Author's Notes: Yello minna-san, Soul here, and welcome back to Shinigami's Devil Huntsmen!
I'm not gonna be any excuses since this chapter was supposed to come out back in July. It's been a slow and steady pace with this chapter, and I had 7K words, so I'm getting this released now.
Last chapter, I said that once I release this chapter, I would watch RWBY Volume 4, and I'm sticking by my word. I might do a reaction video to the episodes, hoping that I won't get a copyright strike.
Enjoy the update!
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, RWBY, or any other crossover that will appear.
Chapter 12: The Newest Chasers Part 1 – A Swan's Scars
(Vale, DMC Safehouse)
The revealed Cat Faunus Blake groaned and opened her eyes. She found herself in a bed she's been sleeping (and cat-napping) in for the past two days. And every morning was the same thing, with Naruto and Yang sleeping in the same bed as her. Blake had a sneaking suspicion it was to keep her from disappearing in the middle of the night. It was tempting, but she would squash that urge. She wouldn't put it past Naruto to hunt her down using his DMC resources.
Yes, Blake knew about the Naruto and the Devil May Cry Agency, as they've been a real pain in the rear for the White Fang. Ever since the latter's change in policies, Blake was involved in a few scuffles with their various and unique members, and even Konan and Naruto at some points. But it was the blonde that was the driving force in convincing Blake to leave the White Fang, as he saw that she was nothing like the others. That and her loyalty to them was cracking due to the questionable tactics they've been running ever since the change in leadership.
Now Blake, former member of the White Fang and current cadet Huntress, found herself in a 'blonde sandwich'. She was in the middle, facing a sleeping Naruto, with Yang hugging her from behind and snoozing away as well. She could feel Yang's breath hit the back of her neck repeatedly, making her shiver and purr a little. Not only that, but Naruto was still asleep, yet his knuckles were leaning on her chin, with his arm between the valley of her bust.
The cat Faunus had a tint of red in her face as she sighed. She woke up in the same perverted predicament as last time. Both blondes' hands were on her breasts, with Yang's other hand dangerously close to her nether regions.
Blake didn't mind, but she had to go to the bathroom…badly.
Carefully unwrapping Yang's arms around her, and moving Naruto's arm away, the catgirl make a beeline for the bathroom and closed the door behind her. The sound of the door closing woke Naruto up, and looked in the direction of the restroom. Before he could think further about Blake, his scroll buzzed on the bedside table. Groaning, he answered it.
"Naruto here, dattebayo."
"Naruto, it's Konan. The ship from Atlas will be docking early tonight. Problem is, the ship they're using come from Gato's shipping company."
"Gato?" Naruto whispered as he sat up, ignoring Yang's moaning at the lack of touch, "It can't be. You were there when I axed that corporate blob after he met with Cinder. You sure it's not a misdirection?"
"I'm positive. However, I did a little digging, and it means our old friend Jacques Schnee pulled a fast one." Konan stated grimly, as she was currently in Atlas, floating over the Schnee Dust Company HQ.
"Define the blasted prick pulling a fast one, dattebayo…" Naruto deadpanned, his eye twitching.
"After I made a few inquiries, I learned that he secretly bought the assets of Gato Company, so he has a new fleet of ships now." Konan said through gritted teeth.
"Ugh… I told you we should've destroyed them." Naruto growled and facepalmed, "But no, you had to drag me away before I could test out an awesome jutsu I created."
"Sorry, my little brother, but it couldn't be helped. Konoha ROOT was closing in and we had to escape. It didn't help that your father's old student, Kakashi Hatake, was around and nearly recognized you." Konan countered as she into the city and flew over the rooftops when a patrol ship neared her.
"Guh. Guess I gotta give that one to you. If our new recruits weren't around, we would've been fucked, and back in the hands of Konoha. Still, Jacques having an asset from Elementia represents a major problem. Coupled with reports that ROOT has gone strangely silent…"
"There may be some unwelcomed guests coming into port tonight along with Schnee's Dust supply. The two of us won't be enough to deal with the situation if that's the case."
"You're right. Rendezvous with Lena and Amelie on your way here, and find Sarge and the other idiots too. I'll continuing observing from the stake-out on my end." Naruto said as he looked out the window where the docks are.
"Understood. And Naruto? Try not to impregnate Yang and Blake before we move to engage the White Fang tonight." Konan said wryly before hanging up.
"Roger that- wait, what?! Konan!" Naruto yelled before realizing she hung up, getting the last word, "Why you-!"
Fuming, the blonde clicked his Scroll off and threw it behind him. Next thing he knew, he was being hugged from behind in an all too familiar embrace.
"Let me guess. Konan teased you about us having sex again?" Yang asked, pressing her chest against her fellow blonde's back, "To be blunt, haven't we waited long enough?"
"Oh? You want me to take you now? While Blake is here, with her enhanced senses?" Naruto asked, turning around in her grip and held her hips.
"Heh. I wouldn't stop you." Yang whispered and kissed him.
Naruto returned the kiss and pushed her into the bed, landing on top of her. Yang was just pulling her pajama shirt up, showing her underboobs, when they heard the door open. The blondes looked up to see Blake with her face red as a beet. Before they could say something, Blake's fainted, with a stream of blood dripping from her nose.
"Well, that just happened." Yang mused and giggled, "And here I thought Ninjas of Love made her immune."
