Dragon dance
Chapter two
"Natsu?!" Lucy yelled as loud as she could as Happy flew her around Nirvana and into the forest. When the blue feline had come back empty handed everyone instantly assumed the worse. That involved scouring the entire area for both him and Cobra.
"What about Nirvana?" Jura had asked.
"Gray, Wendy, and I will handle everything." Erza said. "You help Lucy and Happy search for Natsu."
It didn't seem like much, having just three people go after Brain and stop Nirvana by themselves but... Fairy Tail has never been one to under estimate.
"Find Natsu as fast as you can." Erza said, blushing lightly. "We don't even want to know what Cobra could be doing to Natsu..."
That was probably four or more hours ago.
Natsu sleepily opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was that he was laying on a tan chest completely naked. He panicked a little wondering what was going on but then he felt someone kiss him. The salamander saw Cobra smirking at him seductively.
"Morning sunshine."
Natsu blushed as memories from last night came back to him. He yelped as he was suddenly thrown down and Cobra was now on top of him.
"Cobra..?" He asked confused.
The poison dragon leaned down and kissed Natsu's neck, making the smaller male humm in pleasure.
"I'm craving you again." Cobra whispered against his neck. Natsu felt goosebumps rise up his spine as the poison dragon nipped at the mark on his throat. Tan hands fondled his body, moving from his chest, to his sides, to his groin and ass, letting him up to grab it.
The salamander yelped and mewled as Cobra played with him. "Cobra..."
The older man faltered before crushing his lips against Natsu's in a bruising manor and then roughly rubbing his hand against the Pinkette's crotch. The boy was surprised by the sudden, blunt, assault.
Cobra let him go and bit his neck again making Natsu yelp. His cringed as the tan male gripped his growing erection hard and stroked it.
"Cobra!" He called out in pleasure and surprise. Again Cobra kissed him, invading his mouth and leaving the salamander breathless.
"Moan my name." He said seductively against his lips. Natsu groaned as his erection was pumped roughly, he closed his eyes and panted.
"Cobra... Ow!" Natsu yelled as the poison dragon squeezed his dick painfully. The salamander was blushing and he could feel tears brim at his eyes. "You're hurting me..."
"It was punishment." Cobra said kissing and biting his neck. He started stroking again. "Moan my real name."
"Real... Name?" Natsu arched his back a little and gasped as his older mate took his other hand and pressed a finger into his entrance.
"You didn't think Cobra was my actual name did you?" He roughly thrust his finger in and out before adding to more and continuing the treatment, his other hand still pumping to the thrust.
"W-wha.. What izz..." Natsu couldn't form a word, his brain was being over loaded with pleasure and his mouth had stopped working. Cobra removed his fingers and gripped Natsu's hips tightly. He brought his mouth up and whispered into his ear before ramming his own erection into Natsu's stretched entrance.
The boy gave a massive shutter and gasp. "Eric!"
Cobra felt lightening go up his spine and he breathed hard. "My ears.." He gasped. "Say it again..."
He pulled out and thrust back inside, Natsu moaned again and gripped the ground tightly. "Oh Eric... It feels good... Harder..."
Cobra smirked wildly and thrust in and out. Loving the sounds Natsu made for him. He leaned down and kissed him again. It was sloppy but it still egged him on, making him crave more of the feeling Natsu was giving him.
"Eric!" Natsu moaned loudly as he came all over their chests. Cobra shuttered and had his own release inside the smaller males body. Both of them panting.
"I love it when you say my name..." Cobra groaned as he hung over Natsu.
The boy was looking tired again, and probably wouldn't be able to walk after the rough double treatment of sex he got. Cobra glanced back to the ripped up cloth that used to be Natsu's pants. They were no longer wearable.
He cursed to himself, irritated. Natsu would refuse to go anywhere without pants. Cobra glanced around and found his own clothes, thankfully still intact. He pulled out of Natsu making him shutter in his sleepy daze and stood up, grabbing his boxers and pants. He pulled them on quickly and grabbed his long sleeved shirt, pulling it on too. He wouldn't bother cleaning himself right now, his clothes will hide any sign of sex for him.
He leaned down and snagged his jacket before wrapping Natsu up in it and picking him up. The pinkette groaned but Cobra kissed his head and told him to rest before walking away.
Hours of searching and hours of fighting. They manage to take down Nirvana but did not find Natsu... And as all the fairy tail members walked away from the giant stone city they all had their heads hung.
"What if he's dead!" Happy was wailing. "By some river! Or hung from a tree like fruit! What if he got raped or worse knocked up!"
Lucy smacked him over the head hard enough to send him plummeting to the ground. "Natsu is a MAN you dumb fur ball!" He smacked hard into the earth where she stepped on him as she kept walking.
"This is all our fault." Erza scolded herself. "We should have done everything we could to help him!"
