We didn't ask for this

Chapter One: Searching

::Long distance com::

::Regular com::

'Sensors talking'

Rymia, the last femme Autobot seeker, has been searching for her leader and comrades ever since the battle of Chicago. After what the humans broke their allegiance, she didn't trust them anymore. Not a single one. Though, she has not been confronted by any humans, but she had met one of her deeply friends, Ratchet. He was still on the run; she told him that she had to make sure the rest of the Autobot's were online and well, if he needed her he just needed to send her a private com link. She was one of the best observant you could ever meet, so searching her fellow friends, it'll be a piece of cake. That was a huge mistake she made. Leadfoot, Dino, Topspin, Roadbuster, gone. She wanted to help them so bad, she just couldn't. She felt that it was her to blame for their deaths. After searching for months, there was no luck at all. Until one day. She was flying over the country called United States of America, when she gets a com link from someone very familiar.

::Rymia, it's me Ratchet.:: She was thrilled to hear someone else's voice. She was stuck in her alt mode ever since to keep her cover.

::Ratchet, it's so good to hear your voice. What is it, friend?::

::Well, I'm glad I was able to make you have a bit more happier tone than the first time we encountered, but that is not the case I want to talk to about. I need energy, anything and if I blow my cover, I might as well be offline.::

::Hm. . .I'll see what I can find. What are your coordinates?::

::Meet me here, 35-5-18. It's what humans say, a "Steamboat."::

::I'll be there as soon as possible.::

::Thank you, Rymia. Please do hurry.::

::And Ratchet?::


::Be careful, look out for yourself, please. I rather not see one of my other friends offline.::

::I will Rymia. Ratchet out.::

He cuts off the com link and once again, she was alone. Giving a sigh in her alt mode, she sets her sensors to the nearest energy source. 'Source set in the human city called, "Austin, Texas." Setting coordinates for 45-9-32.' And with that, she sets off, to find this energy source for her friend.

I know this was short, but the rest of the chapters will be longer! Promise! :)

Hoped you enjoyed!

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Bai Bai!

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