Ch. 3- A Massive Turnaround!

One Piece © Oda

Blizzard, Monkey D. Aika, Kumi, and Jupiter © Me

When we last left our heroes, Luffy, Nami, Law, Blizzard, and Chopper had ended up as Breed's slaves after he uses his Pet-Pet Fruit powers on them. Breed had captured Caesar for the sole purpose of having him create SMILE Devil Fruits in order to create a whole world of Zoan-type users for him to control as his "pets", for he believes that human friendships are worthless. However, Luffy's spirit would not break, and he refuses to allow Breed to rule over him. Due to this, Breed forces Luffy and Law into a fight to the death, but when Luffy's old friend, the Kung-Fu Dugong, tries to intervene and when Blizzard saves the Dugong, the madman forces Blizzard to turn on Luffy.

Blizzard, forced to do Breed's bidding, reluctantly throws Luffy and Law out through a window and down into the sea below, seemingly killing them both.

Right now, Nami, Chopper, Blizzard, and the Kung-Fu Dugong are mourning Luffy's supposed death.

'How could I do this?!' Blizzard thought as his tears fell. 'HOW COULD I KILL MY BEST FRIEND, DAMMIT ALL?!'

"LUFFY~!" Chopper sobbed.

"MASTER!" the Kung-Fu Dugong wailed.

Nami just sat on her knees, bawling her eyes out at the death of her fiancé.

"No…Luffy, no…!" she whimpered. "Why…? You…you were the man I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with!"

However…Breed just clapped his hands while he chuckled in a sinister fashion.

"You!" Nami hissed.

"That was quite a show you put on…White Wolf," Breed said. "Tell me…how do you feel now, now that you sent your worthless former master to his own demise with your own fangs?"

'You…you son of a bitch!' Blizzard thought, glaring angrily at him through his tears. 'YOU SHOULD BE ONE DROWNING TO YOUR DEATH, NOT LUFFY!'

"Petototototo!" Breed laughed, but then…he looked up and saw the Kung-Fu Dugong, lunging at him with a fist raised!

'YOU'LL PAY FOR KILLING MY MASTER~!' the Dugong thought, but then…

"Lie down!" Breed ordered, and the Dugong suddenly landed on the floor, while Breed pulled out his whip. "Now…I was in the middle of disciplining since White Wolf interrupted me."

The Dugong growled as Breed stamped his foot on his head, but just when he was about to deliver a whip-lashing…


Breed turned…and saw Nami, seething with rage.

"Ah, Cat Burglar!" Breed said. "I almost forgot you were here."

"Nami! What are you doing?!" Chopper questioned.

"Now, now, my dear," Breed said as he approached Nami and reached up to pet her face. "I know it's hard, but you must move on. Straw Hat is dead, now…and White Wolf and Choppy will live in my dream kingdom, where they will be my loyal for the rest of their lives! And you…you will be at my side…as my devoted queen! Petotototo-"

BAP! Nami punched Breed across with a Haki-imbued punch, much to everyone's shock!

"YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Nami shouted. "Now you listen to me, you son of a bitch…I am NO ONE'S fucking pet, do you hear me?! I'm a pirate, dammit all! And so are Chopper and Blizzard!"

"That's right!" Chopper shouted as he finally got to his feet…and tore off the dress that Breed put him in. "And pirates are free! We're not meant to be anyone's damn pets!"

"We'd rather die than be with you!" Blizzard added.

The Kung-Fu Dugong gasped silently at this.

"So…you're all betraying me?!" Breed questioned.

"Betraying?!" Nami repeated. "You dumb-ass…we were never on your side!"

"Yeah! Our captain is Luffy, not you!" Chopper shouted.

"Don't screw with me!" Breed barked. "Straw Hat's dead and you all know it! You saw White Wolf kill him and Trafalgar! You all know what happens when a Devil Fruit user ends up in water-"


"Pirate King?!" Breed repeated. "Have you lost your mind?!"