"Nah, it just uses that she's a closet pervert. Still, it looks like she's ready to talk to us. Two days of nothing but small talk and wield looks can get really depressing." Naruto wryly said, with Blake managing to move her head up to give Naruto a nasty look, "Exactly my point."
"So, raincheck on the sex?" Yang asked meekly as Naruto grabbed his phone off the bed.
"Good things come to those who waits, my fellow twin from another mother, dattebayo." Naruto replied as he sped-dialed Ruby's number.
"Sad face, still…" Yang grinned as he suddenly grabbed Naruto's private area, making him jump, "There's more than one way to deal with this morning wood you have… Heh heh heh."
Naruto groaned at Yang's ministrations, and tried to focus as he heard Ruby pick up on the other side. At the same time, Blake's face went atomic red with blood flowing out her nose at seeing Yang "curing" Naruto's morning wood.
Who would've thought that Ninjas of Love could be so real?
(Beacon Academy, Dorm Rooftop)
"Uh-huh. Got it. We'll be on our way soon. I just need to talk to Weiss first." Ruby said into her Scroll, just as the door opened behind her, and Weiss stomping towards her, "Speak of the devil. We'll all be there in an hour or two. Say hi to Yang and Blake for me!"
Ruby closed her Scroll and turned to face Weiss, who was fuming and upset. Then again, who can blame her, as for the past two days, the heiress was ignored, met with disappointed looks, and small talk. It was driving Weiss up the wall, and was relieved when Ruby called her to meet her on the roof.
One thing is for sure, both girls wanted this situation to end.
"So now you want to talk. After two days of ducking, dodging, and/or ignoring me like the plague, why should I even give you the time of day?" Weiss growled at her leader, who looked unfazed at Weiss' rudeness.
"Well, you are here. You didn't have to follow my request to meet me up here. What's with the attitude?" Ruby asked with a hint of annoyance in her voice.
"You know exactly what the problem is. It because of what happened between me and Blake. About her being in the White Fang!" Weiss snapped, with Ruby narrowing her eyes.
"You mean her formerly being in the White Fang. As far as I'm concerned, Blake's no longer part of that group, and instead is a part of us. She is a Huntress-in-training like us, dedicated to protected Remnant from the creatures of Grimm. Plus, Naruto vouches for her, and I trust him with my life." Ruby told her, with Weiss shaking her head.
"If Blake isn't really with the White Fang, then why did she run when she was exposed? Don't be naïve, Ruby. Running away, and not offering one word in defense makes her look guilty." Weiss countered and turned her head, "She could've explained herself. Sure, I was saying the truth about the White Fang, but it wasn't directed at Blake personally."
"You were talking about the White Fang as a whole, and insulting the people that she bonded with. Seriously, what if there are those who are like Blake? Just because they're in the White Fang doesn't mean that they're thieves and murderers too." Ruby stated while looking over the horizon.
"Then why stay? Why not just leave?" Weiss asked, puzzled.
"How should I know?! Maybe there's something that's keeping them from leaving. The White Fang's gone extremist, and we all know what happens to those who think the opposite of their views." Ruby said seriously, as she read about these things in either a textbook or the newspaper.
When she even wants to read either one.
"If that's the case, then how did Blake get out unscathed? Why aren't they hunting her?" Weiss questioned with a frown.
"You can ask her that yourself." Ruby told her as she turned to walk away, "As long as you apologize to her that is."
"Why would I apologize? Blake is the one for deceiving us all this time!" Weiss protested before shouting, "She should've told us!"
"And because we were still getting to know each other, it would've caused more problems. Damned if you do, damn if you don't. Regardless, we're going to fix this situation, and it's up to you and Blake to make it happen." Ruby said as she left through the door, "Come on, we're going."
"What?! Wait, where are we going?" Weiss shouted, running after her.
"Isn't it obvious?" Ruby asked, turning to look at Weiss with a smirk, "It's time to talk to Blake, and bring the team back together."
(DMC Safehouse, a while later)
Naruto was at the window, spying on the port through a pair of binoculars. The Dust-carrying ship was set to dock in the late afternoon. So far, the only movement was the dock personnel preparing for the ship's eventual arrival. His Scroll rang, with Naruto wordlessly answering it.
"Naruto, Lena and Amelie will be arriving later tonight. They ran afoul of Emerald and Mercury en route after the completion of their mission in Vacuo." Konan reported, with Naruto facepalming.
"Guh. Have they called for backup?" Naruto inquired, looking over to see Yang awaken Blake's cat side by making her chase some red string.
"Yeah, but their backup is considered overkill even by our standards. The Dark Ones received the call, but that Patras woman followed, itching to prove herself as fine wife material for you." Konan deadpanned in amusement.
"All because I won that one fighting tournament, with her making the decision to marry the winner, me." Naruto whispered before returning to an even voice, "Still, we should be glad that she's on our side and not Cinder's, considering her power to turn the world into an endless winter."
"Agreed. I'm on my way to assist another team in the field. I'll be there later tonight."
"Understood." Naruto said and hung up, just as a small of yarn landed on him, tangling him in red string, "What the heck, dattebayo?"
"Oops, sorry Foxy-" Yang apologized, with Blake rushing herself at Naruto.
The result had Naruto tackled onto the floor, with Blake on top of a dizzy blonde. Blake had a cat-like grin and started to knead into Naruto's body.
"Yang! Did you give her catnip?" Naruto asked loudly, trying to get the cat girl off him.
