Doctor Who: Cyber Strike
Harry M VanHoudnos
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who, M.A.S.K., or Star Trek. They are owned by the BBC, HASBRO, and the Rodenberry estate. I am just using them in this story.
Premise: When the Cybermen invade a UNIT base, the Doctor must use all his skills to not only stop them, but prevent another disaster as well!
Chapter 1
"I must say Brigadier Bambera, what you have told me of this base, Thunder Island, it sounds very impressive" stated the Doctor in his 7th incarnation, as he, Ace, and Brigadier Winifred Bambera approached what looked like a island with a volcano in the middle of it.
"You should be Doctor. In many ways, you are responsible for the creation of this base" stated the Brigadier, as they got off the boat and headed onshore. "You see, while back, UNIT was going through their files, and realized that with the problems that we've had with the Silurians and the Sea-Devils, as well as the need for a mobile storage facility and tracking station, UNIT came to the realization that a special base was needed. We found the Doctor's notes for such a place, and now, we stand on it. Welcome to something you helped inspire Doctor" stated the UNIT officer.
"The Professor, responsible for creating this, Wicked" stated Ace, as the trio came up to the entrance to the base
{In outer space, approaching earth orbit was a freighter. However, appearances were deceiving. Inside it, a small group of silver covered beings were controlling a ship hidden inside the freighter}
As the trio landed on the island, they were escorted by UNIT personnel to the base of the volcano, which towered several stories high. At the base of the volcano, a pair of concealed doors opened up to allow entrance to the base. "That will be all Sergeant" said the Brigadier, as she returned the salute of the squadron leader. "Request designation please" came a female computerized voice from a nearby speaker. "Operations level, Access code Bambera-UNIT 49 Charlie 75 Tango" stated the female officer. "Access approved" came the reply, as the elevator that they were standing in began its decent.
"How far down are we going?" asked Ace, as she adjusted her backpack that she was carrying. "Operations is on level 6 of 10 at this base" replied Bambera. "What sort of work is done on the other levels?" Asked the Time Lord. "Some levels are used for laboratories for research. Others are used for staff quarters, supplies and communications" replied the Brigadier.
A few minutes later, the elevator doors opened up, and the trio entered the heart of the base: Operations. They were greeted by a young man, about 30, wearing a sidearm. "Welcome to Operations, Brigadier. I'm Sergeant-Major Jimenez. If you and your guests will follow me, Mr. Schmidt is waiting to give you a tour of the base" he said.
"Thank you Sergeant-Major. We don't want to keep Herr Schmidt waiting" she replied.
"Who is this Schmidt person that we're supposed to be meeting?" Asked Ace, as they moved through the base. "I was about to ask the same question myself Brigadier" stated the Doctor to Bambera. The female Brigadier spoke to them as they moved. "Schmidt is the designer, builder and part of the C and C personnel for this base" she revealed as they moved on.
Shortly afterwards, the trio arrived at a spacious office overlooking the operations r room. In the room was a man in his 30's, with blonde hair, blue eyes, standing about 6' tall. "Herr Schmidt, I'm Brigadier Winifred Bambera. This is the Doctor and his companion Ace. U.N.I.T. HQ in Geneva sent us here to inspect this new base" she stated.
{In Space, the silver beings began to check weapons and other equipment as they approached Earth's tracking network.}
Schmidt took a long look at the visitors to his office. There was Bambera: A tall, black woman in Army fatigues, Ace, a young woman with a back pack, leggings, and a coat with a multitude of patches on it. The third member (The Doctor, Bambera had called him) was a man about 5'4", dressed in brown plaid trousers, a quilted paisley vest with question marks on it, a dark brown coat, a white shirt with question marks on the collar tips, a panama hat with a dark band on it, and a umbrella with a question mark shaped handle.
"Well then Brigadier, shall we proceed to operations" he said with a slight German accent. With that, he escorted them to the operations room. "As you can see Brigadier, all aspects of Thunder Island are controlled from here. No one can enter this base without the proper code phrase" he stated proudly.
"What about the power supply for such a base, and how do you manage to avoid detection?" enquired the Doctor. Schmidt turned toward Bambera: "How high is his security clearance?" he asked. "The Doctor is U.N.I.T.'s unofficial Scientific Advisor. He has clearance for all information regarding this base" answered Bambera, giving him a cold look. "Ach, you must be THE Doctor, the one I heard so much about when I was working on the plans for this base in Geneva" replied Schmidt. "The power supply," urged the Doctor, his patience starting to wear thin.
"Oh, Ja, Thunder Island has two power sources. The Primary is using the Wind and the Sea to generate electrical energy. For a secondary/supplementary power supply, we use a small fusion generator that you left behind during one of you visits. As for detection," here Schmidt's face lit up. "We have a force field which we can change the polarity on, and we have a secondary force field which acts like a Stealth Field" he beamed.
"What's he saying Professor?" asked Ace, her face showing that she was not understanding anything that was being said. "He's saying that they can generate two protective energy fields: One deflects weapons and the other one makes the island invisible" answered the Doctor.
{"Report" cam a deep commanding voice. "All is in readiness. The ships are prepared for launching. Weapons are at optimum" cam the reply. "Commence Phase One" came the reply from the deep voice.}
"Unfortunately, you are correct Herr Doctor. When using the stealth field, we have to shut down all but the most important equipment" answered Schmidt.
