AN So this is a random fic that I have no idea where it's going at this starting point but hopefully it will go somewhere awesome. All I know is that I definitely want to explore the idea of altering season 5 of the show. So hopefully you don't mind as I move through the season, possibly slowly or possibly quickly, no idea but here we go!

Pairings: Merlin/Mordred, Merlin/Arthur


"I offer you a choice," Said the tall cloaked figure before Merlin. He had no idea where he was but wherever it was, it was bright. All around him a white light seemed to radiate, blocking out any identifying features of his surroundings and of the man in front of him. Merlin knelt on the ground, his slain king in his lap and he tried to wipe away his tears but only smeared Arthur's blood across his cheeks instead. "Before you stand two doors, each allowing you a chance to go back and change the fate of Albion." He continued and Merlin felt the flutter of hope in his stomach but he didn't dare trust it. Everything was ending, Arthur was dead, Albion lost and it was all Merlin's fault. He couldn't stop the tears that spilled over his cheeks as he helplessly tried to regain some semblance of control over himself.

"What are you talking about? How can I do that?" He asked, looking back up at the cloaked figure.

"Destiny has played you a cruel hand but fate has stepped in to give you another chance." He said cryptically, "if you choose this door," He paused indicating the door to his right, "You will return to Camelot, one year ago from today with all the knowledge you have now. You remember the battle of Camlann, you will remember what causes Mordred to betray Arthur and you will have the opportunity to alter the events that brought you here.

The other door, should you not choose the other, you will return one year from today but you will have no memory of these events nor will you have ever been warned against Mordred. You will know nothing in the role he plays in Arthur's death-"

"How could that possibly be good?" Merlin shouted and the creature before him tilted his head, looking at him curiously.

"Prophesy, young Emrys, can be more dangerous than any other magic. If you had not known Mordred would one day betray Arthur, would you have ever doubted him? What reason would you have to distrust him?" He challenged and Merlin realized the truth of his words. He remembered that day when Mordred lay dying and the Disir gave Arthur the opportunity to accept the Old Religion and how in his misguided belief that Mordred had to die, he had unwittingly sealed the fate of Camelot. Would he have acted differently if he had not been set on Mordred's death? He knew the answer instantly and he looked up again at the being before him.

"I have decided." His voice was filled with a confidence that he didn't feel.

"Are you sure Emrys? You will not be granted this chance again."

"I'm sure." He nodded; he would not make the same mistakes twice. He would do the right thing; he would save Arthur and Camelot and maybe some others along the way.

Chapter One

Emrys Came the gentle voice, whispering in the wind and Merlin looked around the golden woods. Sunlight cascaded through amber leaves, shadows danced as the wind tousled the branches and the word seemed to brush against his skin. He smiled at the familiarity, at its warmth as he began walking, his feet wading through the fallen leaves, creating a loud rustling sound. He wasn't sure exactly where he was going, but he felt a pull towards the crest of the hill that he could just barely make out between the trees up ahead.

Emrys the voice came again, wrapping itself around him and sending a shiver through him.

"I'm coming!" He shouted, beginning to run. He wondered if someone was in danger, if Arthur needed him and quickly the forest changed from enchanting to nightmarish. The golden leaves turning black and every shadow spoke of hidden threats.

Emrys it came again, more persistent. Emrys, are you awake?

Merlin groaned and rolled over in his bed, pulling the blanket over his head as the dream faded.


He frowned, the voice was still there. Opening his eyes he concentrated on the voice. It was strangely familiar and it only took a few more sleepy moments to realize who it was.

Mordred? What's wrong?

I'm sorry, did I wake you? Came the quiet reply and Merlin rolled his eyes.

Well, yes, but what's wrong? He asked, not missing the urgency in Mordred's voice and he suddenly felt anxious himself.

Nothing, I just... I couldn't sleep. He replied and Merlin frowned. It was incredibly unusual for Mordred to reach out to Merlin like this; unusual and dangerous.

Why not? He asked, worried about the young sorcerer.

Mordred hesitated before he replied and Merlin could see him lying in his bed, his blue eyes dark with hidden pain, I keep having nightmares.

What about? Merlin shifted in his bed, bringing his arms up and folding them behind his head as he looked at the ceiling, picturing Mordred's face as they talked.

I keep dreaming that Arthur finds out that I have magic. His voice was thick with emotion and Merlin understood all too well what that felt like.

I've had that dream too, he assured him.

Does it always end with being burned alive?

No, not always. Sometimes he finds out and it's ok... he doesn't hate me but accepts me.

That's definitely a dream Mordred replied sadly and Merlin smiled weakly.

One day Mordred, it won't be like this. I promise you.

