Hi guys! I'm back! I'm so sorry it's been so long since i last updated... *palms together in apology*
I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting
I really hope this chapter makes up for it...
The exams were long and hard and tiring and STRESSFUL. Sigh. It really took its toll and I took a break from all writing. I honestly wanted to write but I just was not feeling inspired at all... And I was also depressed because I am angry and disappointed with myself, because I feel that I didn't do well. I didn't perform as well as I could have... And i am dreading the day the results are out... Even worse, I don't know what i want to do in university... sigh...
Anyway, enjoy Hiccstrid 3 This is going to be quite a ride...
An entire village of Vikings gathered to celebrate, was truly a sight to behold. Should anyone not witness it, they would not have seen a real party. This wasn't even the wedding party! When Vikings took to merriment, they could do it for weeks. The walls heavily and occasionally gaudily decorated, where you know Gobber had a hand in that. Streamers and thousands of twinkle lights hung from the rafters that held the odd dragon sitting above and watching what happened below. Massive kegs of golden brown mead that most Vikings would not go 5 years into their lives without tasting. The jovial laughter, the happy smiles and warmth of alcohol, thickly covered fur bodies, and the coolness of the winter breeze from the doors – Hiccup never felt more at home than this. Even more so he felt now, with the beauty at his side, the one he was betrothed to. As they sat at the large table around the massive hearth central to the Hall, Hiccup held Astrid's hand below the table as they dined. Everyone was full of smiles and joy, and no one more cheerful than the Chief himself, who was laughing gloriously with everyone else. His deep throaty guffaw would be echoed in everyone else's and there was not a dull moment in the room. The twins were challenging Snotlout to a drinking contest; but it had never occurred to him that with each drink he downed to receive in challenge by them, that they each only downed one drink in turn, while Snotlout had practically downed twice their amount in taking them both as a single entity. He would no doubt not be much of a conversationalist by the end of the night. Toothless, Stormfly and Meatlug were jumping around while Hookfang looked at his rider in boredom.
Stoick laughed, and stood up at the head of the Hall, raising his mug as he nodded in response to whatever had been said to him. His majestic presence silenced the room as all stood in almost complete silence to hear their Chief's speech. Stoick raised his mug once and spoke in a loud voice, welcoming and joking with the tribe. 'Now, no one is surprised by this occasion…' He said, 'But only by the lateness of the hour! Odin knows how long we have waited for this, am I right?' He laughed, throwing back his head. At that, he earned loud chuckles and Hiccup caught cheeky gazes in his direction; like they were teasing him for the tardiness of his engagement. He and Astrid laughed together, glancing and smiling at the other.
'But can I just say…I have earned a fine and most honourable and strongest of all daughter-in-laws? One of the finest Dragon Riders in the Barbaric Archipelago, and actually…the world I venture! Of course, next to Hiccup…' Stoick laughed. The Vikings raised their glasses and cheered at Astrid, who laughed daintily as she looked to Hiccup again. He placed a hand around her shoulders, smiling warmly. They all looked back to Stoick, who continued his speech. 'However, as we all know, the wedding - the weeks, months…or even years will be decided by Hiccup and Hiccup alone. And whether or not it happens entirely soon, is up to him.' Stoick announced. The crowd muttered in disappointment, and Hiccup had no choice but to apologise. 'But…' Stoick said, raising his hand to silence them again, 'We will all wait patiently for his time. Hiccup, is his own man…we trust him to be ready, the way he has always been ready to protect us with Toothless.' Stoick smiled. Heads bobbed as Vikings murmured their agreement, smiling at the young man looking out over the crowd.
'In all seriousness… No one…is more proud than I am at this moment…' Hiccup looked up and gave a touched smile at his father, who gazed down at him with loving intensity. 'Odin knows how long I have waited for this day. And I know I have said that I was proud of my son. But at that point, I feel that since I said it in context of him topping the class of Dragon-killing, in my books, that makes it invalid.' Stoick declared, earning nods of agreement and mutters of assent from the listening crowd. Stoick's suddenly sobered expression and tone stunned Hiccup. 'Son, I am proud of you. Of all you have achieved in the Dragon Academy, for saving our village countless times over, and showing us a better way of life…' Stoick spoke solemnly, as Vikings nodded their heads; his voice almost a whisper, like it was meant for his son alone. 'To Hiccup and his new betrothed!' Stoick toasted, raising his mug in unison with the crowd. They cheered, and clapped at Hiccup and Astrid, and Hiccup glanced around the room, all whom had gathered in his honour, and smiled in incredulous joy
After that, the true festivities began. Drinking games, music and dancing – and of course, Hiccup was expected to lead. He tried his best, with his peg leg, and finally had to admit to credit of Gobber, who could dance with his wooden peg leg with as much enthusiasm and nimbleness as any normal Viking. Of course Gobber being Gobber, true to form, he would be a little over enthusiastic. Everyone was a flurry of laughter and movement with cheerful music to pipes and reeds and songs sung in celebration. Hiccup laughed as he watched the goings on, and Astrid never left his side. She lay a hand on his leg, rubbing it lovingly as she leaned on his shoulder, watching their people dance and sing.
