Summary: Kakashi was indifferent when his team was assigned to Naruto-sensei and not the pink-haired medic Rin worshiped. Then Haruno-sensei created an earthquake with her fist and Kakashi metaphorically fell hard. - Generation Switch AU [Eventual KakaSaku]
A note: I dedicate this story to the KakaSaku tumblr anon (ksanon . tumblr . com) where there are mythical, amazing artists. It's where I got totally hooked to this AU idea and just hard to give it a shot.
Disclaimer: I do no own Naruto.
Chapter One: Of Senseis and Sensibilities
"Now remember: be nice to whoever you get. Courteous at least."
"Yes, Father."
"Don't show off too much, or at least wait a few weeks in. Not everyone is an awesome Hatake like you and me."
"I got it."
"Not to mention-"
Sakumo looked up from fiddling with Kakashi's collar and into eyes the same dark shade of gray as his. The veteran watched as his only son slowly raised an eyebrow.
"I'm not one of those other snot-nosed brats here," Kakashi said as he maintained eye contact, his hands firmly planted on his hips.
"Yes, well..." Sakumo trailed off as he adjusted the collar one last time, fingers brushing lightly on Kakashi's masked cheek as he stood up to his full height. Sometimes the older Hatake wondered if Kakashi would surpass him in height. His mother had not been especially tall, but Kakashi was enough of his clone already.
"Stop fretting," Kakashi spoke again, breaking his father out of a slight lapse of concentration. The hands at Kakashi's hips had turned into little fists.
"Of course. Heaven forbid my son does anything less than perfect," Sakumo sighed as he ruffled Kakashi's hair.
Sakumo saw the bridge of the boy's nose wrinkle in a mixture of chagrin and confusion before Kakashi raised a small hand in a silent goodbye. Even though the boy did not have to be inside for another good ten minutes, Kakashi had always been a stickler.
Sakumo smiled freely to his son before the child turned and walked into the building.
Ah, youth.
Kakashi sighed as he slouched in his seat. Rin fidgeted to the right of him while Obito was on his left, absently tugging on a bandage Rin had wrapped on his hand two days ago. Kakashi was almost appalled that he hadn't changed the bandage yet, but this was Obito.
"Who do you think you're going to get," Kakashi heard Kurenai whisper to Asuma. Not waiting for his answer, she added: "I hope I get Haruno-san. She knows all the advanced genjutsus."
Kakashi saw Rin stiffen aside of him; he knew she wanted the same thing, except for the kunoichi's medic-nin ability. While they knew their team assignments (not that it wasn't obvious enough with this group), their new teachers had been withheld for whatever reason. Probably from a backlog of paperwork, as that seemed to be the number one enemy of the village according to the blond-haired Hokage.
"I hope we get Inuzuka-sensei!" Obito said even though he was not technically invited in to be a part of their conversation.
Kakashi heard the distinct whine-sigh from Hana a few rows behind them. Her three ninken that were settled in her lap offered a few sniffle-yaps to their distressed partner. Sometimes Kakashi was truly fortunate to be an only child. While Hana's brother Kiba was a skilled veterinarian, he was overall a wild-card. His massive ninken bigger than a horse did nothing to help diminish his large sense of pride.
"It's no use hoping, they're all assigned already. We'll just have to see who we get," Ibiki snapped out for everyone to hear. Next to him, Gekkō coughed lightly.
"You're just angry that Yamanaka-san decided to stay in the interrogation division and not become a teacher," Kakashi said offhandedly. Ibiki spun on him, his brow furrowed and cheeks dusted with a distinct red tinge. It clashed horribly with his grey hair.
Just then, when Kakashi was wondering if he should prepare for a scuffle, the door slid open and Hinata Hyūga stepped through. She jumped slightly as all eyes focused on her intently. While accustomed to her as their teacher in the academy, they were intent for an entirely different reason today.
Kakashi's eye twitched as he heard some shuffling from outside the door; clearly the teachers were here. 'About time,' he thought petulantly, only to realize they were a minute early.
"I'm sure you're all very excited to meet your new teacher," Hinata said after a deep breath to calm herself. "We apologize for the delay. We just wanted to be absolutely certain the assignments were in the best interest for everyone involved. Now, if everyone would please come in."
A line of shinobi entered, and Kakashi could feel the air in the room instantly change. Even though he was a genius, he did not need to be one to know it was rare for so many skilled shinobi in a single room. His eyes scanned the faces of men and women (Inuzuka-sensei's dog could not fit through door frames anymore, so he appeared at the window, tongue lolling). Some smiled jubilantly, others remained stoic, and an Aburame did not show his face at all.
Slowly, teachers became paired with groups who stood and left. Kakashi noticed the inquisitive frown on Asuma's face when his team went to lazy-looking man from the Nara clan; the slight perk in Hana's step when she became assigned with the hooded Aburame (Shino was his first name if Kakashi remembered correctly).
Originally, there had been eight teachers up at the front, and now only stood four. One of them was the pink-haired Sakura Haruno. Kakashi noticed Rin gripped the table a little too tightly, fingernails becoming embedded in the worn desk surface. Guy practically erupted out of his chair in celebration after being assigned to Lee, and suddenly there were the Terrible Three before them.
Again, Kakashi did not have to be especially sharp to know that before them stood a team that had arguably overdone even the Sannin, one of which who had sat at the Hokage seat last. The other was off exploring the world, and the third off doing creepy things no doubt.
"Anko, Kabuto, Kurenai- you'll be going with Sasuke-sensei," Hinata read softly.
Kakashi caught the surprised jolt that went through the three before they were standing and heading out after the against-regulation-kimono-wearing Uchiha. Kakashi saw miss Kurenai's slump, and the forlorn look the white-haired genin gave to Sakura. She, in turn, gave him a slight smile and wave that had Kabuto straightening his glasses and leaving with a smile.
It seemed like this Sakura person was a popular choice, despite how this would be her first year teaching. Not that the others had much experience, as nearly all of them taught a handful of teams before this. Apparently all the advanced, older shinobi were too busy with half-assed missions or getting lazy in this relaxing peacetime that had no end in sight.
Rin was barely breathing breathing now, but it seemed that Obito had his eyes now firmly fixed on the whiskered-face of Naruto. Kakashi was sure that if Obito had been aware Naruto was in contending as a teacher, he would have argued for him straight away. Sitting between the two, Kakashi felt like this had turned into a battle of wills.
