A/N: Well, here's the finale of this little story. Thanks for sticking with me even though the updates lately have been slow. Really, guys. Thanks. My little Bethyl group kicks ass. 3

And E. Of course I'm gonna add a note to you – last but certainly not ever least. Do you remember that this story was all your idea? The best ideas always come from my best friend's brilliant head. I hope I didn't disappoint with this ending. At least this way I don't have to write you another "deleted scene". :P

Little Shop of Pleasures

Chapter 6

After their bath on the roof, Daryl and Beth had retreated down to the shop to rest a little while longer. Really, Daryl had just wanted to hold his girl a few more precious moments…it had nothing to do with rest at all. But in the content warmth of Beth Greene's arms and with the beautiful light humming of her comforting voice lulling him, he had dozed into a dreamy stupor and fallen asleep. With the sound of the rain still splattering about the shop, Daryl slipped quickly back into his dream of Beth by the swimming hole.

Beth watched Daryl sleep peacefully for a while. He was almost angelic, his usual mask of worry and hardness sliding away to reveal an almost child-like vulnerability in his features. He was smiling a bit, she thought, and he was beautiful. She didn't think she could ever tell him that, but it was the truth. Underneath all of the big tough guy façade, Daryl Dixon was a gorgeous and gentle man. That attractiveness wasn't just physical, but also because of his heart and his capability for love and tenderness. Beth had fallen for him, she realized. Hard. She knew she was going to have to do something before Daryl decided on a brash plan to get them out of here. She couldn't risk losing him.

Beth made sure he was deep under before getting up and climbing the ladder again. She may have seemed timid and gentle…and maybe she was to an extent, but she was certainly no fool. She had noticed Daryl's roving eyes while they were on the roof. As much as he had enjoyed her caresses during their washing, he had let his gaze wander to areas off the roof, away from the building. She hadn't said anything, but Beth knew he was probably plotting some sort of escape. And knowing the type of man Daryl was, he would likely sacrifice himself to get her to safety. Well she wasn't going to allow that.

The rain had stopped now, and sunlight had started to peek through the clouds. Beth scanned the surrounding areas looking for anything that might spark an idea. The walker numbers were a bit thinner, she thought, but there were still too many to allow them to make a run for it on foot. Not unless they wanted to risk getting boxed in and taken down. That thought made Beth's blood run cold. There were lot of ways to die out here these days – infection, sickness, injury. Being eaten alive was second on Beth's list of worst things that could happen, though. Watching Daryl getting eaten alive was first, and that would surely kill her, too.

She had walked the perimeter twice and had started to fret, thinking there were no real options. But then there was a glint of sunlight off something just happened to catch her eye. Beth leaned over the edge of the building to get a better look…then a smile spread across her face. It was an idea, maybe not the best, but something…

When Daryl woke he was laid out on Beth's makeshift bed, moved to a less damp area, of course. He stretched out a kink between his shoulder blades, thinking how he wasn't as young as he used to be. Daryl supposed he might have napped for an hour or so. He stood and scanned the store, looking for his little bundle of blonde sunshine. He hoped he would find her trying on some more fancy clothes, but she was nowhere in sight. He checked the store room. Nothing. Then he noticed some discarded packages on the floor near the ladder. And some packed bags.

So maybe Beth had considered they would have to leave soon, too. Good. Maybe it wouldn't be so hard to convince her to make a run for it. Daryl figured he might have to lie, tell her they were gonna meet back up along the road somewhere a few miles out. Or something. He wasn't sure. It was a blind plan with the only objective being to get Beth out and away from town, back to safety and away from these crowds of walkers.

Daryl bent to take a look at the empty packages. Batteries and…oh. Daryl glanced up the steps of the ladder. Beth must have gone up there. Judging by the three empty vibrator packages, maybe she'd gone up for some privacy? Daryl briefly wondered if maybe she hadn't been fully satisfied with their earlier tryst on the roof and blushed. He'd been fully sated but maybe she needed more than he had offered. More than an old codger like him could ever offer a young beautiful woman like Beth. But wait…three? And not only that, but they looked like they were the three largest ones the store carried.

