A/N: This story was written from a prompt request from a very good friend, but I think you other fellow Bethylers might enjoy it too. It is BETHYL and a very strong M, so if you don't like that sort of thing just know that you were warned. Oh, and for those of you who caught my last update, eReedus and I are still working on that epic Bethyl story I told you about. It is going to be awesome and looong (but not a slow burn). We should start posting that in a few weeks under our joint account LolaRitaReedus here on fanfiction, but I'll also post an update here from my account when it's ready, so don't forget to follow if you want to receive that update. If you have other one-shot prompt requests, feel free to PM me. I can't promise to be quick, but I will make an attempt for you. Enjoy!

Little Shop of Pleasures

Daryl grabbed Beth by the arm and swung her hard behind him and back around the side of the building into the alley they had just come from. They had rounded a corner in a hurry, trying to stay ahead of the herd that had approached quickly from the south. Now it looked like they were being boxed in. Daryl was busy peeking around the corner of the building, trying to formulate a plan. Maybe they could slip through a break in the undead bodies somewhere, make it back around to the truck Rick had sent them in for this run. Daryl was dismayed to find that this herd was massive, though, and the herd coming up behind them wasn't any better. They weren't going to get through this. Daryl said a silent apology to Hershel for not being able to bring his daughter back to him.

This run was supposed to be easy. Just a quick trip into town and back. The goal was the rest of the medical supplies from a rehab center in the next town over from the prison. They hadn't been able to get everything the last time, so he and Beth were making the second run to get what was left. The town was deserted the first time. This trip, though, they were overrun coming out of the center. They hadn't even been able to make it close to the truck. The walkers were everywhere so Beth and Daryl had dropped the supplies and ran blindly for their lives.

Daryl didn't think he'd seen so many in one single place, at least not since they had finally settled in at the prison. This must be several groups that had merged into one massive herd. Daryl pressed himself back against the brick building, took a deep breath, and pulled out his pistol. He had long ago decided he would finish off the members of his family first before ending his own life if they got into a situation like this. He wouldn't allow any one of the people he cared about to become one those things… especially not sweet Beth. He took another deep breath, cocked the pistol, and turned toward her… but she wasn't there.

Beth had spotted a metal door back on the opposite side of the alleyway and she was trying to jimmy it with a stick of wood she had found on the ground. Daryl ran over and saw that it was no use. Doors like that were solid, not pry-able. Beth took a look at Daryl and then at the pistol in his hand and grinned. "Good idea!" Daryl just looked at her warily as she took several steps back and plugged her ears. "Well? Go on! Shoot the lock." Daryl's grin grew wide as he suddenly understood. Of course hopeful little Beth Greene wouldn't think of giving up, not even as the herd rounded both ends of the alleyway and increased speed toward them.

The lock took three shots to break and Daryl was surprised to find there was no deadbolt or any other obstruction. It was also a blessing that the door swung outward instead of inward. Once the herd hit it, they wouldn't be able to open the door against the press of bodies even if they had the brain capacity to pull instead of push. Beth and Daryl pressed themselves inside just in time. Once the door closed, they were plunged into darkness as the sounds of the undead crashing uselessly against the metal door echoed around them.

Daryl pulled the flashlight from his jacket pocket and led Beth up a narrow stairwell and through a doorway into a small store. Large skylights were covered in dirt and grime but still managed to illuminate the whole space rather well. Daryl scanned the place quickly and made a preliminary sweep for any undead. He secured the door to the stairwell and checked the front doors. Everything looked sound. It would be a good place for them to hole up and wait for the herd to pass through. Daryl turned to find Beth frozen in the middle of the store looking at him expectantly. She looked odd, uncomfortable.


"Nothin'." But she blushed and ducked her head, turning away from him. She headed over to the checkout counter area and started scavenging for anything useful.

