasn't sure he would be okay if this turned into a dream. If he found himself gasping in bed, wracking with sobs because of course this wouldn't happen.
But Makoto did what he was asked and pinched him. He delivered a short but strong pinch to Haruka's thigh, a gasp of pain slipped from his lips. He didn't know how Makoto had done it, but he had pinched the most recent cut, the cut that could probably still bleed if it was bothered too much. But it meant that he was awake, that this wasn't a dream. And he couldn't stop himself from rocking onto his knees and kissing the boy before him.
Makoto, however, wasn't having any of it. He broke it swiftly and eyed the dark-haired boy with concern. "Are you okay? I didn't pinch you that hard," he murmured softly. Haru just nodded in reply and kissed him again, a little more aggressively. The brunet didn't pull back this time, instead sliding his fingers into Haru's hair.
Their mouths slotted together perfectly and Haru couldn't stop the soft sigh that escaped his lips.
"Haru, I want—" Makoto broke off, his cheeks bright red and his eyes downcast. He fidgeted, rubbed his hands together and Haru watched him curiously, confused as to why Makoto was acting like this. He rarely acted in such a manner, and it left Haru wondering. "I want, um, I…"
"What is it?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.
"No, never mind! It's not a big deal, forget it," the brunet blubbered and turned back to his homework. The freestyle swimmer frowned slightly and set his pencil down. He straightened his leg and nudged Makoto's knee under the table. The taller boy jumped comically.
"Tell," Haru demanded, fixing him with an intense blue stare.
Makoto swallowed hard and stared at his hands. He took a deep breathe, as if steeling himself for something, then looked up and met the freestyle swimmer's gaze. Even though his cheeks were flushed and he worried his lips, his green eyes were determined, if not a little bit nervous. "I want you," he said.
Haru blinked slowly. He wants me? What does he… he wants me. He wants me that way Makoto wants me he wants to…to… As he worked through this, his eyes widened and a deep blush washed over his face. His mouth fell open and he could do nothing but stare. Makoto had just said…
"I want to, to touch you," Makoto mumbled, glancing down at his hands. But he didn't keep his eyes downcast for long, and once more Haru found himself frozen in place. Has Makoto's eyes always been so beautiful? It felt like he was getting burned by that gaze, those beautiful eyes, and his mouth was very dry.
Haruka wasn't aware that he had been mouthing stupidly until Makoto cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "See, just, just forget it," he murmured. "It's not a big deal." He looked sad, disappointed, and Haru couldn't handle that. He was just in shock that Makoto had been the one to mention it. Makoto had asked.
Instead of trying to get his tongue around words, he rocked onto his knees and placed his hands firmly on the table before leaning across the book strewn surface to press his lips firmly to Makoto's. The young man jumped at Haru's quick motion, but relaxed into the kiss and tangled his fingers into Haru's dark locks.
Haru felt teeth on his lip and he let out a breathy groan of surprise. Makoto repeated the action before smoothing the bite gently with his tongue. He parted his lips further and the taller boy slid his tongue into his mouth. He sucked absently at the tongue exploring his mouth, panting softly.
He didn't realize he had crawled onto the table until he was pressing closer to the brunet, licking his own way into the taller's mouth. Makoto let out a soft whimper as he bit sharply at his lips. The dark-haired boy settled on the edge of the table, legs on either side of Makoto, and tugged him forward with the collar of his shirt.
The feeling of Makoto's body pressed against his own was intoxicating. The brunet pulled himself onto his knees and wrapped his arms around Haruka's waist, holding him close. The dark-haired boy let out a shaky breathe as he broke the kiss, allowing his lips to drift down Makoto's neck. He bit gently at the tanned skin there, relishing in the beautiful gasp that broke free from the taller boy.
He tasted good, a faint taste that Haruka wanted more of. Flushing, he wondered what other parts of Makoto would taste like. And suddenly, he needed to know, because I'm finally touching you, is this real? Impatiently, he tugged at Makoto's shirt and pulled it over the swimmers head. The brunet floundered for a moment with it, all long arms and broad shoulders, before tossing it aside and moved to pull Haru's shirt off as well. It fell, forgotten, across the room from Makoto's.
Lowering his head, Haru traced the line of Makoto's collarbone with his lips and tongue down to his chest, where he placed sloppy, open mouthed kisses against the skin there. The swimmer gasped and whimpered at the contact and Haru felt strong fingers trailing down his back towards his pants. The dark-haired boy slid off the table and captured Makoto's nipple between his lips. Curious to see what would happen, he rolled it gently between his teeth. He was lightheaded and panting hard, but he didn't want to stop, couldn't stop.
Makoto keened. "H-Haru," he moaned out, fingers finding raven locks. He pulled roughly, the tips of his fingers scraping across his scalp, dragging a soft groan from Haruka's lips. Haru didn't let himself be pulled back and a moment later the brunet seemed to give up and allowed his hands to drift down once more. He dropped his head back as Haru played with his nipple, sucking and licking at the pert bud. Makoto made some wonderful noises, that was for sure, and Haruka wanted to hear more of them.
The taller boy's hands worked furiously at Haru's pants, but the lips on his skin – the smaller boy had moved to the other, until recently neglected nipple – seemed to be making it hard for him to concentrate. The dark haired swimmer let out a soft huff of laughter but didn't assist him, much too busy working at the brunet's pants to do so.
