A/N : Sorry about 'Little and Lost', I've been having a writer's block for the next chapter. If you guys could help me out with that, that would be fantastic! Here's a little Field Trip story I had made during the summer. Tell me if you want me to continue this and 'Little and Lost'. Sorry again about that, even writer's need help sometimes! Ideas, reviews, suggestions all welcomed!
Chapter 1 : Freaking Out?
"Settle down, now!" Mr. Lancer's voice shouted above the conversations his students were having, after telling them about their field trip… to the Ghost Zone. They were all excited about this trip… except for a certain trio.
Danny Fenton, or Danny Phantom, slammed his head on his desk and ran his hands through his hair, wanting to, desperately, pull it out. Sam Manson and Tucker Foley, his two best friends, looked to their friend with sympathy. With Danny's title in the Ghost Zone, his secret wouldn't last a second going in there. His enemies could take advantage in hearing his predicament and ruin the young half-ghost's half life.
Sam and Tucker shared a looked, then Tucker tried to reassure his best friend since the first grade, "Dude, it could be worse, your parents could be taking us."
Danny lifted his head and shot Tucker a glare, "You just jinxed us," he said, dryly.
Sam cut in the conversation, "Jinxing something doesn't exist."
Danny then looked at her, but before he could, Mr. Lancer announced, "And the Fenton's will be taking us on a weekend long trip, supported by…" he looked to a paper, "A mystery donor."
Danny groaned and banged his head again, "Kill the rest of me already!"
"Please get these permission slips signed, if you want to go on the trip," he handed out blue pieces of paper to everyone, even Danny, "We will be meeting at FentonWorks early Friday morning and leaving late Monday night."
Before class was dismissed, Paulina's dainty hand shot through the air, "Yes, Paulina?" Mr. Lancer called.
"Will we meet the Ghost Boy?" She asked, with a smile that reached ear to ear.
"I am unsure, Paulina, but I'm sure if we hit some trouble he will save us," he answered and class was dismissed.
But no one noticed, the trio hang back and wait 'til everyone was out.
No one noticed Tucker and Sam share another worried glance to each other.
No one noticed Danny grabbed Sam by the waist, Tucker next to them and whisper, "This is going to be the longest weekend ever."
Short Chapter, but it was basically the prologue. The rest will be longer and the story will be long too.