Daryl climbed the ladder and winced before popping his head up over the ledge. He honestly didn't know what he'd find. But he was met with…nothing. No Beth. Daryl scrambled up onto the roof and made a quick sweep. Really, no Beth. He reluctantly glanced over the side of the building. Surely she didn't go down there? Daryl looked over and was surprised to find no walkers in the alley. Not a single one. He followed the edge of the building to where the front side of the store was and found the walkers had gathered out there in the parking lot.

The zombies were distracted by their own numbers; growling, fighting, and snarling for some sort of prize. Three prizes actually. They seemed to be grouped up into three piles of writhing bodies out a ways from the building. Daryl's heart started to race with horrific thoughts. Maybe Beth had tried to make a run for it. Maybe that's what they were fighting over out there – parts of what was left of her body.

Daryl was leaning heavily against the border ledge on his forearms, squinting into the crowds for some sign of what was out there, lost in thought and prayer that it wasn't what he thought. He didn't hear her coming and Beth scared the shit out of him when she leaned over and grasped him in a hug from behind. Daryl jumped and almost took them both off the edge of the building. Beth's light melodic laughter brought Daryl down from his panicked fright and he grasped her in a bruising hug.

Beth felt Daryl's racing heart against her cheek. She was sorry for scaring him. She had hoped to be back up before he realized she was ever gone, but she was glad he was awake. She reluctantly pushed him away and pointed to the walkers. "Nice work, huh?" But Daryl just looked from her to the zombies, obviously confused. "A distraction. Don't be mad, but I went out and got us a little something while you were asleep."

Beth saw Daryl's face start to change from fear and confusion to worry with a tinge of anger, but she couldn't be bothered. She shot him a final glace over her shoulder as she headed to the ladder one last time. "Those vibrators aren't going to distract them too much longer. We're gonna hafta move quickly. I'll get the bags I packed. Grab whatever else you need us to take."

Daryl watched Beth as she sauntered over to the ladder and started her descent. He wanted to be angry with her, but he couldn't be. He was too much in awe of her. He would never have thought to use vibrators as a distraction, but it was a good idea. Hard plastic vibrating against the hard pavement of the parking lot drew the walkers out nicely. Then they were further distracted by the other zombies grasping and growling for whatever was making the noise. Not only was it a genius idea, but Beth had fearlessly went out there on her own, not knowing how long of a window she had to get back. Daryl was proud of her. She was nothing like everyone thought. There was nothing timid or fragile about Beth Greene and Daryl Dixon thought he might just worship her. But what had she gone out there for?

Beth was gone no longer than a minute. Her head popped back up through the skylight before Daryl even made it over to the ledge. She grinned up at him as she handed up his crossbow. Then she drug herself over the ledge, the two bags she repacked earlier dangling from one wrist. Daryl helped her up and then descended back into the store himself one last time. He scanned the store quickly. It looked like Beth had taken the few bottles of water, some candy, and the rest of the batteries. Daryl pocketed some packs of matches, some tape, and a couple of other small items before going back up.

Beth was waiting by the fire escape ladder, motioning for Daryl to hurry. Daryl looked over the ladder rungs and immediately saw what Beth had gone out to retrieve. If they had had time, he would have kissed her…no he would have fucked her right then and there for her sheer brilliance. Waiting in the alley was a small motorcycle. It wasn't in the best shape and it was a one-seater, but they would make do.

His girl was frowning a little when he looked back to her. "You went out and got that?"

"Yeah, it was small so I was able to walk it here. It was half covered over there under a ledge next to that bank." She motioned in the general direction. "But I don't know anything about bikes, Daryl. It has keys, but I don't know if it has gas or a battery or whatever. It might be a dud, but I thought you could try it? It could get us away from the crowds at least?"

Daryl gave Beth a quick hard kiss against her little frowny pout. "We'll go down together. If it starts, we'll just take off. If it doesn't, I want your sweet ass back up this ladder quick, got it?"

He didn't even wait for Beth's response before he was headed down. To both their shock, the bike started right up and purred loudly with Daryl's first kick. Daryl moved as far forward as he could and helped Beth on behind him. He wouldn't have to worry about her falling off because she grasped him so hard he could barely breathe.

