This is just a one-shot daddy!Killian fic. I hopes you all like it!

He watched her running around in the playground, a look of mischief in her eyes. A look he knew so well, having been on the receiving end of it so many times.

He saw her freeze, having found her unsuspecting victim and walk slowly towards him, pink foam sword in her hand pointing straight ahead, stalking her prey. Killian knew he should stop her, not encourage this type of behavior. But what could he do?

She was a pirate's daughter after all. It would be bad form.

"Stop right there, scallywag. I know you stole my treasure. You will pay." Her sweet angelic voice sounded almost menacing. She really had that growl down.

"Cut it out, Flora!" her uncle Neal yelled, clearly over this game.

"Enough, peasant. Time to walk the plank." She led him to the edge of the playground, standing on the edge that separated the bark from the playground from the grass.

"I'm not a peasant, I'm a prince." He begrudgingly got up to stand on the edge, protesting the entire way.

It was probably time to end this. As entertaining as this was, Killian knew Emma hated when Flora bullied her uncle, even if the little bugger deserved it sometimes. Also, David was standing a few feet next to him, clearly fighting an internal battle as to whether to step in and assist his son, or let him handle it on his own.

Killian and David turned to look at each other, non-verbally communicating to the other that their children were up to no good.

"Avast, young lass, I think it's time to go home" Hook decided that since it was his daughter who had instigated this time, it was his responsibility to end it.

"But daddy, Neal has to walk the plank, he stole our gold."

"Yes but dear remember, Neal is family. We always grant mercy to those that house our blood. Now come on, your mother will be home soon."

Flora looked at her young uncle, then at her father who was quickly losing patience. Then back to Neal who had a look of frustration and boredom, typical for the seven year old.

"Dead men tell no tales…" she grumbled before pushing him off the ledge. Neal let out an exasperated gasp as he landed, on both feet of course, on the other side.

"Flora!" Killian yelled as he walked up to his daughter, feeling the anger rise. She had been pushing his buttons for the past few weeks, really fine tuning her defiance and new found independence.

"Ha, ha, guess you're in trouble now, Flora." Neal brushed his pants off as he walked towards his father, who was trying unsuccessfully to hide his laughter. He remembered Neal going through that stage years earlier, so he did not envy his friend on his current situation.

Flora put both of her hands on her small hips and made herself fall flat on her bottom, clearly not leaving without a fight. Hook went to her and knelt in front of her.

"Sweetheart, angel, flesh of my blood…why did you ignore your father just now?" he was looking at her bright blue eyes, a feeling of wonder always escaping him because of how much they mirrored his own.

"Because," her resolve started to fade. She began to sniffle.

"Because pirates never back down, daddy." She bit her lips and looked to the ground.

Killian released the air he didn't realize he was holding and looked up to the sky.

"Bloody hell." He whispered.

She did it. She always managed to do it. He was completely and totally hers. With one simple word he forgot all the anger, hurt, despair, everything, and fell deeply in love with her again.


That was always his undoing.

He sighed and scooped her up easily, kissing her raven-black hair in the process. She put her arms around his neck and hugged him closer.

"Come on, time to go home" he whispered as he walked them out towards the street. He caught sight of David who was helping Neal get the bark out of his shoes. He reached out and ruffled his son's hair as they stood up and followed Killian and Flora.

"Wait, daddy, put me down." Killian complied immediately, and watched his young daughter run to her grandfather and uncle.

"I'm sorry I made you walk the plank Neal. Next time we'll share the treasure!"

Neal laughed and reached for his foam sword from David's hand. "No, you pirate! Next time we fight 'till the death!" Flora let out a happy scream and went running towards the playground again, Neal quickly in pursuit.

David chuckled and went to go stand next to his friend.

"Do you find it funny, Killian, that our children are inadvertently following our lead?" Killian turned to his friend and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not sure I follow, mate."

"Well, take Flora for example" He turned to look at his granddaughter.

"Always fighting for what's hers, despite the cost. Never backing down from a fight."

He turned back to Killian "Now don't tell me that doesn't sound familiar."

Killian looked at his daughter who had somehow picked up her sword and was currently in a battle with Neal.

Five years ago when he first laid eyes on Flora, he had felt something he had never felt before. Terror. A terror so strong and mighty it almost brought him down to his knees. How the hell was the mighty Captain Hook a father? After years of battling witches, fairies, sea creatures, Lost Boys, monsters, and the like, how would he ever stand a chance at battling something he had no knowledge of? Fatherhood?

He stood there in that room, watching his Emma cradle their child, smiling and murmuring as she looked down at their Flora. He remembered Henry run past him and practically jump onto the bed besides his mother, staring at his sister with a sense of awe. Emma's parents were also standing nearby, laughing and fawning over their new grandchild.

And there Killian stood, unable to move out of sheer terror. It wasn't until David saw him paralyzed in the corner that he was able to find his footing.

"Killian" he spoke quietly to his friend as he approached him.

"Killian, go. Go see your daughter. Just look at her, that's all you got to do, man."

With a gentle shove by David, Killian walked slowly to his wife and daughter. As soon as he was within inches, Emma looked up to him and burst into tears. Happy tears. He sat next to her and dared to look down at the little bundle.

"Heavens" he whispered as he saw his own eyes staring back at him. His arms moved automatically towards her, reaching down to pick up his daughter from Emma's arms. He stared at her and immediately all the fear was gone. He managed to choke out a laugh as she moved her head, trying to get comfortable in her father's arms. She only squirmed for a second.

"You're a natural" Mary Margaret smiled beaming from across the room. She was embracing Henry as they all watched this new family coming together.

His family.

A loud cry of triumph brought him back to the present. Flora had defeated Neal as was evident by his dramatic fall to the ground, clutching his stomach, gasping for breath.

"Come on, Neal" she reached for his hand, which he happily took, and helped him up.

They both came back running to their fathers, Neal reaching David's hand first. Flora let out a primal scream as she approached Killian, quickly jumping to his chest. Killian easily caught her and threw her in the air before bringing her down and kissing her cheek. She grabbed his hook and started swinging it madly while they walked home.

"Daddy, is it okay to tell mommy that I killed Neal two times today?" Killian grimaced as his daughter stared at him pleadingly, waiting for his response.

"How about you just tell her about all the fun you had playing, that sounds better than saying you 'killed' your uncle." Flora tapped her chin twice, as if contemplating Killian's words.

"Nah…" she finally settled as she began skipping, never letting go of her father's hand.

A/N: There's a pretty big chance that this will become a series of one-shots devoted to daddy!Killian and family. I just love the idea of him being a dad. There are soo soo soooooo many wonderful Captain Swan fics out there, that I dare not compete, so I'll just stick to the amazing adventures of Flora and Killian…if you guys are okay with that. Let me know ;)