But Kakashi was going to wither and die if he had to deal with two blockheads on his team.
"Ibiki, Gekkō, and Tokara, you'll be with Sakura-sensei."
Kakashi's forehead hit the wooden desk hard, his forehead protector offering no help; Rin frowned and slumped in on herself; Obito jumped on the table and screamed to the heavens as if he'd just won the lottery.
"So- how'd it go my straw-boy?"
Kakashi nearly leapt out of his skin when he came home that day and turned to see his father literally spring out from the kitchen. Dark eyes absently watched as miso soup dribbled to the tiled floor from the laddle his father held tightly.
"I got the blond bozo."
"Don't call the Hokage's son that," Sakumo laughed, before sobering almost immediately. "Although, this is quite exciting for Obito."
"Rin wouldn't stop sighing the entire day. She wanted to get that pink haired medic," Kakashi said as he went into the kitchen, Sakumo following behind him to get back to the stove and dinner.
Kakashi frowned and turned from getting a glass of water to lift an expectant eyebrow.
"Oh come on, you know about my association with Sakura-chan," Sakumo supplied as he turned back to cutting up tofu.
"No, I don't. Or else I wouldn't have just lifted an eyebrow in silent question that you've now forced me to voice."
"I could have sworn I talked about nothing but her for a little while," Sakumo said absently, "But I guess you were just a wee babe at the time. Which was why I was so happy, because your mother had just passed and to leave you all alone-"
"Right, so, there was this horrid mission. Back in the days of the war, when it was getting pretty dire in a lack of men and morale," his Father started as he expertly sliced up tofu without looking at it.
Kakashi moved to hop up on the counter, absently drinking the water through his mask before he remembered he was at home and pulling it down.
"I had all these green horns, barely passed chūnin, maybe pushing fourteen, for a high level infiltration job. Long story short, they nearly all died. Well, actually one of them did. Sakura was the medic assigned to the mission, no older than fifteen herself. If it had been anyone other than her it would have been a complete failure. She actually told me to electrocute the dead one with my chakra to help bring him back. Intuitive, that one."
Kakashi watched as his father's usually content face became somewhat downtrodden.
"You know, Kakashi, that mission could have gone very differently. I disobeyed a lot of rules and regulations to get those guys out. If Sakura hadn't been there to back me up and save them, they really would have died and I would have been under a lot of speculation. Both from the town and myself."
Kakashi hopped off the counter and put his hand on his father's arm, startling the man out of whatever dark path his mind had wondered down.
"They talk about you enough as it is," Kakashi said blankly, yet his father thought it was the funniest thing ever if his deep laughs were anything to go by.
"Ah yes, Sakura-chan is a great person indeed. Although that was actually the second time I met her, but that's another story for another day. That young Namikaze is fantastic and obviously the next Hokage despite how adamant Obito is about the position. But I can't help but wish you got Sakura-chan," Sakumo said as he patted his son's hand that hadn't moved from his arm.
Kakashi gripped the edge of his father's sleeve, the red triangles harsh against the white, before letting go and getting out the dishes to set the table for two.
Never meet your heroes.
Kakashi had heard the phrase before, but never truly empathized with the sentiment of it until now. Although, he was sure Obito was feeling it quite more than him at the moment. Kakashi respected the blond in all his written exploits, but Kakashi did not worship him as a person like the young Uchiha.
"Obito-chan, I think you're going to fall soon."
"I am not- ARGH!"
Kakashi winced as he heard the thump, but kept his forehead protector over his eyes.
"Hey! You pushed me!"
"A shinobi must be prepared for anything and everything," the blond sang as Obito mumbled some curses from below.
Kakashi sighed and tried to take a deep breath; it was a hot and sticky today and one of the rare moments where he wished he did not have his mask on. Being suspended ten feet from the ground on a wooden pole barely three inches wide, blindfolded, and balancing on his index finger did not help matters much. It was starting to ache a little; he would have to switch to another one soon again.
"Ah- Sakura-chan!" he heard Naruto call out in excitement, and Kakashi could not help but pull down his headband and peak out this time.
He watched as Naruto leaped over the field to get to the adjoining one, intent obviously on the pink-haired kunoichi and not the three boys tagging behind her. Of course he would ditch his team to try and flirt. And she would probably be all to willing considering they'd been friends for ages, gone through a war together-
Kakashi winced a second time as Naruto was kicked in the gut and sent sprawling back, arms pinwheeling before his figure disappeared entirely in the long grass.
"Gosh, Haruno-sensei is so amazing," Rin sighed in admiration as she balanced on her right foot. There was a light blush on her grinning, dimpled face and Kakashi resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Sometimes he thought Obito had bad hero-worship, and then Rin's eyes would glaze over and Kakashi knew Obito had nothing on obsession.
"Oi! Rin- Kakashi- I see that your eyes are open! Since it seems that you don't need to hone your senses, how about your strength? Let's see who can get to the top of the Hokage monument first without using chakra!"
Kakashi could already feel his hands stiffening up. Maybe it had been a bad decision to choose his fingers to balance on.
"Or your feet."
And the blisters.
Training continued on for the next few months. During the week Kakashi would get dragged to training either with Naruto or his father, go on lame missions and continuously save Obito from putting his foot in his mouth around Rin. Obito's fumbling would be adorable if they were not already twelve and Rin had started worrying something was wrong.
Everything had been going according to routine and it had been fine. Key word: had.
Kakashi's crossed arms tightened over his chest. Obito and Naruto's lateness was chronic, but this was different. Usually Naruto was late by a quarter of an hour, Obito stumbling in a some minutes later. But Obito was here already and Naruto had yet to show up; Kakashi must have sat here waiting for at least half an hour already.
"Do you think we should go tell someone?" Rin asked hesitantly as she sat on the bridge, looking down at the water traveling along below her sandals. "I hope nothing bad happened to him."
"He's part of the Terrible Three. If anything happened, it was due to his own idiocy," Kakashi said aloofly, although with a little more ice than intended. He really needed to work on perfecting a cool edge without being over-the-top arctic.
"Don't let Naruto hear you talk about him like that. He'll probably cry knowing that his team doesn't respect him."
Three heads of varying color turned in a snap to see a familiar pink-haired woman walking towards them, a light smile on her face as the front of her apron moved in time with her steps. Kakashi instinctually grabbed hold around Rin's shin when she nearly toppled off the bridge from her jump of mixed excitement and disbelief.