Suddenly, a whistle came over the intercom. "Tracking A-1 reporting. We have a lunar freighter returning ahead of schedule and not responding to signals" came the voice.
Schmidt immediately grabbed a small com-link device from his belt. "This is Schmidt. What's the identification number and course of that freighter" he demanded, his accent coming to the forefront. "Freighter is registered as the Kiev. Records indicate that it was not supposed to leave Lunar Base till next week" came the answer. "Contact Luna. Find out what happened and confirm its course" roared Schmidt, as he ended communications.
"Is it always like this?" asked Bambera. "My apologizes Brigadier. I ask for top notch efficiency from my people, and I demand the same from myself" he answered. Just then, communications broke in again. "We've sent a squirt off to Luna about the Kiev. An answer should be coming back in about 10 minutes. As for her course, she's in a reentry course that will put her near this base."
Schmidt's face immediately went grim. "Communications, put me on base-wide intercom" As soon as he received the confirmation, he picked up his com-link. "Attention all personnel: This is Schmidt. We have a possible collision approaching from space. All personnel are to go to Condition Yellow. C and C go to standby. That is all"
{"Phase one completed. Ready to shed disguise" said a higher voice. "Confirmed. I will contact the Controller" responded th3e deep voice. A few minutes later: "The Controller has given approval. Shed disguise and prepare for Phase Two.}
"How much longer till you get a response back from Luna?" asked Bambera? "They should be getting a response any minute from there" responded the Doctor. "I'd feel better if I had some Nitro-9 in my bag" muttered Ace. Just then, communications reported back.
"We've gotten a response from Luna. They confirm that the Kiev is unloading supplies and relief personnel right now. And the supposed Kiev has made a course adjustment. They are no longer on a collision course. It looks like they plan to go into a geosynchronous orbit above here" was the report. Bambera turned toward Schmidt. "Well, what are you planning on doing now Schmidt?" she asked. Schmidt turned toward his com-link. "Who is on duty in tracking right now?" he asked as he contacted that section. "Henderson here sir. What do you need?" he asked. "Can you give us a visual on that ship that's approaching here?" Schmidt asked. "That should be no problem. I'll transfer the image to the main view screen" he answered. Observing this, Bambera nodded. This was preciously what she would have done in such a situation!
A minute later, on the main viewer, an image of the freighter appeared. The ship looked to be a typical freighter: Large, bulky, and scarred with micro meteor pit holes. "It looks to be a typical freighter" remarked Bambera. "Appearances can be deceiving" the Doctor retorted. "The TARDIS is a great example" added Ace. Schmidt turned and looked at the Doctor and Ace with fire in his eyes. "We are not here to discuss whether or not appearances are deceptive. We are trying to figure out what that ship is, and what it is doing going into an orbit over this base!" yelled Schmidt, his German accent coming to the forefront.
{"We have begun to shed the disguise. We are in orbit over the objective" came a voice. "Excellent. Prepare for stage three" came the reply}
On Thunder Island, personnel were doing their work on a higher state of readiness. In the control center, Schmidt, Brigadier Bambera, The Doctor, and Ace, were watching the view screen. "Why would a freighter assume a geo synchronous orbit around this base?" mused the Doctor aloud. "Perhaps a fault in the control system" responded Bambera. "Highly unlikely. These people are amongst the best pilots that we have" retorted Schmidt. "Perhaps it's observing us" suggested Ace. "Impossible!" retorted Schmidt. "Perhaps not" said the Doctor. "It might be that other races have decided that this area might make a good staging area for conquest" "Doctor, Schmidt, you might want to take a look at this" called out Bambera. As they took a look at the screen, they saw signs of the hull coming off!
{"Is the invasion fleet ready?" asked the deep voiced silver being, who appeared to be in charge. "All is in readiness. Both the regular ships and the dummy ships are set for launch" came the answer. "That is good. On my signal, launch the ships" he stated. The second being gave a type of salute and left.}
"It does make sense Doctor. Extra-terrestrials could use this base to observe the earth and eventually conquer it" mused Schmidt. He turned toward his com-link again. "Henderson, this is Schmidt. Can you give us an increased magnification on that ship?" he asked. "No problem. How much of an increase and where do you want it" replied Henderson. "10X magnification on the freighter" said Schmidt.
A few minutes later, the image on the screen improved. "I don't like the way that the hull on ship is falling off" said Schmidt. The Doctor was also looking intently at the image, when something connected in his mind. "Schmidt, can you have your people enlarge the image around the area that is falling off?" he asked, the Scottish accent starting to come to the front more than before. Schmidt gave him a look of indignation before putting the request in.
When the new image came in, the look on the Doctor's face grew grim. "Schmidt, I'd recommend that you put this base on full alert" he said. "And why is that?" snarled Schmidt, outraged at the way the Doctor was trying to take over. "If the Professor says to go to full alert, then do so" chimed in Ace, offering support to the Doctor. "Is there a reason for recommending the higher alert status Doctor?" asked Bambera.
"Yes. If you look at the area where the hull is falling off, you'll see that there is another ship under it. The emblem on that ship indicates its intention. Thunder Island is about to be invaded" he answered. "Invaded? By whom?:" yelled Schmidt. The Doctor's one word answer quickly stopped Schmidt's tirade: Cybermen!