Daryl tore out of the alleyway and was halfway down the block before the walkers began to turn and head their direction. Some of the walkers that hadn't been distracted earlier got pretty close but the maneuverability of the bike allowed Daryl to easily avoid them. It was a bit dicey in a few places as they left the little town. There were masses of walkers everywhere, it seemed. But somehow they made it through. Because of Beth they had made it through, Daryl thought.

Despite looking a sight and being partially exposed for almost two years now, Beth's little bike ran like a dream and it had had nearly three quarters of a tank of fuel. It was nothing short of a miracle, really.

Halfway back to the prison, Daryl made the decision to take a right turn away from the direction of home. Beth noticed and tugged on Daryl's jacket. He just patted her hand in reassurance and kept going. It was a spur of the moment thing, but when he had seen the sign, Daryl had decided to take a chance with it…

Ten minutes later, he pulled the bike up next to a walking trail sign and shut down the engine. He helped Beth off and they both stood there in silence for a moment, waiting for any sign of walkers to emerge from the surrounding area. But there was nothing. "Daryl, what are we doing?"

Daryl nodded toward the sign. Gildnor Waterfall Walking Trail. "Wandered around out here as a kid. Thought you might like ta see somethin'." Beth didn't reply, just tailed after Daryl as he took her hand and pulled her toward the wooded area. The trail wasn't long, only about a quarter mile, and it dead-ended at the prettiest little waterfall Beth had ever seen. A crystal clear pool was fed by the fall, begging for a swimmer to take advantage.

"Can we…" Beth turned to Daryl, about to ask if they had time for a quick dip before heading back. Her voice was stilled by the look on the archer's face, though. Daryl was standing back away from the waterfall, just looking at her. But it wasn't happiness or contentment on his face. Daryl looked wistful and sad…almost hurt. "Daryl?...What?"

The only reply Beth got was a timid shrug before Daryl started chewing on a cuticle. Beth went to him and reached up with the intent of smoothing the bangs from his eyes, but Daryl side-stepped her and turned away. It was Beth's turn to look hurt. "Daryl…I…"

"Thought you might like ta see it was here. When all this is over, ya might wanna come with somebody. Ya know…somebody special. Get away for a bit for some privacy someday."

Beth was incredulous. "I'm here now with someone special."

Daryl glanced over his shoulder quickly, but only shrugged again and scoffed. "We best get back. Yer daddy's gonna be fit to be tied, worryin' 'bout ya." And just like that Daryl was detached. He trod back up the walking trail toward the bike, leaving Beth gasping for breath in near panic.

Daryl was kicking himself for all sorts of reasons. Why did he decide to bring her here? Those little daydreams of his had been stupid. Now that they weren't stuck in somewhere together, Beth wouldn't want to be with him…not really. She might feel sorry for him, but she wouldn't be with him like he wished she would. She couldn't love him or anything. No, why would she? He should have just taken her straight home, tossed her into Maggie's arms, and lit out on his own. But that wouldn't be fair to her, would it? Not after what he'd done.

His head was spinning in a whirlwind of confusion. On one hand, he felt sick that he, a grown-ass man, had been taking advantage of virtuous young Beth Greene. He had soiled her, done ungodly things to her, and taken her innocence. He had basically told her it was over in not-so-many words. Which was worse than just taking advantage. Now he was discarding her, too. On the other hand, he was torturing himself over giving in and giving her up. He wanted her so bad. He wanted all of her kindness and gentleness. Wanted it all for himself. Daryl didn't know right from wrong at this point. He wished Beth would blow up, tell him off, give him what he deserved – maybe a slap in the face or a boot to the groin.

But he got neither. Daryl had only made it a few hundred feet and was now pacing in indecision. Should he keep heading for the bike? Should he go back and apologize – beg forgiveness? Daryl suddenly realized that Beth hadn't followed him back up the trail, hadn't caught up. He stopped pacing and listened for her footfalls on the path, but he only heard the splashing of water…and sweet melodic humming.

It was like siren song to him. Daryl couldn't help but follow the sound of Beth's voice back down to the water. He stood at the water's edge gaping at the sight before him. It was far better than his dreams. Twice as beautiful as any dream. And a hundred times as heartbreaking because Daryl knew it shouldn't be for him. This wasn't his place...