Haruka tugged Makoto's pants and boxers down his hips then pushed him back, causing the brunet to tumble backwards onto his now-exposed backside. He let out a soft grunt and looked at Haru with wide eyes, the green bright and shimmering. But he allowed the smaller to pull his pants off completely without a word, until he was sitting there, naked and bright red.
He had seen his best friend naked before; in the changing rooms, at the Tachibana house, a couple times down at the ocean when they had forgotten their swimsuits. But he had never once seen the backstroke swimmer flustered, bright red down to his chest, and with an achingly hard cock between his legs.
Suddenly his mouth was very dry. Makoto didn't let him dwell on the sudden blankness that had taken up his mind, though, because he then felt hands on his hips and he was pulled between the brunet's legs and pulled into a deep kiss that took his breathe away. Haru tangled one hand in Makoto's hair, the other helping with the task of getting his pants off.
It was only as Makoto pulled them down over his hips did he realize that this was a bad idea, a very bad idea because he's going to see he's going to see and he'll hate me no! Haru ripped himself away from the brunet in panic, but the only thing he succeeded in doing was pull his pants to his knees and hit the table with his back hard.
His pants dragged hard against the cuts that littered his thighs and he pushed back from the table, keeping a hand on it to steady himself as pain shot up his back from the impact point. He let out a low groan.
"Haru! Are you o—"
It was too late, he couldn't hide it.
Nononono please Makoto no, just ignore it! Just ignore them! Just touch me and ignore them. Haru knew that he wasn't that lucky, that he would never be that lucky, so he sat frozen, legs tangled in his pants, head bowed and back throbbing. He was the opposite of turned on, now, and instead was panting for a whole different reason.
His chest squeezed hard and his head spun. Makoto hadn't said anything, but he knew that he was still there, their feet were touching. Steeling himself for the worst, he opened his eyes and peered up through his hair at the tall boy before him.
There were tears in Makoto's eyes, and he was staring at him, mouth slack. "Haruka," he said hoarsely, finally breaking the silence. Haru looked away, but saw how that green gaze was focusing on his legs, and the cuts there before he did so. Shame washed over him. He was so weak. So pathetic. He wanted to run and hide, he wanted this to stop. He wanted to curl up and bed and never get out, because he felt like this feeling would be the death of him.
He jumped violently as he felt a trembling hand touch his leg and he looked up at Makoto.
"I didn't know you were hurting this bad," he whispered. He moved closer and pressed his lips to Haru's trembling ones. The dark haired swimmer felt a warm hand cover the worst of the cuts, as if to heal it in a touch. He didn't respond to the kiss, too numb to do much of anything, but the brunet didn't seem to mind. He simply moved down his neck, kissing down his chest and stomach.
He was vaguely aware that Makoto had gotten rid of his pants. He was vaguely aware of the hands on his hips and thighs, and the way his back ached from where he had hit it on the table. And he was acutely aware of the lips that had suddenly pressed feather-light to the abused skin of his thigh.
He looked down, eyes wide, and saw Makoto looking up at him. As he did so, he pressed another gentle kiss to the cuts. It was too much. The acceptance Makoto had just given was just too much, and his eyes filled with tears.
Haruka covered his eyes with his arm, letting out a soft sob. Makoto didn't move from where he was situated between his legs, simply pressing another kiss to his thighs. "You don't need to do this," the brunet murmured between kisses.
"I-I know," Haru choked out.
"I wish I could take the hurt away," Makoto breathed.
"You can't."
"I know," the brunet murmured. "But I can try."
His kisses had moved further up his thighs, and then Makoto's lips were on his mostly-limp cock. It drove all other thoughts from his mind as the brunet took his dick into his mouth gently with soft sucks and Haru let his head drop back. "M-Makoto." The mouth enveloping him was so hot, so wet, so perfect.
The backstroke swimmer pulled back. "I'll make it better," he said, then swallowed him once more. The gentle caresses of Makoto's surprisingly talented tongue encouraged life back into his cock and soon he was just as hard as before. He let out a soft, choked moan. His whole body felt like it was on fire.
The tears wouldn't stop though, they just kept coming. He felt a flicker of shame come over him, he felt so pathetic, he shouldn't be crying, but he was crying as Makoto took his dick into his mouth even further. It felt so good though, and soon he was letting out soft moans as ripples of pleasure coursed through him.
Makoto was too good at this, Haru didn't know how he was doing so well, but he knew that if Makoto kept this up he wouldn't last long at all. "A-ah, Makoto."
The brunet's tongue ran up the underside of his cock before gripping the base with his hand, squeezing and pumping as he took him back into his mouth fully. Haru shuddered in pleasure, legs shaking, as Makoto sucked even harder, and then he moaned around him and it was too much.
When it hit him, it hit him like a train and he was grasping at Makoto's hair tightly and letting out a muffled moan through his hand, cumming hard into the brunet's mouth. His head spun in pleasure and he sagged against the table, eyes closed, tears still clinging to his eyelashes.
He felt hands on his face and he opened his eyes once more. Makoto was close, so close, and gently he brushed the tears streaking his face off with his thumbs. Then he was kissing him, and it was slow and passionate and Haruka whimpered.
Makoto had accepted him. He had accepted everything, and he still wanted him. And even if that didn't take away all the pain, and all the fear of his future, and of everything… it helped. He pressed deeper into Makoto and licked his way into his mouth, and the taste of his seed was still on the brunet's tongue, but he didn't mind. Because it was Makoto. Because the brunet would make everything better.