"No, I didn't. But she's lost herself in her cat instincts." Yang said sternly, chopping her on the head, "Blakey, snap out if it!"
"Nya!" Blake squeaked before returning to normal, rubbing her head, "Uh? What was I- Hey!"
Blake then realized that she was straddling Naruto, who was sitting up, but accidently grabbed her rear when he reached out.
"Oops, sorry about that." Naruto said as Blake blushed furiously, "Still, this is how the fame Bellabooty feels, eh?"
He gave her ass a squeeze, admiring its supple softness. Blake quickly put her hand to her mouth to stifle her small moan. She glared at Naruto, who saw her express as a cute pout due to her face being red.
"If… If I talk, will you finally end this…harassment?" she hissed, and was surprised when the male blonde removed his hand from her butt.
"You hear that, Yang? The closet pervert who reads Ninjas of Love here wants to end the sexual harassment." Naruto said teasingly, rubbing behind Blake's ear, "Unfortunately for you, you've not that quiet when you've roleplaying in your dreams."
Blake's eyes became twirls as she sputtered, trying and failing to defend herself due to it being true. Some of her old friends in the White Fang can attest to it. In the past, it would be her old boyfriend who would invade her dreams in a Ninjas of Love scenario until he changed along with the White Fang. They stopped for a time, until they started up after the first few encounters with Naruto, and increased in frequency when Yang entered her life as her partner.
"N-No! I was- I was just- fighting! That's right!" Blake exclaimed, nodding furiously as blood leaked out of her nose, "I was defending female Faunus from…you perverts!" she said dramatically, pointing at the two blondes.
"Really kitten? Were they sexy? Did they have booty like yours?" Yang asked with a perverted smirk, making Blake sweat at her "excuse" being turned against her, "Did you use your body like in the book to save them?"
"How did you know what, nya?!" Blake wailed, as that last part scenario was in her Ninjas of Love series.
"Your book makes for some interesting light reading." Yang revealed, waving said book around, "So good that I ordered digital copies to read on my Scroll…for research. Ku ku ku…"
'Research my ass, dattebayo…' Naruto thought, ignoring the cries of the Kyuubi twins to let them out so they could get their hands on the book series as well.
"Boy, do I feel sorry for you when the twins get out. They're driving everyone insane, and that's saying a lot from me for all raccoons." Shukaku said, with she and the other Tailed Beasts watched as Gyuki restrained the two fox vixens with her tentacles.
Kaguya and the witch Nine wisely stayed out of it.
"Please don't tell Ruby, or Weiss, or the others-" Blake started before looking downtrodden.
"How about you tell them about your past, instead of your perverted tendencies?" Naruto offered, earning another dirty look from Blake, complete with a blush.
"Does that mean…going back to Beacon?" Blake asked solemnly after a while, with Naruto shaking his head.
"Not right now." Naruto said as a buzzer sounded off, "Because I had Ruby and the other come straight here. Yes, even Weiss too. We need to nip this in the bud, preferably before night falls." he said airly, much to Blake's horror.
"What?! Why didn't you tell me?!" Blake wailed, since she wasn't ready to face the others yet.
"Because you would've ran again." Naruto deadpanned as he went to go open the door.
"No, I wouldn't have! It would've been pointless-" Blake countered, quickly going to put her ribbon to hide her ear, only to find it gone, "My ribbon! Where did it-?"
"Looking for this?"
Blake looked to see the ribbon in Yang's hand, with the blonde wrapping it around her hand.
"You want it?" Yang asked cheekily, waving her fingers playfully, "Come and get it, pussy cat."
"Give it back!"
Blake leapt forward and latched onto Yang, reaching for her ribbon. Her arms flailed, failing to reach her ribbon just as the rest of the Teams RWBY and NNPR came through the door, led by Naruto.
"As you can see, Blake is just fine, dattebayo." Naruto assured Ruby brightly, with Ruby sweatdropping.
It was like walking into another world, as a chibi-Blake was frantically waving her heads on a chibi-Yang, trying to get her ribbon back. Yang was giggling like a madwoman while Blake was making whining noises. The scene was cute, but ridiculous enough to garner sweatdrops from the others.
"Yeah, okay." Ruby deadpanned, with Rin sighing.
"Oh~, she's so cute! Blakey should really keep the bow off!" Nora squealed with hearts in her eyes.
Naruto walked past her and locked eyes with Weiss.
"So, have we calmed down now?" Naruto asked in a normal tone and an emotionless look.
"I admit, I relapsed again." Weiss started, looking at Blake, and then back at the blonde, "But now, my mind is clear, and I want answers. I want to hear in Blake's own words why she was with the White Fang, and why she left."
With that, Weiss strode past the others and over to Blake, who was trying to catch a slippery Yang who managed to escape her. Before the catgirl could go after her partner, she looked up to see the heiress, looking down at her. Time seem to stand still as Blake slowly stood up to a vertical base, her eyes never leaving Weiss' own.
"Weiss…I…" Blake started, but Weiss raised her hand.
"Stop!" Weiss cut her off firmly, "I just have one question."
Blake panicked inside as her heartrate increased, worried about what Weiss was going to ask. As the others watched with bated breath, Yang made to stand by Blake, but was stopped by Naruto, who shook his head.
Only those two can hash it out themselves.
"Blake, why did you run? Without an explanation, I might add! It's pretty well known that running makes one look guilty." Weiss said angrily while grabbing Blake's hand, "You could've at least explained-"
Blake yanked her hand back, "And be called a liar? You weren't in the right state of mind for me to explain anything to you!"