I believe you Emrys, he answered and they were quiet for several minutes, each lost in their own thoughts. Merlin believed his words without a doubt but he desperately wanted to know when it would be safe for those with magic in Camelot. When would Arthur remove the ban on sorcery? When could they be who they were really? He felt the familiar pang of doubt grip his stomach followed by the loneliness that was never too far. And then he remembered Mordred, a fellow secret sorcerer hiding in plain sight and he couldn't help but smile a little. At least they had each other. Coming across Mordred on their search for their lost knights was the biggest surprise of their trip, although not an unwelcomed one. Well, the whole being beaten and tied of up Mordred's fellow bandits wasn't exactly pleasurable but Mordred had come through in the end. He had even stabbed Morgana to save Arthur's life and had been rewarded by being knighted. He wondered, not for the first time, about that young boy he had met so many years ago. His green cloak flying madly behind him, blue eyes that could swallow the whole sea and the desperate, insist voice in his head crying for his help. He remembered the first time he had met Mordred, how together he, Arthur and Morgana helped him to escape. He smiled as he remembered how Arthur personally saw him returned safely to the druids. His mind wandered tiredly as thoughts of Mordred rolled around and he suddenly found himself wondering about the druid's mark that he remembered seeing on him when he was injured and hiding in Morgana's chambers.

I still have it Mordred's voice caused Merlin to jump slightly in his bed and he could hear Mordred's chuckle follow.

Don't you worry someone will see it? He asked ignoring the fact that he had just been caught thinking about Mordred shirtless.

Arthur knows that I was raised by the Druids, he knows about the mark he replied quietly and Merlin frowned.

I suppose that's good then, he's come a long way in the years that I've known him and since you first met him. He acknowledged and then his thoughts strayed again to the mark that had been on his right breast.

I'll show it to you sometime he said voice silky and something about the tone made Merlin blush and turn his face away despite the fact that Mordred was several doors down the corridor.

Goodnight Mordred.

Goodnight Emrys.

The next morning came way too early in Merlin's humble opinion as Gaius shouted loudly from the other room that he needed to hurry up. He groaned and lazily rolled out of bed, barely managing to put his feet down before he toppled out. He stood up slowly, stretching his long arms high above his head and leaning back as he yawned loudly, hand coming down to tiredly scratch his chest. He couldn't place why he was so tired until he remembered his late night mental conversation with Mordred and he smiled in spite of his tiredness. It was nice having someone around who understood what it was like to have magic. He dressed quickly, throwing on his usual blue tunic, brown pants and red neckerchief before blundering out of his room and into the main room. He then realized just how late it really was.

"Morning," he waved quickly to Gaius, grabbing the chunk of bread on his plate before throwing the door open and running down the corridor. He silently cursed Gaius for letting him sleep in and he nearly tripped over his own feet going down the stairs to kitchen. He still had to grab Arthur's breakfast and get to his chambers before the royal prat woke up.

He managed to make it to Arthur's chambers without spilling any of his breakfast and allowed himself a moment to catch his breath before flinging the doors open.

"Good morning!" He shouted in his usual overly cheerful voice. He made a point not to look at the bed; he was sure Arthur would be sitting there scowling at him and about ready to make a comment about his inability to ever be on time. Instead, he carefully but swiftly set the breakfast tray on the table and went to the windows.

"It's going to be a beautiful day!" He practically shouted as he ripped open the curtains to allow the morning light into the dark room. Merlin spun around, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face as he prepared to face Arthur only to be met with an empty bed. The smile fell and he blinked several times only to be startled by someone clearing their throat.

"Good morning Merlin," Arthur said, hands on his hips as he stood by his dressing screen. He managed to get into his breaches and was now standing shirtless, his nightshirt clasped in one fist as he scowled at his servant. Merlin smiled sheepishly and slightly withdrew into himself, preparing for the immediate reprimand he was sure to get.

"Sire! Let me help you with that!" He said quickly rushing to his king's side and grabbing his shirt for the day.

"I've managed this far without you, I think I can make it the rest of the way," said Arthur pointedly, casting a disapproving eye at Merlin as he snatched the shirt from him. "Honestly, why I even bother keeping you around is beyond me. You're the worst manservant I've ever had the displeasure of employing." He jibbed but Merlin could see the familiar twinkle of humor in his eyes so instead of being insulted and possibly afraid for his job, he squared his shoulders and lifted his chin.

"You put up with me sire because you know no one else could handle that fat head of yours." He retorted and moved across the room to gather up stray bits of laundry.

"I should have you thrown in the stocks for your insubordination!" Replied Arthur as he pulled on his shirt. Merlin smirked when he saw that it was not only backwards, but also inside out after having clearly struggled to get it over his head no less.

"Really?" He asked and Arthur was amazed at the amount of sarcasm he was able to put into one word, "you were saying?" He asked as he indicated the state of his shirt with his eyes. Arthur looked down at himself and flushed a deep red and scowling at the smug smirk that Merlin's lips twisted into.

