Akashi x Reader x Aomine

Ugh... why do I have to be here? With my stupid servant!

"Ojou-sama, it's time for your tea." He said while holding a cup of tea.

"Ah, thank you." I said and I took the cup from his hand.

I drank the tea and I heard a giggling. "Fufufu… I put some mud on it." He said with an evil laugh. I quickly spit the tea out my mouth.

"THE HELL!" I yelled. "You really easy to tease!" he said. "Damn you!" and suddenly, someone came into my room.

"What's wrong? (F/n)?" A light blue hair boy came at me with worried. My big brother. Tetsu-nii.

"He did it again!" I yelled while cry. "He put the tea with mud!" "Now (F/n), Akashi-kun just joking. Right?" Tetsu-nii look at the red hair servant. "Yes." He said with smile.

Ugh…! Why does Tetsu-nii trust him?! That smile, I can see it! That fake smile! He's the worst!

Serve 1, Akashi Seijurou.

"Well then, I have to go now. Got a lot of work to do." Said Tetsu-nii. "Wait don't tell me you're leaving me with him?!" "Well, yeah. Akashi-kun. Take care of her for me." And Tetsu-nii left the room. Leaving me behind with my stupid servant.

"Now… what to do…" he smirked. "I… I don't like the way you look." I started shivers. "First, undress!" he said. "What?! What for?!" I asked with nervous. "Bath. What else?" he said simply. "I'll change at the bathroom." I walked to the bathroom until he grabs my hand.

"Oh no… I shall take off your dress. It's my duty as your servant right?" he said. "W-w-w-what?! Y-y-you dont need to! I can do it myself!" I yelled. "My… you don't need to be that shy… I always saw your little chest." He said.

"W-w-w-w-when did you...?!" "Every day." He said while smile. "Now, let's go take you bath." He pulled me to the bathroom. "NOOOO….!"

After bath, he blows my hair. "How embarrassing!" sadly on my mind said. I look at his left eye with an eyelid on it. Because I'm curious, I asked him.

"Nee Akashi-kun, I always wanted to ask you something." I said. "What is it Ojou-sama?" "About that left eye of you… what happen?" I asked. He didn't answer it. "I'm… I'm sorry that I asked you such thing like that." I looked down. Scared that hurt his feeling.

"You want to see it?" he asked. Well… because I'm very curious about it, so I nod. He slowly opened his eyelid. I saw his gold eye. It's so beautiful.

"I know… you want to say that it's weird." "It's awesome!" I said happily. "What?" Akashi-kun becomes confuse. "That gold eye of yours, it's so beautiful." I smiled. His face turns red. "So don't hide it!" I said.

"W...what do you want to eat Ojou-sama?!" he asked me with yelled. "Eh? Uh… maybe a cookie with milk?" I said. "Right away Ojou-sama!" he rashly to the kitchen. "What was that all about?"

Tomorrow, it's my first day of school at Teiko high. I can't wait! Just hurry up morning already! I can't wait to meet new friends, new boyfriend? Just can't wait till tomorrow morning!

The next day morning, I just woke up. "Ngg…? Huh? That's unusual. Usually Akashi-kun woke me up." I look at the time. "WTF! I'm late for my first day of school!" I rashly change my uniform, have breakfast and ran to the school.

"Hosh…! Hosh…! Made it!" uwaa… it's a big school alright. "Oh no! I'm going to be late for class!" I ran to my classroom.

At the class, I open the door. "Hosh! Hosh! Hosh! Made it in time!" I said. "You're the new student huh? Please introduce yourself." Said the teacher.

"My name is (F/n). Nice to meet you." I introduced. "Uhh… you may sit next to Ryota." I walked to my seat. And then I sit there. Next to me, there's a boy with a blond hair looks a lot like a model.

"Hey there! My name is Kise Ryota! Nice to meet you (F/n)cchi!" (F/n)cchi? "Y…yeah. Nice to meet you too! Kise-kun!" I smiled. I got my first friend!

After school, the president of the class gave me a club registration. "Hmm… what should I chose?" I think that I'll join the music club. I mean, I used to play some music instrument at my house. But then, I looked at Kise-kun who already gives the paper to the president.

"What club did you join Kise-kun?" I asked. "I pick basketball." He said. "I see." "What about you, (F/n)cchi?" he asked me back. "Hmm… I'm not sure what club should I join." I said while look at the paper. "Well there still much time for you to think about it. Just take your time." Said Kise-kun. "Yeah. Your right."

Noon at my house, Akashi-kun standing in front of me. "Welcome home Ojou-sama." He Said. "I'm home." Oh yeah! I wonder why he didn't wake me up. "I already make your dinner." He takes me to the dining room. I saw lots of food. And that's all my favorite foods.

"Did you make this?" "Of course. Because it's the first time you went to school, and I thought that you're tired. So, I make your entire favorite." My eyes start sparkling. Can't believe it he make all my favorite food! But wait! What if he put something on it?

"Don't worry. I didn't put anything on that food." He said. "Really?" I asked to make sure. "I swear that I didn't put anything." He said that. Well… maybe I trust him. And I eat the food.

"It's delicious!" I smiled. And I eat and eat until there's no food anymore on the table.

"Thanks for the food!" I said. And Akashi-kun takes the dishes to the kitchen. I follow him to the kitchen.

"What is it Ojou-sama?" asked Akashi-kun. "I wanna help too…" I said and I wash the dishes with Akashi-kun. "You don't need to Ojou-sama. You'll get dirty." He said. "Don't worry. I just want to help you." I said while washing the dishes. Come to think, I wonder why he didn't wake me up that morning.

