
"Well my meticulously evil king, you sure do offer a very tempting deal. However, I just got to ask you Sombra, why do you need the help of an all powerful lord of the underworld against a mere child?" Lord Tirek scratched at his goat's beard while him and King Sombra sat in his throne room of his underworld palace in Tartarus.

Sombra trotted back and forth before the centaur "That is the problem my oh so massive friend, this boy is not just a mere child that I could easily get rid of. No, no, no, this child possesses a strength that I believe is even more powerful than the Elements of Harmony put together!" His eyes grew wide as he stared at Tirek.

As a sly grin etched across his face Tirek leaned in his throne toward Sombra "Ah… Well enlighten me Somby, but what would that be?" He caressed his beard with curiosity.

Sombra stomped his hoof against the ground in anger "Don't you dare call me that you goat faced imbecile!" He growled in frustration at the nickname the centaur gave him "Yet, to answer your question, the boy possess the strength of pure love. It's his heart that is truly a vessel of true power, and I want to have it for myself." A lowly chuckle escaped his lips.

"Well that sounds like a very well developed and decisive plan my royal friend, but there is one small problem." Tirek held up a finger "How do you plan on us nabbing this child and possessing his heart? We can't just go up to those pesky ponies and say "give us the kid!"." Tirek threw his arms up in the air.

Sombra simply growled with frustration and smacked himself with his hoof"Ugh… that is why I came to you Lord Tirek, because your prison holds someone I think could be very valuable in my plans." He calmed himself "Where are you keeping the once queen of the changeling, Chrysalis?"

"Wait… are you saying you want that weakling to help us conquer Equestria Somby?" Tirek arched an eyebrow as he slowly stood up from his throne"If you wish, follow me." He started to trot forward.

"Don't worry Lord Tirek, once I am done conversing with Chrysalis, she will once again become the powerful queen we need to assist us in overthrowing Celestia, her sister, and her pathetic little subjects." He chuckled but sneered "And I told you not to call me Somby!" Tirek simply chuckled at the king's anger as they trotted toward the underground prison of Tartarus.

Up above in Ponyville Toby was walking up to the warm sun of Celestia shining upon him through his bedroom window. A smile crept across his face as he let out a yawn Today is Momma and Papa Big Mac's wedding. I'm so happy for both of them, and I hope Momma will like her present I got her. He climbed out of his bed and walked over to his dresser to pull out the small box that held his gift.

He held it close to his chest as he walked out of his room and across the hall to Fluttershy's I hope she's awake, I don't want to wake her up if she's sleeping. Slowly, he opened her bedroom door and took a step inside. A soft whisper escaped his lips "Momma, are you awake?" He stepped inside to see that her bed was empty She must be downstairs fixing breakfast. He turned and walked out of her room to head downstairs.

As he approached the living room, all of the animals were already enjoying their morning meals "Good morning everyone, are you all enjoying your breakfast?" He gave them a warm smile and they responded with happy chitters, chirps, and squeaks. He walked into the kitchen, but Fluttershy wasn't there, yet there was a note on the table. He walked over to the table, picked up the letter, and started to read it.

Dear Toby,

I'm so sorry that I'm not there to fix you breakfast or wake you up like I usually do. I feel so awful for leaving you all alone, but your Aunt Rarity asked for me to go over to the boutique early so I can tell her what I think of my dress and to try it on. However, I could never leave my precious little one without him having something for breakfast, so I fixed you a nice fresh-leaf salad with crisp apple slices, diced carrots, and some shredded cheese on top.

After you are done eating, just make sure to lock the door, and be careful walking over to the boutique. I hope you aren't mad at me Toby, because I would never want to hurt you, I promise. I love you my dear little one!



Tears stung Toby's eyes as he folded the letter back up Oh Momma, I could never be mad at you, please don't be sorry. I love you too. He sniffled as he placed the letter carefully in the pocket of his hoodie and walked over to the fridge. He smiled warmly as there was his salad and he took it out, and walked back over to the table to start enjoying his breakfast.

At the Carousel Boutique Rarity was awaiting for Fluttershy to return to her room wearing her wedding dress. Soon her bedroom door opened and in trotted Fluttershy with a big smile on it "Oh Rarity, I love it! It's absolutely beautiful and it fits just perfectly, thank you!" She beamed as she trotted up to the unicorn.

Rarity giggled and clapped her hooves together "Oh darling, I knew you would! Turn around so we can see it all flow together!"She beamed happily at her friends approval of the dress.