"It's not your fault." Grey said to calm the Titania before she decided to break something. "You and Jellal were stuck with Midnight. And it's not like any of us have wings and could following a flying snake into the sky."
Wendy shrunk in on herself and tightened her grip on Charle who noticed and tried to sooth the little sky maiden. "We didn't know it was even happening Wendy... We couldn't have helped..."
"I know..." She said sadly. Everyone gave a sigh of depression.
"How do we know he's even coming back." Lucy said dejectedly making everyone start to wonder the same thing.
"You have nothing to fear." Hot eye said suddenly. Seeming to be the only happy person there.
"How can you say that?!" Erza snapped spinning around to face him. "Your comrade has gone and kidnapped our friend with what looked like intended rape!"
Everyone stopped walking and an awkward silence befell the group. Hot eye kept that semi pleasant smile on his face.
"Cobra was under complete influence of his desire and instinct."
"We noticed." Grey said. He shuttered as he recalled the strong look of dominance and lust in the poison dragon slayers eyes. It was disturbing and made the ice wizard want to hide from him.
"If we can't find either of them or if Natsu is harmed in anyway I'm putting all blame on you!" The Titania jabbed an armored finger at the Orecion seis member.
"Erza..." Jura started. "That seems a bit unfair and rash... Richard had nothing to do with Cobra's actions... In fact he gave us information about the situation."
"And I can give more to reassure you." Hot raised his angular hand.
Erza looked like she was going to yell when Ichia, from the very front of the group interrupted her with a very strained voice. "You should...let the man speak out..."
"Are you okay..." Happy asked floating onto Lucy's shoulder.
"I need to use the restroom..." He groaned and made an awkward pose with his hands between his legs.
"Uhg... To much information..." Lucy cringed then turned to face Hot Eye as he started his explanation.
"As I said before; in Cobra's eyes Natsu is a replacement for an absent female dragon. So he will treat him as such."
"Like a girl?" Happy asked.
"Yes. A man must attract and court his girl to truly "catch" them. He won't do anything to harm Natsu or drive him away. If anything Cobra will spoil him greatly to keep him around." Hot eye had a proud look on his face, knowing all this uncommon information.
"So... We don't have to worry about Natsu being injured, is what your saying." Grey said.
"That is right. There is however a very high chance the two of them have..."
"Have what." The oblivious Titania demanded.
Before anyone could explain to her what Hot Eye meant there was a smacking sound and they all turned to see Ichia pressed up against some invisible wall.
"What ARE you doing." Charle asked.
"There... There's something in the way..." The blue Pegasus member groaned out. His legs were still crisscrossed in an attempt not to wet himself.
"A wall?" Wendy asked.
Suddenly several people dressed in blue and white came out of the trees led by one man in glasses.
"The magic council...?" Erza asked. "What are you doing here."
"We are under orders to bring in Orecion Seis." The mans eyes were instantly directed to Hot Eye, then flicked to Jellal. "Him too."
The red head stepped in front of Jellal, hiding him from the mans line of sight.
"He is responsible for the building of the tower of heaven and blowing it up along with several other things involved with the council we can't share with the public. There is a warrant for his capture as well."
"We won't let you-" Erza started to say but Jellal put a hand on her shoulder and shook his head.
"We must pay for the crimes we have done." Hot eye said nobly and started to follow Jellal. Everyone watched sadly as their new and found friends were taken from them.
"What now..." Wendy asked sadly.
"I must return to blue Pegasus." Ichia said after finally taking his bathroom break.
"And I to Lamia scale. I must meet up with Sherry and Lyon quickly." Jura said. Everyone bid there adieus and soon it was just the fairy tail members and Wendy.
"We can go to Cait shelter?" Wendy suggested. "We have new clothes you could wear? You can rest there?"
"That sounds like a good idea..." Lucy started. "But... Natsu..."
Everyone glanced to one another. They couldn't just leave one of their closest friends behind and alone with that crazy sex crazed dragon slayer.
"Lets get some rest first..." Erza said seriously. "After that we will return here to search for them."
"Sounds like a plan." Grey said and they all followed Wendy back to her guild.
They were mainly quiet the long walk there. Mainly looking and listening for any sign of Natsu or even Cobra knowing their salamander would most likely be around him.
Wendy smiled though when she spotted a woman standing at the edge of what looked like a village. She was dressed in old tribal like clothing that looked hand woven. She waved to the oncoming group.
"A friend of yours?" Erza asked Wendy while smiling.
"Yes!" She ran ahead to meet with the woman while the others followed more slowly.
"We've been expecting you." She said while smiling. "Food and clothes have already been prepared for everyone."
"That's convenient." Lucy said happily.
"How did you know we would be bringing others?" Charle asked suspiciously.
"Your friends told us. They said to expect Wendy and three other people and a little blue cat. Who I was told to give this to." The woman brought a fish out from a pouch on her hip and Happy's eyes lit up.
