hey guys! once again I'm sorry this took a while but school started up again with me and I had to deal with orientation and such. But here's the next chapter! Me and AVP5 do not own the turtles or any of the characters from the show, I only own Caitlin and AVP5 owns Chris. Enjoy!

Fourty: Mysterious friends and secrets

One week later…

The city of New York was still cleaning up and recovering after the Kraang disappeared. After Chris, Caitlin and Karai got back to the lair and reunited with the turtles, Caitlin and Chris told them about the fight with Shredder's men, joining with Talsein, and how they all escaped.

The turtles were shocked by all of this, but were happy that they all got out okay. Karai and Chris followed Donnie to his lab telling him all about the mind control serum Stockman had, while Caitlin asked to talk to Leo and Splinter privately in the dojo.

She told them what happened with her powers and how she lost control and almost killed Shredder's men. Leo was shocked by this but he continued to listen to her with growing concern.

Splinter also grew more concerned as Caitlin continued telling them about also her team up with Talsein and what he had told her which still scared a bit as she talked.

When she finished she looked up at them sadly.

''And to be honest…I've never been so scared in my life.''

Splinter walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. ''Do not listen to what Talsein has told you. Vengeance may sound tempting but it not the right path to take. And once you take you can never come back from that decision.''

Leo nodded, ''Sensei's right Caitlin don't worry about Talsein right now. He's probably just wanted to scare you. We'll figure it out don't worry.''

Caitlin nodded, but was still concerned. ''Talsein didn't scare me Leo…I'm just afraid he's right. And my powers? Leo, I'm becoming scared of myself, of what I can do…''

''Caitlin, it's gonna be okay. We can work through this I know you can control them-''

''But what if I get carried away? Leo I went into darkness when it happened…I couldn't control myself…I'm sorry I'm just not sure about this.''

She quickly got up and raced out of the dojo. Leo went to follow her, but Splinter held him back. ''No Leonardo. It maybe best for Caitlin to be alone with her thoughts for a while. It may help her.''

Leo sighed. ''Hai Sensei.''


Meanwhile back at Chris's apartment Karai was sitting on the fire escape looking up at the stars. She was thinking about everything that happened, being mutated, her capture seeing Caitlin almost kill Shredder's men, and almost loosing Chris to Shredder.

Even about how Shredder how lied to her about being her father and how he hurt everyone...and how he told her to kill everyone that got in her way. She sighed as she brought her knees to her chest looking up at the sky sadly.

Chris appeared behind Karai and wrapped his arms around her bringing her in for a hug. "Hey, you okay?"

Karai sighed, ''Not really.''

Chris could tell something is bothering her and tries to find out. "Is it about Caitlin or Shredder?"

Karai looked down at the ground. ''Both...''

Chris figured that was the problem and breaks the hug before sitting down next to her. "It seems no matter what we do things don't get easy for us huh?"

''Yeah it seems like we always end up back at the beginning...''

"So it seems, but hey we're all save and that's what matters," he said trying to lighten up the mood.

"Shredder's lab is destroyed so no more mind control serum for a long time, the Kraang are gone, and your back to normal. Yeah things are not good right now, but we'll find a way."

Karai nodded, ''Yeah I guess your right...''

Chris could tell she is still unsure and decided now is the time to tell her. "Listen, would you feel better if I know someone who can help Caitlin with her powers."


Chris nodded in response. "Its someone who used to help our parents and knows more about our powers."

''That's amazing Chris. Where is he?''

"Somewhere not too far and too close," he replied being secretive. "I can't tell you or the others where. He needs to remain a secret so no one can find him."

Karai nodded, ''I understand.''

Chris gave Karai a hug then a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, don't worry you'll get to meet him later. For now though mind keeping an eye on the turtles and stay with them?"

Karai blushed a bit but shook her head, ''Not at all.''

"Good," he gives her a kiss on the lips before he takes off running.

Karai smiled as she watched Chris leave. ''Good luck!''


Back at the lair, Donnie was in his lab as Leo, Mikey and Raph decided to check on him.

''Hey Donnie, what are you doing?'' Leo asked him.