Hiccup admired how much Vikings could get themselves into celebrating, but being the socially awkward young man for so long, it just was not a walk in the park for him. He still preferred to read a book in the quiet, or the winds in his hair as he soared through the sky. Everything felt really loud. All of this was exacerbated by the fact that most of the Viking men were passing him mugs of mead to drink while chatting with him loudly. Very loudly. He weakly tended to his cup of alcohol morosely. Even though he was happy, he still felt it kind of hard to be the 'people person' type. The conversations and comments went mostly over his head, but he still was enjoying himself.
'Go easy on the mead, Hiccup…' Astrid advised him as he chucked back his third mug. 'You know you're by no means the "drinking type"' Astrid pointed out as her head leaned on his shoulder.
'But I have to… I need practice if I want to be like my dad…all laughable and sturdy.' Hiccup complained, pouting. His head was feeling really light and his heart was thrumming wildly even though he was seated. He felt warm and Astrid leaning on his side made him feel even warmer. Hiccup shook his head – he needed to drink slower… Another mug came round and more jokes were passed. Hiccup barely paid them much attention, but he started to feel like everything was funny anyway, and laughed. Astrid frowned and shook her head. Although she had drunk almost the same amount as Hiccup, she knew that Hiccup would not be the kind to hold his liquor well. She chugged her mead and slammed the mug down with rough force, startling Hiccup, and he giggled at her annoyed expression. He sighed and leaned unto her, staring up at the ceiling.
'I'm so happy Astrid… It feels warm here…' Hiccup sighed. Astrid rolled her eyes. If this was what Hiccup was like drunk, then at least it wasn't as bad as other drunk Vikings…she could deal. She patted him lightly on his leg being comforting. 'You feel so warm Astrid… There's nothing else I need… You and Toothless…with me…' Hiccup laughed to himself.
'Okay, champ. Time to go…' Astrid decided, getting up and lifting Hiccup, steadying him with his arm around her shoulder. They stumbled out into the cold wind and fresh winter air; clean of the smell of alcohol and warm bodies, and Hiccup sighed once more. Astrid took extra care of Hiccup stumbling on the stairs of the Great Hall.
'I'm not drunk…' Hiccup said.
'I didn't say anything of that nature.' Astrid replied.
'Yeah…but you were thinking it…' Hiccup said. He turned to look at her. 'Really. I just feel warm…just a glass of water and I will be right as rain.' Hiccup nodded to himself. They made their way to his house and Astrid dumped him on his bed, tucking him in and patting him. Hiccup sighed and shut his eyes contentedly. Astrid went to fetch a mug of water and returned to find Hiccup sitting up and frowning.
'What's wrong?' Astrid asked. She handed him the mug and he gulped it down, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down with each gulp with an audible chug. He put down the mug and frowned at Astrid.
'Astrid…why do you like me?' Hiccup blurted. Astrid's eyes widened in surprise – Hiccup wasn't usually this forthright. She concluded that it must be the alcoholic fumes in his brain that was lingering and clouding his words. Hiccup looked at her dolefully and she giggled at the puppy expression.
'Well…' She began… Where to start? She hadn't even thought of it either. She hadn't had these feelings for him before the end of the war. But as time passed, as she grew closer to him, the feelings she had developed, blossomed into something deeper. Although that first peck on the cheek might have been a thank you for that first romantic flight…she knew it was sincere. She never paid him any mind before, she even pitied him. She understood how hard it took to get Vikings to take you seriously; especially because she was a girl. She determined to set herself out as fearless, but over the years it had started to seem less important. Granted, she had hated him slightly in jealousy of the Hiccup that suddenly and suspiciously got along so well with Dragons, threatening her own position. But, once she had understood him, allowed him to show how her a new way of seeing the world, she had seen the hard choices he made every day, the steel in his eyes at his determination to protect his best friend. She had seen him almost die, sacrificing his leg for his village. And then as years passed, she stood by his side faithfully, watching him grow. She realised, she did not want to leave his side. She wanted to fight beside him. She looked up at him, at how he had grown, his dilated green eyes that looked at her the same way he did 5 years ago, when he did not even cultivate the hope of speaking to Astrid Hofferson. She took in a breath, 'I think you are intelligent, gentle and kind. You have more courage than Berkians have…and you are selfless…in a way no one can be.' Astrid smiled at him kindly, rubbing his cheek and patting his leg.