The dress was an all summer yellow with light pink butterfly wings in triangular format on each side of the dress' flank. Sewn in emerald green gems were used to create the collar, and the veil was a light yellow with a the head piece made of small yellow, pink, and green flowers The train of the dress was a foot long and flowed smoothly behind the dress

Rarity clapped with glee "Oh Fluttershy dear, you're going to look so lovely in your dress today! You will indeed be a marvelous bride, and Big Macintosh will be a handsome groom when he puts his suit on.

"I know, I think he will look very nice in it as well. I also…" Fluttershy was cut off as the bell to the boutique rung "Oh, that must be Toby." She gave a soft smile and trotted to the door "Sweethere, we're upstairs!"

The young boy walked upstairs toward his Aunt Rarity's room and as soon as he saw his mom in her wedding dress his mouth hung open in a big smile "Oh Momma, you look very pretty!" He gave a small round of applause as he looked at Rarity "You did a great job Aunt Rarity!"He walked over to give the white mare a hug.

Rarity smiled warmly down at him and wrapped a foreleg around him "Thank you my darling nephew! Your momma is going to look beautiful at the wedding!" She gave Fluttershy a wink as she ran her hoof through Toby's hair "Oh, and how could I forget to let you try on your outfit for the occasion." She blushed and levitated a protector covered suit over to him "You just go to the washroom and try it on dear. Your momma and I will be waiting to see you in it." She giggled and blushed as Toby took the suit and walked out of her bedroom, and across the hall to the washroom.

Toby returned shortly afterwards dressed in his outfit for the wedding. Unlike his usual suits that Rarity designed for him in the past, this suit was all white with matching white slacks. The interior was made of black velvet, and a black vest completed the finished outfit. He stood at the door and looked at the two mares "It feels nice and comfy Aunt Rarity, but how do I look in it?" He gave a hopeful smile.

"You look handsomely adorable darling!" Rarity beamed and trotted up to him, patting the sides of the outfit with glee "Indeed Toby, you're going to be a wonderful best young man for your Papa Big Mac!" She turned toward Fluttershy "What do you think of his suit dear?"

Fluttershy smiled warmly at her son and trotted over to him, gently wrapped a foreleg around him "You look lovely sweetheart." She gave him a kiss on his forehead "Not only will I marry my mate today, but I will have my precious and handsome little one along with us to celebrate this wonderful day!" She smiled brightly.

Rarity nodded in agreement and cleared her throat "I couldn't agree more darlings, but I belive it's time for us to head toward Sweet Apple Acres. I want to make sure that the others are happy with their mares of honor dresses and make sure Sweetie Belle, and her friends have their flower dresses on." She gave both of them smile " You two just go get changed and I'll met you both downstairs." Fluttershy and Toby nodded, and left the room to go change.

At Sweet Apple Acres, while the wedding guests were arriving, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Spike, Applejack, and the CMC were all together awaiting on the bride to arrive. They were all dressed in all white mare maid dresses with white, pink, and yellow roses for the head piece of the veil. Spike wore his usual tux with red bowtie and black top hat. The fillies wore the same flower dresses they had during the wedding of Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor.

"Ah hope Rarity gets here soon with Big Mac's suit, he's getting anxious. He's upstairs now Ah bet sweating like a hog on a hot summer's day." Applejack sighed heavily "Ah just this big day for my brother to go off without a hitch, ya know girls?" She looked at the others who nodded in agreement.

Rainbow trotted over to her and patted her on the back "Don't worry AJ, I'm sure they'll be here soon. Besides, I'm going to go out and see what I can get to snack on, because it's going to be a while until we get something to eat." She chuckled and waved a hoof before trotting out of the house.

The others laughed at their friend's anxiousness to fill her belly before the wedding. Pinkie hopped in place with a beaming smile "That reminds me, I got to go and get the cake ready to be sliced and eaten! I can't wait for you guys to see it, it's a super, duper, delicious, and scrumptious cake! Everypony is going to love it!" She waved a hoof at them and hopped off outside to go check on the wedding cake.

"Sis, will it be okay is we go outside too? Ah want to see if Babs got here yet." Applebloom gave a hopeful smile to her sister as the other two fillies nodded and beamed happily.

"Oh, ah right Applebloom, yall can go outside, but just be ready when the ceremony is about to start, do ya hear me?" Applejack stroked Applebloom's mane as the three nodded and galloped outside.