Arthur mumbled several incoherent curses as he pulled at the shirt, attempting to correct it without actually taking it off and Merlin rolled his eyes.

"Good grief Arthur," He scowled and walked over to him. "Stop squirming!" He ordered, grinning at the fact that he was giving the king an order.

"Don't order me around!" He quickly admonished.

"Forgive me sire," Merlin said attempting to sound the least bit sincere as he stepped back, "I'm sure you have this completely under control." He said cheekily, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from bursting out laughing. Arthur glared at him in the most deadly way that he could muster considering his head was barely out of the head hole, his arms twisted and tangled in his shirt so much that it looked like one of the jackets Gaius used for people who had gone completely insane. They stared at each other, Merlin's arms folded across his chest and tapping his foot, eyebrow raised pointedly and Arthur's furrowed angrily in a deep scowl. Finally Arthur deflated and huffed out a sigh.

"Fine, fix it." He ordered, eyes darting away from Merlin in embarrassment but not before catching a glimpse of Merlin's smirk.

"As you wish," he mocked and began untangling Arthur. How he managed to get so tangled was beyond him but then again, Merlin had been dressing himself since he was a toddler whereas Arthur had always had someone else to do that for him. "Prat," he muttered in the most endearing way that he could manage and Arthur couldn't hide the smile that toyed at the corner of his lips.

"So, what do we have today?" Asked Merlin when the whole clothing debacle was behind them and Arthur was finishing his breakfast.

"I have training with the knights. It's Mordred's final test today before he can come out on patrol with us and then I need a bath. After lunch I have a council meeting. While I'm training, you can do the laundry, clean this mess up, polish my boots" he said indicating the bedroom, "and prepare my bath. During the council meeting you can polish my armor, much out the stables and help Gaius with whatever errands he has for you and then bring me my supper." He listed and Merlin made no effort to hide the scowl of disapproval.

"All that?" He scoffed and Arthur sighed, pausing in his eating to look at Merlin with the most annoyed and also amused look that morning.

"Yes Merlin, all that!" He retorted, "It's hardly an unreasonable amount to ask of you."

"Pfft, if you say so," Merlin mumbled and Arthur set his fork down.

"Yes, I do say so Merlin," He answered and pushed away his breakfast. "Now help me into my armor."

Merlin walked down to the training grounds with Arthur. It was an unspoken ritual of theirs that had developed within the first year of working for him. Merlin would accompany him and watch him for at least half an hour for no real purpose other than to provide inappropriate comments about Arthur's inability to wield a sword and to remind the knights that they all had to keep Arthur in his place. It all started with Merlin accompanying him during Merlin's first week and Merlin being Merlin he had to make some remark about Arthur's lazy footwork. That then led to a loud argument between the two where Arthur was firmly called the biggest royal arse in the five kingdoms and Merlin was sent to the stocks for the rest of the day. Merlin attempted to avoid going with Arthur to training after that since he knew that he would not be able to resist the urge to insult the prat but of course, Arthur dragged him with him anyway. It was almost as if Arthur wanted Merlin to insult him because of course Merlin gave into his impulses to do so and ended up in the stocks three more times before Arthur gave up with the stocks all together. Now, over the seven years Merlin had been employed by Arthur, it would just end in a loud bickering match between king and servant that much resembled that of an old married couple but no one would dare point that out.

The day was cool as it the summer was fading and fall was beginning to take a firm hold on the weather. The air was brisk and Merlin's breath came out in little puffy wisps of smoke as they made their way to the circle of gathered knights.

"Good morning," Arthur greeted them and everyone bowed their heads, replying with a joined good morning. "Today is a very special day!" He began and Merlin sank away to the outskirts, leaning on a post to watch.

Good morning Emrys came the gentle whisper and Merlin's gaze immediately found Mordred. He was standing across the field from him, occasionally blocked from his view by a pacing Arthur.

Aren't you afraid someone's going to hear us? He asked worriedly.

No, I know how to block out anyone else he replied easily and Merlin could see him smirk all the way from where he was.

Oh, he thought and tilted his head, looking at the younger warlock with a strange fondness, well good luck today on your big test. He said just as Arthur's voice raised in volume and cut through their silent conversation.

"Today is Sir Mordred's final test as a knight in training!" He said and all the knights cheered, clapping Mordred proudly on the shoulder making him blush an adorable red. Merlin couldn't stop himself from grinning too. He watched as Arthur and Mordred drew their swords and began circling each other but left before their sparring match got too lively. He had way too much work to do.

"Merlin!" Arthur shouted in annoyance as he threw open the doors to his chambers. At the sound of his voice, the bucket full of hot water Merlin had been about to pour into the bathtub went flying into the air, spilling across the floor.