It was only then that Daryl took a good look at the type of store they were in. Holy hell, in all the places they could have ended up, it had to be an adult store? At least he wouldn't be alone in his embarrassment since Beth looked twice as uncomfortable here as he felt. The whole space was filled to the brim with all manner of sexual implements and erotica and… costumes. Daryl's eye caught on a little blue lacy number that made him swallow hard. He felt his pants tighten as he involuntarily imagined a cute young blonde filling it out and offering herself up to him in it.

He could just see her standing before him, her pretty pink nipples revealed to him through the ribbon and lace peek-a-boo cutouts as she touched herself and licked her cute little mouth. He imagined taking himself out, pulling her up against him, and shoving into her repeatedly over and over as his mouth and fingers roughly invaded her in other even more wicked ways.

Right about then, Daryl realized that Beth's big innocent eyes were on him again. Despite himself, he felt his face flame up at the idea that sweet little Beth Greene had caught him mid-erotic fantasy. Complete with vivid lustful images of a girl not unlike herself, even. His thoughts had been so lurid in his head that Daryl was afraid Beth had heard every filthy detail of what he'd been imagining.

"Uh, Daryl?"

"Mhm?" Daryl couldn't trust his voice not to crack like a teenager right at the moment.

"Are we safe here? Do you think we should do something?"

Do something? Daryl was thinking of all kinds of things they could do right now. Shit! What the hell was wrong with him?!

"We're fine. It'll be a while, though. Better get comfortable." He wished Beth wouldn't talk to him right now. Or look at him. Or be here at all. With all this shit staring him in the face no matter where he looked, Daryl was having a really uncomfortable physical problem at the moment. But of course Beth wouldn't understand the delicacy of a situation like this for a man who hadn't got so much as a hand job since the world went to shit.

This wasn't his fault - it wasn't his idea to come in here. And it wasn't like he had really even thought about that sort of thing much. Not since long before the world had gone to hell in a hand basket, actually. Shit, he hadn't had time with all the running for their lives and almost starving to death stuff going on. So now that he had a moment of forced down time with a good eyeful of hot topics, what else was his brain supposed to focus on? It didn't help that he was required to share the small space with a beautiful young woman like Beth Greene.

By the time that Daryl had paced himself around the shop (averting his eyes of course) enough to get a grasp on his body and his twisted brain, Beth had gathered a hoard of pillows and blankets into the farthest corner of the store away from all the doors. It would be the safest place for them to get some rest tonight and store up their strength for when it was time to run again. Hopefully that would be sooner rather than later.

Daryl joined Beth in her little make-shift lounge. He leaned against the wall and then slid down until he was sitting next to her on the floor. Daryl picked up one of the pillows. It was gaudy pink plush with "naughty" and "nice" embroidered on either side in sparkly letters. Tacky, Daryl thought. He hazarded a glance at Beth. Her eyes were still big and she was still blushing slightly. She returned the glance quickly and both of them broke out with light giggles.

"This place is embarrassin'." Daryl nodded in agreement. He looked over again and couldn't help but notice that the pillow Beth was holding in her lap said "Sexy Bitch". It made Daryl chuckle again.

"That the one you picked out, Greene?" He couldn't resist poking a little fun at her. He knew that she probably hadn't even noticed which one she had picked up to hold.

Beth was clever though, and quick. She looked at the pillow and looked right back up at him with a straight face. "Well, yeah, it's the one that most fitted me." Then she grinned and wiggled her eyebrows before they both chuckled again. That sat in silence for a while. There was nothin better to do. Finally, Beth couldn't take the quiet any more. She cleared her throat nervously. "So uhm, have you ever been in one of these stores before?"

Daryl's head snapped up from where he had laid it back against the wall. "Me? Uh…pshh. Nah." He turned his head away from Beth and felt his face redden a bit again, though. He knew it was a lie. He'd been dragged through one by a girl he'd picked up at a bar. He was sloshed at the time and he couldn't remember what they had purchased, if anything, but he was sure he hadn't paid much attention.