Fluttershy, Rarity, and Toby were approaching the farm as they traveled along the dirt road. Rarity was levitating her suitcase with her mare maid's dress, Fluttershy's wedding dress, and Toby's suit in it "Oh, I'm so excited Fluttershy darling! Soon you're going to be Mrs. Macintosh Apple!" She giggled and blushed.

The shy pegasus simply blushed at the comment "I know, I'm excited too… I'm gonig to be happily married to the stallion… um… that I've always kind of admired ever since I came to Ponyville." She turned her head to the side, blushed a deep shade of pink.

Rarity gasped "WHAT?! You mean you've always liked Big Mac dear?" Fluttershy gave a light nod "How come haven't you said anything to me or any of us?" She looked at Fluttershy curiously.

Fluttershy blushed even deeper "Well….um… I just thought it wasn't that important. Um… besides we were helping protect Equestria that I just felt it wasn't serious enough to tell you girls." She gave a little smile.

Rarity patted her on the back "Pish posh darling, no matter if we was facing those brutes during those times, you know that we would have always had time for each other. If you ever have something else you would like to tell me or the others, just speak up, okay dear?" She gave her a warm smile.

Fluttershy nodded and sighed softly "Okay Rarity, I will."

The three approached the farm to see ranch occupied by ponies a plenty, mostly of the Apple Clan. Fluttershy looked around and spotted her parents conversing with some of the other guests as they waved a their daughter. She returned the wave with a warm smile "Well, I guess everypony's here that is supposed to b here. Let's go find the girls, shall we?" She looked down at Toby with a warm smile and at Rarity who both nodded in agreement.

Soon the three entered into the Apple house to be greeted by their friends with hugs. After greeting each other Rarity cleared her throat "Well girls, would you lik to join us as we get ready for this big day?" They all nodded as Applejack lead the way upstairs.

Fluttershy turned toward Toby and placed a hoof on his shoulder "Sweetheart, your aunts and I are just going to be upstairs getting read, okay? Why don't you stay down here with Spike or maybe you can go outside to see where your big sisters are?" She gave him a warm smile and kissed his forehead.

"Okay Momma." He returned the smile as Rarity levitated his suit over to him.

"Here you go dear, you better go get ready too." She gave him a wink as she gasped "Oh gosh, I almost forgot, Applejack dear, where is your brother at? I got to give him his suit." She looked at the country mare who was at the top of the stairs.

"He should be in the kitchen just getting his mane straightened out and teeth clean and fresh. Ah told him to stay in there until the wedding begins. Ya know it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride." She chuckled as Rarity nodded and trotted into the kitchen with Big Mac's tux.

While the girls went upstairs to Applejack's room to help Fluttershy into the dress and fix her up, Toby walked over to the couch in the living room to sit down. He let out a soft sigh and pulled out his gift for Fluttershy out of his hoodie pocket. He held it gently in his hands Maybe I should give this to her after the wedding. I was hoping to give it to her before, but she is very busy with my aunts that I don't want to mess anything up.

"Hey buddy, is something wrong?" The voice of Spike interrupted the boy's thoughts as Toby looked up to see the baby dragon sit down beside him. Spike placed an arm around his shoulders "You look kind of sad, is everything okay?" He looked at Toby with concern and worry.

Toby gave a small smile towards the dragon "I'm okay Uncle Spike, it's just I'm afraid Momma might not like her gift I got her for the wedding." He opened the little box and opened the pendant for Spike to look at.

"Oh, that is nice Toby. I'm sure Fluttershy is going to love it. You know she loves you with all her heart and she will like anything that you give her." Spike gave him a reassuring smile and patted him on the shoulder "Well buddy, I think it's time that we go get ready for the event. Let's go see how that suit looks on you." He jumped off the couch along with Toby and the two went to the kitchen for Toby to get dressed.


Lord Tirek and King Sombra approached the cell that held Queen Chrysalis, but was disappointed to see her sleeping "Well, well, well, look what the cerberus drugged in...haha!" The two looked at each other curiously, but soon realized who the voice belonged to as it echoed around them.

"Come out you bumbling fool!" Sombra stomped his hoof against the ground as the draconequus appeared before them "There you are Discord, why in Equestria are you here?" The king arched his brow.

