AN: Maybe this will teach you to fuss over me and treat me like a helpless child. Those days are long gone, as you are about to find out. Now stop struggling, get in that chair, and shut up. Happy Halloween, little lab rat.

Shh, shh. There's no reason to scream. You're perfectly unharmed at the moment. Save your energy for later.

This? Oh, nothing serious. A creation of my own. It will induce nightmarish hallucinations, tailored to your own personal phobias. I study fear, you know. Of course you know, you're about to be my own little lab rat.

Oh, do stop thrashing, you'll only topple the chair…see? Now look what you've done. You've fallen over and hit your head. No matter, that will be the least of your worries soon enough.

What was that? Your head hurts? What do you expect me to do about it, bandage it with vinegar and brown paper? Don't be ridiculous, I couldn't care less if you'd stabbed on eye out on one of my scalpels.

Oh, very well. I'll set you upright again. But don't squirm so much and that won't happen to you.

There we go, back to normal. Is the room spinning? I need to know these things, so that I can account for them later. No? You're sure? You wouldn't be lying, would you…no, I suppose you wouldn't. Very good.

Now, my unfortunate little friend, I need you to answer a few health questions. Do you have a history of cancer or heart trouble? Are you on any medications? Do you…oh, stop crying, I haven't even touched you.

All right, all right. Head to the side, please…try to relax, it makes it easier…there. Deep breaths, now. Wouldn't want you having a panic attack before the show begins.

Ah, yes, I can it's starting. The pupils always dilate, and the breathing…what's that? Yes. Tell me what you see. Then you may start to scream.