"Naruto is out on a, ur, confidential mission at the moment," she said as she pulled on an ear, an obvious tell if any that there was more to this story. "Anyways, he finally remembered and sent me a toad to get to you guys."
When three pairs of eyes just blinked and continued watching Sakura, she shifted her weight from her one hip to the other and sighed.
"So... it's really up to you guys if you want to do some personal training, or I could help you with things, like a request since I'm not all that bad at taijutsu and genjutsu especially-"
"Oh, please teach us!" Rin said as she jumped off the bridge and clapped her hands, eyes gleaming.
"Yeah, Naruto-sensei doesn't teach us anything but how to get bruises," Obito grumbled as he moved his legs to stop dangling over the bridge and stand up.
"Well, how about I show you some exciting stuff for a change? I feel that my team is bored of all my showing off already," Sakura said with a shrug before she was walking off again, Rin quickly trailing her.
They walked in silence for a bit, Kakashi and Obito trailing behind. The boys shared slight grins at how nervous and just plain clumsy Rin was being. First, in how she kept trying to be sneaky about her obvious staring, and secondly about how she kept missing her steps because of it.
"I heard that you're interested in the medic-nin branch," Sakura commented lightly, eyes skirting to Rin's outfit that didn't vary much from hers.
"I-It's my passion," Rin admitted honestly.
"I'm surprised I got neither you or Kabuto, but that's how things go. I was actually thinking about doing some independent lessons for anyone interested. While they drill everyone on teams about the three main jutsu types, medical information is sorely lacking."
"That- that would be amazing!"
Their sub-sensei glanced down at Rin and Kakashi could see a slight grin before her gaze focused ahead again.
"I'm really happy to hear that. We lost a lot in the war and it's been hard to find more volunteers. But it seems that you and Kabuto are showing exceptional promise."
Kakashi wanted to roll his eyes as Rin mouthed the last two words as if it was her new motivational oath.
"Tsunade really cannot wait to get the hospital back in order. She was so mad at me for deciding to be a teacher and leave the place in Shizune's hands. Not that she's terrible at all or anything. And it's not like Tsunade had any place to talk about responsibility after so eagerly handing off the Hokage position-"
"We're here," Kakashi interrupted.
"Ah!" Sakura turned to the two boys who blinked back up at her. "I guess you would want to use your regular training ground instead of mine. Of course."
So not only did she seem to incessantly chatter, but she was mindlessly carefree about everything. If not for his father's favor for her, Kakashi would have dismissed her altogether already. That, and all the sensational exploits of the Terrible Three's war hero antics. Then again, that did nothing to save Kakashi's opinion on Naruto.
Rin frowned lightly at Kakashi before turning back to Sakura and asking: "When are you thinking or starting the lessons? Do I need any prerequisites?"
Sakura chuckled lightly before leaning down to put a hand on her head, patting her dark-head affectionately. A bright blush bloomed over Rin's face, and Kakashi could feel Obito tense next to him. The boy relaxed as she released her grip; Kakashi wanted to scoff at how immature Obito's infatuation was.
"Well, how about we work on chakra control since that's something I know about," Sakura said offhandedly as she lifted one shoulder lightly in a shrug.
Kakashi glanced at the rhombus on her forehead, and then the two smaller ones that were on either side of it (because apparently one was not enough) and resisted the urge to snort. 'Know about' was an understatement. She knew about it inside and out, inverted or corrupted. She had written a textbook about it for Hokage's sake. It had been a very dry read in Kakashi's opinion.
"Now, maybe you've heard about what I can do (Kakashi coudn't hold back the snort this time) but if you don't- Rin, would you mind stepping back a little? Thanks. Well, actions speak better than words at first impressions right?"
"Welcome back, Kakashi! How was training?"
When Sakumo was only answered with silence, he frowned lightly. He was sure the door had opened and Kakashi's footsteps had padded in.
"Straw-son?" he asked lightly as he came out from the porch, water can dripping slightly.
He saw his son sitting at the breakfast bar, hair dusty and eyes blank.
"Kakashi?" Sakumo asked again, this time with a hint of worry.
It seemed the tone finally snapped Kakashi out from wherever place his head had trodden off to. He jumped off the stool, arms out as if suddenly on the defense from a pack of rabid enemies. When Kakashi saw it was only his father in front of him, he relaxed and slumped.
Raising an eyebrow at the odd (but nonetheless adorable) behavior of his usually stoic-as-a-stone son, Sakumo walked up and put a hand on Kakashi's shoulder.
"Did something happen?"
"No, not really," Kakashi said as his eyes remained glued to his sandals. Sakumo could see the dull red of a blush at the edge of his mask.
Very odd indeed.
"Well, how about you finish watering and I'll start dinner?"
Kakashi gave a nod, took the watering can, and wandered out to the porch. Sakumo watched as Kakashi unstrapped his sandals before picking up the can again and began watering. He only made it past two plants before he was drowning the third in a continuous stream, eyes glazed over. Sakumo huffed in confusion before turning back to making dinner.
After taking three times the usual amount of time to water the wide assortment of plants on their porch, and then out to their backyard to their modest sized backyard that was almost entirely converted into a garden, Kakashi wandered into the kitchen still in a daze.
Deciding his son needed it, Sakumo prepared his son's favorite dishes. Sakumo himself had wanted tempura for a while, but seeing how uncharacteristically spacey Kakashi was, he did not want his son to eat too much and get a stomachache again.
After they had sat down and the silence still continued, Sakumo sighed and put down his chopsticks. Kakashi had yet to pick his up. He had pulled his mask down, but that was as far as he'd gotten in eating his dinner. The helplessness was even more stark on his fully visible face.
"Kakashi, you're going to have to tell me sometime."
"I think I'm in love."
Well, that was unexpected. The aged veteran was glad that he had decided to stop eating momentarily. And Sakumo was also glad that he was taking Kakashi seriously, because when his son looked up he looked entirely lost. It wouldn't do good to laugh; Kakashi was a sensitive enough child.
"Oh, my little guard," Sakumo sighed before he pushed back from the table and patted his lap. Kakashi eagerly hopped off his seat and scrambled into his father's lap. He let his legs hand over a side while he rested his forehead on his Dad's collarbone. Little hands grasped lightly at the kimono's soft fabric.
While most shinobi boys at twelve would balk at the idea of such coddling, Kakashi reveled in the ability to have affection like this from his father still. He was always happy when he could physically feel the pulse of his father's heart against his cheek. Kakashi closed his eyes as he felt his father's calloused fingers begin to run through his hair.