Hiccup smiled a bit dazedly…reaching to cup her cheek with his hand. She leaned into his palm and relished in the heat of his hand. 'But…why would you want this…' Hiccup said, gesturing to his body. He lowered his gaze to his torso in heavy exaggerated, slow sadness. 'I am thin and bony and small…. Snotlout reminds me every day that he has a crotch guard and abs… I'm only accepted because of Toothless…' Hiccup frowned and pouted, like he was 10 years old again. 'Why would you give me that…?' Hiccup asked.
Astrid knew that he meant what they did the night before – that amazing moment when they were so close in their bodies and souls, they were almost one. She sighed at the memory and at Hiccup. In his drunken state he doubted himself? Or were these the doubts he had always had? Hiccup waited for her forlornly, surprisingly younger looking from all that alcohol - his eyes wide and innocent, waiting for her reply. How much of what she said would get through, and would he even remember? 'Hiccup…' She smiled at him, 'I don't care whether you would have wanted to be a bread-making Viking or small-home-repair Viking…' Astrid quoted. 'You've proven to us and to me, that you are an intelligent man of pure heart. You are our greatest hero… Toothless just is an extension of what you are capable of. What you have done with him - would not have been possible without the strength and ingenuity you have inside…' She patted his hair and smoothed it down as Hiccup stared at her. 'I…' Astrid whispered. She gulped; her mouth was annoyingly dry. 'I love you…' Astrid peeked out of her fringe under impossible golden lashes, and she looked at Hiccup with wide beautiful blue eyes like sapphires.
Hiccup's smile broke like sunshine through stormy clouds. He stroked her cheek, and kissed her roughly. Astrid gasped, surprised at the sudden kiss, but melted into him anyway. If this was his way of saying he loved her too, then she was fine with it. She kissed him back, and their lips were warm and honey against each other. Hiccup's hands were warm and gentle, holding her and bringing her closer as he traced her lips with his own. He sighed when Astrid put a hand on his chest, and one on his thigh. Astrid wanted Hiccup to hold her more…she wanted him to wrap her up and stay with her like this… She started to wish that Hiccup wouldn't be the Chief's son…so he could be with her…right now.
Hiccup responded with gentle touches and his arm slid gently down her back, to her waist. And she ached for him to touch her more. When he did, she was surprised, but pleasantly so. His hand moved down to touch her behind, and was slowly pressing it and pulling her closer to him. Oh… This was a Hiccup Astrid liked, and rarely saw. He leaned into her slowly, his lips with building intensity and passion, and Astrid found herself lying on her back on his bed, and her head pressed down with Hiccup's lips. She wanted to lift herself up to be closer to him, but there was no need as Hiccup was lying on top of her, kneeling over her with his arms on her waist, his thumbs rubbing circles on her ribs. Hiccup's lips were malleable and soft, moving with hers in their soft passion. Her arms wound around his neck, and she wanted to pull him closer. She wanted him more… She moaned, as Hiccup pressed himself against her, as he moved his hands to run them along her thighs, slowly and gently pushing up her dress till he reached her waist again. She groaned, as the light touch was so infuriatingly slow, and she wrapped her legs around his body, trapping him in her cage of warrior legs. She didn't want him to pull back. She didn't want him to leave. She wanted this… His growing erection could be felt against her. It was huge and hard, and it moved against her, moving up, and then down again, as Hiccup sighed into her mouth. Astrid gasped, each time the hard member brushed hard against her clit, and she was pooling in heat there, aching for him more.