"Well sorry if the White Fang reminded me of painful memories. It because of them that my own father takes his anger out on his own family!" Weiss snapped back, stomping her foot on the floor.
"So, the rumors say. He won't be qualifying for Father of the Year honors." Naruto stated with a scowl, while Weiss let out of dark chuckle.
"You don't know that half of it. Everyone thinks he's like Nicolas Schnee, my grandfather, but he's not. Then again, he was never born into family, he was married in it." Weiss murmured, her eyes downcast, "He married my mother, Willow Schnee, who was supposed to be the true successor to the Schnee Dust Company."
"How does a husband take their wife's last name? It's honestly kinda weird." Nora noted, with Rin sighing.
"Well, Schnee is the most important name on Renmant. They're the only ones who supply the Dust to the four lands." Rin chided in a lecturing tone.
"Well, it wasn't until Jacques Schnee took over the Schnee Dust Company, that their problems with the Faunus started with their Faunus labor." Pyrrha said, with Weiss nodding.
"Yes, and my dear father is using his own way of grooming me to take over the company. My sister escaped his machinations, but I'm not so lucky. Neither is mom…" Weiss said, looking to the side and holding her shoulder.
"You do have a chance to escape that. The first step, is to not blame the whole the Faunus for everything that happens. And it sounds like Jacques is nurturing that well. When it comes it hatred, it's not inherited, it's taught." Naruto said, his tone sounding like a professor, "Trust me, I know that all too well. That's why we, the next generation, has to stamp out the hatred the old generation tries to affect us with."
"Easier said than done." Weiss said, but Naruto put a hand on her shoulder.
"He may be your father, but it's you that is in control of your future." Naruto countered, before jerking his head towards Blake, "So wake up, and take the first step."
Weiss looked at Naruto, before looking at Blake, who looked pensive and a little afraid. Taking a deep breath, banishing all negative thoughts from her mind, Weiss went face to face with Blake again.
"Everyone keeps telling me that you're no longer with the White Fang. But I need to hear it from you. Are you still with the White Fang?" Weiss asked, looking directly in Blake's eyes, while trying not to get distracted by her cute ears twitching.
Wait, cute?
"Weiss, I am no longer with the White Fang." Blake said, as firmly and evenly as possible.
"Ok… but you were." Weiss said, and raised her hand when Blake was about to retort, "Why were you in the White Fang? For how long? And what was it like? What was their goal at the time?"
Blake was taken aback at the rapid-fire, yet reasonable questioning. A curious Weiss was waiting, refraining from interrupting and tapping her foot on the floor. Ruby's jaw dropped at this, with Naruto and Yang both closing it for her.
"Now where was this Weiss a few days ago?" Nora whispered to Rin and Pyrrha, who were both wondering the same thing.
"I-I was a member for most of my life, actually. You could almost say I was born into it… Back then, things were different. In the ashes of war, the White Fang was meant to be a symbol of peace and unity between Humans and the Faunus. Of course, despite being promised equality, the Faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate. Humanity still thought of us as lesser beings. And so, the White Fang rose up as the voice of our people. And I was there. I was at the front of every rally. I took part in every boycott. I actually thought we were making a difference. But I was just a youthful optimist."
Blake had a smile on her face, as she reminisced about her past. It wasn't all bad, as the ways of the White Fang were peaceful. Sure, it wasn't working, but nevertheless, they persisted.
"So, what changed? How did the White Fang go from peaceful to radical?" Pyrrha asked, as the people and the media were less than kind to the group these days.
"Five years ago, our leader stepped down, and a new one took his place. A new leader, with a new way of thinking." Blake said, with her mood starting to sour, "Suddenly, our peaceful protests were being replaced with organized attacks. We were setting fire to shops that refused to serve us, hijacking cargo from companies that used Faunus labor. And the worst part was, it was working. We were being treated like equals. But not out of respect... out of fear."
Naruto sighed at the explanation, as he already has full knowledge of the total one-eighty the White Fang has pulled. After the investigation, the Devil May Cry agency conducted, they knew exactly how the change in leadership went down.
And the truth wasn't pretty…
"Blake, you're a good person. That I can tell." Rin suddenly said, frowning at her, "So why did you stick around the White Fang when they turned radical?"
"Rin has a point. You all replaced peaceful protests with violence, and lots of people got hurt from your actions. Innocent people." Pyrrha stated as she folded her arms, with Blake flinching at the 'innocent' part, "Worse, the White Fang turned your supporters, as well as the ones who had no problem with you, against you. Why would you stick around for something like that?"
"Their change in team logo wasn't very subtle, you know." Nora put in her two cents, referring to the White Fang's sign turning from a white beast head, to a red beast head with three claw marks slashed through it.
"Because, no matter what, they were my family. There are those in the organization who were my childhood friends. We grew up together, and we promised to make a difference. But…" Blake eyes came downcast, "When the White Fang changed, they changed too, and not for the better. Yes, the White Fang gone militant, but they've become misguided by the new leader. That all there is to it."
'Sorry Blake, but my little squirrel on the inside says otherwise…' Naruto thought, making a not so subtle facepalm at the 'misguided' part.
Blake may portray herself as a realist, but just like Ruby, she can be naïve as hell too. In Naruto's point of view, those in the White Fang who willingly attack towns and people to prove a point are responsible for their own actions. It's not being misguided if they follow through with the choices they make.