"Wow." Beth replied unenthusiastically. He looked at her sharply. "That was soo convincing, Daryl. You must be a great poker player." She added lightly with a smirk. "It's alright, ya don't have ta tell me."

"Alright, Greene. What about you? You hang out in places like this all the time, I bet."

Beth actually guffawed at his smart remark. "Not all the time, but I've been in one before. I went with Maggie when she was shopping for her friend's bachelorette party. She kept tryin ta get me to buy stuff." Beth hadn't meant to admit that. To her horror, it had just slipped out. "Sorry. Overshare." Beth added quietly.

Daryl was breathing heavy and he just couldn't help himself. The thought of Beth Greene in a place like this, lookin at naughty things, touching sexy things, buyin 'em… it was just too tempting. He felt himself getting hard again, so he pulled his knees up in front of him to try to hide his growing arousal. Before he realized what he was doing, he asked, "What kinda stuff?" He really wanted to know, but he hadn't expected the words to actually come out of his mouth. He was horrified, but secretly hoped she would answer.

Beth was looking at him. He wasn't joking and he didn't try to laugh it off or take it back. Maybe he really did want to know. "Like, lingerie, and… stuff. You know, things Jimmy might like." Beth didn't think she could breathe. Daryl was looking at her intensely now. She had turned her head away, but she could feel his eyes on her. She made the rash decision to just put it all out there. "And things that I might like on my own when Jimmy wasn't around." She couldn't bear to look at Daryl after that confession.

Daryl probably wouldn't have noticed if the hordes of dead started pouring in to eat them alive at this point, he was so lost in thought. Wicked filthy thought. So Beth Greene wasn't as innocent as everyone always imagined. Sounded like she had some experience under her belt. Literally.

While the thought of Beth getting herself off with one of these sex toys made Daryl want to shoot off in his pants, he didn't like the idea of Jimmy at all. So she'd apparently been messing around with that kid he'd met back at the farm? He couldn't have been any good. Daryl wondered what kinds of things Beth had gotten for that little shit in a place like this. Then his mind wandered to the things she might have done for him. Did she wear one of those little blue numbers like Daryl had seen earlier? Did she suck his cock? What did she let him do to her when nobody was around?

He tried to reign it in. Honestly. He just couldn't. Not in this setting. Not with Beth sitting mere inches from him and talking about buying and enjoying sex stuff. Lord help him, he was devouring her with his eyes now, imagining it really was her in that little blue negligee. Her nipples peeking out at him, begging to be sucked and bitten. She had such a sweet little mouth. Daryl bet her pussy was just as cute and tiny and as tight as a motherfucker.


"What?!" Why'd she have to wake him out of his daydream? It was just getting good.

"Yer… lookin' at me." She had drawn her knees to her chest, mimicking Daryl, and she had wrapped her arms around her knees. The look she was giving him was one of pure disbelief and… embarrassment?

She was right. He was ogling her, actually. Practically raping her with his eyes, Daryl realized. And he'd made her uncomfortable. Stupid ass. "Mmm. Sorry. Didn't mean ta. Ya know, it's just…" He shook his head to clear it a bit. "Been a long time since I thought about that kind a stuff." Daryl moved to get comfortable and try to relax a little. He shrugged out of his coat and flannel shirt, leaving only his sleeveless undershirt. He didn't need the warm clothes now. He felt like he was on fire.

"No. I mean, yeah, I get it. It's alright Daryl. It's flattering." She was smiling, but she looked a little sad. "I just didn't think you realized it was me you were lookin' at."

"Pfft. Well who else would I have thought I was starin' at?"

"I dunno. Guys just don't look at me like that, s'all. I'm small and… insignificant."

"Bullshit! Yer perfect and yer not insignificant. Damn girl, what gave you that idea?" Daryl's mouth fell open at his own admission. Another thing he hadn't meant to slip. What the hell, though, Daryl thought as he clenched his jaw shut. It was the truth and maybe she needed to hear it.

