
"Didn't your bridesmaids give you any trouble?" Luke asked his sister.

Leia shook her head and asked, "Why would they?"

"Pooja told me that in some cultures, it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding."

Han tossed the dress jacket over the back of his chair and laughed. "Yeah, probably the cultures that had or have arranged marriages. Then the bride and groom see each other and they think 'damn, that's not who I wanted to marry'!"

Luke turned his head away to hide his amusement.

Ignoring Han's comment, Leia got an empty glass from the Falcon's galley storage. Then she rapped it on the table and said, "As president of the Orphan Club, I hereby bring this meeting to order. Luke, will you record the attendance?" Luke nodded and made a check mark in the air. "Very well, down to the first and only –"

"No, we have two parts of business," Han corrected her. "Is that your wedding dress? Because, not that it's not lovely, it's just…well…a little plain for the ceremony." He gestured at his outfit, "I have to wear this and then some, so you –"

"This is just a dress, Han, it's not the dress I'll wear at the wedding," she assured him. The dress was lovely, but Han was right, it was fairly plain. It was a simple white dress with crimson embroidery around the hem. Luke knew for a fact it was not her wedding gown. She had shown that to him after she picked it out, since he was her brother. "Anyway, first and only order of business: since today is," Han drummed his fingers against the tabletop to build suspense. "my wedding –"

"Our wedding," Han corrected.

"This will legally make the three of us family and therefore, I move this club close. Do I have a second to that motion?"

Han raised his hand, "I second the motion. Oh…wait, Luke, if this is our last meeting, do you want to second?"

Luke shook his head.

"Moved and seconded, all those in favor of closing the Orphan Club?" All of them raised their hands. "Motion passes," Leia rapped her glass on the tabletop.

The three of them stared at each other for a few awkward seconds.

"Hey," Han turned towards Luke. "Want to hear about honeymoon plans?"

Leia laughed. Luke shook his head quickly, "I've already heard enough about it." After they'd investigated their parental history, they met their Aunt Sola and their cousins and grandparents. It had been awkward, lots of tears from the Naberrie family, holos taken and given (Leia had remembered correctly, their mother had been beautiful and given all the philanthropy and political stances, kind too.) Then it had occurred to their grandmother that there was a property at the Lake Country their mother had loved and she had the deed given to them.

Luke, a boy from a desert planet, who'd thought himself an only child, and Leia, a princess and senator who had also thought of herself as an only child, owned a lake front property together as siblings.

And now Han would have partial ownership after the wedding.

And it was to the Lake Country that Han and Leia would take their honeymoon.

"You know, Leia and I had our first sibling argument in that estate."

"It wasn't our first sibling argument," Leia laughed and dropped her head on Luke's shoulder. "We were always siblings, so our first argument…oh I don't remember what it was about, but it was fairly soon after Yavin."

"Well, our first argument knowing we're siblings, then, and it was over this room by the gardens – we both wanted it."

"Yeah, I know," Han laughed too. "Leia said you guys turned it into an entertainment room."

Leia adjusted her veil and asked, "Is it ok?" Dayzha adjusted it for her and then nodded.

"You look perfect!" Dayzha assured her. "Solo's going to faint."

"Oh, I'm so nervous," Leia brushed her hand against her hair for the millionth time to make sure it was in place.

"It's ok, I'm here, I'm not late," Luke tapped Leia's shoulder. "Can you get this tie? I can't seem to get it to stay."

"Farmboy can use the Force and fly like a bird, but can't tie a tie," Dayzha smirked.

Leia took hold of the accessory and quickly tied it for him. Luke caught Leia's hands in his, kissed her cheek, and whispered, "I'm so happy for you two."

Leia hugged him. "I love you."

"Love you too," he offered her his arm. Dayzha began to walk down the aisle with the rest of the bridesmaids.

The music swelled and Leia leaned closer to Luke, "Don't let me fall, ok?"

"Never," Luke promised and they walked down the aisle where Han waited with Chewie and the droids.

Author's note: I'd like to thank all of you guys who read this! I hope you enjoyed it! (And Luke's giving Leia away in her wedding here.)