
The ice mage barely had time to react before a flash of blue tackled him to the ground, arms wounding tightly around his torso. Gray looked down in annoyance at the water mage who had a dreamy look on her face as she rested her head on his chest, snuggling into him. He was about to protest, trying to get her to release her vice-like grip when someone interrupted.

"Juvia, you're suffocating him," came a stern voice from above. Both mages looked up to see a rather scary looking Erza who had her arms crossed and her face knitted into a tight frown. His eyes lingered on the redhead, ignoring the water mage tightly clutching him. It had been a while since he had properly spoken to the redhead, and it was about time they did. Now that he had finally gotten over his guilt and replaced it with strong feelings of protectiveness, it was time that they abridge the gap that he stupidly created.

Intimidated, Juvia immediately let go and climbed off of Gray, giving him some space to get up. He flashed the redhead a grateful smile as he stood up to straighten himself up, Erza's frown only growing deeper. A strange feeling of possessiveness had overcome her but she willed it to go away as she stood firmly between the two.

"Juvia is sorry for almost suffocating Gray-sama. Please forgive her," the water mage pleaded, about to cling onto his arm when Erza flashed her a warning look which caused her to back away.

Gray shook his head. "It's fine Juvia," he said coolly, placing his hands in his pockets.

The blue haired girl smiled brightly, her expression turning moony as she marvelled at his kindness. Gray-sama is so kind, she thought dreamily to herself.

"But did you want something?" Gray asked, noting that the mage wouldn't normally do that (scratch that, she would) unless she was really happy.

The water mage's blue eyes immediately brightened as a wide smile slowly grew on her face. She clasped her hands together before talking animatedly. "Juvia found out that there will be firework display later tonight at the river bank," she began before her cheeks flushed a bright pink in shyness.

He nodded, "What does this have to do with me?"

"Juvia was hoping Gray-sama would accompany her," she continued hopefully, before her fantasies went wild.

"Of course I'll accompany you my little water droplet," her beloved Gray-sama would reply. And then they would take each other's hands as they rode off into the sunset.

Or in this case, they would go on a romantic date (Juvia almost squealed at the thought) and then while they watched the fireworks, Gray-sama would lean down and tell her, "I've always wanted to do this."

Before she could respond, he would cut her off with a sweet kiss. It would be just like in those romantic books she sometimes borrowed from Levy-san. Kissing under the fireworks with her Gray-sama. She couldn't wait, she thought giddily.

Gray's eyebrows furrowed. "What, like friends?"

His question brought her out of her reverie as she refocused on what was happening in reality. When she finally processed his words she almost fell down in shock. Juvia shook her head. "Juvia was hoping it would be more like a date," she admitted shyly, twiddling her fingers. She peeked up to look at him, only to find a deep frown etched onto his face.

A date? With Juvia? That was certainly something he had never thought of before. The more he thought about it however, the more unappealing it sounded. He really had never thought of Juvia in that way. She had always been just a close friend to him, a little like Lucy but he considered Lucy his little sister. He wondered how he was going to break this to her however. He wasn't normally that good at handling requests like these. He was just too awkward and too nice.

He opened his mouth, ready to respond when someone interjected.

"I'm sorry Juvia. Gray won't be able to accompany you tonight," Erza replied smoothly, crossing her arms as if daring Juvia to retaliate.

Juvia's expression immediately turned downcast, while Gray's eyes dilated in shock.

"He won't?"

"I won't?" They asked simultaneously, both rather surprised at the new turnout of events.

The redhead nodded firmly, sharing a small look with Gray before diverting her attention back to Juvia. "Yes. He will be with me tonight. Master had asked us to run some errands for him, and unfortunately they cannot wait."

Juvia pouted at the new information, saddened that her dreams wouldn't be coming into fruition that night.

"He is?"

"I am?" Both asked in unison once again, Gray even more surprised. Erza shared a hard look with him before he nodded frantically.

"Yes yes, I mean I am," he amended with faux confidence, turning to look at Juvia. "I'm sorry Juvia. Maybe next time?"

Erza frowned at the idea, not liking what it entailed. Juvia meanwhile, though disheartened, seemed to brighten up immediately at the chance of getting another chance. She hugged him tightly in happiness, the redhead beside them scowling openly now.