"Well, we're really in trouble then, aren't we?" Sakumo asked, and Kakashi smiled as the vibrations from his father's voice reverberated through his smaller frame.
"I can only hope that it's not Rin. Poor Obito would never stop bothering us," Sakumo stated absently, tugging at Kakashi's ear playfully. The loud Uchiha was already adamant enough about dragging Kakashi out of the house.
"No, it's worse. Way worse," Kakashi sighed forlornly.
Furrowing his brow, Sakumo said: "You know, I thought it was impossible for your mother to ever love me, since she was a civilian and was so different from our world. Did you know she slapped me the first time we met? Ah- to be young."
"What happened?" Kakashi asked as he raised his head. While his father never shied away from questions Kakashi had of his passed mother, Sakumo very rarely brought her up himself.
"Oh, I was trying to show off to another girl at the market and stole an apple from her stall. She was mad and slapped me before taking back the apple and storming away," Sakumo explained with another laugh. "So I ditched the first girl and changed tactics to steal your mother's heart instead. Hardest mission I've ever had to do, but also the most rewarding by far."
Kakashi smiled, and Sakumo's chest swelled at being able to see it without the mask on for once.
"So don't worry little crow-chaser. You're gonna get whoever it is in the end. Not only are you intelligent and full of promise, our clan is way better than any other. Especially those noble four- gah, they've gotten so dull and dreary through the years."
Kakashi's smile widened for a moment before be dropped his head back down on his father's chest again. The boy let himself sit there for a moment more before carefully climbing back down. Kakashi was well aware that he was still a little gangly for his age, and he knew (from Obito slamming into him one too many times in his haste to get somewhere) that no one appreciated elbows as weapons.
"Thanks, Father. She does have the most wonderful pink hair..."
Sakumo was thankful that Kakashi's back was to him, or else he would have seen Sakumo tense.
"Ah- so you finally got to talk to Sakura-chan today, eh?"
"She totally annihilated the training field today! And then she taught us this advanced genjutsu that I still haven't gotten the trick of, and-"
Sakumo forgot about his dinner, favoring to give all his attention to Kakashi as he wildly rambled and gesticulated about how awe-inspiring Haruno-sensei was and how the books and newspapers did give her nearly enough credit. By the way the boy talked, the day sounded like an epic adventure when in actuality it had just been training and then going out for dango ("That she even paid for and didn't ditch us like Naruto-sensei!")
"I bet you're wishing you had her as your teacher now, huh?" Sakumo finally managed to get in as Kakashi took a moment to remember how to breathe.
"That would've been great," Kakashi said between sulking shoulders. "I cannot believe I was actually so wrong about something."
"Well, maybe Naruto will never come back from that mission or something," Sakumo joked offhandedly, but at the lack of laughter from his son, he looked up to see a pensive expression.
"Kakashi- no."
"I forbid you from doing any harm to that guileless Naruto," Sakumo stated sternly.
It was hard to keep a serious face when his son sighed and his small chest visibly deflated.
Naruto finally meandered back after two weeks. Because of Sakura's busy schedule of hospital shifts, those private lessons, her own team, and some muttering about late night sake runs, Team Blond Bozo did not get as much time with her as Kakashi and Rin had anticipated. Obito was just homesick for their regular teacher and did not appreciate Haruno-sensei like the other two on his team. Odd, since he could barely stand Naruto when he was around.
But return the blond did, and all to find that toad-obsessed old guy. Apparently he was staked out in some distant cottage attempting to finish a manuscript that was long overdue. His publishing house had hired Naruto to badger him about it and then drag him in for a meeting.
Kakashi resisted the urge to physically crumple and let the river take him away when he saw Naruto bouncing along the road towards them. He'd enjoyed Haruno-sensei's calm demeanor and her ability to clearly teach things without him having to look 'beyond the beyond into the great void of self-achieved wisdom.' Yes, Kakashi was quite advanced for his age in ability, but that did not mean he did not always want to know more. And directions, or even hints, tended to help that along nicely.
So the time had come to return to the daily drivel of no Haruno-sensei and lame missions. Today it was fishing out koi that had escaped into a rice field. Oh, the glamor of shinobi duty.
"I miss Sakura-sensei already," Rin said next to him as they continued walking down the row, both holding a net and bucket. Obito and Naruto could be heard arguing a bit to their left.
Kakashi hummed in agreement lightly, fingers tensing around the wooden handle of the net.
"Those stupid boys don't appreciate her like us," Rin continued to complain and puffed up. She reminded Kakashi of the cardinals that visited the garden and seemed so self-righteous about how the sunflower seeds belonged to them solely. While they were quite bright and pretty to look at, they were annoying in how they did not listen to him. His father always just shook his head and told Kakashi to leave them alone.
"Hn," Kakashi supplied this time.
"At least I get to see her during those weekly lessons. We're beginning to learn about antidotes now. You should come," Rin said, added the last phrase in a rush. Kakashi looked down to see her lightly blushing.
"You should invite Obito instead. He needs medical attention more often than anyone," Kakashi replied back, ignoring the voice of 'YES. YES THAT WOULD BE GRAND. YES.' at the change the be mentored by Haruno-sensei again. Medical jutsus had never interested Kakashi, especially since his strengths swayed more towards the offensive than defensive.
Rin seemed to deflate even more.
They continued sloshing through the water, finding a few fish here or there. The pond had been quite big; it was unfortunate it had overflown from the storm last night.
Kakashi's eyes caught on something white in the water, harsh against the usual murk. Stripping off his glove, he reached for the glimmering object and pulled it out. Rin watched as he shook off the gunk and held it in his palm.
"Is that a tooth?"
"Makes sense since we're on the Nara clan's land. Maybe they buried a dead deer under the field to help nurture it? Or it could have just lost its baby teeth. Deer have baby and adult teeth like us, although this looks a little too big to come from a fawn," Kakashi said, and then stopped shortly when he realized he'd rambled.
Rin chuckled lightly and picked it up to inspect it for a moment.
"Now I have an anecdote and an interesting fact to talk about if I'm ever around a Nara clan member," Rin joked before returning the tooth.
Kakashi pocketed it to add to his collection of finds at home.
"Whatcha got there?"
Kakashi nearly jumped out of his skin at the voice; the deer tooth in his hand jolted up as well, only for the person who'd spoken to snatch it.
