Okay! Here's chapter two, Thor's story! I would just like to remind people that this is an AU. It contains more dogs than people and that makes it hard to cover every major thing that happens in the movies, also Odin does not have an eyepatch. This is because I'm not sure if people would honestly wear them and I'm trying to keep this atleast 60% realistic. Also, this happened before Cap showed up at the pound and that is why he's not in this chapter. Okay. I think that's it. Enjoy!


Technically speaking, Cap was the second. Thor was the first. But Thor isn't actually Coulson's dog. The Great Pyrenees had never even technically been taken into the shelter. Though he'd spent a few days in one of their kennels.

A few weeks after Dr. Foster had been hired onto S.H.I.E.L.D.'s payroll she'd rushed into the shelter with Darcy, both of them screaming frantically and waving their arms in a display that would have brought down disciplinary action if they'd worked for the government. Thankfully, they worked for Phil and he was far gentler.

"Quiet." He'd hardly raised his voice but they both fell immediately mute. "Now. Doctor Foster, perhaps you can explain, legibly, what exactly is going on."

The distraught vet nodded, wringing skeletal hands with tears almost spilling from her eyes.

"I hit a dog." The admission seemed to strike her like a blow and she seemed ready to sob, Darcy patted at her shoulder consolingly though her own eyes were still panic blown.

"Where?" Coulson didn't look up as he tidied the desk, straightening his tie and suit.

"He's in my truck." Jane's voice was small and it looked like she's was going to break one of her fingers off.

"Alright." He pushed the intercom button to summon his wife, who poked her head out of the back office almost immediately, Fury following suite. "I'm going outside. I'll be back in a moment."

"Should I be concerned?"

"Not yet. I'll keep you posted." Sharing identical professional nods Maria went back to her work while Phil followed his employees out the front door.

"Are you guys actually married? Or is this like, a government op thing and this is just your cover, cuz', seriously dude, I've never even seen you guys smile at each other."

"Not now miss Lewis."

"This isn't about that taser incident in college is it? Cause that was totally the other guy's fault, he was super hammered. And I told him to back off-"

"Miss Lewis." Her mouth snapped shut and Phil turned his attention to the bed of Doctor Foster's truck. The dog it contained looked about the size of a very short horse, though that might have had something to do with the obscene amount of fur he was covered in. "Climb in and check for a collar." Nobody moved, he glanced at Darcy pointedly.

"Me?" she took a half a step back. "No way. That thing could eat me in two bites. Why can't Jane do it? She's the vet!" Her eyes narrowed at him dangerously. "Is this pay back for the marriage comment? Cause I was totally kidding." He raised a brow. "Mostly kidding."

"This has nothing to do with your thoughts on my marital status. You're merely more expendable then Doctor Foster."

This elicited a strangled noise of outrage.

"Not cool bro. Besides if you got me eaten, Jane would totally quit. Right Jane?" They both turned to discover the veterinarian crouched in the bed of her truck, running gentle hands over the behemoth it contained and ignoring them entirely. "She totally would." Darcy pointed a painted nail at him for emphasis. Coulson ignored her.

"Doctor Foster?" He waited for most of Jane's attention to focus on him. "Is there a collar?" She moved her drifting hands up to the dog's neck and shook her head. "We'll check for a microchip once he's inside. Damage?" another head shake.

"I can't find any. He's just unconscious."

"Mm. Good. We'll wait for him to wake up before moving him inside." He returned to his desk without another word.

It ended up taking longer than Coulson intended to search the Pyrenees, which Jane had temporarily dubbed 'Donald' after a high school boyfriend, for a microchip. During which time his veterinarian became entirely besotted. Donald was entirely too lovable, he gave big sloppy kisses to anybody who bent low enough, including Fury. After Donald'd woken up the boxer had wandered over to sniff him out only to receive a twelve inch tongue to his snub nose. The one eyed animal had stiffened in shock before rushing under Hill's desk and growling for almost an hour. Not even Coulson was immune to the dog's saliva, though he did his best to avoid it.