"No…but maybe you have!" Chopper shouted.

Blizzard growled in agreement at this.

"'You say you're gonna make a kingdom of animals who will obey you?!'" Chopper translated. "'Bullshit! There's no way that something like that will happen!'"

"You…you may think you're gonna be some kind of king," Nami hissed, "but you're not! You're not a king! You're just some…some spoiled brat who never took the time to understand people the around you! NO ONE WILL EVER FOLLOW SOMEONE LIKE YOU!"

Breed gasped…as Nami's triggered a certain memory….regarding his old crew.

"You're just some spoiled brat who never took the time to understand the people around you! NO ONE WILL EVER FOLLOW SOMEONE LIKE YOU!"

"You…YOU BITCH!" Breed roared before he whipped Nami across the face!

"AGH!" Nami cried.

"NAMI!" Chopper shouted.

"BASTARD~!" Blizzard roared as he lunged and Chopper lunged at Breed, who turned and glared at them.

"SIT!" he ordered, and both Chopper and Blizzard both sat down!

"Crap!" Chopper cursed.

"Dammit!" Blizzard shouted.

Breed turned to Nami, who is holding her face…then, a wicked smirk appeared on his face.

"I know…just what to do to put you in your place," Breed said as he took his whip…and tied around Nami's wrists, like cuffs.

"W…what do you think you're doing?!" Nami questioned before Breed grabbed her and strung her up to a hook on the wall nearby, like a prime cut of meat. "P-put me down!"

"Petotototo…petototototo!" Breed laughed…before he reached his hands out and gently grabbed a lock of hair from her head, which he sniffed. "Mmm…such a lovely scent. I must admit, even though I hate humans…you, Cat Burglar, are an exceptional beauty. Even I can't bring myself to hate you."

He then lightly kissed Nami's hair, much to her disgust.

"S-stop that!" Nami shouted. "Only Luffy has the right to touch my hair, you ape!"

"Oh, you poor dear," Breed said. "Your love and faith is blinding you from you the truth…you know he's dead. You saw him."

"No…no, that's not true-" Nami shouted, but Breed pressed his thumb against her lips.

"No matter…I will bring you to reality," he said, "by making you mine."

Nami gasped at this while Breed snickered. Then, he reached his hands under Nami's shirt…and squeezed her breasts, causing her to let out a squeak, followed by an uncontrollable moan as tears welled up in her eyes. Breed smirked at this before he took his hands out of Nami's shirt and used his tongue to lick at the tears.

"S…stop…stop it!" Nami cried. "Get off me!"

Blizzard and Chopper growled as they struggled to stand.

"Blizzard, what are we gonna do?!" Chopper questioned. "We can't let Breed have his way with her!"

"I know, little buddy!" Blizzard replied. "But…it's no use…as long as we're these godforsaken collars, we have no choice but to listen to Breed's orders!"

"Petotototototo!" Breed laughed as he reached down the button on Nami's shorts. "Come on…you can't deny me any longer. No matter which way you look at it…you're mine, now, Cat Burglar, and you belong to me."

"Shut up!" Nami shouted as her tears fell. "SHUT UP!"

Breed snickered at this…but just as he was about ready to shed Nami of her clothes.


Breed, as well everyone else gasped, upon hearing that voice…before they turned and saw none other than…

"L…Luffy?!" Chopper questioned.

"Law?!" Blizzard repeated.

That's right. Luffy, Law, and surprisingly Jupiter stood at the huge glass hole in the window. Also, Caesar was with them, too.

"Get your stinking paws off my girl, you fuck!" Luffy shouted.

"Master! You're alive!" the Kung-Fu Dugong exclaimed.

"But…but how?!" Breed questioned.

Nami just stared at Luffy in disbelief…but then, her tears came back at full force…before she let out a joyful sob.

"LUFFY~!" she cried.