And worse, no one was forcing most of them.
"I was trained as a guerrilla fighter, and was assigned as a lookout for many operations. My job was to misdirect the police, as well as fend off any member…of the DMC." Blake said, flashing a quick look at Naruto, who was acting as interested as the others, "I was told that we were doing structural damage to the places that reject and mistreat Faunus, but I later discovered that those innocent people were caught in the crossfire indiscriminately. And so, I left. I decided I no longer wanted to use my skills to aid in their violence, and instead, I would dedicate my life to becoming a Huntress. So here I am: a criminal hiding in plain sight, all with the help of a little black bow." Blake finished, while wiggling her ears.
"Funny. I don't recall seeing you on wanted posters like the others." Naruto noted with a knowing look, with the Cat Faunus realizing that Naruto and the DMC had something to do with keeping her off those posters.
"Well, I wish you would've told this story instead of arguing with me before running off. I would've been thinking a lot like I'm doing right now, because that's a lot to process." Weiss said and walked to the window.
"Listen-" Blake started, but Weiss shook her head.
"Don't. I realize now what my sister Winter was trying to tell me. It was father dearest who's part of the reason the White Fang are who they are today. The problems they cause him are a creation of his own making." Weiss said darkly, and let out an angry sound, "He has no right to take his frustrations out on me…and mom…"
"Weiss…" Ruby murmured, as Weiss locked her blue eyes with Blake's yellow ones.
"You showed me your secret. Now I'll show you mine."
Weiss turned her back to her team and took her jacket off. She then took off her top, but no blushes were seen on the faces of the others as looks of horror replaced them. They saw numerous scars littering Weiss' back. They weren't fresh, as they showed signs of healing, but it would take a long time.
"There's no way you got those climbing trees." Yang said, looking sickened.
"Of course not. I always land on my feet! No, this is what happens when the Faunus Labor and the White Fang misbehaves." Weiss responded darkly, and flinched when Ruby put a hand on her shoulder.
"Now we know those skin cream in our bathroom belong to you." Nora said, without the usual enthusiasm in her voice, "I would suggest trying to get to the police, but then again your dad is the most powerful person in Remnant."
'Weiss could've went to Atlas Academy, yet she came here to Beacon Academy. Those scars show more than taking one's frustrations out on someone. Given Weiss' behavior, sounds like Jacques was trying to mold her into him, instilling hatred of Faunus.' Naruto thought as he discreetly texted one of the medics from DMC, 'Jacques, you sick fuck. How the hell you fooled everyone into thinking you're old man Nicolas' son is beyond me. Sounds like a visit is in order.'
"Weiss, I…so sorry. Truly, I am." Blake said before looking hardened, "But I can't apologize for the others in the White Fang. They believe what they're doing is right under the new leadership, and that's what makes them misguided. We knew nothing about your predicament, and ignorance is bliss. But I don't apologize as a former member of the White Fang. I'm apologizing, as a member of Team RWBY; your fellow teammate."
"Well, you're too late on that front." Weiss stated coldly as she put her clothing back on, "The innocent never run…"
"How could you say that?! I pour my heart out, and yet you still-"
"Ah-bah-bah-bah-bah! I don't want to hear it!" Weiss snapped, looking really angry, "Two days you were gone. Two. Days. That means I've had two days to think about this. And in those two days up to this moment, I've now decided..."
Naruto was rubbing his temples, while the other girls looked on, worried.
"I don't care anymore."
"You…don't care?" Blake repeated, surprised and confused.
"Long story short, you're not one of them anymore, correct?" Weiss pressed, with Blake nodding.
"No, I already told you that I haven't been since I was-"
"Then it was not worth running away over. The next time something this big comes up... you'll come to your teammates. We're practically family now. You're my family now." Weiss said and clasped Blake's hands, "So don't be such a stray cat, got it?"
"Of course, but…" Blake said and looked away, contemplating "I still don't believe the White Fang is behind these robberies. They've never needed that much Dust before."
"If you're so sure, then the only way to prove that they didn't do it, is to go to the place where they would most likely go to if they were to do it, and not find them there." Ruby suggested, raising her hand, "Right?"
"But we have no idea where that would be." Blake retorted.
"Actually, we do…" Naruto interjected, jabbing his thumb towards the window to where the docks are located.
"We do?" all of the girls repeated, with question marks dancing on their heads.
(Vale Docks)
Later that night, amidst the chirping of crickets and darkness of night, Naruto, Weiss, Blake, Yang, and Rin were keeping low to the floor. The rooftop was overlooking the shipment of Schnee Dust containers below. The crates were unloaded from the huge freighters from the Schnee Company, waiting for distribution to the various Dust shops tomorrow morning.
"Did we miss anything?" Pyrrha asked as she and Ruby returned from a food run.
"Not really. They've offloaded the crates from the boat. Now they're just sitting there." Blake informed her and passed Weiss the binoculars.
"So far so good then. Blake," Ruby said, taking out a wrapped sandwich and held it out to Blake, "Here. You'll need the energy."
"Thank you Ruby, but I'm not really hungr-" Blake started to say before her nose twitched, and sniffed the wrapped sandwich, "This is…"
"A tuna sandwich. And it's not to mock you." Ruby said considerately with a small smile, "If I got anything else, you wouldn't eat it."
Blake looked from Ruby, to the sandwich, and vice versa. Giving small nod, Blake dug in and quickly ate, letting out a small purr as she did.
