Paparazzis in Karasuno


Disclaimer: 'Haikyuu!' is Haruichi Furudate's work and this fanfic was written nonprofit.
This is my third fanfic, and the second I translate. I'll appreciate your comments, suggestions and corrections.

1. Storm lightnings

A new day arose in Karasuno High School and Hinata was late, the bell was already ringing while he pedaled with all his might. He jumped down, chained his bike and ran to his classroom. Panting, he stopped at the door to catch his breath. As he went to first year's class 1, he could see Tobio two classrooms away, in class 3. The brunette was in the same situation as him, but he still had the strength to stare defiantly at him and open the door. They entered their classrooms at the same time.

The school day passed slowly, but finally it was time for the volleyball club activities. The boys were prepared to give their all and began his training.

"Hey, Kageyama, can you lend me your water bottle? I need to drink" exclaimed Hinata, getting closer to the setter with a jump. The latter moved away.

"Get your own bottle! I won't let you fill mine with your saliva!"

"Don't be like that!"

While Hinata was trying to snatch the bottle away from a furious Kageyama, a flash from the gym's second floor decentralized him.

"Eh? Lightnings? Is there a storm coming?" shouted. He opened the gym's door and peeked out. There were a bright sun and clear skies.

"What are you talking about, you dumbass!" roared Kageyama. That said, he threw his bottle to Hinata's head. "Take this and drink, you're imagining bullshit"

The strange event was immediately forgotten. However, a person saw everything. Silently, it waited until the end of the class and went to talk with who had caused it.

"Err, Kiyoko-san?"

Hitoka Yachi was nervous. She still felt intimidated by the Karasuno club manager's beauty.

"Tell me, Yachi"

"Eh, why were you taking pics to the guys?"

After a tense pause, Kiyoko sighed.

"It's better if I show you…"

She brought a copybook full of numbers and annotations and handed it to the younger girl.

"Look at the row with more income. It says 'Others', right? Well… I've never told anyone how I managed to get that quantity. Once I told them they were 'anonymous donations', but the truth is that everything has been possible thanks to the photos".

"Oh? You sell these guys' pics to their fans?"

"Yeah, something like that. Separately, they don't have a lot of fans. But when they get together, magic happens, got it?" Kiyoko smiled.

Apparently, Yachi didn't understand, so Kiyoko reached into her bag and pulled out a little photo album. In all of them were the guys from Karasuno volleyball club, in pairs: Hinata and Kageyama, Tanaka and Nishinoya, Sugawara and Sawamura, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi... Yachi's eyes opened wide.

"But… They're just doing friend's stuff, why…?"

Slyly, Shimizu narrowed her eyes.

"Never underestimate a fujoshi's imagination. There are a lot in Karasuno and they also have an excellent ability to pay. Of course, I don't ask so much money, but I sell lots of pics"

Although Yachi didn't like to think about Shouyou with another person other than herself, she was surprised to find that she didn't mind seeing him with Kageyama. In fact, they look cute together. Maybe I am a fujoshi too, Yachi thought.

"Please, don't tell anybody, Yachi. I always ask my clients to sign a pledge not to share, upload to internet or photocopy the pics. If the boys found out, it would be my end"

The girl blushed when she saw her senpai's sad face.

"Ah, err... Don't worry, Kiyoko-san! In fact, I was wondering if I could, ehm, help you taking photographs. I know how to take them perfectly without flash and I would be discrete..."

"Really? Thank you very much, Yachi-chan!" exclaimed Shimizu.

The next day, Yachi went to the club with her camera, saying that it was for creating new posters. It was partially true. At the end of the school day, in a hidden lane, Kiyoko and Yachi met with a group of Karasuno's girls. The managers handed over brown envelopes to the girls, who gave them money instead.

"Remember, you mustn't share them or upload them to internet. Take care of these pics as if they were a treasure. If people knew, we couldn't go on".

All the girls nodded emphatically. One of them opened her envelope and exclaimed, full of joy:

"Wow, these pics are excellent!"

The volleyball team managers smiled, satisfied.

Weeks passed fast, thanks to the trainings and training matches. After the last one -which Karasuno won by far-, Karasuno's players had a lot of free time.

"Hey, Ryuu, do you wanna go with me to the cafeteria?"

"Sure, Noya-san! Besides, we can see cute girls while walking, hehe"

Both Ryuu and Nishinoya walked happily to their destination, when a couple of girls passed at their side, giggling. Emboldened, the guys approached them, but that didn't fare very well.

"¡EEK!" squealed one.

"Tanaka, you idiot! You scared her!" exclaimed Nishinoya.

"No, he didn't", replied the other girl. "It's just that she's excited for seeing you toge..." She couldn't finish the phrase, because the squealing girl silenced her friend with her hand. The gesture was so abrupt, that something went flying from a pocket inside her jacket: a brown envelope.

"Don't worry, I'll pick it up!" the libero said merrily, trying to take it in the air. He managed to catch it by the wrong side, so its content spread on the floor.

Tanaka went to pick up the dropped papers and he paled. He looked at Nishinoya, who was paralyzed while seeing himself in a photograph with Tanaka in a friendly hug. All were similar, with both of them. There was nothing wrong or strange in their actions, but they felt goosebumps.

"What is this...?" Nishinoya asked, turning to the girls.

They had gone.