Beth didn't respond. She just lowered her head to her knees and turned a brighter shade of red and sighed. "You're not so bad yourself, Daryl. I always thought so." She had said it so quietly he had almost missed it – but he didn't.

Daryl just sat and studied her for a moment. She looked so sweet and innocent that it almost derailed his errant train of thought. Almost. Maybe if Daryl was honest with himself, the idea that Beth seemed so virtuous and unassuming made it worse for him. Made him feel like it would be thrilling to debauch her in some twisted way, to teach her new sinful things that she had never before imagined.

Beth finally lifted her head and turned to Daryl. Her intent was to apologize for making things uncomfortable. She should have just kept her mouth shut about shopping with Maggie. It had only been the one time and it wasn't like she had actually bought anything. Especially not for Jimmy. They'd only ever kissed, anyway. Maggie had just been teasing her. Beth figured she better explain so that Daryl didn't take it all the wrong way...

But when she opened her mouth to tell him, she was shocked by Daryl's lips crashing down on hers. He took immediate advantage of her open mouth to slip his tongue past her lips and pry them open further. Daryl's hands were in her hair, pulling her face into him. The kiss was hungry and bruising. He was doing all the work and Beth couldn't even keep up. Her brain wasn't working fast enough for what Daryl was doing to her mouth with his lips, teeth, and tongue. All she could do was grab onto his elbows and hold on for dear life as Daryl took her mouth the way he wanted.

Daryl knew he was being forceful, but again he couldn't slow it down. He just wanted her so bad. Needed her. He didn't try to figure out if she was enjoying it or kissing him back, though he registered her hands on his arms weren't pushing him away. That had to be a good sign, but he wouldn't have stopped anyway. It was when he heard her moan into his mouth that he really lost all control of his actions.

Beth hadn't moaned. Actually, she had attempted to say Daryl's name, to tell him not to stop, invite him to push further but her mouth was currently in use by the sexiest man she'd ever laid eyes on. So it had come across as a moan. Before Beth could figure out what was happening, Daryl had yanked her underneath him and ripped open her button-down shirt. "Daryl?" His mouth moved quickly down her neck and then he was pulling futilely at her bra… "Daryl!" His hands were getting tangled in her shirt and lost in the blankets and pillows beneath them as he searched for the clasp. Finally Beth had enough and pushed against him with force. "Just stop Daryl!"

Daryl propelled himself off her instantly and looked at her with wide eyes. He started to say something, an apology maybe, but she was already grumbling softly as she stood up. "In such a hurry…if you'd just give me a second…gonna have ta sew all those buttons back on…" But she was taking things off, Daryl realized. He watched as her shirt hit the floor and she reached back to gracefully unclasp the little bra she was wearing. Beth looked at him suddenly and reddened. "Umm. You did want me to…?" Daryl just nodded and relaxed a bit. "Yours too, though, Daryl." Daryl played along obediently and removed his shirt and the holster belt he'd put on that morning.

Then he watched as Beth revealed herself to him. She was still blushing. How could anyone blush that often, he thought randomly. She just stood there in front of him for a beat and let him look at her. When she started to move back toward him, he held up a hand. "Wait. Ya sure this is ok with ya, Beth? It's kinda… fast. We don't hafta." Her smile was bright and beaming as she confidently nodded her consent. That was good enough for him.

Beth stooped to join him again on the floor, but he stopped her again. "Nah. Take the rest of it off… All of it." Beth looked at him skeptically. Daryl shrugged at her. "Ya just do it so much prettier than I can." And then Daryl was grinning as he sat back to enjoy the little show. Beth didn't move immediately, and Daryl worried a little. Maybe she was having second thoughts as her eyes wandered over the store briefly. She brought her arms up to cover herself from him and grinned impishly. "I have an idea you might like better. Wait here." And then she was off into the store. She turned back quickly. "Take off yer pants. Uh…please?" Her shy little grin was amazing.

