Yoo hoo! ;D I've been noticing that when I want to update a story that I'm currently writing that's a modern AU, it's been updated, like, the last hour! So I've created this! Enjoy!

Jack's P.O.V

"Jack! Sweetie! Are your bags packed?" My mom's voice drifts upstairs.

"Yes!" I call back as I stuff some last-minute necessities in my suitcase.

Hey, I'm Jack Frost. I'm the type of guy you would go to for a laugh or some fun, or I would be the guy that dumped a bucket of cold water on your head.

"Alright! Come downstairs for breakfast and then we'll be heading over to the airport!" My mom replies.

Yeah, so here's the thing.

When I was little, I used to live in Arendelle. My parents found better jobs here, Burgress, though, so we moved here.

To be honest: It sucked.

I couldn't say goodbye to my best friends- Elsa Snowsfield, Anna Snowsfield, Hiccup Haddock, Merida DunBroch, Kristoff Bjorman, Flynn Rider, and Rapunzel Corona- because I was a little five or six year old who my parents didn't even tell about moving.

But we moved, and I haven't seen them since. My parents decided to move back to Burgress because my grandmother is getting old, and we need to move back since 'these are her last few years'.

My parents bought a house, but the other family hasn't moved out yet, so I'm going to Arendelle and staying over at my bestest friend Elsa's house since my parents don't want me to miss school work.

To be honest, I'm sort of nervous.

What if they all hate me because I just left them?

What if they all changed?

What if I changed?

"Here's your pancakes," my mom sets a plate in front of me, with pancakes covered in syrup.

I quickly eat them all, then get my suitcases from upstairs.

"I'm going to miss you so much," my mom says, tearing up.

"You'll be staying at Elsa and Anna's house," my dad begins. As if I didn't know! "And the girls are older and more mature now, especially Elsa, and... Well... What I'm trying to say is..."

"No sex," my mom says firmly, causing my face to turn red.

"Yeah, no sex!" My thirteen year old sister, Pippa, sticks her tongue out at me.

"Same goes for you, stinker!" I stick my tongue out also.

"You better go, now, champ. You're gonna have to go through lots of lines," my dad says.

"Sucker," Pippa snickers.

"Bye!" I say to my family as I exit the door.

"Bye!" They all shout back, including Pippa.

Finally, after a gruesome plane ride with an old hag who was sitting next to me, I exit the plane.

"Hey! Are you Jack Frost?" I see a strawberry-blond ask an old man.

"Anna, that's some old guy," a girl with blond hair whispers into the strawberry-blond's ear.

"Wait a second, Anna?" I ask, reaching the six people.

"JACK!" They all shout in unison.

"Hey guys!" I laugh, hugging each of them. "Let me guess who's who."

"Okay, you're Anna," I say to the strawberry-blond.

"Rapunzel," I then address the blond, who nods.

"Flynn, my man!" I grin as I gesture towards the boy with the brown goatee who grins back.

"Merida," I say to the red head.

"Hiccup," I then nod towards the boy with brown hair and green eyes.

"And Kristoff!" I reach the last person, a dirty-blond headed boy. "Where's Elsa?"

"She thought you would want a coffee," Flynn replies.

"Oh, so... What have I missed out on for the past thirteen years?" I ask.

"Flynn and I are dating!" Rapunzel squeals.

"I saw that one coming. He's been crushing on you for a while," I smirk.

"Anna and Kristoff are a thing," Hiccup says.

"And then there's Hiccup and Merida," Kristoff explains.

"The girl who could kick your ass?" I laugh.

"Hey, there's Elsa!" Flynn points. I look and see a gorgeous platinum-blond with a stunning figure and bright blue eyes.

"Where?" I ask, looking behind the platinum-blond who arches an eyebrow.

"Here," the platinum-blond laughs as she reaches us.

"No way... Elsa?!" My jaw drops.

"That's my name," the girl laughs.

"You look so different!" I say.

"A good different he means," Anna butts in.

"So do you. I remember we used to be the same height. Now you're like a mountain!" Elsa teases, handing me a cup of coffee.

"I'm not that much taller," I say. It's true; the top of Elsa's head reaches around my eyes.

"So how was Burgress?" Hiccup asks as we begin walking towards the parking lot.

"Boring without you guys," I answer truthfully.

It's true; it was like I was invisible in Burgress. Nobody bothered to be friends with me.

Well, obviously besides the girls who thought I was 'really cute'.

"Any cute girls?" Flynn asks.

"Flynn!" Rapunzel nudges him.

"What?! I just want to see if our little Jackie grew up!" Flynn tells her, using the old nickname I was called.

"Jackie? Seriously? That's so old," I say, but grin.

"Yeah, but we all had our horrible nicknames. I was 'Elsie', Rapunzel was 'Punzie', Merida was 'Mer', Hiccup was 'Hic', you were 'Jackie', and... Flynn was Eugene and Kristoff was Sven!" Elsa laughs, recalling Kristoff and Flynn's strange nicknames.

"What was I?" Anna asks.

"Fiestypants," Elsa responds, smiling.

"Yeah, because I can kick ass!" Anna attempts a jump-kick, but accidentally kicks the luggage down off of someone's cart-like thing.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Anna then runs, helping the person retrieve the items that fell out of the luggage.

"Was she always like this?" I ask Elsa.

"Yeah, she grew up to be quite the charmer," Elsa jokes, and I chuckle.

"Jesus, guys. Why are you so slow?! C'mon!" Anna says skipping ahead.

"That girl will be the death of me," Kristoff grins, and we continue towards the car.

Elsa's P.O.V

"Elsa! Hurry up!" I hear Flynn groan.

I'm in my bathroom, putting on lipstick. We all decided to bring Jack to a party so he can meet new people that will be going to our school.

"Just a minute!" I reply.

"Seriously, how long does it take. Forever?!" Jack comes in, out stretching his arms when he says 'forever', accidentally hitting the lipstick, causing it to go on my cheek.

"Oh, shit," Jack jokingly mumbles when he sees me playfully glare.

"Jackson. Overland. Frost. COME BACK HERE!" I then chase him with the lipstick, and he runs into the room where everyone else is.

"She's trying to kill me!" Jack screams.

"Elsa, you got a little somethin'..." Hiccup then gestures to his own cheek, implying my lipstick mishap.

"His fault!" I point to Jack.

"Is not!" Jack retorts.

"You. Will. Pay!" I then grab a pillow and begin whacking Jack with it as the others watch, amused.

"Okay, okay!" Jack exclaims, and I stop.

"Nice try!" He then swiftly grabs the pillow from me, and begins hitting me with it.

All of a sudden, Jack drops the pillow. I then pounce, sitting on him, my legs on both sides of his chest.

"Say you're sorry," I threateningly hold the lipstick above his face.

"Never!" Jack replies, daring.

"Well, I guess you'll have to suffer the consequences," I then scribble my name on his forehead in lipstick.

"GROSS!" Jack groans, and I get up, smirking.

Flynn bursts out laughing and takes a picture.

"Delete that picture!" Jack commands.

"Sorry, too late. It's on Instagram," Flynn grins.

"I'll be removing this mess, and by the way, Jack. You got a little something here..." I point to my forehead, implying his lipstick mishap.

"Oh, be quiet," Jack playfully scowls, and everyone else laughs.

Just like old times.

First chapter complete!

Question: If you were Jack, how would you feel about reuniting with your best friends?