'Donald' was a bottomless pit of affection, and he wasn't above stealing his treats. Darcy had lost more than a few pop-tart breakfasts to the giant's stomach. And Coulson had lost a favorite mug. Jane wasn't usually one to be sentimental about dogs; it was generally a bad idea in her line of work. She loved dogs, and a good many other animals, but she understood the need for cages and rabies shots, force fed pills and baths. Donald was the exception to that rule. She had taken one look at Donald behind the chain link of his kennel and promptly undid the latch. Normally the Pyrenees followed Dr. Foster around with typical dog devotion but he had been lured from her side that day. It was Jane who'd discovered that Donald wasn't picky about what he ate (or drank) when she found him lapping up her last bottle of wine from where it had spilled in the back room but he had a fondness for Coulson's particular brand of too sweet, too hot coffee.

Phil had come back from signing in an order of dog treats (which they went through far too quickly) to discover the blonde dog with his snout in his coffee cup. His following shout of dismay (a disgruntled noise only) (Darcy maintained it was more of a girlish scream) had startled the large dog into knocking the mug to the floor where it had promptly shattered. Jane had promised to get him a replacement, but it had yet to happen.

By the time Coulson had convinced his veterinarian to actually search for a microchip he was all but convinced that 'Donald's' previous owners had intentionally turned him out onto the streets. With all the things the dog broke, ate and knocked over he couldn't imagine they had much money left over for bills. But the computer had brought up a list of recently updated information and in a rare instance Coulson was proven wrong.

Asgard Farms was so far out of the limits of New York it was amazing the dog had wandered as far as he had. A call to the homestead had been met with pleas for Coulson to deliver the dog himself, Odin Alfotter had apparently taken ill recently and his wife was reluctant to be parted from him. Coulson had made the drive, taking Jane with him for the single reason that she refused to be left behind. Darcy had wanted to come as well, pushing out both her lip and bosom in an attempt to persuade him, but Coulson was married and he didn't want to leave his wife to run the shelter alone. He feared her wrath more then he feared Darcy's disappointment.

Thor, as they had learned from the microchip, was as excited by the car ride as he was everything else and by the time Asgard Farms came into view he was practically vibrating in excitement. Coulson received more than a few shocks from the restless dog's static fur. An older lady came out to meet them as the truck pulled up; wearing the sort of dress you usually didn't see outside of renaissance fairs. She almost wept with joy at the sight of Thor, the behemoth nearly bowling her over in greeting. The teary missus Alfotter embraced them both when she was finished cooing over her dog while Thor tore off across the yard barking excitedly.

Frigga Alfotter watched him fondly.

"I can't tell you how thankful I am that you took him in. With my husband so sick, I'm afraid Thor's sort of overrun the household. Eventually Odin just had to banish him to the back yard." She sighed.

"What did he do?" Jane jumped in, twiddling anxiously.

"He got into fights with some of our neighbor's dogs." She pointed across the street to a massive and slightly derelict white house; Phil could just barely make out dogs in the yard. "Odin and Laufey have never got on very well… there was a big property war concerning some of our back land. You can't tell with the road in the way but our fields actually connect a ways out." She pointed but whatever she was referring to wasn't visible to the naked eye. "They settled it eventually, but Laufey's never been pleased. And then we got Thor and he was always picking fights with Laufey's dogs, and dragging the warriors into it."

"The warriors?"

"My husband's dogs." She smiled, bringing her fingers to her mouth and releasing a shrill whistle. Immediately a sextet of dogs came charging towards her, Thor in the lead. "These are them." The dogs broke off upon arriving, Thor and four of the other canines coming up to sniff and jump at Phil and Jane, while the fifth tucked himself behind Missus Alfotter's skirts and watched them warily. "That's Volstagg." She pointed to an obese red Leonberger with a bone that looked like it belonged to a small dinosaur clamped between his jaws. "I know he's a bit chunky-"Jane made a professional noise of disagreement. "But we just can't seem to slim him down. That…is Fandral." A cream colored Golden Retriever offered his belly to Jane, tongue lolling out of his mouth and Coulson would have sworn he was leering. "He's a bit of a flirt." Jane giggled as Fandral licked at her hand (Until Thor shoved his face in the way, rumbling until the retriever retreated to Frigga's side) "This is Hogun." She bent to run a hand through the quiet black Shiba Inu's fur. "He's not as rowdy as the others. That's Sif." A thin boned black Saluki was attempting to draw Thor into a brawl, but the Great Pyrenees stayed anchored beside Jane. "Our only girl. And this..." She gathered her skirts out of the way."Is Loki." The sullen looking brindle borzoi ducked immediately back behind his mistress' legs. "He's usually much friendlier but since Thor's been gone he's gotten a bit more… territorial. But I'm sure now that his big brother is back he'll return to his charming self."

