He couldn't be sure how long he'd felt this way – He just needed Dean to know. To know that when he saw him, he froze in awe. To know that when he speaks, Cas looses his train of thought. To know that every single time Dean touched him, sparks would fly, the ceiling would collapse and everything disappeared so there was only Dean.

The first time Cas tried to tell Dean, he'd prepared a speech. "Dean?" Cas planned on looking Dean straight in his eyes while he said it – and he did. Only to get lost in the green of happy summer days. The next thing Dean saw was a flash of light, then Jimmy Novak was there.

Cas didn't know what had happened. Jimmy thought he fainted, but when he told Dean, he panicked. All Dean wanted was for Jimmy to bring Castiel back. 'Maybe he loves me too.' It was then that Cas started to feel something he hadn't felt for centuries. Hope.

Cas tried to tell Dean a second time. "Hey Cas, what's up?" Cas froze. He would have been able to handle his voice resonating in all of his being; it was the smile that got him. Dean had smiled. At Cas. Smiling was such a rare occurrence for Dean that Cas didn't know what to do. Does he smile back? Does he just carry on? Apparently neither, because Cas found himself flying away.

Cas didn't think he could face Dean again. So, he'd spent three days away from the Winchesters in order to sort himself out. "Okay Castiel, you just need to get on the other side of that door." Cas reached for the handle on the bunker door – and hesitated. "Damn it Cas, you are an angel of the lord." After mentally slapping himself, Cas grabbed the handle and pulled open the door... allowing a lot of oranges to roll out, enough to almost bury the angel beneath them.

"Sam? Why are there so many ora-..." Castiel was cut short by the sight of his fallen brother straddling Sam. "Hello Castiel". Lucifer practically sang the greeting. Sam blushed and quickly grabbed his shirt, pulling it over his head only to have it removed again by Luci. "Sorry, I didn't know you were...together..." Cas looked everywhere but at the couple. "W-we're not!" Sam blurted – clearly embarrassed. His words met with Lucifer saying "We are now", then, ignoring Cas, the Devil started kissing the Winchester. Cas couldn't look away because all he saw was him and Dean. His inability to just tell Dean frustrating him so much that he couldn't stop himself. "How!?" Sam and Lucifer probably wouldn't have bothered looking up if Castiel's shout hadn't caused some of the oranges to explode. "How can someone just go up to another person and tell them you love them?" Lucifer starts to slowly walk towards his brother. "Because I have tried, and it is not easy. In fact! It is painful, and frustrating and...and...and – and I can't! I just can't do it and I..." Lucifer cradled the weeping angel in his arms, singing softly to him until he calmed down.

"You know, Dean doesn't really do the whole 'talking about feelings' thing, so just telling him probably wouldn't go well anyway." It wasn't until Cas cringed that Sam realised he's phrased that wrong. "Oh no no I didn't mean – I just – I'm trying to say that actions speak louder than words, so, instead of telling Dean how you feel, you could show him." By this time, Sam had gone over to Castiel and put his hand on his shoulder – while his other hand had unconsciously wrapped itself around Luci's free hand. "How do I do that?" Cas wiped the tears from his face then looked expectantly at Sam. "Well I would say a romantic gesture but since this is Dean you're talking about, I think you're gonna have to be more forward – do something obvious so he'll get the message." Cas started nodding and was about to find Dean when he realised, "Wait, how did you know I was talking about Dean?" Luci and Sam just looked at each other then burst out laughing. "How could we not know? It's so painfully obvious. In fact, Luci and I made a bet on who would admit their feelings first." It was then that Lucifer knew he was going to lose.

"No we didn't!"

"Awh, come on, don't be a sore loser."

Luci panicked, causing him to come out with "I haven't lost because Cas hasn't told Dean yet"

"Yeah, yet."

The bickering couple made Castiel laugh as he walked away.

"Hey Cas!-" the angel turned to see Sam smile. "- Good luck!" Luci covered Sam's mouth and shouted "Don't do it!" Laughing, Cas looked at them then started to turn away – turning back to say "Oh, by the way, which one of you was to first to tell the other you loved them?" After some thought they both agreed it was Sam. "Why?" Cas grinned. "Because Dean and I made a bet." Then he flew off, leaving Sam and Luci thinking the same thing – 'Was I really that obvious?'