"Nee, Akashi-kun. Today I meet a new friend. His name is Kise Ryota." I said. "Well that's good for you." He said. "But at morning, it's unusual." "Why?" he asked. "You didn't wake me up." I said. "Ah… sorry. I overslept." He smiled. "I see. I though there something happen." I thought.

"Will you forgive me?" he leans to me and hold my cheek. My face suddenly turns red like a tomato or something. I'm so nervous. "Y-y-yeah! I forgive you." I said with a fast tone. "I'm glad." he started wash the dishes again. That surprised me. I thought that my heart will explode!

"You should go to bed Ojou-sama." "Ehh? Why?" I asked with a lazy tone. "I'm afraid that you'll be late again." He said. Well… I know that but, "Akashi-kun will wake me up right?" I said. "Uh… yeah." He said but weird. Like nervous or something like that. "Well. I'm going to my room then. Good night." I went up stairs.

Today Akashi-kun looks weird. Oh well… tomorrow I have to wake up early. I change my uniform into a pajamas and jump off the bed. "If only Akashi-kun also a student. Maybe he's going to be a popular guy at school. Just like Kise-kun." I said to myself. "… No way." I suddenly fell asleep.

The next day morning, like yesterday. Akashi-kun didn't wake me up again. And I'm late for school.

"Damn! Why didn't he wake me up?!" I ran as fast as I can. But suddenly, I bump to someone. I almost fell to the ground. But he held my hand. I look at the person I bump. He has a dark skin, and quite tall. He's wearing a Teiko uniform.

"Th… Thank you." I said and I bow my head. "Cih! Watch where you going next time!" he yelled at me. "What? I already say sorry!" I yelled back to him. "So, you wanna fight huh?" with an angry tone he asked. "Yeah! You piss me off!" this guy…! Can't believe it! What a worst guy!

"I don't have time to talk to a flat girl like you!" flat?! Ughh…! He's really…! "Just who do you call flat?!" I yelled. But he just walked away. Shit! Just who the hell he is!? Damn! I'm going to be late! I ran to the school as fast as I can.

At class, I sit and still mad about that guy who I bump. Damn! Can't believe I bump to a guy like him!

"Hey, (F/n)cchi…" he said to me but I ignore it. "(F/n)cchi?" he still call me but I still ignore it. And suddenly, he pinched my cheeks.

"OW! OW! OW! It hurt, Kise-kun!" I shouted in pain. "You ignore me! I don't like it when people ignore me…!" said Kise-kun with anger. "Sorry…!" I said.

"Hey, don't you think that she really close to Kise-san?" whispered the girl from my class. "She's newt but they look very close." Whispered the girl back to her friends.

"What are you thinking?" asked Kise-kun. "Just about this morning, I bump to a guy. And he doesn't nice at all! So I hate that guy! I think he's from Teiko." I explained. "Hmmm… What characteristics of the guy who hit you?" he asked. "Well… he's tall, has a dark skin. Oh! And he has a dark blue hair." I said.

Kise-kun looks like know this guy. Because he looks surprised when I said his characteristics. "Nee Kise-kun, you know him or what?" I asked. "Hmmm… Hey (F/n)cchi," "Hah?" I waited he say. "Why don't you join me after class?" he invited me. "What?" I surprised. And the entire girl from our class also surprised.

After class, Kise-kun toke me someplace. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Basketball club." He answered. "Eh? For what?" I asked again. "Ehehe… watch us playing." He answered again with laugh. "I… I see…"

"Today Seijurou-sama played right?" said the girl from my back. "Kise-sama, are you going to the club?" asked the girl with her friend. "Yes." He said with a handsome smile he gives. "Th… then… Seijuro-sama also plays right?" the girl asked again. "Yeah!" he smiled again. Kise-kun holds the girl head and say,

"If you like, you can watch us play." He smiled. The girl face turns red and nervously say, "Y… yes!" Kise-kun looks so nice to people. No wonder everyone like him. Anyway… This Seijurou-kun… his name is the same like Akashi-kun first name.

"Anu… Who is Seijurou-kun?" I asked. "Our captain." He answered. "Ohh… I bet he's awesome." I said while smile.

At the club, Kise-kun told me to sit at the back. I wait until the door open.

"Sorry I'm late!" I look at the guy. There's 3 boys walk inside. I surprised. It's him! He looked at me. "Ng? you…" "AH…! Jerk guy!" I shouted and point him. "Who do you call jerk guy?!" he looks mad. And finally, Kise-kun appeared.

"Oh! Aominecchi…! You came." He said as he waves his hand. "Let me introduce you to my classmate. This is (F/n)." (F/n)cchi, this is Aomine Daiki. Our ace." He said.

"No fair Kise-chin… you didn't introduce her to me…" said the purple tall guy. "Just introduce to Aomine?" said the green glasses guy. "Ahh… sorry… (F/n)cchi, this is Murasakibara Atsushi. And this glasses guy is Midorima Shintaro." He said. "N… nice to meet you all." I said with a blush.

"(F/n)-chin so cute. Here some candy for you." He gave me a candy. "Th…thank you." I smiled. "Anyway Midorima-san," "What is it?" he asked. "Why are you holding a snowman doll?" I asked. "This is my lucky item." He said. "I… I see…" I don't get it. But oh well.

"Huh! Anyway, Akashi is late." Said jerk guy. Eh? Akashi? "Wait! Did you just say, Akashi?" I asked while hold his hand. His face turns red. And a guy just enter the room. I turn back and saw a red hair boy. With a ruby eye on the right and gold on the left. He realize I standing next to jerk guy. I surprised when I look at his face.

"Akashi-kun?!" I saw with a surprised look. "Ojou-sama?!"

Serve 1, end.