"But…but how is it that you're both alive?!" Breed questioned. "White Wolf threw you both into the sea! Well…it doesn't matter! You're still under my power, and so will Beastly Bird, there!"

Jupiter just blinked his good eye, bewildered.

"Now then…Trafalgar! Straw Hat! Sit!" Breed commanded…but nothing happened. "Hey! What's wrong with you two?! I said sit down!"

Law smirked.

"Just as I thought," he said. "As long as we can't hear your orders, we can't follow them, can we?"

Breed gasped at this.

"With these," Law began as he pulled out…a pair of earplugs, "we can't hear your orders. I found out a way to block out your voice. You have Transponder Snails and loudspeakers everywhere, allowing your give your 'pets' orders from wherever you are, am I right?"

"You…since when did you figure it out?!" Breed questioned.

"Back when we were in our little prison," Law answered. "I noticed that you had to repeat the command you gave Caesar because he didn't hear you the first time. After I figured it out, I put earplugs in my ears and pretended that I was following your commands while I waited for a chance to get Caesar back."

"You mean…during the fight with Straw Hat, you-"

"That's right…I was only putting on an act. Straw Hat-ya, on the other hand, well…he was the one being controlled the whole time."

"Huh?" Luffy muttered. "What'd you say?! I can't hear you with these earplugs in my ears!"

"As for how we survived, I just called Jupiter over and he flew by and saved us," Law said. "Also, I used my Devil Fruit powers to make you think that we had both fallen into the sea."

"Jupiter…you saved Luffy?!" Blizzard questioned.

"You're welcome," Jupiter said, snidely.

Blizzard growled before he look away with a scoff.

"I still don't like you, you know," he grumbled.

"When are you start being grateful, you little brat?!" Jupiter questioned.

However, Blizzard would never admit that he was grateful to Jupiter. His pride just wouldn't let him.

"As I was saying," Law began, "we caught Caesar attempting to escape from this place in that shark sub. Lucky us."


"Huh? What was that?!" Luffy questioned.

"Straw Hat, if you want to join in the conversation, take off those damn earplugs!" Caesar shouted.

"Huh?! What was that?!"

"I said take off your earplugs!"

As Luffy and Caesar continued arguing…Breed started to seethe with uncontrollable rage.

"Like I said, Straw Hat-" Caesar began…when suddenly, the lights shut off!

"What the?!" Nami questioned, still hanging on the wall.

"What's going on?!" the Kung-Fu Dugong questioned.

"…Pets are worthless," Breed's voice was heard saying. "Humans are worthless…everyone here is nothing but useless garbage!"

Suddenly, purple spotlights came on and pointed at Breed, who stood up on his destroyed platform.

"Earplugs, huh?" Breed questioned. "Bullshit! You think you can outsmart, do you?! Well…I think it's time you fools saw the true formidable power of the Pet-Pet Fruit!"

"What'd he say?" Luffy asked.

"Now then, 'me'!" Breed shouted…as green slime formed in his hands. "Kill these damn, detestable humans!"

Then…he put a collar around his own neck!

"What's he doing?!" Luffy questioned.

"Uh, Law, I just now showed up here, you know," Jupiter said. "Mind filling me in?"

"He's…no way…!" Law whispered in shock.

"What's happening?!" Nami questioned as she managed to get one of her arms lose.

"Petototototo…" Breed laughed as his collar, as well as the collars on the Sea Lapahns, flashed red. "PETOTOTOTOTOTO! That's right!"

As he spoke…his muscles began to bulge so much, that his sleeves ripped and pants legs ripped off, and his hairy became long, wild, and wavy. Even his monocle broke into pieces!

"Once you have been given an order through the Pet-Pet Fruit…it will bring forth all your power, 100%! Even the power which is normally impossible! GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGH!"

Luffy and Law gasped at this while Nami looked on in horror, just as she finally met to get herself loose.