"Hm- is this from the Nara clan? They're usually really protective about this kinda stuff. I should know. On behalf of the hospital I get the chore of haggling with Shikamaru ever year over their antlers. I've learned the key is just to get him drunk."
Kakashi willed his heart to slow down and turned to look at Haruno-sensei. When she noticed his eyes on her, she smiled lightly. Kakashi resisted the urge to smile back like the guileless fool he felt around her.
"I found it in a rice field," Kakashi supplied as he crossed his hands over his lap to stop them from twitching.
"So your team got the overflown koi pond. At least you didn't have to pull out sheep stuck in a lake of mud. One of them nearly had a fit trying to eat my hair off today."
Kakashi's eyes glanced towards the side fish-tail braids she sported today. He had noticed that had no daily hairstyle. Some days it would be up in a messy bun, another day a pony tail or a long braid down the middle. His favorite was when it was simply down, but he had only seen that once. It seemed slightly odd that someone so successful and driven in her studies and work would take the time, however little, to do something so distinctly civilian-like. Most shinobi and kunoichi alike did not bother with hair fashions, seemingly as there was so much else to do.
It reminded Kakashi of his own hair that he was fairly self-conscious about. It always stuck out at odd angles, especially in the morning. His father had a whole album of morning shots taken throughout the years of differing hair-lengths.
"Thank goodness I don't have any fringe to maintain," she added as she blew at her forehead, where imaginary bands sprung momentarily. "Although that would be a nice change."
Kakashi did not want to say anything embarrassing (like Obito daily with Rin), so he decided not to say anything at all. Kakashi also kept his eyes focused ahead of him over the bustling streets and high-stacked apartment buildings. He took measured breaths to calm himself, but when he realized this was the first time he and Haruno-sensei were by themselves, it surged up in speed.
"You don't really talk much, do you?" Haruno-sensei asked lightly as she offered back the tooth. "You were always attentive when I taught, but never commented much unless if was for clarification. Unlike some orange-goggle-wearing Uchihas."
Kakashi glanced at her, then the offering, before he shook his head once.
"I can keep it?" she asked, the left corner of her mouth tugging upwards.
Kakashi looked away and nodded once. If it got out half a smile from her, it was more than worth it. Even as his chest started to ache a little from his heart's attempt to succeed from his body for Haruno-sensei.
"Alright, thank you very much Kakashi-kun. How about in return, you can listen as I read aloud some medical journals. Sounds like a good deal, eh? I wonder where all my teacher awards are for being so helpful to you youths even on my time off."
At this, Kakashi simply shrugged before moving from a sitting position into a reclining one. His fingers remained crossed as he moved them to pillow his head, legs stretching out before him. It was nearing the end of Fall, else he would be baking in his nearly all black outfit on a tiled roof.
"Well, that's my cue," Sakura said, and Kakashi heard the ruffle of pages.
And so Kakashi absently listened as Sakura began to talk out journals and textbook passages. Whenever she would stop, he would lift a sandaled foot and tap her knee, reminding her that she had forgotten to speak aloud again. Kakashi felt rather than saw the late afternoon sun continue to dip towards the horizon. Slowly his heart and mind calmed and became accustomed to Haruno-sensei's presence.
"Well, I have to get going to make dinner. And shouldn't you get home to helping your Father?" she asked out, and Kaksahi jolted out from his slight doze.
Kakashi sat up suddenly, vision blurring from the head rush. This morning he promised to come home early to do some weeding and then harvest the last bought of snow peas to shell them for dinner. He had completely forgotten. He would curse Haruno-sensei if she was not so spectacular.
"Although this was odd that I'd find you here, it was nice to have your company. I remember better talking aloud, and it seems just a little lonely when I'm out here by myself. You wouldn't believe how many times Tsunade kicked me off the hospital's room. Hah!"
Kakashi absolutely did not blush as she threw her head back at that exclamation of a laugh, her neck exposed in a very clear sign of trust even though she barely even knew him.
"You're really weird."
Kakashi wanted to slap his face into next week.
Yet Haruno-sensei did not seem offended by the statement; if anything, she looked endeared by his sudden honest.
"I finally got you to talk. Don't think just because I'm not teaching you anymore I won't see you around," she commented lightly as she picked up the various scrolls and tomes that must have created a weight equal to her own.
Kakashi stood and got up to leave as well. Just as he patted down his backside, she turned around and added: "Say hi to your Father for me too, would you?"
Hands still on his butt, Kakashi nodded silently. Her eyes narrowed at where his hands had stilled, and Kakashi removed them with a nervous cough. He forced himself to stand straight and hold his ground.
"You may want to wash those pants," Sakura said before chuckling and bounding off.
Frowning, he twisted looked down to his butt he'd just patting down, only to see the bird poo stain.
Now Kakashi wanted to slap his face into next season.
"I found a deer tooth in the rice fields that I thought belonged to the Nara clan and then Haruno-sensei said the same thing so it must be true- I saw her today accidentally because I was on a roof watching people – and then she came and I learned all about some type of plague that she's worried might be returning in the Rain country – apparently she might have to go and investigate – and she also talked about her hair being less than perfect which is just ridiculous – and then when I got up to leave it was so uncool because I had accidentally sat on dried up, chalky bird shit for like a couple hours – and now I'm here and I'll just do some clones to help pick the peas – I'm sorry for being late, Father – I wanted to keep the tooth and give it to you to add to our collection of finds, but I'll just search for some later in the forest and-"
"Kakashi, breathe. And don't swear, it's unbecoming of a lad like yourself."
"Oh, sorry," Kakashi said in another apology before ducking his head in embarrassment. Oh my Hokage- had he just rambled that all out in ten seconds flat? His Father probably didn't get the half of it. He needed to stop this random habit.
"Well, at least now I know why you took off your pants first thing coming through the door. And don't worry about the peas- I already got to them. You'll just have to do more weeding tomorrow to make up for it."
Kakashi resisted the urge to groan like Obito did when they had to miss lunch during training. He was turning to get to his room and cover up his paw-print-patterned boxers when he remembered his revered medic's last comment.
"Oh, and Haruno-sensei says hello," Kakashi said. "Not like she tells me differently every time and not like I wouldn't tell you about seeing her."
"No, you definitely never forget to mention her," Sakumo said to himself, smiling.
"Why are you doing that funny smile thing with your face again?"
"No reason at all, my crow conquerer."