"She really, really likes tuna." Nora whispered to Weiss, who nodded in agreement.
With the way Blake was now acting, Weiss didn't see her teammate as a former member of the White Fang turned Huntress. She saw her as a person, a person with happily twitching ears beneath her bow as the Cat Faunus devoured her sandwich.
"Oh~? Weissy, your face is red." Nora whispered to the heiress, causing her to be flustered.
"Wha-What are you talking, Nora?!" Weiss snapped, shaking her fist at the hammer-wielding Valkyrie, "Buzz off!"
"Are they air-lifting the Dust to the shops?" Rin suddenly asked, pointing to the sky where a couple airships were coming closer.
"I don't think so Rin. They normally use armored trucks for hauling the Dust. Why?" Naruto questioned as he continued watching the nearby roads.
"That VOTL coming in. It's flying pretty low and it's only getting lower." Rin noted and loaded her StormFlower.
"That look…familiar…" Ruby squinted her eyes at the ship, and her eyes widened, "Wait a minute! That's the same kind of ship we saw Roman Torchwick escaped from before we went to Beacon Academy!"
"And it's a Bullhead model, used for transporting goods." Naruto mused to himself as his eye twitched, "So, he and Cinder stole more than one, huh?"
He and Konan originally heard reports about a VOTL Bullhead being stolen from Atlas Military. Apparently, the information was false, as Naruto now saw that Team CRME has stolen multiple Bullhead airships. Ozpin gave DMC that information directly from the General of Atlas Military, and Naruto plans on having a talk with the both of them.
"And how do you know that Torchwick stole them?" Rin frowned in curiosity, as Naruto was sounding really knowledgeable about the whole situation.
"Oh, you'll be surprised…" Weiss mused, with her and Blake sharing a knowing look, as the wind blew about them.
Ruby was confused by the look Weiss and Blake were sharing between them, but was unable to question the two about it when the Bullhead's searchlights flashing around for a landing spot, descending in the middle of the cargo containers and extending a ramp for a black hooded individual with a metallic fanged mask to come out of.
"Oh no..." Blake murmured, disheartened.
"It is them, isn't it?" Rin said grimly as they all recognized the bloody wolf on the back of the individual's outfit.
"Yes..." Blake confirmed, looking deflated, "It's…them…"
Somewhere, deep in her heart, Blake was constantly praying to the gods above that the White Fang were not involved in the latest Dust theft. While Kami had heard her prayer, there wasn't a thing she could do, as she didn't have control over the actions of man nor Faunus. Besides, she has faith that her sister's avatar would handle the situation.
"All right, grab the tow cables!" one of the White Fang members called out his brethren that were coming from the Bullhead.
'The White Fang are falling further and further under Cinder and her team. Soon, they'll cross a line that there will be no coming back from.' Naruto thought to himself, with Kaguya's Rinne Sharingan flashing on-and-off in his eyes, 'I still don't understand why they need so much Dust.'
"Well, the White Fang is behind this…" Weiss said, looking directly at a flinching Blake, "But it's strange. I feel this is more than giving my father a black eye. They sabotage the shipments, but never take the Dust. Hell, they even dump or burn them out of spite."
"You really thought they weren't behind this, didn't you?" Nora asked the catgirl softly.
Blake didn't answer immediately as she watched her former brethren break open the crates to steal the Dust from within, "…No. I think deep down I knew. I just didn't want to be right." She murmured in despair.
"When this is done…Weiss and Blake, you both owe us and each other an apology." Naruto told them, leaving no room for argument.
Both members of RWBY agreed, as they had every intention of apologizing to each other. The fight they had that threatened the team should never had happened.
Weiss suspected the White Fang to have robbed the Dust shop, leading to Blake becoming extremely defensive of her former organization. Blake's words caused Weiss to relapse into her father's conditioning, making her lash out. The situation escalated with lead to Blake's unintentional coming out that she's a Faunus. Blake ran in shame, leading to Naruto spiriting her away with Yang, leaving Weiss with an irate Ruby and the rest of Naruto's team.
For the rest of the weekend, Weiss was partly ignored by the others, leaving her to reflect on her actions. It worked, as Weiss calmed down and mellowed out enough to be reasoned with. They both poured their secret to each other and to the rest of the team, but have yet to apologize to each other.
"Hey! What's the holdup!?" a voice rang out from the Bullhead.
"Oh no…" Ruby whispered as a familiar figure came down the ramp.
White coat. Bowler hat. A cane that's secretly a weapon.
Yep, it's Roman Torchwick.
"We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves right now, so why don't you animals try to pick up the pace?" the bowler hat wearing criminal ranted to his new cohorts.
The White Fang members gave him dirty looks under their mask. Why one of the members of the high councils had them ally with a human, they will never know. But it's the woman behind the man they're working with that is a major threat to the White Fang.
And if the rumors were true about the woman's true master, then it is in their best interest to cooperate with Roman. Even if he is human scum.
"No…no, no no no no. This- This isn't right!" Blake growled, standing up to unsheathe the katana of her Gambol Shroud weapon set, "The White Fang would never work with a Human. Especially not one like that."
She was about to step off the roof, but was pulled back by Naruto. She was about to protest, but faltered under Naruto's glare.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Naruto hissed at her through gritted teeth, "I know that this situation is not what you wanted, but this is reality. And like you said, the world is not a fairy tale, so get a grip!"