"Now, my damned pets! FALL IN!" Breed ordered, and suddenly, the Sea Lapahns rose up into the air! The only ones who didn't were Nami, Chopper, Blizzard, and the Kung-Fu Dugong, since they covered their ears, and Jupiter didn't hear either because he was not under the Pet-Pet Fruit's power.

"No! Guys, stop! Don't listen to him!" the Kung-Fu Dugong cried.

"We're sorry, Captain Dugong," said one of the Sea Lapahns. "We have no choice…! Our bodies won't listen to us!"

"These rotten humans won't listen to me," Breed hissed. "KILL THEM ALL!"

With a single movement of his hands, Breed threw the Sea Lapahns down at the ground, forcing them to run around in an attempt to dodge!

"LOOK OUT!" Law shouted.

"KYAAA!" Nami cried as she held Chopper.

Meanwhile, the Kung-Fu Dugong chewed his lip in anger. How could Breed do this to his beloved friends? The Dugong worked hard to form his crew…and he was just standing here, letting him abuse them like this!

He was their captain…it was his job to protect them…just like Luffy does for his crew!

"WAH!" Luffy cried as he dodged another Sea Lapahn, but as he looked up, he saw Breed, jumping at him while he held another one of the hapless creatures, using him like some sort of club before he brought him down on his head! Luckily, Luffy was made of rubber, so the result only caused his neck to stretch.

"Luffy! Are you okay?!" Nami questioned. "…Oh, wait, you can't hear me."

"You bastard!" Luffy shouted. "How could you use your own crew like this?! I ought to-"


Everyone looked up and saw…the Kung-Fu Dugong, standing in between Luffy and Blizzard.

ARF! ARF-ARRRFF! ARF! The Dugong barked.

"What's your problem?!" Breed questioned.

"What'd he say?" Luffy asked. "I can't hear him with these earplugs!"

"He said 'We're not your tools!'" Chopper shouted. "'We might be your crew, but we'll never be your tools!'"

"HUH?!" Breed questioned.

ARF! ARRRRFFF! The Dugong barked again.

"'We are no longer your pets!'" Chopper translated. "'We will never give into your powers! We are…PIRATES!'"

"WHAT?!" Breed questioned.

Just then, the Sea Lapahns stood up and started growling at Breed. Even the Black-Belt Penguin, the Sumo Capybara, and the Octopus Boxer growled.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Breed questioned.

Luffy scoffed before he looked at the Kung0Fu Dugong.

"Hey, Seal," he said, "what do you, Blizzard, and I kick this guy's ass to kingdom come?!"

ARF! The Dugong barked in agreement.

"I guess that's a yes," Blizzard smirked before he glared at Breed. "Let's do this thing!"


Suddenly, 2 Sea Lapahns flew towards Breed's hands, and he began to spin around wildly, holding the two animals like clubs! In fact, he created a huge tornado, pulling in all the animals!

"PETOTOTOTOTOTO!" Breed cackled. "PETOTOTOTOTOTO! How do you like my formidable power, Straw Hat?! I'll send you all flying into the sea! It's useless to stop me!"

Nami gasped in horror as she held Chopper. However…Luffy, Blizzard, and the Kung-Fu Dugong did not run away.

"Get ready, guys!" Luffy said…holding up a flaming fist.

"Got it!" Blizzard said, clicking his fangs…causing them to ignite.

"Yes, Master!" the Dugong shouted.

"Those who disobey me are all worthless!" Breed laughed. "All of you deserve the death penalty! I'll send you all straight to hell…huh?!"

Suddenly…Breed stopped spinning…because all of the animals were holding him down!

"W-what the?!" he questioned. "What's the meaning of this?! Let me go! All of you, let me go!"

However…the animals refused to obey him!

"How dare you…ALL OF YOU, LISTEN TO ME-" Breed shouted, but then…


Breed turned…and saw Luffy, Blizzard, and the Kung-Fu Dugong charging at him, the flames coming from the Straw Hats looking like a bloody red!