'Hiccup…' Astrid moaned. She clutched him to her, as his lips explored her neck, delicately peppering kisses down her throat, and wandered at the top of her chest. The wrappings around her shoulders fell away, and she felt her neck and shoulders shiver at the exposed air, but she was on fire; she was oblivious to the cold. Hiccup's lips never left her skin, as he kissed his way down, slowly, Astrid in eager anticipation, as they found her breasts. His slow and intense rubbing ceased, as he leaned closer and nipped his teeth at her sensitive nipples, and her moans escalated. His tongue and lips found new uses for their time, and they set about brushing against her tips, delicately and sensually. Her moans sharpened, each time his teeth grazed her, and pressed together gently. She loved him… she wanted him… Hiccup was amazing, beautiful and strong. His smooth brown hair, she stroked passionately as his thumbs brushed against her hips, under her tights. Hiccup looked up at her, his eyes blurry and pupils dilated, and she returned a similar inflamed gaze. She wanted this…there was no one else she wanted.
A thump on the roof interrupted the lovers, and a huge black shape dropped out of Hiccup's window and unto the bed, tackling Hiccup and smacking him off the bed. They both cried out and Hiccup tumbled, hands automatically slamming on the wood floor to steady him. His head smacked against the side of the bed and he hissed. Toothless growled happily, his breath smelling suspiciously of honey, and he licked Hiccup's face enthusiastically. He clearly had been drinking something fairly human in nature, adding to his already child-like hyperactivity. Hiccup groaned, 'Oh…yuck! Stop it, Toothless!' Hiccup put up his hands to shield his face. Astrid sat up and giggled, as Toothless gave a pink-gum grin and bounded around, nuzzling Astrid, then jumped down the stairs. Hiccup looked up at Astrid; her hair loose over her bare shoulders, the dress all but pointless, as her bare breasts barely covered by the small strap of cloth Astrid was holding to her chest, and her legs exposed. Hiccup found himself blushing down to his roots at the sight. His thoughts clearer than they were before, thanks to Toothless thumping his head on wood, and he gasped.
'Oh man…' Hiccup groaned. 'Oh man!' Hiccup gasped. What in Thor's name was he doing? Was he actually going to deflower Astrid? Hiccup could never believe he had been that disrespectful and irresponsible… He slapped his palm to his forehead and he groaned as he got up. 'Oh gods… I'm sorry… I'm sorry, Astrid…' He groaned. How could he be this undisciplined? He felt racked with guilt, as he saw Astrid sitting there, barely clothed and almost robbed of her warrior's dignity.
He awkwardly and hesitantly pulled down the skirt of her dress so it would cover her legs, and pushed up the straps of her dress over her shoulders again. He blushed as Astrid let him use his fingers, to move the dress to cover her buxom chest and avoided her eyes and averted his gaze. Astrid gave him an amused glance throughout. This boy… She sighed. He had gone from smouldering lover, to self-conscious and shy in a heartbeat. He seemed more sober and his head clearer too. Oh, she loved him…but not right now. He ducked his head, covering his eyes with his hair and sighed. He looked back hesitantly at Astrid, at the fading blush on her neck and her annoyed expression. 'Sorry…' He muttered again. Astrid knew that this time, he was apologising for spoiling the mood. Astrid had to admit she was slightly peeved – not only at him but herself. She had let her desires run away from her. She chided herself for letting her feelings for Hiccup cloud her judgement. This was not the way a warrior or a woman should behave. But nevertheless, she did love him – she had confessed that much. She took his hand and gave him a kind smile. Hiccup looked at her, and smiled, happy that he was forgiven. And he placed his hands over hers.
A frantic pounding at the door broke their reverie, as Fishlegs' voiced called to them frantically. 'Hiccup! Hiccup!' He called. The sounds of the wood being bashed reverberated through the wooden house and it would seem like it would burst from its hinges with the force of his blows.
Hiccup slid his hands of Astrid's, and they both hurried to the door. There Fishlegs stood, eyes panicked and gaze fevered. Meatlug stood behind him, her mouth slightly ajar as she panted with bright eyes. 'What is it, Fishlegs?' Hiccup asked, the confident and sharp mind snapping back to reality. He was in his own little Chief mode, the one in charge of the Dragon Academy, the one Astrid could see was just like his father.
Fishlegs panted and gasped, frantically grasping Hiccup's shoulders. 'I just came from the dragon patrol. They say they have spotted a whole hoard of vicious dragons hovering around Berk, and I mean, VICIOUS!' Fishlegs cried.
'Okay…. Calm down…' Hiccup tried to sooth him, his shoulders aching feeling like they might be compressed to a pancake right now.
'I can't! They…' Fishlegs panted in strangled gasps. 'They are going to attack Berk….!' Fishlegs cried.