Daryl just blinked at the floor. What is this thing that just happened, he thought. Did he just have some sort of mental break? Maybe he was dreaming again. Whatever it was, he's was just gonna enjoy it, he decided. He could hear her across the small space moving around. He quickly did as she asked and removed his pants and laid back, waiting to see what her big idea was. He had gotten so hard just from kissing her. He hoped he wasn't going to embarrass himself. Well, surely he couldn't do any worse than that young kid Jimmy must have. Daryl started to feel a twinge of jealousy at that and he briefly wondered if there had been anyone else besides Jimmy.

He didn't have long to ponder on it, though. Beth suddenly reappeared before him. And damn if she wasn't wearing that same little blue number he had his eye on. She must have noticed him eyeing it earlier. She'd also taken down her hair so it was curling around her shoulders and down around her breasts, making those little nipples of hers even more of a tease as her blonde locks wisped around them. From his angle on the floor he could also see that she hadn't paired the negligee with any panties. She was completely bare for him. His dick was so hard it hurt and he looked at her like a hunter would look at a helpless bit of prey.

Daryl was suddenly on his knees grabbing at Beth's ass and pulling her into his space. His hands raised the little blue nighty so that his mouth could land on the perfect little nest of blonde curls directly in front of his face. He felt her jump and gasp at the suddenness of his attack and he grinned up at her as he extended his tongue and let her watch as he made one hard lick at her pussy. "Mmmm. Fuck but yer sweet." He buried his face between her legs, exploring and tasting her with abandon. He suckled at her clit as he ran one of his hands down to tease her opening from behind. God she was soaking wet. Hot and ready for him already.

Daryl made a few hard sucks at Beth's clit, releasing it each time with a smacking sound. The little added touch made her knees buckle and Daryl caught her and spread her out beneath him on the floor. He didn't give her a chance to get comfortable before his mouth and hands were assaulting her breasts. He didn't make an attempt at removing the lace outfit. He wanted it left on, so he just worked over it and around it as best he could. It didn't matter anyway, Daryl wasn't going to spend too much time exploring before getting down to the real business.

He pushed his boxer briefs down out of the way and leaned up for some space. He let Beth watch him stroke himself a few times. He loved the way she looked so shy and aroused at the same time. She was obviously having trouble breathing, too, as her big blue eyes devoured the sigh of his manhood. Daryl was having a similar problem catching his breath. He continued to watch Beth's face as he ran his cock lightly against the length of her pussy, just barely teasing her. Her blue eyes rolled back in her head as she arched her body up toward him, silently begging for more contact. Daryl used the tip of his cock to tease her little clit several times. Beth rewarded him with a groan, followed by a whimper, then she was looking at him again. She was panting and desperate.

Without any warning, Daryl pressed himself to her entrance and shoved all the way inside in one stroke. Beth's whole body tightened up and she made a small indiscernible noise. With her vice-like grip on him, Daryl had to lean forward against her shoulder and take a few breaths to steady himself. He figured that Beth was having the same problem holding on. God, she was wet enough she was probably about to go over the top just like he was. Daryl sucked at Beth's neck as he started grinding against her. He groaned into her jaw as he felt the first strokes of her body slipping against his long-neglected cock. How could she be this tight? "Goddamn, girl. Shit, Beth. Ya feel so fuckin good." Beth responded with a little twitter of delight at his dirty praise.

Daryl leaned up to look at her. Beth had her eyes squeezed shut and she was gnawing on her bottom lip in time to his thrusts. Her legs were squeezed hard against his hips. "Hey." She opened her eyes to look at him with concern as he grinned down at her. "Relax. You don't gotta concentrate so hard. It's just sex. Supposed to be fun, ya know."