"A yummy fish!" He yelled in glee and leaped at it. The woman laughed and let him have it.
"Our friends? Wait, do you mean Natsu?" Grey said getting excited his friend would be alive and well.
"He's here?!" Lucy said coming forward.
"Wait." Erza said suddenly. "You said "our friends." Plural. Natsu must be one. Who is the other?"
"Kufuhuhaha!" Cobra started laughing as he pointed at Natsu's friends. "Your freakin' faces are priceless right now!"
All of them were staring dumb struck at the maroon haired man who was dressed like the other Nirvit decedents, he was seated at a long table that was low to the ground and Natsu was in his lap, trying his hardest not to be noticed. The salamander also wore new clothing.
"Natsu!" Happy cheered and tried to fly to his friend, but a certain purple snake came from under the table and snapped at the feline, inches from getting a nice snack. Happy screamed and zipped back behind Lucy.
"Cubelious!" Cobra yelled at the snake, who seemed to flinch and glance back at him. "You can't eat them anymore. Their friends now."
The snake turned and slithered back under the table where it looked like Natsu was feeding her small cooked chickens.
"Friends?" Grey asked. "Like he'll we would ever be friends with you!"
"You're the enemy!" Lucy joined in. "You kidnaped Natsu and probably rapped him!"
"I didn't rape anybody." Cobra said distractedly as Natsu held up fruit for him to eat. And he did.
"So you didn't do the dance with Natsu." Erza said crossing her arms seriously. All of them were wondering what was wrong with Natsu to just be sitting there so casually in that mans lap and be acting so... Intimately.
"I never said that..." Cobra said smirking as he ate the fruit in one bite.
"You and Natsu had sex?!" Happy practically screamed. Lucy instantly smacked her hands onto Wendy's ears.
"That's right~" The poison dragon sang gleefully, Natsu started blushing badly at what he was saying next. "Cute little salamander was screaming my name, begging me to go deeper...harder... And faster." He got closer and closer to the Pinkette's ear with each word before finally biting and licking it.
"Cobra!" He yelled pulling back and using his elbow to shove him away. Cobra however wrapped his arms around the boy and snuggled against him.
"Calm down, Love, I'm only teasing."
"Don't call me that!" Natsu looked fervently at his friends who all loomed dumbstruck and a little horrified. The fire dragon felt hurt and Cobra's smile vanished and he glanced to the group.
"If you have something to say, say it."
Lucy was speechless along with Grey... If they had anything to say they couldn't get it out. Wendy was clueless having not heard any of the conversation. Happy and Charle were to flustered. Th only person who spoke, was Titania.
The pinkette slowly looked at her.
"Are you happy?"
"H-huh?" He asked confused. Cobras arms wrapped tightly around him, securing his safety and comforting presence.
"I don't understand Dragon courtship. Even after it was explained to me a few times." She said bluntly. "But you appear to be very comfortable in the arms of that man."
Natsu looked down and shrunk against Cobra's chest. It is true these new feelings of affection towards the other dragon slayer were new... And he actually start changing instantly. He was starting to act much more submissive but still had his outburstish personality. But he was still the same person. Just sorta, kinda, maybe, gay.
"I'll ask again." She towered over the two dragon slayers. "Does this man make you happy."
Natsu was quiet for a while. "He does now."
Erza nodded then turned to everyone. "Alright, I'll welcome our new member of Fairy Tail!"
"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted, even Cobra.
"He's a wanted criminal!" Lucy yelled.
"He's evil!" Happy shouted.
"We can't have him in the guild!" Grey objected. "Master Makarov won't allow it!"
"Quiet!" Erza stomped her steel boot to silence them and they listened. "Natsu is infatuated with this man! We will support him because he is our friend! Any challenges they face are now ours. Because we're friends and because we are Fairy Tail."
She had a point...
"Alright..." Grey sighed and scratched the back of his head. "I guess... Welcome to the guild..."
Cobra smirked. "Thanks."
Natsu was smiling widely and looked like he was gonna cry. This was great. Cobra brought his head down next to Natsu's and kissed his cheek.
"I am." He said gleefully. All worry he had about his friends and Cobra were completely gone now. Tanned fingers grabbed his chin and turned him so he faced Cobra, his mouth covered his and Natsu's eyes instantly fluttered closed. A sigh escaped him and his mouth opened to deepen the kiss. It went from sweet to sexy in a matter of seconds and soon Natsu was turned around, straddling Cobra while his hands were in his maroon hair, gripping and pulling while Cobra's hands traveled over his legs and back. Both groaning into the kiss.
Lucy and the others blushed hardcore, steam curling from their faces. They all turned around and quickly left.
"I think I'll go change my clothes now!" Lucy said.
"I'll go with you!" Erza said, her arms and legs moving mechanically. They all started moving faster when they heard Natsu let out a moan.
"Their getting it on." Happy chided.