After Daryl had left her by the water, Beth had almost broken. Daryl's rejection had almost shattered her heart. But she was stronger than that, more sensible than that. She forced herself to calm down. Beth had seen the look on Daryl's face when she had turned to him. He wanted it but thought he didn't deserve this. He obviously thought he didn't deserve happiness, or beauty, or love, or her. He was pushing away so he wouldn't get hurt. Beth was determined not to let him get away with robbing himself of something good. She knew him well enough, even after only a few days, to know that words alone wouldn't convince Daryl. She would have to show him she meant business. Convince him that this was his place…

Now Daryl and Beth stood staring into each other's eyes. Beth was in the water waist deep and naked as a jay bird. The water hid nothing. It was crystal clear, leaving nothing to the imagination. If Daryl hadn't been lost in the pools of Beth's blue eyes, he might have appreciated that fact. But right now he was drowning in the smiling triumphant gaze of the woman he had fallen in love with just yesterday.

Beth had gotten Daryl's attention with her little stunt. She caught him off guard just long enough for him to look at her. Really look at her. Then Beth seized that moment and showed Daryl all the love she could muster in one look. Beth let her love for him call out through her soul, let it shine brightly in her eyes. Beth saw the instant that Daryl gave in and accepted that what she was offering was true. It happened more quickly than she thought it would. She reckoned it wasn't that hard to feed a starving man, after all. Daryl Dixon was starved for love and she would feed him if it killed her.

Daryl didn't know what he was getting himself into. His mind was still screaming to look away, that this was no good. Not for him. But he couldn't do that. He didn't know what he was doing but Beth looked so certain. She looked so inviting, so warm, so loving. In a split second Daryl made the decision that he would just give in to whatever this was. After all, of all the people he had ever known, Beth Greene was the single one that Daryl felt he could trust to never hurt him. It was the final surrender for Daryl. After today he would never question Beth's feelings again. He would submit willingly to whatever requests or demands she made…just so long as she kept looking at him like that.

Daryl fell to his knees by the waterside. He let emotion wash over him and it made him weak. He registered that he was in Beth's arms again. Safe and warm and loved. At some point, his clothes were removed. She must have removed them. He couldn't have cared less.

Daryl's eyes only saw creamy patches of skin as his fingers caressed her, the dimple of Beth's smile as she beamed at him, and the brilliant gold of her hair as it laid against his bare chest. Daryl felt the warmth of Beth's body naked against his own, felt the beat of her heart beneath his fingertips, felt the strength of Beth's embrace as she held him steady. Daryl tasted the sweetness of Beth's lips, the nectar of her skin, and the salt of her tears as they mixed with his own. It was all sensory overload.

They made love twice there by the waterfall. Once as they held each other by the water's edge and again, even more passionately, under the cover of the waterfall. For the two of them it was a marriage. The few stolen hours of freedom there at the water was a promise. Daryl wouldn't run from Beth. Beth wouldn't allow Daryl to hide. Neither of them would let the other down. They would save each other in this mess the world had become. Daryl would love her. Beth would protect him. When one was weak, the other would step up and be strong. When they ran, they would always run together.

And that's the way it was with Beth Greene and Daryl Dixon. From then on they were a pair and no one questioned it. Where there was one, there was the other. Always. Until the end.

Final A/N: And they all lived happily ever after. See AMC? It isn't that freakin' hard. Get with the program. Haha. Well, I ended it here – hope you readers didn't mind. No, I didn't take them back to the prison. No, I didn't explain what everyone at the prison thought about them being together and all that. That's not what this story was about. This story was purely Beth and Daryl. A twisted little alternate journey into their blossoming love story – you know…that thing AMC hinted at but never gave us? Yesss…that. So, here it is. A nice bit of fluff. I do apologize if you were hoping for a bit more smut or explanations and such. I just wasn't feeling it in the moment. I know – maybe I've fallen ill. haha. I hope you enjoyed it, anyway. I've got some other projects in the planning, so we'll see how those go. It's another couple months until season six, after all. Plenty of time for more smutty Bethyl goodness here on ff. Til then, loves. 3 Lola