"Uh huh." She agreed, but she didn't sound convincing. Daryl thought that was odd. She was really tight, so maybe it was just a little uncomfortable for her or something. Maybe, he hoped, he was just a lot bigger than what she was used to. The thought that he was outplaying Jimmy-boy made Daryl feel real good. At least Beth seemed to relax a bit after his gentle chiding. Daryl took that as a sign to scale up his actions. He starting making long thrusts in and out and Beth seemed to really respond to that, relaxing a bit more each time. As he gained momentum, Beth started to finally move against him, helping him stroke in and out. She shifted under him and let out an 'unnhhh' when he hit the spot inside her she really liked.

Daryl adjusted to hit that spot each time and Beth came undone in just a few more strokes – biting that lip of hers again. As she came down, Daryl reached up and gently grabbed a handful of Beth's pretty hair with one hand and used it to tilt her head back and hold it there. He leaned up on his other hand so he could watch her their bodies connect. Daryl let himself go then. He drove into Beth hard and fast. The sounds of slapping skin, Beth's panting and mewling, and his groaning all added to his perverse pleasure as he wound himself up and toppled over the edge. He barely had enough mind to pull out and spill himself across the pretty blue lace covering Beth's stomach. Beth jerked her head out of his grasp and watched his cum spurt across her then she met his eyes again as he continued to stroke out the last aftershocks of his orgasm.

Daryl collapsed on the blanket beside Beth as they both tried to recover from their little surprise tryst. "Beth… just so you know. That was amazin'." Daryl wasn't sure what to do now. Usually, he would get up at this point and head home. Usually leaving a few bills for the girl's trouble. Uh, but this… was different. "I guess… thanks?"

"Ha, I guess… you're welcome?" Beth laughed at that and sat up with a wince that Daryl couldn't miss. He sat up and reached for her. "Hey, ya alright?"

"Yeah, no worries. Just… it's fine. You were just… new to me." She lifted the negligee and pulled it off, throwing it to the side. She made a promise to herself that she would take it with her when they left. She'd wash it up and it'd be good as new.

Daryl was rubbing her hip with care and kissing at her neck gently. "Sorry. Didn't mean ta be so rough. I just needed it in a bad way, ya know. It's been a while. Years."

Beth ducked her head away from him shyly again and nodded. He wrapped his arms around Beth's naked body and pulled her close so he could cuddle her more. God, he loved the feel of her. The smell of her skin. He'd never liked a woman so much as Beth. She was amazing and perfect. Daryl suddenly had a mad need for Beth to talk to him. He wanted to know if she liked it, how long it had been for her… how soon she'd like to do it again. With him. "How long… I mean, when was the last time ya…? With that boyfriend of yer's from the farm, it had ta have been like a year ago, right? You were awful tight."

Beth turned to look at him. And of course she was blushing again. "Daryl, you're the only one. Couldn't ya tell?" She asked quietly.

Daryl just looked at her dumbly. Was this girl telling him he just deflowered her? Oh no, please don't let that be true, Daryl thought. He was way too rough and careless. But it kinda made sense with the way she had responded, all shy but attentive. "Beth, did I just…?"

"Mmhmm." But she didn't look worried. She was smiling at him sweetly. "Was it ok, though? I know I wasn't like… great or anything…"

"Shut up." Daryl snickered at the perfect little blonde in his arms as she looked back at him indignantly. He kissed her nose lightly and bit his lip as he ran a hand lovingly through her hair. "Ya were better than great. Best I ever had. Ya shoulda told me, though. Ya damned girl." He looked at her with concern and kissed her lips gently. "Hey? Ya ok, really?"

Beth just grinned at him again with a hopeful look. "M'fine. Can we do it again? I think I'm gonna need some practice. And there's lots of nice things in here…"

Daryl rolled his eyes and groaned. He wondered if it was actually possible to die of ecstasy. If so, he was sure he was going to die in this sex shop.

A/N: Yes, I left it open to a sequel. Maybe. Haha. Let me know what you thought of it. Thanks for reading! - Lola