Stupid Gray. It was because he was too nice that he couldn't reject her. She thought that she had told him to make his feelings clear. Erza couldn't understand why she was suddenly feeling so annoyed and possessive. She didn't know what had come over her when she had lied to Juvia like that. All she knew was that she couldn't let him go to the firework display with Juvia. The very thought of it left a nasty taste in her mouth and made her stomach feel a bit funny. Her mind was about to be pulled back to a recent memory when she firmly shook it away. Not now, she told herself.

Erza's attention soon turned back to the hugging duo with Gray looking like he wanted to be anywhere else but there. This was her cue to break them apart as she tapped Juvia on the shoulder and motioned for her to let go. Juvia complied happily before walking off with a new jump in her step, Erza and Gray watching with bemused expressions.

"Did Gramps really give us an errand to go on?" he asked the requip made once Juvia was out of earshot.

Erza shook her head beside him. "No, but you're not going with Juvia to that firework display."

"Huh? Oh yeah. Thanks for that save by the way. I really owe you one," he noted, rubbing his nape.

The redhead nodded firmly. "Good. Then I will meet you at the riverbank at eight o'clock sharp. Don't be late," she warned before walking off, leaving Gray to his thoughts.

When he finally processed what she said he was dumbfounded. "Wait, what?"

"I didn't know there was a firework display tonight. I wonder what for though. I don't remember there being a special occasion," Lucy muttered to herself as she placed the poster sticking on the notice board.

"It's to celebrate the success of Plan F apparently," a voice came up from behind her. Lucy turned around, only to find the youngest of the Strauss siblings standing behind her.

"Plan F?" she asked as Lisanna came to join her.

She nodded. "It's Mira-nee's new plan for Gray and Erza. Something about how fireworks are romantic and how couples usually kiss under it," she explained, eyeing the poster.

Lucy raised an eyebrow. "That explains it. But putting up a whole display just to get the two of them together? It sounds a little extreme, wouldn't you say Lisanna-san?"

Lisanna only shrugged. "It's Mira-nee," she pointed out and the blonde immediately agreed. Right, this one of Mira's plans. Of course she'd go overboard.

"But do you think it will work?"

Lisanna nodded. "It already did." She turned around to point at a dumbstruck ice mage standing shock still in the centre of the guild, as his eyes trailed Erza's retreating figure.

Lucy's eyes widened, pleasantly surprised. "Wow."

He looked down at his watch impatiently, tapping his foot on the grass of the riverbank. It was already five past eight yet there was still no sign of her. And she was the one who told him not to be late. Maybe she should have taken her own advice instead.

His dark navy orbs scoured the area in search for the redhead. There was quite a crowd already gathered at the riverbank, most being couples who were already lying down on their picnic blankets. He was probably the only one who was still alone because his date (was this even a date?) had yet to arrive.

Maybe he shouldn't have come after all. He didn't know why but when he had finally comprehended that Erza was practically asking him on a date he had felt more excited than he had ever been in his life. He had been agonising over the clothes he was supposed to wear (it was between a white coat and a black one) before he decided to screw it because he'd just lose the damn clothes anyway. It was then that he realised that he was beginning to feel those butterflies again, the same ones that only ever appeared around her.

But Erza was still a no show. She had yet to arrive and the fireworks were supposed to start soon. He decided that because he was such a good guy that he would give her another five minutes. If she still didn't turn up he would go home and sleep. It wasn't like he had any other plans that night, and no he wasn't going to turn to Juvia for company. He wasn't that desperate.

As he kept his eye out on the look for a mop of bright red hair, a voice behind him caught his attention.


He whipped around almost immediately, having recognised that voice. He turned only to see a pretty redhead in a simple floral dress, her hair tied to the side in a ribbon. He gawked at her having rarely seen the girl out of her armor, and wow she cleaned up good.

"Erza?" he spluttered as the girl walked up to him. He could feel blood rush to his face but he willed himself to stay calm, hoping that his magic would cool the sudden heat in his cheeks.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I had forgotten to get something," she apologised sincerely, noting the male's own appearance. He was dressed only in a simple plain blue t-shirt and jeans but he still looked good. Truthfully he looked good in anything.

Gray accepted her apology almost immediately. "It's fine. I was worried you weren't going to show."

She shook her head. "I wouldn't miss it for the world," she said sincerely as she smiled at him. Gray felt his heart suddenly pound faster as he looked away, unable to look at her as his cheeks began to flare up once more.

"So, what did you forget anyway?" he asked, trying to keep his voice as steady as possible as he diverted the subject. Erza opened her purse, taking out a folded mat.