Discord snapped his fingers, making a glass of iced tea appear in his lion paw "Just enjoying a nice, cold drink Samba Mamba!" He chuckled as he sipped at his beverage

Lord Tirek grabbed at his stomach, joining along with the laughing "Good one Discord, I got to use that one some time, if you wouldn't mind of course." The centaur continued to chuckle until he looked down to see a look of disapproval and cleared his throat "Anyways Discord, we're here to talk with Chrysalis. We know you've been keeping a close eye on her, due to the orders of that pompous Princess Celestia, and we need her help."

Discord suddenly took interest and snapped his fingers again, causing the glass of iced tea to vanish in a flash. He gave a sly grin "Well, she is sleeping like a baby changeling, but do enlighten an old fellow like and tell me what do you need her for." He wiggled his eyebrows at the two.

"Well if you need to know you disgrace for a black hearted creature, Tirek and myself are planning to finally dethrone Celestia and her sister, and take over the entire land of Equestria." Sombra gave an evil smirk "And I believe with her ability to change into anypony she wishes, Chrysalis can become a valuable part in our plans." Suddenly the dark unicorn was struck with an idea "Speaking of taking over Equestria, how would the Master of Chaos himself like to reign supreme along with us?"

Discord placed his lion paw to his chin in a thinking manner "Hmm… very tempting, but how can I know I can trust either one of you?" He looked at both them curiously.

Lord Tirek chuckled "Hey now Discord, old buddy, old pal, don't you remember the good times we used to have causing mischief around Equestria before those two sisterly prudes ruined our fun and sentenced us down here in Tartarus for eternity. Well, me now, because you are now a goody two shoes and all reformed." He crossed his arms "I bet the Master of Chaos doesn't even know how to cause lightning of fire strike again." A sly chuckle escaped his lips.

"Pbbt… that is child's play my dear old friend, of course I can still do stuff like that, but I choose not to do such things. So to answer your question Tirek, yes I can still cause chaos and if you two would like for me to join in taking over Equestria, then consider it my honor." He grinned mischievously and bowed.

King Sombra grinned with satisfaction Delightful, my plan is coming together smoothly. Now all I've got to do is talk with Chrysalis when she wakes up and give her the strength she needs to do her part. He looked at Discord "That is a wise decision to make Discord, because I wouldn't want to turn you into dust if you would to turn down our offer."

"Easy there Samba Bamba, I'll join you two in your little quest of power. However, I got to make a little trip first, so I bid you two adieu." With a snap of his fingers he disappeared

Tirek grinned "I knew he would join us, he just need a little persuading." He chuckled as he looked toward the sleeping changeling queen "What do you think we should do about her?"

Sombra sighed heavily "Let her sleep for now, because once she wakes up, I'll get her to join us with my own type of persuasion. For now, I got to make a little visit to a place that is a long ways away from here." He changed into his shadow form.

Tirek looked at him curiously "And where might this place be at Sombra?" He crossed his arms and tapped his hoof against the ground.

The shadow simply chuckled "This place is called Earth, and there is a being there I think will be yet another major pat in our plan. For he has a storied past with the little child." Suddenly he drifted away leaving the centaur alone.

Tirek shrugged his shoulders Until Somby returns, I'll just go relax in my throne and find something good to munch on.

Sweet Apple Acres

Guests were seated as birds were chirping a beautiful, peaceful harmonious tune, and Big Mac stood proud awaiting on his beautiful bride. His tux was all red with three green apples in triangular format on each side of the flank. The interior was all black with a matching neck tie and vest.

Beside the groom stood Spike and Caramel Apple as the third best colt, Toby sat at the piano provided. Twilight and the girls all stood proud and happy as the mares maids as Princess Celestia stood at in the center to preside over the wedding. Princess Luna stood beside her sister as she smiled warmly out at the attendants.

Celestia looked over to her nephew "Toby dear, are you ready?" He gave her a nod as he placed his fingers the piano and everypony became quiet. Toby took in a deep breath and exhaled as he started to play the wedding march.

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The guests turned to watch as Fluttershy calmly trotted down the aisle way, her face quietly hidden behind her veil. A trio of bluebirds carefully carried the end of the dress' train in their beaks as the attendees looked in awe at the beauty which emanated from the blushing bride. Honey Dew and Iron Badge were on the verge of tears as they watched their daughter approaching the altar.

Big Mac grinned proudly as he saw his soon to be mate trot up and gave her a warm smile. A light pink blush formed on the stallion's cheeks and his heart started to beat rapidly. He took in a deep breath and exhaled to calm himself down.