"FANG OF THE HELLHOUND~!" Blizzard roared.

POW~! Luffy, Blizzard, and the Dugong all landed a direct hit on Breed's stomach, sending him flying straight through the ship…and into the sea!

The moment he disappeared…everyone's collars shattered into pieces!

"We're…we're free!" Nami exclaimed before she cheered. "WE'RE FREE!"

Then, she ran up to Luffy and gave him one big kiss, which he returned.

"Sorry about that Nami," Luffy said as he broke away and took out his earplugs. "That guy didn't…try anything else, did he?"

"Mm-mm," Nami shook her head before she hugged Luffy. "I'm so happy you're okay. Thank god."

"Shishishishi!" Luffy laughed. "By the way, Blizzard…that was a cool attack you came up with!"

"Thanks! I thought of it after we left Punk Hazard," Blizzard answered. "I call it 'Fang of the Hellhound'."

"Nice!" Luffy said…as the sun began to rise.


Meanwhile, back on the Thousand Sunny, Aika sits on the railing, waiting for her big brother to return. Kumi sits by her side, chewing on a squeak toy.

"You two have been up all night, you know," Robin said, coming out with a cup of hot chocolate. "I'm sure Luffy is fine."

"I know," Aika said, "but…I can still wait for Big Brother and Big Sis Nami, can't I?"

Robin smiled at this.

"You're right," she said.


Aika gasped excitedly before she looked up…and saw a familiar figure, riding on a Rabbit Wave!

"It's Big Brother!" she exclaimed before she waved. "Hey! Big Brother! Over here!"

"Uhh…what's going on?" Usopp asked, bewildered.

"What's up?" Sanji asked.

"Well…see for yourself," Usopp replied.

"Uhh…let's see," Sanji said before he looked through the binoculars. "I see…Luffy, Blizzard, Chopper riding on the Shark Submerge with a dugong and Jupiter flying overhead…Nami and Law must be inside with Caesar, and…a bunch of rabbits?!"

Later on, after Luffy filled the Straw Hats in on what happened (Sanji got angry when he heard that Breed tried to have his way with Nami), the Sea Lapahns had carried the Straw Hats away from Breed's ship and to clearer waters.

"They say that if we keep going straight," Chopper began, "we'll reach Dressrosa by midday!"

"Cool!" Luffy said with Aika sitting on his shoulders. "Thanks for carrying the Sunny, you guys!"

"No problem!" the Sea Lapahns shouted.

"So, what about you, Seal?" Luffy asked the Kung-Fu Dugong.

"Yeah, what are you gonna do?" Nami asked.

"Go back to home to Alabasta?" Usopp added.

"Yeah, I bet your brothers are missing you," Luffy added.

"I can't," the Dugong answered. "It's way too early for me to go home, now! After all, I am the captain of the Sea Monster Pirates! We will explore the New World, chasing dreams and adventures!"

"Shishishishi!" Luffy laughed. "Sounds good to me!"

"Shishishi!" Aika giggled.

Behind them…the sun had began to show itself on the horizon, turning the sky from a pinkish-purple to a cyan blue.

The Dugong jumped on the rail before turning to the Straw Hats.

"Thank you, everyone!" he exclaimed with Chopper translating for those who couldn't understand him. "And Master…thank you, too. I'm going to keep getting stronger…so that I can protect my friends, just like you!"

"You got it," Luffy said before he and the Dugong tapped fists. "Take care of yourself, Seal."

"Bye-bye!" Aika said.

Nami smiled before she gave the Dugong a kiss on the muzzle, making him blush.

"Hey, Captain!" one of the Sea Lapahns called. "We better get going!"

"Right! I'm on my way!" the Dugong exclaimed before he looked at Luffy. "Well, Master…I'm off."

"Yeah…see ya," Luffy smiled.

With that, the Kung-Fu Dugong jumped into the air and into the sea before he turned to his crew of animals.