Kakashi sighed as he pulled up the beetroot from the ground. He did not explicitly dislike garden work, but he did enough of it back home that it got a little taxing when he had to do it for other people. And personally, he thought his near-jōnin-leveled skills could be used for something more useful.
"I cannot tell you how appreciative I am of your help," a kind voice said behind him, and he turned to see Kushina waddle out with a tray of lemonade balanced on her over-extended belly.
Kakashi knew 'waddle' was not a nice way to describe a woman (especially one as beautiful as her) but it could not be helped. The redhead just looked that pregnant.
"Mom! You shouldn't be up! Dad is going to knock me on my head again!" Naruto whined as he went closer to his mother, picking up the tray gingerly to pass over to Obito, who had walked closer. The dark-haired youth was clearly entranced by the mother of his hero.
The woman laughed lightly, her voice high and soft and just so motherly that Kakashi felt a sting in his chest.
"I just don't get why you didn't ask Ai or Hiraku and Hoshiko or Kazuki," Naruto continued to say, a hand settling over his mother's extended stomach gently.
God. Kakashi nearly shivered at the idea of having so many people constantly around to contend against. And there were two more, her second pair of twins, on the way. Kakashi imagined his quiet house with his father and their plethora of plants, the garden, and the family of mice that lived in their compost that were getting ridiculously fat. It was a calm, quiet living that Kakashi looked forward to everyday to recharge at.
"Will you stop. You know I just saw Sakura-chan the other day and she says I can move around if I want. I'm a deadly kunoichi and I'm not ancient."
"But Mom – you know this isn't, you know, like your others. You're not-"
"If you say I'm still not the shining beacon of youth you're going to get two knocks on that empty head of yours."
Kakashi knew that Kushina had Naruto when she was relatively young: only seventeen. Then they had waited a good ten years to have another son, and then came fraternal twins a couple of years later, and another son nearly right after. This one had been entirely accidental (or at least according to Naruto-sensei) as she was nearing her mid forties. It was a pregnancy to pay attention to.
At the mention of Haruno-sensei, Kakashi perked up and meandered away from the beetroot patch.
"And you know that Sakura-chan is the best at what she does- oh, hello there Kakashi-kun."
Kakashi ducked his head in a slight bow.
"I swear you're growing faster than the weeds out here," Kushina said merrily as she reached over and ruffled his hair.
The silver haired youth wondered if it was because of its odd angle that people felt so inclined to do that. And he was not growing that fast; if anything he had always been small for his age group. He was finally catching up.
"Is there something you need?" she asked kindly, smiling face open.
Kakashi blinked before looking down at the beetroot in his hand, still held by the vibrant stems. Thinking quickly, and not wanting to reveal he had come over only in hope of hearing more about Haruno-sensei, he said: "Like many greens, beetroot leaves have exceptional nutritional value. They're rich in calcium, iron and lots of vitamins. They're bitter, but there are ways to cook them to get around that. It would be extremely beneficial to you and the babies' health."
Kakashi looked up from the leaves to the bewildered faces of Naruto and Obito, and the grinning one of Kushina.
"My Father and I attend to our garden daily," Kakashi added hastily as he looked down, resisting the urge to turn away and hide behind their massive rhubarb that was clearly in need of trimming.
"Thank you for your advice. My husband put this garden together so as not buy out the grocery store's produce for our family every time we go shopping, but he doesn't know anything about it. Poor Ino, she's been dragged here too many times to count," Kushina said with an ending laugh. "I see your father named you well, oh mighty defender."
Kakashi shrugged and felt himself relax at the familiar poke at his name; his father would have commended her on it.
"Since you seem so knowledgable, how about you stay to help me with dinner, and then you can stay to eat it? Get a free meal for giving me some new recipe ideas and tips?"
Kakashi thought about the mini army of siblings, seeing the Hokage in his domestic setting, but most importantly his father who would be left alone at the house.
"Of course I'll send Naruto out to get your Father," Kushina added lightly.
Kakashi thought about how rude it would be to decline, especially to his sensei's family, and so he raised his head and nodded.
"Fantastic," Kushina said with a small smile as she raised a hand to him.
Thinking at first that she wanted the beetroot, Kakashi was confused, since he did not think this one alone was going to make much of anything. Belatedly, as she raised a challenging eyebrow, Kakashi realized she wanted his hand. Blushing lightly, Kakashi put his hand in hers and the kind-faced mother latched on.
"Naruto, you finish pulling up the beats and collecting the fruit. Don't bruise anymore plums. Rin, Obito, you can go home for the day after taking some kaki with you in thanks."
Naruto whined like Akamaru and not the advanced jōnin and heir to the Hokage position person he was.
"After that, Naruto you go take a bath and find Hatake-san. Hurry up."
Kakashi gazed at the formidable kunoichi thoughtfully as she led him to the kitchen, his hand still clasped safely in hers.
"Why hello there my tireless worker," Kakashi heard his father say as he appeared into the kitchen area.
Quickly dumping the rest of the beetroot leaves into the pot, Kakshi turned and found himself being pulled up and into a warm chest.
"How was the patrol?" Kakashi asked, refusing to acknowledge Kushina observing them out of the corner of her eye. He patted his father's back lightly as his feet dangled helplessly. After a long moment, his father finally placed him back down on the ground.
"Boring," Sakumo said with a shrug that had him wincing a moment later.
"Someone decided to opt out of the mandatory post-mission check-up," Kushina said as she continued cutting up tomatoes for a salad.
Sakumo made a start to shrug again, but thought better of it instead and stated: "It's nothing major. Just a dislocation I fixed myself. And how could I resist putting off a personal invite from the noble Namikazes?"
"Keep talking like that and you may have a new step-mother Kakashi-kun."
'Oh Hokage, parents. What was it about adults having offspring that made them like this,' Kakashi thought to himself as he turned back to the leaves to check if they were ready for the milk.
"Although I really may do that just to have your little scarecrow around to help me. Not one of my hoard of offspring are interested in helping me with any of the cooking."
"That's because you say we always mess it up," Ai supplanted from where he at at the counter reading; he absently tucked a vibrant red lock of hair behind his ear that had gotten loose from his high, messy bun.
"That's because you never learn," Kushina said with a slight growl that had the second-eldest sighing and returning back to his pages.
"Big bro is getting in a smack down he can't win again," Hiraku whispered in a high laugh to her twin Hoshiko, their matching long blond hair shaking with their mirth.