''I'm going over this mind control serum sample that Chris got from Stockman's lab.''

''Did you find anything yet?'' Raph asked sitting next to him.

''Actually I have…but it's not good. It isn't explosive but it can be used to control anyone. Us, Chris, Karai, Caitlin or possibly all of New York City.''

The others were silent until Mikey spoke up. ''Whoa thats one messed up dude.''

Leo nodded, ''I'm wondering how Shredder is able to this.''

''Honestly Leo, I have no idea.''

''Well can't you find out Donnie?'' Raph asked him.

''I'm not sure Raph...'' Donnie looked over at Mikey annoyed, ''Mikey I told you no eating in here!''

Mikey looked up from eating some kind of cheesy snack, ''What I can't help if these are addicting!''

Donnie growled and took the bag from him, when he noticed something. ''Wait a minute…this is the ingredient I've been looking for!''


Donnie quickly looked up the ingredients. ''Whoa this stuff is radioactive!''

''What?! I'm gonna explode?!''

''Mikey calm down your'e not gonna explode. Probably.'' Donnie continued to look at the ingredients, ''Hmm, it looks like this is the key ingredient for the mind control serum. And I know exactly where to find it.''

''Where is it?'' Raph asked him.

''It's at snack factory on 9th and Houston.''

Raph grinned and cracked his knuckles ''Alright let's do this.''

Leo nodded in agreement. ''You guys go ahead, I have to talk to Caitlin first.''


Meanwhile in another part of the lair, Caitlin was sitting in her room lying on her bed.

She was still struggling about what happened with her powers and what Talsein had said to her.

She also couldn't stop thinking what is was like when she used her powers. How amazing it felt, how she wanted to make Shredder's men hurt for hurting her loved one and how she had no regrets wanting to kill all of them.

But then she saw the look on her brother and Karai's faces with what she was doing and saw fear and confusion. Caitlin then quickly snapped out of her thoughts making her realize what she was doing.

''What is wrong with me?'' she thought. ''I'm just a disaster…I'm just meant to cause chaos everywhere I go.''

Caitlin sighed, ''Then maybe I should just leave and keep everyone safe from me…and doing any more harm'' she said to herself.

"Wouldn't do you much good," said Chris appearing behind his sister, again.

Caitlin jumped, but when she saw it was her brother she smacked him on the back of the head. ''Chris don't do that!''

"Ow! You don't have to hit me in the head!" Chris shouted back.

''Well stop sneaking up on me!''

"I wouldn't have to sneak in here if you didn't keep your door locked, especially when I have something to say," he replied with his arms crossed.

Caitlin glared at him. ''Fine what do you want?''

Chris sat down next to his sister and started to explain, "First, I wanted to see how you are doing after, well you know what happened back at the Shredder's lab?"

Caitlin looked away from him and pulled her knees to her chest. ''I don't wanna talk about it.''

Chris moved in close and placed his hand on her shoulder. "You can tell me anything. You don't have to worry about what I might think."

Caitlin sniffed, ''I think you and the others should just stay away from me... I'm not safe.''

Chris could tell his sister was feeling down and removed his arm from her shoulder. "Caitlin, your not dangerous. Yes what I saw was a side of you I didn't expect to see, but that's only because you haven't been able to control your powers the same way I was. I mean back then I was a danger to a lot of kids, especially since this was before I could control my speed."

Caitlin looked at her brother sadly, ''Then how did you learn to control them?''

"Well it wasn't easy. At first I tried doing it myself, but each time I would crash into stuff and one time I even crashed into a building," Chris began rubbing his right shoulder. "Running into a brick wall, followed by three more walls and a safe is not fun at all. Thankfully I met someone who helped me and he is someone who knew about my powers."

Caitlin looked at him a bit surprised by this. ''Who?''

Before Chris tells her who it is, he decided to tell her the whole story. "Caitlin, do you remember why Shredder killed our parents and how we got these powers?"

Caitlin nodded, ''Yeah our father was making a serum and Shredder wanted it to gain more power and when our father didn't give it to him, he set our house on fire, but we survived and well you know the rest.''