"Arthur!" He yelped in surprise. He hadn't been expecting him so soon and he had just finished heating the water using magic.

"Great!" Arthur growled as the water sloshed over his boots. He tossed his gloves on the table and placed his hands on his hips, scowling at Merlin with annoyance. "Honestly Merlin, you're as jumpy as a criminal!" Merlin felt his cheeks flush and mentally admitted that he was a criminal.

"Sorry sire," he apologized and quickly bent down to mop up the water with a spare rag.

"Leave it, I wouldn't mind a cool bath anyway, I'm melting in this armor." He instructed and lifted his arms, waiting for Merlin to obediently release him from the confines of the metal. Merlin stood, slipped on the wet floor and crashed into Arthur sending them both tumbling to the floor. "Bloody hell Merlin!" He squawked, attempting to get up but Merlin lay sprawled out over top of him, pinning him to the floor and he was surprisingly heavy.

"I'm so sorry!" He stammered and Arthur shoved him off. After he stood and brushed himself off, he held out his hand and Merlin took it, ears bright red with humiliation.

"You really are completely useless," he said in that tone that indicated he never ceased to amaze him with his stupidity.

"Sorry," he muttered again and quickly began unfastening the clasps on his shoulder plates. Merlin bit his lip, mentally scolding himself for being so stupid. He wasn't normally such a klutz, but he had only been seconds away from being caught using magic and terror was still coursing through his body making his limbs twitch spastically. He managed to calm himself as he set about the familiar task of undressing Arthur. It was almost as calming as meditation he thought, his hands moving easily across the clothing, removing pieces in a practiced manner. After working for him for so long, the daily tasks like removing and polishing armor had become second nature. He set the last of the armor on the table and then proceeded with the king's clothing. As his hands effortlessly moved about removing his shirt, he noticed the tension in the muscles in his back and the stiffness that he moved with.

"Did you injury yourself during training sire?" He asked worriedly as he stood behind him, his hand reaching up to gently touch the slightly swollen shoulder making Arthur wince.

"It's an old injury," he said through clenched teeth.

"Well if you'd like, I can rub it down for you?" Merlin offered, surprising both of them with his offer to do extra work.

"Yes, that would be nice." He admitted as he moved behind his changing screen to remove his pants and tights. Merlin went to the water and quickly pulled a couple vials of rosemary and lavender from his belt. He poured a couple drops of each into the warm water and then placed them back in his pouch. He turned away just as Arthur came around from the screen, a towel wrapped around his waist and Merlin dragged a chair over to the back of the tub while Arthur sank into the water.

"Mmmm" He moaned as the water covered him. It was the perfect temperature, not too hot but still warm enough to relax his muscles.

"Lean back sire," Merlin instructed as he sat on the chair, trying desperately not to let his eyes wander down Arthur's body. Arthur moved backwards in the tub until his back touched the edge. Merlin dipped his hands in the water to let them warm up before he brought them to his king's shoulder. His slender fingers probed the injury gently. He had learned a lot working with Gaius and by gently inspecting the muscles, he knew what it needed. "It would appear that you've agitated your previous injury," he said as he massaged the muscle tenderly, "I'll work the knots loose and have Gaius make you a tincture to help relax your muscles but you shouldn't train for the next two days." He advised him and Arthur groaned.

"I have to train Mordred," He told him and Merlin frowned.

"Did he not do well during his test?" He asked, suddenly worried for the other man.

"No, he did just fine but he still has more training to do as do the other new recruits." He explained and Merlin nodded.

"I'm sure the other knights could substitute for you," he offered and Arthur nodded.

"I suppose you're right," he said before he could stop himself and both men froze at his words.

"Excuse me?" Merlin asked quickly, a smirk easily spreading across his lips and Arthur scrambled to think of an excuse but was failing miserably as the silence stretched to an uncomfortable length. Arthur cleared his throat and shifted in the water.

"I said that I suppose you're not wrong that Leon could substitute for me tomorrow." He weakly rearranged his words, carefully avoiding the word 'right'. Merlin would never let him live it down if he actually acknowledged that he was right for once. Of course Merlin was frequently right, more than Arthur was even willing to admit to himself but he would never, ever, upon pain of death, let Merlin know that. Merlin just snorted behind him before pressing harder than necessary on his sore muscle causing Arthur to grit his teeth.

"You should mop of that water Merlin," Arthur said once his shoulder was beginning to feel better, "it'll ruin the carpet." He didn't know if it would or not, but he didn't think that really mattered.

"Yes sire," Merlin said, managing to make the simple words drip with sarcasm. He watched as Merlin bent down on his hands and knees and began scrubbing the floor dry with a towel and then pulled his eyes away, closing them and sinking further into the water.