"And where is Kazuki? I told you two this morning to pick him up from the Academy today, but I don't see him anywhere. Has he already perfected that invisibility jutsu?"
"Uh- I thought you were going to get him," they said in perfect, jaunty unison that had Kushina rolling her violet eyes yet again.
But just then there was a knock on the door and the twins were off with another synchronized: "We got it!"
There was some muffled talk before heavy footsteps could be heard. Kakashi turned away from the pot to almost squeal at the sight of Haruno-sensei coming in, a murderous aura clear in her frown.
Her eyes swept the room before immediately signaled him out, eyes focused on his silver hair, before she looked down into his eyes and asked: "Where is your father, Kakashi-kun?"
"You were the one in charge of checking the patrol team?" Kushina asked, although it sounded more like a statement than inquiry. A hand covered her mouth, obviously hiding a smile.
"I must say, Kushina-san, that your garden is lovely if not wild- oh, hello Sakura-chan," Sakumo said lightly as he came back into the room, the sliding door clicking closed as he put his inside slippers back on. "Are you here for something?"
Kakashi wanted to hide a little as he saw a tick develop in the medic's eyebrow before marching over to the older shinobi. She grabbed his injured shoulder and marched him back out to the porch he just came out from. A few moments later Kakashi heard a yip from his father. The silver-haired boy found his mouth slightly gaping; Kakashi had no idea his dignified father could make such a noise.
"A word to the wise: Sakura as a healer is merciless," Kushina said grimly before adding cheerily: "Now, as the guest of honor, how would you like the fish prepared?"
Kakashi resisted the urge to frown as he sat squished against Naruto and across of Ai. The other Hatake was closer to the opposite end of the table with Minato. While Kakashi sulked over the distance from his father, he was more disappointed about being on the opposite end of Haruno-sensei. He could have dinner anytime with his father, but this was a rare occurrence that was clearly going to get wasted.
"Naruto, switch places with me. Your sister is using horrible pick-up lines on me again," the person Kakashi had just been moping over said. Without another word, she picked Naruto up by his collar and out of his chair as he squawked unceremoniously.
"Fine, fine," the blond grumbled after seeing his mother's scathing look, shoulders hunched as he moved to sit aside of a frowning Hiraku.
"She wasn't really that bad, but I thought you might want some time away from him after a full day. Also, you're looking a little lost and in need of an ally in this sea of colorful heads," Sakura said as she slid into the recently vacated seat.
Kakashi grinned and although it was not a big smile, he liked to think she could see it through his mask.
"Oh Sakura-chan, don't talk like that when I'm right here," Kushina said lightly, as she sat at the end of the table closest to them. "I like to think Kakashi-kun warmed up to me alright when we were cooking together."
Kakashi slowly nodded once; it was odd but not unwelcome to cook with someone else that was not his father. Or those pathetic rations that only needed hot water on away missions that Obito still always managed to mess up.
Haruno-sensei shrugged before turning back to Kakashi and saying: "By the way, I talked to Shikamaru and he said the tooth probably came from a big buck. A back molar- they're especially useful for medicinal purposes. Not as much as their horns of course, but they're still prized. It was a rare find indeed."
Kakashi hummed noncommittally, hiding his sadness that she did not want to keep it for herself. He should have known she would be too good to be greedy.
"But I don't think it'd be worth it to grind it down since it's old and was suspended in water for who knows how long. I'm happy that I can keep it for myself without a guilty conscious."
"Great," Kakashi voiced brightly, shocked that she was giving such thought to it.
"Yeah it's- hey! When did you eat?" Haruno-sensei said in genuine shock as she looked down at his empty plate and bowl.
"Right around when you mentioned 'molar.' You gave me ample time," Kakashi said, ignoring the slight throb on his tongue that meant he should have let the soup cool longer.
"Well, as long as you have manners about coming into the hospital when you're hurt to get properly treated are good, the others can fall behind a bit. I know he's a hero and all, but you don't have to be exactly like your Father."
"Yeah, I don't really do ponytails," Kakashi muttered.
Green eyes blinked before she was throwing her head back and laughing without abandon again; Kakashi couldn't hold back the burning blush this time. Especially when everyone at the table glanced over at them. Only Kakashi seemed to notice his father's cough that was clearly a laugh into his napkin.
"I'll keep that in mind when I feel lazy about my hair and need motivation," Sakura said absently.
"No- I didn't- your hair looks amazing no matter what. Really," Kakashi blurted, only to feel his blush intensify as Kushina at his obvious blundering. Maybe Kakashi should let up on Obito some; this really as hard.
"I still want to cut it a little. It's gotten out of control," Sakura sighed lightly.
"Nonsense," Kushina said before adding with a wink towards Kakashi's direction, "Kakashi-kun is completely right, it looks great."
"Easy for you to say, Mrs. Rustic Red."
And suddenly the conversation was all about hair colors and styles and then eyes and troubles with finding clothes that did not clash and Kakashi was entirely out of his league. Having dark grey eyes and silver hair, he could not relate. Not that it mattered as he did not wear anything other than white, grey or black with the odd accented red.
Soon enough desert was put out and eaten in a flurry ("Oh- Kakashi-kun I'll see your face some day!" "Not before me!" Naruto exclaimed in return) and the silver-haired father and son were heading out with a pink-haired teacher as company.
His father had always spoken so warmly about Haruno-sensei, so Kakashi was a little confused at how shy and twitchy she suddenly seemed around him. Walking between the two and feeling like a buffer, Kakashi glanced back and forth to try to figure it out. His father seemed oblivious about it.
"Well, I have to go this way," Haruno-sensei said and Kakashi lifted a hand in parting before starting off, his father in turn giving a warm parting 'Good-night.' Both Hatakes did not bother to wish her a safe walk, because who in their right mind would attack such a legend?
"She was nervous around you," Kakashi stated immediately when he was sure Haruno-sensei was out of earshot.
"Yes, well, remember how I told you that first mission wasn't the first time I met her? She probably blames herself for something when I first met her. Ah- to be young and think everything is always all your fault."
"You're sounding a lot like Lee-sensei and Guy," Kakashi said with a wrinkle of his nose that had his father laughing. "And don't change the subject," he added sharply.
"Another story for another time," Sakumo said in a clear attempt to deflect his constantly curious son.
"But she saved your entire squad. Surely she knows that absolves any past transgressions. Just like you always say: she put friends ahead of the mission."
