Edward weaves through the tables of the college cafeteria, eyes focused on his girl. Her hair is down today, twisting curls of it just brushing the small of her back. He follows the arch of her spine down further, licking his lips as he sees it flare out into the heart-shaped softness of her ass.

Bella jumps when he lays a hand on her shoulder, her expression sheepish as she turns to face him. Her cheeks are pink and her teeth are digging into her lip.

"You okay, B?"

She opens her mouth to reply, but a sarcastic voice cuts in before she can. "What's up, Subway?"

He turns to the side, seeing Rose and Alice next to Bella. They always tease that he never greets them, always too caught up in seeing Bella to notice if the world was falling down around him. He notices them now, though, both red-faced and cackling.

"Uh, hey. Subway?"

Rose clears her throat. "Sorry, Edward. It's just Bella here was telling us how she was craving a foot-long."

This makes them break out in a fresh round of giggles. Bella's head drops into her hands, her face looking hot enough to sear the skin.

"Oh, er, okay. Are you hungry, baby?" He rubs his thumb across the back of Bella's neck. "I can run across campus and pick you up a sub. With extra mayonnaise, just how you like it."

"You just love that Subway mayo, right, B?" Rose says, and Alice looks fit to topple off her seat.

Edward looks between them all, confused beyond belief. Bella's hunched over in her seat. "I could get you a side of meatballs too, if you're that hungry."

"A footlong and some meatballs," Rose says. "Sounds like your lucky day, Bella."

"She really loves Subway. Sometimes in the middle of the night, we'll be in bed, and she'll say 'Man, I could really go for Subway right now'. She'd eat Subway every day if she could." Edward shakes his head. "She always says, "there's just nothing like an Italian 12-incher to make a girl happy."

By now, Alice's head is on the table, her fist pounding its surface as she screeches with laughter. Rose is fanning one hand in front of her face, the other clutching her stomach.

Bella stands abruptly, her chair screeching across the linoleum floor. "Okay, Edward! That's enough. Let's go."

She grabs his hand and pulls him away, but not before they hear Rose shout, "You get that foot-long, girl!"

When they get outside the doors, he turns to Bella, noting the bright red tinge to her cheeks. "Your friends are weird, Bella."

She stares at him for a moment before nodding slowly, wide-eyed. "Yes. Very, very weird."

He throws his arm around her shoulder. "Anyway, forget them for now. It's time to fill my girl up on Subway."

Bella laughs. "Don't forget the meatballs."

Written by: Lellabeth (Host)

Prompt: (902): they saw the dick pic he sent and started calling him 'subway'