"All right, guys! Let's GO!" he ordered, and the animals roared in agreement before they all swam off.

"Later!" Luffy called.

"Safe travels~!" Aika added.

"Don't catch a cold out there!" Chopper shouted.

"Don't let anyone control you like that again!" Blizzard howled.

"Hope to see you again, someday!" Nami exclaimed.

Just then…something dropped down at Brook's feet…and it is revealed to be the newspaper!

"Oh, my!" Brook exclaimed as he picked it up. "Look here, everyone! The newspaper has arrived!"

"What?!" Law questioned. "What took it so damn long?! It's a week late!"

"Let me see this," Nami said before she opened and read an article. "Oh, well here's why it's late! Apparently, the News Coos went on strike earlier last week. Isn't that funny? Hahahahaha!"

She stopped laughing when she noticed Law giving her a disapproving glare.

"My bad," Nami said.

"Hey! Look on the front page!" Luffy said.

Nami turned the newspaper around…and she gasped.


"Well, I'll be damned," Jupiter smirked. "He actually went through with it! Son of a bitch!"

"That maniac actually quit?!" Usopp questioned.

"Royal throne?!" Brook repeated. "The man was a king!?"

"King?" Luffy repeated. "King of what, the Land of Birds?"

Aika giggled at this.

"Land of Birds," she said. "I get it…because he sounds like a bird!"

"Good one, Luffy!" Kumi added.

"That worked out so well, it's kinda creepy!" Franky added.

"I knew it," Law smirked. "After all, he had no choice."

"Joker…you do care about me!" Caesar cried with tears of joy.

"Hey, Big Brother," Aika said. "Why are yours and Traffy's face on the front page, too?"

"Huh?!" the Straw Hats questioned before they looked…and saw that Aika was right! Luffy and Law's faces are on the front page!


"Hey, look here, too!" Usopp said, pointing to another article…with Kidd, Apoo, and Hawkins' pictures on it!


"Them, too?!" Nami questioned.

"Jeez, is everyone getting into the alliance act?!" Blizzard questioned.

"Let them do as they please," Law said. "Now it's time for phase two of the plan. We have to focus on Doflamingo, next. Now you people see how big this deal of ours was, hmm? All we did was kidnap Caesar, and bam! He gives up the royal throne he had held for 10 years and a Government-stamped license to plunder, in the span of a single night."

"Don't you mean a week-" Luffy began, but then Law glared at him, silencing him.

"As I was saying," Law continued, "he did those things to get Caesar back. That's his answer. If we give him, the deal is complete…however…"


In the city of Dressrosa, the people are in an uproar as they surrounded the castle. The sudden abdication of Doflamingo had driven the citizens of the kingdom into confusion.

"Your Majesty!"

"My king!"

"Why did you resign from the Seven Warlords?!"

"What's going on?!"


Inside his room, Doflamingo is quietly listening to some flamenco music on a phonograph as he leaned on a chair with Rita lying beside him.

Suddenly, PURUPURUPURU! PURUPURUPURU! PURUPURUPURU! The Transponder Snail next to Doflamingo began to ring. At first, Doflamingo seemed to scowl at first…but then he smirked.


On the Sunny, everyone stood on the deck, waiting for Doflamingo to pick up.

'Please don't pick up, please don't pick up, please don't-' Usopp thought, but then…


"Hey…it's me."

"EEP!" Usopp squeaked.

"Joker…what a surprise," Law said with a snide smile.

"…I quit…the Seven Warlords…"


Finally, I got this finished!

Now, I'm not gonna start on the Dressrosa Arc right away. I'm gonna wait for it to finish, because currently, we don't know what's happening with Nami and the others, so I'm still deciding on whether or not Aika and Kumi should be with Luffy or go with Nami.

As for Blizzard's Fang of the Hellhound attack, I know it first appeared in War on Snow Fang Island, but I decided I'm gonna revise that story due to Aika's appearance, as well as Dressrosa.

Anyway, review please!