"But…they…" Blake protested, looking between Naruto and Roman.
"Shouldn't we call the police? Dealing with criminals is out of our league." Pyrrha suggested nervously.
"And by the time the police get here, these bozos would have got away with the loot. So, let's make enough noise until Devil May Cry get here." Yang suggested while punching her fist into her palm.
"Now that's my kind of plan!" Nora agreed, readying her war hammer.
"But we're not ready for something big like this." Weiss countered, pointing at the crime in progress, "I'm with Pyrrha. Let's get out of here and get the police."
"Weiss, Pyrrha, what with the cold feet? Don't you remember what we did in the initiation?" Ruby said with a smile, "We helped Naruto defeat a Demon, a monster even a seasoned Hunter has trouble with. If we can do that, then this situation should be a cakewalk."
"She's right. We fought a Demon! So why should we fear a bunch of Dust-thieves?" Nora said excitedly, "We can do this, right Naruto?"
"Why do you think I bought you girls with me?" Naruto said with a thumbs-up.
"Figures." Rin noted with a small laugh, "So what's the plan-?"
"Hold on!" Weiss interrupted her as she looked around, "Where did Blake go?"
The team looked at each other, only to find no Blake among them. As the girls frantically looked around, Naruto's scroll rang ballet music, with the caller ID reading Widow.
"Amelie, where are you?" Naruto asked, not even looking at the call ID.
"I'm een posishe-on. Et you ar looking for yur friénd, shé 'as Torchwick by knifepoin." A smooth feminine voice came over the line, and it was familiar to Naruto.
"Nobody move!"
"What?" Naruto asked, and looked to see Blake holding Torchwick hostage, "Guh, dammit Blake! She's down there!"
Blake had her Gambol Shroud at Torchwick's neck. In response, The White Fang took their guns and swords out, closing in on Blake and Torchwick.
"Whoa, take it easy there, little lady." Torchwick chided her, but was inwardly seething at some little brat getting the jump on him.
"What is she doing?!" Ruby squeaked, pointing at the scene, "She's even taking off her bow!"
"Brothers of the White Fang! Why are you aiding this scum?" Blake demanded, trying to get the truth once and for all.
The members of the White Fang looked at each other, surprised at one of their own going against them. However, she did seem familiar to some of them. As they figured out what to do, Torchwick laughed.
"Oh, kid, didn't you get the memo?" he asked, totally relaxed now.
"What are you talking about?" Blake snarled, while eying that the White Fang continuing their advance, much to her shock.
"The White Fang and I are going in on a joint business venture together!" Torchwick stated confidently.
"Tell me what it is or I'll put an end to your little operation." Blake threatened, moving her blade closer to Torchwick's neck.
The wind suddenly picked up, blowing wildly about. Torchwick grinned as two more Bullheads appeared overhead, "I wouldn't exactly call it a little operation, kitty cat."
"Oh fucking hell." Naruto growled and turned his attention back to his scroll, just as Konan called, "Konan, where are you?"
"En route, flying past Beacon. Are Lena and Amelie with you?"
"I'm hair, Madam Konan. Verrouillé et chargé. Lén eez… Zippéng around."
"Good, and Naruto, you sound frazzled." Konan noted before hearing a loud explosion over the line, "What was that?"
Naruto sweatdropped when Torchwick managed to separate himself from Blake using his Melodic Cudgel, "That would be Blake, failing to flank Torchwick, so we're moving."
"Wait! We should come up with a plan!" Pyrrha protested, with her new partner jumping onto the ledge.
"Well thanks to Blake, we have a plan now. Attack!" Naruto snapped and jumped off the ledge.
"Come on! We have to save Blake!" Ruby agreed and jumped after her surrogate brother.
"Hey, wait for me!" Nora yelled, immediately following after Ruby.
"This is crazy!" Weiss complained, with Yang jumping past her.
"Nope! Just nothing to it!" Yang cheered, following her falling teammates as well.
"Pyrrha, as Huntsmen and Huntresses, we have another duty besides fighting the Grimm. We protect those that can't defend themselves; not just from the Grimm, but from criminals like Torchwick. After all, not all Hunters are good." Rin stated before falling as well, "So what are you afraid of?"
Pyrrha bit her lip, as Rin was not wrong. Sure, the police deal with criminals, but so do Huntsmen as well. It's just that Pyrrha was more nervous than the others about the prospect. After all, she was trained to fight monsters, not humans. She has fought other Hunters in tournaments. There's a difference between fighting against someone in a contest of skill, and one who has no moral qualms about killing.
They were just as bad as the Grimm.
Still, there is no way that Pyrrha could stay behind while her teammates were fighting. If anything happened to them while she did nothing, she would never forgive her. She couldn't allow a similar incident involving herself and Jaune to happen on her watch. Her friends were about to fight, and there was no way she was going to stay behind and do nothing.
'Time to be Carolina' Pyrrha thought to herself, and jumped off the ledge.
(Naruto's Mindscape)
While the Tailed Beast pounced around in the landscape, Kaguya was sitting behind a huge tree resembling the Shinju.
The goddess had a lot on her mind after Naruto came in contract with the Command Spells. With his Uzumaki enhancing his energy reserves, his Command Spells can regenerate for a certain amount of time, and will never lose his Servant. They'll have total freedom until his first Command Spell regenerates.