When Fluttershy stood on her side of the altar, she gave him a warm smile and blushed herself. Princess Celestia cleared her throat as the ponies in attendance sat down on their haunches "Mares and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union between the Element of Kindness, Fluttershy and Big Macintosh Apple." The ponies clopped their hooves softly in a small round of applause.

The princess looked at the nuptials "Before I begin the sermon, would you two happen to have any vows you would like to say to each other?" She smiled warmly at the two and they gave her a soft shake of their head "That is perfectly fine, because I know the love you two have for one another does not need to be spoken, but felt by both of your hearts." She cleared her throat and began reading the sermon.

"Fluttershy, do you take Big Macintosh as your mate in life, to love with all your heart. To have and to hold, through sickness and through live happily after ever together in peace and harmony til' you both shall pass." She looked at the blushing pegasus.

"I do!" She smiled brightly.

"And Big Macintosh, do you…"

"Eeyup Ah do!" The stallion smiled just as brightly and proudly.

Celestia let out a small giggle at the stallion's eagerness "Well, with the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Big Macintosh, you may kiss your bride!" She gave a warm smile.

The two smiled happily at each other before coming together in a romantic, gentle, and beautiful kiss to tie the knot. A loud applause erupted as everypony felt their eyes stung with tears as they watched the two share a kiss of true love. The girls, including Rainbow Dash shedded a few tears for their friend getting married.

After they broke the kiss Fluttershy and Big Macintosh waved for Toby to come over. He nodded and as he got close, they embraced him in a big, warm family hug. They both nuzzled the top of his head as he felt tears gently roll down his cheeks I'll give Momma her gift later. This is her and Papa Big Mac's day, and I just want both of them to be happy.

When they broke the hug, Fluttershy and Big Mac hooked their forelegs together, and trotted down the aisle. The applause grew as they trotted and the mares of honor, best colts, and the princesses followed behind. Indeed it seemed like a beautiful, romantic, and wonderfully peaceful day as the wedding of Fluttershy and Big Mac was celebrated.

Meanwhile (In A Far Off Place)

The waters of the ocean were calm. Only the sounds of waves meeting the shore line were heard. However, within these waters something very mysterious was happening. There was a large flash of light that appeared in the middle of the massive body of water. Once it cleared, a girl, wearing a gray colored shirt with a long brown ponytail hairstyle and a crown necklace was soon falling deeper and deeper into the water. Her eyes shut and no movement was made as she wasn't conscious. Her hair flailing and her necklace rattling as she fell even more deeper into the ocean.

Soon, she awoke very slowly, her dark green eyes barely lifting upward. She flipped herself to land on both her feet. She had now finally reached the ocean floor. What was off however was that she could breath just fine. She knew something was definitely off, so she took a step forward. As she took this step, it also revealed to her where exactly she was. When her foot touched the ground, it cracked open with a blinding light. She shielded her eyes as the light grew brighter and brighter. Once the light faded, she didn't know what to think.

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Her vision was clear now, her environment was nothing more than a giant stained glass pillar she stood on that was decorated with a familiar purple unicorn with wings. Its eyes were shut as it rested with a smile on her face. There were many other ponies and symbols decorated around this odd display. This girl was now completely clueless as to both what was occurring and where she was.

]I]So much to do…

So little time…

A sudden voice that almost seemed invisible spoke to the girl. She was startled at its appearance and looked around for the source of it. Nothing was to be found.

Take your time… Don't be afraid…, The voice continued.

The cycle still continues…

Now step forward… Can you do it?

Seeing as there was nothing else to do in a situation like this, the girl stepped forward toward the center of the pillar. There came a low rumbling from the ground causing her to gasp. Soon, 3 smaller pedestal emerged from the ground. One contained a sword, another held a staff, and the last had a shield.

Power sleeps within you…

If you give it form…

It will give you strength…

Choose well.

This seemed all too strange for the girl. Clueless, she approached the pedestal holding the staff and picked it up. She examined the weapon with much interest.

The power of the mage…

Gifted magical power…

A staff of wonder and ruin…

Is this the power you choose?

She gave a small nod to herself and within an instant, the staff disappeared from her hands.

Your path has been set… now, what will give up in exchange?

She looks back at the remaining 2 options for her to select and thought even harder about this decision. She approaches the shield and picks it up.

The power of the guardian…

Impenetrable Defense…

A shield to protect loved ones…

Is this the power you wish to give up?

The girl nods and the shield slips away from her grasp. She looks up as the voice begins talking again.

