Frozen Hearts: Saying Goodbye

I am moving. My parents have decided to leave our town and move into a new one. Anna is so happy she could burst with excitement. As for me, I'm so mad I could burst with anger. Why am I mad? I'm mad because it took me my whole life to make four friends where we live right now. Think how long it will take me to make friends in another town! Plus, my four friends are amazing! Their names are Belle, Tiana, Merida, and Meg.

Belle is super sweet and she loves to read. She always talks about what's the latest book. Tiana is amazing at giving advice. She also helps out with a lot of volunteer work. Merida is the best at sports out of all my friends. She never misses out on game day at gym. Meg is the kind of girl who never relies on a man. She also thinks she doesn't need a man. They might sound like a lot to deal with, but they're like family to me.

"Elsa! Hurry up! This is our last day in this town. Let's make the best of it!", Anna calls from downstairs

"I'll be there in a second, just let me gather my things and change!" I scream from my room.

Anna and I are going into town to say goodbye to our friends and neighbors. Of course Anna will have to say goodbye to a lot of people because she has a lot of friends. Me, on the other hand, not so much. I will probably only say goodbye to seven people.

I quickly remember that I'm still in my pajamas! I grab a baby blue short sleeved shirt and some skinny jeans and slip them on. I also pick up a hair tie and quickly put my hair into a messy bun. I apply a little lip gloss because this is my last day in this town, I should take chances. I run downstairs and grab my white sneakers and I tie them on.

"Elsa, come on! I'm waiting for you outside!" I hear Anna scream from the garage door. I grab a piece of toast and run outside to meet up
with Anna.

"Hey. I'm ready." I say to Anna.

"Yeah, it took you like six million years to do so. We have to get going now! You see, since mom and dad don't trust me driving, you have to drive. If I was allowed to drive, I would already be in town!"

"Whatever." Is all I say while getting into the driver's seat.

It takes us about ten minutes to drive into town. For the whole ten minutes, Anna was talking about how excited she was and how she couldn't wait until tomorrow. It. Was. Torture. I love Anna and all, but listening to her talk non stop for ten minutes about how happy she is is dreadful.

When we finally arrive into town, we go to my friend's houses first because it will take less time. I decide to go to Merida's house first. Merida texted me her address. When we get to Merida's house Anna is in shock. I have been to Merida's house before but Anna hasn't. If you haven't been to Merida's house you wouldn't know that she is actually has huge house!

Her house looks like a castle. She also has these huge trees that border her house. They are like six or seven feet tall! The thing that really shocked me is that she has one of those gates that only open for someone you know. The first time I came to her house, I had to call her to make sure this was her house. You wouldn't expect her to have this kind of house. She never dresses like she is rich. She always dresses in a plain green tee shirt with some skinny jeans and some sneakers.

Anna stayed in the car while I went to go say goodbye to Merida. When I finally make it to her door steps I ring the door bell. It takes a few seconds, but Merida shows up at the door. She is of course, wearing a plain shirt with some jeans.

"Elsa! Come in, come in!" Merida says.

"I don't have much time Merida. I came here to say thank you. I also came to say goodbye." I say

"Then go ahead and say it!" Merida says while laughing.

"Merida, I'm very thankful for you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't appreciate sports! Also, I'm thankful that you're my friend. As you probably know, I'm not good at making friends... When you came to me at lunch when I was sitting alone, I felt like I was actually wanted in school."

"Of course ye were wanted! Yer family loves ya. And I'm thankful that ye my friend too!" Merida says while smiling.

"This will not be the last time I see you! I will make sure to visit during Thanksgiving break! But till then, goodbye." I say while going in for a hug.

"Ye better get ya little butt down here during Thanksgiving!" Is all Merida says while hugging me.

After a couple of minutes, I leave to go back and visit another friend. I finally visit all of them when it is around 3:00. When Anna and I visit all of her friends we finish at about 8:00! Anna is sitting right next to me crying her eyes out about how much she'll miss her friends.

While I'm driving home, Anna explains how much she'll miss her friends. "I'm going to miss Alice so much! I will make sure to text her everyday!" And "Jane is my best friend! I'll never forget her!" Is what I have been hearing for the last five minutes. When we finally reach our house Anna runs inside to tell mom and dad everything. I just watch her run inside and then I walk inside the house.

"How was it, honey?" My mom asks

"Horrible. Just horrible. Why would it be fun saying goodbye to your best friends? Let me tell you it wasn't fun at all." I say while grabbing for an apple.

"Elsa, it's our fault that we have to move. Your father has a great opportunity to have a job he has wanted for a very long time." My mom says while giving me a stern look.

"What's with all the serious faces?" Anna says while heading to the refrigerator.

"Um... Nothing." I say

"Okay, Mom, when are we leaving tomorrow?" Anna asks excitedly

"About 9:00 A.M and that means you should be sleeping right now so we can get up early!"

"Let me just finish my cup of milk!" Anna says

I roll my eyes and head upstairs. My father is already in bed. I go into my room and slide into my bed. All I can think about is how tomorrow will go. My dad said that we are going to take a plane and arrive at about 4:00. He said, if we have time, we can go into town and eat dinner at a restaurant. We might even go visit some stores if it's not too late. I will hate it, but I have to live with it.

Soon I feel myself drifting to sleep. The last thing on my mind are my friends...

"Elsa, we are about to leave! Hurry up!" I hear my mom scream from downstairs.

I stumble out of bed and look at the time. It is 8:15. Our flight leaves at 10:00. We leave the house at 9:00. I don't have much time. I grabbed some black yoga pants and a baby blue loose tee shirt. Once I put both on, I but my hair into a French braid. I take one last look at my room. I had so many memories in this room, and I'm leaving them. I feel like I'm abandoning my life... I don't want to.

I go downstairs and see Anna and my mom eating pancakes. Anna is wearing a pink sweater with black leggings. Her hair is in a regular ponytail.

"Where's dad?" I say while grabbing a plate if blueberry pancakes.

"He's getting everything ready." My mom answers.

"I can't wait! I love New York! I always dreamed of going there." Anna says with a smile.

"For the last time Anna, we are not moving into the city we are moving to upstate New York, which is north from New York City." I respond

"Whatever! It's still New York!" Anna says with a cheerful face.

When it's time to leave I take one last look at my house. I'm sure going to miss this place. A lot. I lived here since I was born! There are too many memories to forget. I can't believe I'm leaving. I take one last look at my house and then I get into the cab...

Most of this story is based on the manga Hana Yori Dango. I was inspired to write a story about Elsa and Jack instead of the original characters in the manga. Please note this, thank you.