I have XO by Beyonce stuck in my head. Read and review if you would like?

When they had parted ways, after some serious flirtation, which Alex was certain anyone in that place could feel the tension of, she headed home for a much needed shower.

As she exited the shower she noticed her phone flashing for attention, and unlocked it to see 2 new text messages.

"If you didn't know my name you could have asked."

Alex was completely stunned. The second text read, "from Piper E. Chapman"

"How did you know?"

Alex put on clothes and by the time she was done, there was another 2 texts waiting for her.

"I saw it on your phone screen when you were ordering."

"I think you should know it's both great to be able to Google me, and sad you couldn't remember. Was the film that bad?"

Alex felt genuinely bad, and decided she had to do something about it.

"I wasn't really watching, how about you take me to another showing and I can tell you in person how I feel?"

"Are you asking me out on a date Miss Vause?"

"I am."

"So yesterday I bumped into that actress again, and now I have a date with her on Friday for lunch." Nicky nearly choked at the casual tone her friend spoke in, they were in their movie rental shop, which they co-owned. It was called Nick's Flicks, purely because Alex didn't plan to live off it and it was more Nicky's thing. Alex had other plans for her future.

"You have a date with the hot blonde who no one knows the name of?" Alex playfully smacked Nicky's arm and shook her head.

"You're an idiot, and I'm sure plenty of people know her now that she's kissed the High School Musical kid." Nicky snorted, finally deciding to put her milkshake down.

"Wait that chick is gay?" Alex gave her a incredulous look, "Really? Do you actually believe in stereotypes?"

Nicky rolled her eyes and sighed, "She just looks so housewife-y, you know?"

Alex shook her head, grabbing her coat. "Look I have to go meet with my guy, I'll see you later."

"Eugh don't call him that he already thinks he can get with you, please," Nicky was being playful but Alex could see the real concern behind it.

"Relax, I'm not going to let that sleazeball touch me," Nicky still looked uneasy, but waved her off.

She was waiting outside of the elevator of the publishing building, when she felt someone quickly approaching her, and turned to see Piper walking towards her.

"Hey," Alex smiled brightly, genuinely pleased to see her.

"I didn't expect to see you here," Piper's smile didn't reach her eyes, and she was visibly upset, so Alex took it upon herself to cheer her up.

"Are you also trying to publish a book?" Alex asked innocently, but that seemed to piss Piper off even more.

"No I'm here to see an old friend..." Alex noted the sarcasm and the lift doors opened and they both got inside.

"Which floor?" The dark haired girl looked at her expectantly but Piper didn't respond, just stared at her for a moment.

"4, please," Alex felt a blush creeping up her chest, and that strange teenage fluttery feeling as Piper continued to look at her intently.

"What's wrong?" Alex's voice came out a squeak, which was a complete change from her usual husky tone. And that made Piper smile for real, so the blonde scooted closer and whispered.

"I'm actually here to see my dickhead ex boyfriend, named Larry Bloom, the stupidest journalist in NYC."

Alex's eyes went wide and Piper laughed, "You went out with that?"

The blonde grabbed onto her arm, as she laughed because Alex was right in being disgusted.

"He's threatening me with a sex tape, which honestly would be more prejudicial for him because he's embarrassingly bad in bed," Alex gulped because the hottest blonde actress on the planet was telling her about the sex tape she had with the sleazeball who'd been trying to get in her pants since the moment she sent in her script and was called back.

"He keeps trying to get with me, how did you get rid of him?"

"Honestly? I told him he's so bad at sex that he turned me gay." And just as she finished her sentence the doors opened and there he was, in his disgusting corduroy pants and green puke sweater.

He had this smug grin on his pervy Jewish face, "there's my favorite blonde shiksa."

Alex didn't know if she could hate him any more than she did.

Alex was waiting outside of Larry's office, listening to the screaming fest going on inside it. She hadn't meant to eavesdrop, but they were literally, screaming at each other. She winced as she remembered the way Piper reacted when she first met her at the gym, and wondered if that was Larry's fault too. Alex was seriously starting to plot murder. It bothered her that the blonde affected her so much, but so far she had seemed like a great person, so Alex's hero complex was stronger than ever.

She watched as Piper stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Alex suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable, but she'd stood and gone to the door and knocked.

"What is it now?" Larry sounded pissed, but Alex still wanted to be a published author more than anything so she opened the door and peaked inside. Larry cut her off before she could even speak.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that Miss Vause, is it alright if I ask you to come back another time?" Alex couldn't miss the strangely pleased smile on his face, and that made her blood boil.

"When?" He spoke and she sped off after Piper.

"Piper, wait-" Alex managed to get inside the lift before the doors closed. She put a hand on Piper's arm, trying to get her to turn around as she spoke.

"Whatever you heard, I-"

"It doesn't matter what I heard, I was outside and the conversation was inside, it was nothing to do with me." Piper was still facing the other way, although she had turned around.

"Besides you have every right to call him every name in existence, I know what a sleazeball he is, and I understand that this could ruin your career. Trust me I want him far away from any decent human being." Alex was getting nowhere trying to get Piper's attention. So she moved closer and put the side of her index finger on Piper's chin and gently pushed her face upward to look at hers.

"You don't deserve any of this, I don't think he has the balls to go through with it."

"I thought you weren't listening?" There was a slight smile on the blonde's features now, and Alex realized that not only was she extremely attractive she was also cute. But she couldn't say that so instead the elevator door dinged and opened, and then the moment between them staring at each other brightly was over.

"I'll see you Friday, Alex Vause." Piper fought the urge to kiss Alex's thumb, as she slid her hand down the other girl's arm to show affection before leaving the lift and a very stunned Alex.

Alex jolted forward, remembering something, "Wait Piper, will you be at the gym tomorrow?"

The blonde had turned and stopped, considering it. "I'll be there at around 11 am. I think I have a schedule before then."

"I'll see you there then." Alex was beaming and that brightened Piper's day more than a thousand suns could.