"I brought a mat, considering that neither of us wouldn't want to sit on the grass all night," she explained before unfolding it and placing it on the ground. Gray looked at it appreciatively before he moved down to help her. Soon they both sat down, making themselves comfortable on the mat as they waited.

"I wonder what the special occasion is," Gray brought up, motioning to the firework display.

Erza shrugged. "I'm not too sure either but I don't mind. It's been a while since I've seen fireworks and I've been looking forward to seeing them again."

Gray raised an eyebrow. "Really? You know, if you wanted to see some fireworks you could've just asked me. I can make fireworks easy," he proclaimed, watching as a small smile graced her lips.

"Or I could ask Natsu," she pointed out to which he scowled.

"Don't ask that flame brain. His fireworks are nothing compared to mine."

Erza rolled her eyes at his remark. Their rivalry was so childish sometimes. "But they're called fireworks for a reason you know. They're not ice works."

He nonchalantly shrugged. "Doesn't matter. My ice can still make some damn good fireworks."

She rolled her eyes once more but couldn't help the grin that formed on her lips. She didn't realise just how much she had liked Gray's company. He always managed to get her to smile even in her foulest of moods. "Sure sure. Don't let that confidence get to your head though."

"High self esteem is proven to be healthy for you, you know," he pointed out jokingly.

"It's also proven to give you a big head," she retaliated with an air of confidence.

"So does your fist," he retorted to which she took faux offence to.

"Excuse me?" she challenged, pretending to be insulted.

He rubbed the back of nape, feeling slightly intimidated. "Your punches are pretty hard you know. They always leave me and Natsu with these big swollen bumps."

"That's because you deserve it. Who else would be able to keep you two in line?"

He huffed, crossing his arms like a spoilt child. "I'm not a child. Natsu is, but I'm not."

"Sure," she teased, enjoying his annoyed state. She had never known how fun it was to tease him.

They continued their endless chatter to pass the time, Erza smiling more than she ever had as she engaged in some interesting conversation with the ice mage. Gray on the other hand was secretly pleased that he had been the one to put those smiles on her face, his pride swelling immensely.

It was only when they heard a loud burst in the sky that they finally tore themselves away from conversation, their attention now focused on the technicolor bursts in the sky. Erza watched in unadulterated awe as she watched the explosion of color light up the entire sky. She looked like a child on Christmas Day and Gray found himself drawn more to her than the actual fireworks. He had never seen her look so childlike before. It made his cheeks burn even hotter.

"Wow, look at that one Gray! Isn't it beautiful?" she exclaimed excitedly, pointing toward a firework that had exploded into a ring of red bursts. He jumped at the sudden intrusion as he tore his gaze away from the red haired beauty to see the rest of the fireworks.

"Yeah, it's great," he replied lamely, his eyes slowing drifting toward the redhead again. He didn't know what it was but he just couldn't seem to take his eyes off her, literally.

The firework show came to a close after twenty minutes of continual bursts of color lighting the sky. Whilst saddened that it had already ended, Erza felt especially energised after watching the display as she turned to Gray with a particularly bright smile.

"That was amazing," she praised as the male folded up the mat.

He looked up at her with a soft smile. "Yeah, it was," he replied distractedly, rather enjoying her enthusiastic display.

"Thank you for coming with me. I know you probably had other plans," she apologised sincerely, feeling suddenly guilty.

Gray shook his head almost immediately, flashing her a reassuring grin. "Don't worry. I wasn't going to do anything tonight anyway. I had more than enough fun here actually."

She smiled softly at him. "I'm glad. I guess I'll see you tomorrow at the guild then?"

He nodded. "Night Erza."

"Goodnight Gray," she replied, taking two steps away when she abruptly halted in her tracks. Gray raised an eyebrow in curiosity, wondering why the girl had suddenly stopped. He watched silently as she turned back on her heel to face him. He was about to ask what was wrong when he felt a sudden pressure against his cheek. Soft lips brushed against the planes of his tanned skin, heightening his senses.

Gray's navy orbs widened in shock when he comprehended what had happened, the redhead pulling away. With her lips still curved into a gentle smile she said, "Thank you once again," before finally turning on her heel to retreat.

He gaped like a fish out of water as he dazedly watched her retreating figure, his hand going to his cheek as if the kiss left a scorching mark on his skin. Erza kissed him. On the cheek. Erza kissed him on the cheek.

His heart beat just a little bit faster.

(And somewhere in the distance, hidden behind some bushes, someone almost squealed.)