Speaking of the Command Seals, Kaguya raised her hand where her own Command Seals was glowing. She siphoned some Command Seals from Naruto, discovering that he can transfer Command Seals to other hosts to create Masters.
"Another thing he's inherited from me. It's been so long since the last War that I forgot..." Kaguya mused and dug into her robes, "The fact that the ability even manifested itself concerns me, especially since Nine is not his true Servant."
In reality, Nine the Phantom is under a temporary contract with Naruto. It will end once Naruto fulfills her wish, a wish that Naruto unknowingly fulfilled years ago during the formation of DMC. But for now, Kaguya was dulling Nine's senses with her chakra so the latter wouldn't find out.
But it was the least of Kaguya's concern.
"I destroyed the Holy Grail. Such an artifact should not have existed in the world that is my nursery. Yet the shards will remain. How? Did I miss something?" Kaguya wondered as she pulled out some items from her robes, "If I did, then..."
She looks at the cards in her left card, and some rainbow-colored spiked crystal orbs in her right.
"The next Holy Grail War will render everything obsolete. The question is...who will be the opposing general...?"
Next time - Chapter 13: The Newest Chasers Part 2: Defenders.
It's Naruto and his team of female Huntresses-in-training versus Roman Torchwick and his new acquired White Fang minions at the Vale Docks, culminating in the birth of a new team under the DMC agency. The aftermath came with the the genesis of the Secret War between Naruto and Cinder. And a certain Rabbit Goddess becomes more active when a dark presence from eons past resurfaces.
After chapter 13, there will be a series of chapters involving Naruto and the girls of Team RWBY. They will detail the important events of Naruto's past with them.
Chapter 14: The Fox and the Rose - An incident at Signal Academy leads to Ruby growing closer to Naruto, but stumbles into Naruto and Yang's "private time".
Chapter 15: The Fox and the Heiress - The DMC is called upon by Winter Schnee to rescue her little sister Weiss who is being held for ransom, with Naruto answering the call.
Chapter 16: The Fox and the Stray Cat - A couple years after the White Fang went extremist, Blake is running saboteur mission, but faces constant interference from the Boss of DMC.
Chapter 17: The Fox and the Little Sun Dragon - Some time after Qrow drops off a young Naruto and a de-aged Konan, Naruto and Yang bond.
In addition, there will be a chapter detailing Naruto and Konan forming the Overwatch-esque Devil May Cry agency; and a chapter showing Naruto and Konan taking on Gato and Konoha during the events of the Land of Waves.
Chapter 18: Devil May Cry - Naruto preventing a robbery and Konan solving a murder leads to the formation of the Devil May Cry agency.
Chapter 19: The Land of Waves - Naruto and Konan returns to the Elementia for the first time to take down Gato's Shipping Company for the CEO's illegal practices, while avoiding a Konoha Genin team on an escort mission.
Afterwards, we shall return to the present, at the beginning of RWBY Volume 2.
Chapter 20: (chapter title TBD) - Based off the S02E01; Best Day Ever episode
Lena and Amelie? Hmm…
The "Dark Ones" could be anybody.
Gee, I wonder who this Patras woman could be?
I fucking call it that Jacques Schnee was a piece of shit, and I was right to choose him as a bashing target.
Naruto's little squirrel. Have fun guessing who it could be.
Naruto and Rin's speaking about the Dust being airlifted is similar to the one in the 2003 SWAT movie about a "new airport" and "that jet".
How Weiss knows about the DMC will be addressed in chapter 15.
-PROFILE POLL: I heard about the kind of person Raven Branwen from RWBY is. Quite the piece of work. For Shinigami's Devil Huntsmen, should I maintain her original "survival of the fittest" personality, or a different personality where she is much more tolerate and an actual mom? (This poll will close this Saturday, September 2)
-Post-chapter notes: Thanks for reading this update. I'm not sure what would be released next, but now I'm free to work on The Fox of Overwatch and another story.
I polled my buddies in Shattered Realms, and they want to see a Naruto x Tales of Berseria out of me. I have a couple in my pipeline, and a poll will be up after the current one involving Raven is done, so stay tuned!
Finally, a Story Shout-Out: Silver-Eyed Maelstrom Grimm Slayer by Naruto RWBY. Recently, it was brought to my attention that the story's trailer was ripped from this one without permission from me. We talked, and I allowed the author to continue using it as long as credit is given. The rest of the story is good, and I enjoyed it.
However, if I find out that another story lifted from one of my own, I will show no mercy. I won't have anyone walking over me to get ahead! If there's no credit, prepare to get reported by yours truly!
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm hoping back on the hype train that is Blazblue Cross Tag Battle! Peace out, ja ne, see you in the next update!
-Shameless self-promotion
SoulEmbrace2010 GAMING is my YouTube channel. I make Let's Play videos and stream video games. Join me in my streaming sessions for some Q&A.
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Released: Monday, August 28, 2017
(Castle, Unknown Location)
A woman with white skin formed in a bun, deathly pallor skin, deep red and purple veins, eyes with red irises and black scleras, and a long black robe walked in a room with a smile on her face. She made her way to the middle of the room where there was a pedestal with a large black orb.
With a wave of her hand, the black orb melted away to reveal a elaborate half-formed golden cup with parts missing from it. The lady materialized one of its missing pieces and attached it. The cup radiated as it regained one of it's missing pieces.
"Soon, everything will fall." the woman murmured and looked to the doors she entered from ,"I will be seeing you and your champion soon...Kaguya..."