No sooner had the words exited her mouth then Thor (Having decided that Jane was safe from his packs attentions) wandered over to greet the fine boned dog. Coulson barely had time to draw Frigga away before the borzoi launched himself at Thor snarling and snapping. Thor drew back whining in confusion as the brindle snapped at his neck and ankles. Sif and the warriors rushed to the fight but a call from Frigga brought them back, but it seemed no amount of screaming would distract Loki from his attack. Thor was backing away desperately as the smaller dog kept lunging but eventually he ran out of road, bumping into Coulson's truck. Fight or flight instinct suddenly limited to fight or die Thor finally went on the offensive. His giant jaws snapped at Loki's chest, coming away with brindle fur between his lips. Loki retreated, gearing for another attack but before he could do more than raise his hackles-

"Loki." Every eye in the yard turned to the house. An old man with a monocle stood silhouetted in the doorway and Phil hoped he looked half as regal in his pajamas at this gentleman did. The borzoi trotted towards his master tail wagging frantically. He had one paw on the path to the house when the man, Odin, most probably, raised a hand to stop him. "No Loki." the hound dropped, his ears drooping, neck falling almost to the ground. He made to take another step but the man spoke again, his voice harsh. "No." Loki dropped to his belly, tail stilling, ears pressed to his skull. "No." Coulson watched the dog flinch before it turned and sprinted away, disappearing quickly from sight.

"My apologies."The man in the doorway strode down the stairs, seeming the epitome of senior health. Frigga rushed to him taking one of his arms over her shoulder but the man hardly seemed to need it. "They're usually better behaved. But since I had been ridden to bed it seems they have neglected their manners." Thor rushed to the man the moment he stopped walking with a joyful bark, rubbing and licking at any bit of skin he could reach. The man gave him a fond pat. "Good dog Thor." Thor's tongue lolled as he dropped to his haunches, staring pleadingly at his father. "Frigga, fetch the hammer." Missus Alfotter smiled and disappeared into the house. "Odin Alfotter, at your service." They all exchanged handshakes. "I must thank you for returning Thor to me. It grieved me when he ran away."

It was about at this time that Frigga returned, holding...

"Ah, thank you Frigga. Thor." The dog perked to attention, his tail giving one solid thump. "Your hammer." Mr. Alfotter offered the rubber mallet to the dog like a warrior might be offered a sword. Thor gave another almighty bark before seizing the tool between his teeth and trotting back to Jane, tail wagging and head held with pride. "He seems taken with you." Odin observed while Frigga smiled. Jane smiled, running her hands through the fur on the Pyrenees' head.

"He's a wonderful dog."

"He is." Odin agreed, watching the pair shrewdly. "You would do me a great honor if you were to take him from me." He addressed Phil as much as Jane, taking his wife's hand as he spoke.

"What? Why?" Jane's voice was shrill and she clutched at Thor protectively. Coulson said nothing, giving Jane control of the situation.

"My peace with Laufey Froust is tremulous at best. Thor has always been the instigator of past aggressions, with my health failing me I fear the fighting will increase without a mediator. Frigga cannot do it. She dotes too much on the dogs and especially Thor. And Laufey would only be cruel, and accuse me of warmongering. I am not young anymore and Thor is, he needs somebody to keep pace with him. If you will not take him for yourself personally, then perhaps accept him at your shelter. He seems happy enough and Frigga tells me you have a history of good care for your animals. As I said. It would be a great honor to impart him to you."

Jane looked torn, biting at her lip as she stroked Thor adoringly. Coulson decided to intervene.

"Of course. We'd be happy to take him for you." He offered his hand to Mr. Alfotter again, which the man accepted. "We'll contact you when he's adopted and if you prefer I can provide contact information to the family so you can stay in touch."

"That would be wonderful." Frigga enthused, taking Coulson into another hug which he accepted politely.

"I'll get the papers from the car."

The paperwork to accept Thor into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s adoptable dog database was filled out in the Alfotter's kitchen but it never made it across Maria Hill's desk. They returned to the shelter and no sooner did Jane look at the wire kennels before she turned to Phil with a resolute expression.

"I'll take him."

Darcy's whoop of delight made all the dogs bark.