Sakumo sighed deeply before leaning down and grabbing onto Kakashi's small shoulders. Now his arm moved without a flicker of pain; Kakashi ticked it off as another example for how amazing Haruno-sensei was.
"Sometimes, people don't focus on the present as much as they should. They're haunted by the ghosts that follow them."
"Ghosts aren't real," Kakashi said petulantly.
"For some they're as real as you and me," Sakumo said with a sad smile that his son did not like seeing on his face.
Before Kakashi had time to think, his father hauled him up on his shoulder like a sack of potting soil. Resisting the urge to giggle and squirm, Kakashi laid limp and allowed it. Soon, he told himself, Kakashi would not allow his father to embarrass him like this. He had a cool reputation to start fostering.
Kakashi blinked at the bright morning sunlight a few days later. He was sitting on the back porch, drinking green tea and watching sparrows peck at some apricots he had not picked yet. He wanted to make some into preserves and tarts, but he did not absolutely need to. Overall, it had been a nice, relaxing morning.
Knowing his father was still away on his caravan mission to Sunagakure (and this time he wore a turban to hide his hair), Kakashi decided he would go do the market shopping after all. Usually they would have gone earlier, but Kakashi had allowed himself the luxury of sleeping in, then reading, and currently lounging.
He dressed in a casual black kimono with his father's known red triangles decorating the sleeves. Feeling nostalgic, Kakashi wrapped his father's old red ANBU scarf around his face to further hide his masked face. Grabbing the old satchel his father usually slung over his shoulder, Kakashi was out the door at a slight trot.
After hearing about the story of how his parents had met, Kakashi finally understood his father's odd fascination with markets. How he was always so adamant about going to any they could. With his wife long gone, his father probably searched avidly for any semblance of familiarity to feel connected to her.
Kakashi's slippers slapped along a few old cobble roads before he arrived at the lively line of stalls and people milling about.
Going with tradition, the market had stayed in this neighborhood since its first weekend generations ago. When Kakashi asked why they lived in the 'Ancient Burough of the First Hokage's time,' his father shrugged and said it had been cheap. And that there had been a small greenhouse his mother had been quite adamant about in back. And now Kakashi understood it was close to the market they had first met at. Wow, his father surely was a romantic.
While their family of two did grow a good amount of their own food, there was still things they did not. It was usually easier to go to this market than try and battle at the grocery store. Kakashi shivered – he really did not like that place. Lots of artificiality in both the people and products.
He started by getting a strawberry rhubarb pastry before getting down to shopping. He bought some walnuts and almonds, some apples. He could admit: the market fever had rubbed off on him after all those year of his father's insistence. He looked around for that mushroom vendor, but instead Kakashi spotted a flash of pink.
Haruno-sensei was laughing with a blond woman and a dark-haired man who had on an obviously fake expression: ex-ROOT then. Kakashi's initial profiling was only enforced further when the man turned and stared right a the silver-haired boy with icy indifference. Then the tattoo of the red-tailed hawk on his shoulder twisted its head to look at Kakashi as well, a wing unfurling threateningly.
Ignoring his instinct to immediately turn away, Kakashi maintained eye contact for a beat more before moving away. He and his father did not usually come this late to the market, which was probably why they had never seen Haurno-sensei before. He wondered if she came every week at this time or if this was a rare occurrence. Nonetheless, Kakashi started formulating strategies to stall his father so they left later. There would be more people, but Kakashi was willing to suffer for the trade.
A little later Kakashi walked back home, satchel and arms laden down with smart purchases. He thought that although he had a better chance of missing a midlife crisis from dying before fifty than getting Haruno-sensei to actually look at him, he was simply glad she was there. It had made his day better just being able to see her profile in the sun.
Sakumo returned home some time later to the smell of rhubarb and berries coupled with lingering apricot. Sighing both at the welcoming smell after a world of sun and sand in uncomfortable places (not to mention that turban made his had so hot; he hoped that grandmother would leave him alone already), Sakumo dragged himself into a shower first and then came out to the kitchen. Lining the counters were pastries and jars filled with preserves or jam.
Sakumo grabbed some things before joining his son on the back porch, whose masked nose wasvcrammed in a book. Sakumo ruffled his hair playfully before stuffing an entire pastry into his mouth.
"I tried to recreate one I had at the market this morning," Kakashi said as a welcome. "Obviously I still need to do some alterations to the recipe."
"None of this is stress baking, is it? I know you do that," Sakumo said as he spread apricot preserves on a piece of bread and biting down eagerly. It was a little bitter in Sakumo's opinion, but Kakashi had never been very keen to sweet things.
"This doesn't have anything to do with Sakura-chan does it?"
"Sometimes I despise how perceptive you are," Kakashi mumbled as he pulled the book closer to his face, as if physically willing it to suck him away. He usually got metaphorically lost in the worlds between the vertical lines of ink, but now he was foolishly hoping it could become a physical reality.
"I already told you, my straw-son, that you're going to be just fine. Better than fine- great one day. Just like you are now."
Kakashi huffed; the child never had been very patient.
"I never thought my son would be the love lorn one. Oh, your mother's laughs must be shaking down heaven's door," Sakumo said jubilantly.
"I just... worry."
"You're twelve and are realizing you can't control everything. Of course you're going to worry. Don't get down so early."
"I'm not down," Kakashi said sharply as he stood up, book snapping closed before he retreated into the garden.
"Of course not, Kakashi," Sakumo said in a sigh as he watched the tense way his little body moved.
Maybe it was not only shinobi legacies Sakumo had passed down to his son. Maybe he had also given over a total lack of social finesse and understanding people. While Kakashi had always strived for perfection (and really could have made chunin at half his age now easily if Sakumo had allowed) those few times he struggled everything seemed to start unraveling fast.
But this was just a crush. A harmless, hopeful thing. While this was far from the easiest choice, and just because the boy could be stingy and strict, Sakumo knew that did not mean Kakashi was going to give up anytime soon.
An ending note: This is entirely inspired by the generation switch AU idea I learned about from the KakaSaku anonymous tumblr. OH go check them out such amazing fanart and fanfic recs and so welcome and friendly and just URGH such lovely shippers we all are. Again, it's: [ksanon . tumblr . com]. The scene of Kakashi getting his heart metaphorically punched out by Sakura came from a comic there.
Laslty, thanks for choosing to venture into this story with me - I hope you enjoy. I plan for it to be equal parts silly and heartfelt. Cheers!
Posted: 10.2.2014