"Well, apparently dad had a partner who also worked on making a serum himself and is still alive," Chris replied.

Caitlin looked surprised, ''Wait what?''

Chris begins to nod his head. "Yeah, from what he told me he was working on making his own serum himself without Shredder knowing about it or our dad telling him he had a partner. So when our parents died he stayed safe without Shredder looking for him. He found me years ago and helped me train to control my powers. He's also my contact that I told you about before."

Caitlin was shocked. ''Really? where is he?''

"In a secret place," his expression and tone changed to a serious one. "Listen, I want you to come with me so we can go find him and he can help you with your powers. But we can't tell anyone where he is at or about this. If Shredder finds out he will hunt him down and try using the serum for himself. So we have to keep this a secret from the others, even Leo."

Caitlin hated to keep secrets from the others, especially Leo. But if this man was going to help her with powers, she had to keep everyone safe. ''Alright, I promise.''

"All right, we'll leave tonight so we can help with your powers right away. I've got my stuff ready and told Karai to stay here with the others," said Chris.

''How long will we be away?'' Caitlin asked.

"Can't tell you that without giving away all the details, but with me it doesn't take very long. So I'll have to carry you till we get there so we don't waste too much time."

Caitlin nodded, ''Can I say goodbye first?''

"Yeah, go do that and I'll talk to Splinter about where we are going," said Chris as he left the room.

Caitlin nodded and walked out of her room and went to go find Leo.


Leo continued walking to Caitlin's room thinking about when she left the dojo earlier and how upset she was. As Leo was thinking however, he didn't see where he was going and bumped right into Caitlin.

''Oh Caitlin!''

''Sorry Leo, didn't mean to bump into you'' she replied looking down at the ground.

Leo frowned at her and wrapped his arms around her waist, ''Caitlin are you okay?''

''Yeah Leo I just have a lot on my mind.''

He kissed her forehead and looked into her eyes, ''Like what?''

Caitlin was silent for a moment. She really hated to do this all to Leo at once, but if Chris was right and she could get her powers under control, she had to tell Leo what was going on.


''…Leo…Chris told me that there's someone that can help me with my powers. But…I have to go away for a while. I can't tell you where, but I need you to trust me. As soon as I get my powers under control, I will come back to you.''

Leo was shocked by all this. He was happy that someone was going to help Caitlin with her powers, but Caitlin leaving? he felt like his heart was tearing in two.

''Can I come with you?''

''I'm sorry Leo I wish you could, but I have to do this by myself. Plus, someone has to protect Karai and keep an eye out for the Shredder while were gone.''

Leo sighed, ''Yeah I guess your'e right…''

Caitlin looked into his eyes again and she deeply kissed him. ''I swear I will come back.''

Leo picked her up and returned the kiss. When he broke it he looked deeply into her eyes again, ''Alright, I support you in this. But please be careful.''

Caitlin nodded, ''I will.''


Meanwhile back Shredder's lair Shredder was sitting on his throne with his hands folded together in front of his face, beyond pissed and thinking about what happened in Stockman's lab.

Not only was he defeated by Talsein, who escaped and he had been unable to find despite having all his men searching for him, but Karai was taken from him once more, his lab was destroyed, and Stockman was gone so he was unable to replicate the mind control serum he had him worked on.

Not only that but because the Kraang were sent back to their dimension he had been unable to communicate with them to get more mutagen, leaving him with only a few canisters left to use.

He was then interrupted from his thoughts when he saw Tiger Claw and Fishface walk in.


''Master Shredder, we have been unable to find the turtles or the man called Talsein'' said Tiger Claw, ''But we will not give up that easily.''

''Yes they will for what they have done'' Fishface replied.

Shredder remained silent, but they could tell he was still upset with what had happened and how they failed at keeping the turtles from escaping.

''I'll keep tracking them down Master Shredder,'' said Bebpop walking into the room ''they'll never-''

"Silence!" he shouted causing his men to flinch in fear. "Splinter, the turtles, their allies, and Talsein have crossed me for the last time. I will have my revenge on all of them and when I do this city will burn."