You chose the power of the warrior…

And you chose to give away the power of the guardian…

Is this the form you choose?

Nodding in response to her final answer, the stained glass pillar of the pony she was standing on began to crack. It soon completely shattered, leaving her falling into the abyss again.

She passed out after the large fall, but eventually came to an end. She slowly woke up after landing and saw she was one yet another stained glass pillar. This time, it was of a butter yellow pegasus pony with a light pink mane and tail. Alex looked for any points of interest on this pillar, but nothing appeared. Suddenly a blade that was shaped like a key came to her hand.

Allow me to test your combat skills…

Small imp shadows appeared from the ground and the girl knew that it was finally time for some action. She easily destroyed one of the shadows with a vicious horizontal slash. The others seemed to have noticed this and quickly disappeared in a dark puddle. She gave a smirk.

"That's it?" She asks confidently to herself. Then, a door appeared in front of her. It contained the symbol of her crown necklace as well as a locket that was heart shaped. She slowly approached the door and the voice once again spoke.

This door will lead you to both your destiny and your worst nightmare…

The girl gave a worried expression at this statement.

But don't be afraid…

Your light will shine with its power…

And you will break the cycle…

She grabs the handles of the door and pulls. It was a lot harder to pull than she thought. She pulled as hard as she could and the door creaks open with a blinding light behind it.

Once the light cleared, she found herself at what appeared to be a treehouse with 3 smaller ponies inside.

Wait… The door will not open just yet…

First… Tell me about yourself…

She approaches the small bright yellow pony wearing a bow in her mane.

"What do ya want outta life?" it asks her.

She thinks for a bit, and then answers, "I want to expand my horizons."

The pony disappears making the girl raise her eyebrow. Seeing how bizarre this experience was to begin with, she continued onto the small unicorn.

"What's most special to you?" it asks.

Thinking hard once more, the lass answers, "Protecting others." The unicorn disappears only leaving the small pegasus left.

"What is it that you're so afraid of?" it asks.

In deep thought once more, she answered, "Being rejected." And with that, the light grew bright again and the felt the world around her shifting.

The light slowly died down and the girl found herself on one last stained glass pillar, this one being an all pink pony with a bubbly mane and tail. A small light shined above the pillar. She grew curious and approached it.

Be careful… The closer you get to the light… the bigger your shadow becomes…

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The lass quickly turns back to see her shadow taking a physical form. Then it grew and grew until it eventually transformed itself into a giant shadow monster. Completely frightened by the sight of it, the girl ran but came to a stop as she almost fell off the edge of the pillar.

But don't be afraid…

Seeing as fighting was the only option left, she pulled her key shaped sword out and began slashing at the giant's right arm. It responded by pounding the ground with great force with its left hand and created a large puddle made of dark matter. It gave way for smaller shadows to rise up and attack the girl. However, they were no match for a skilled warrior such as herself and they fell. The giant then proceeded to shoot projectiles out of the hole in its chest. The girl easily deflected them back at it and climbed on top of his shoulder and gave many hits to its face. It shook the girl off of it and suddenly her blade disappeared, leaving her defenseless. She tried crawling away, but the massive creature fell on top of her, clouding her vision with darkness.

Don't be afraid…

You will be the one who will break the cycle…

(Back at Canterlot Castle)

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Within a hidden area in Canterlot Castle, a young human girl with very light and long blonde hair wearing an all gray dress had finished another drawing in her sketch book of a girl fighting a giant shadow monster. She lowers her head and sniffles as she puts her pencil down.

"Does it hurt, Jaden?" Discord appears in front of her. He holds her face up to make her look at him. "Oh, you're so cute… but behind this face you do terrible things!" He said in joking tone.

She pulls away from his grip and looks down again.

Discord takes a few steps back, "Is she ready?" He asks her.

"…Yes." She answers in a quiet and fragile tone. Discord smiles sinisterly.

"Now… bring her here and plant those fake memories." He says causing the little girl to gasp.

"B-But… if I do that, then-"

"Then you'll lose your body if you don't." Discord interrupts, "Jaden… do it."

Tears fill the girl's eyes as she begins drawing again. Discord smiles and pats her head.

"That's my girl… just like her dad, causing large amounts of chaos." He snaps his fingers as sunglasses and swimming trunks appear onto him. "Now if you need me, my dear Jaden, I'll be at the beach. Toddles!" He then disappears, leaving the girl to her drawing.

"Alex… please… you have to find me… it's what the boys would want."