Wade Wilson was walking down a crowded New York street much to his displeasure. Although any time he had to be out in public without being totally covered he wasn't very happy about. Yet he'd run out of stuff to mend his suit, and a job he had to be on the next day that he wasn't going to turn down.
So that's how Wade Wilson, aka, Deadpool found himself walking down a busy street in 95 degree weather wearing a oversized grey hoodie, dark jeans, and a baseball cap for some team he didn't even know who were inscribed on it. True enough, with everyone having somewhere to go he didn't have to worry so much about being noticed. That was what he really worried about. Being noticed and someone pushing past him in fear or disgust or worse, someone giving him a pity look that just sent him into a spiral he didn't have time for. Relax. He told himself. No one will notice.
(Doesn't keep us from being on edge.)
[You said it as if there are times we aren't on edge.]
(Dare to dream can't we?)
Wade shook his head. This was no time to get distracted by the boxes. He didn't have time to be distracted. If he could get in, and get out, and get gone on another mission by the next evening he'd be okay. Making a trip to the store already put him back on packing, but he'd not been on a mission in ages. And he was getting antsy. Just being out of the plain domestic setting for a while would help him cope. At least that's what he'd hoped. Because he was running out of ideas to help him calm his paranoia. He'd been "encouraged" by Logan to start taking S.H.E.I.L.D jobs. Encouraged of course meant that if he kept causing trouble Logan, and the rest of the X-Men give him over freely. For whatever tests, missions, pokes or prodding they wanted to inflict upon him. That wasn't going to happen. And although it wasn't as handsome as it was when he was killing, at least he was getting paid still.
This was the first mission though, so Wade was only going off the words he'd been given quickly over the phone after someone had found out about and started throwing hero accusations out. The Daily Bugle. Between all the news they go about Spiderman and the fact it was a trashy paper in the first place.
He stepped into the store. It was actually kind of nice. Pleasantly cool, empty and quiet. The girl at the counter smiled at him when he walked in, but he turned away without looking her in the eye and hurried quickly through the store to find his things. Thread, fabric, a bit of this and that he'd learned to utilize for his costumes. Amazing what one can learn with internet and a couple hundred dollars.
He hurried up to the register, ready to be out of there. He got a look of pity when she actually looked at him, it sent him seething away from the store. Feeling ridiculous and Yellow and White argued back and forth. Usually he welcomed the company. He knew without them his memories could easily turn him into far worse than he already was, but even so- occasionally even boxes could get annoying.
Hurry home, patch up the suit, make sure it fits, and off he went, taking the car S.H.E.I.L.D had sent for him to take him express to the Avengers tower. God- he hoped he wouldn't be met with a committee of heroes. After the day he didn't think he could deal with a group of assholes, especially not a group of assholes he looked up to telling him not the screw the mission up. He wasn't, not if it kept him from S.H.E.I.L.D.
Truth be told he couldn't stop thinking about it, thinking about what Logan had told him. He thought they'd had some kind of connection after being put through the Weapon X program. But now to know he'd sell him away. He wondered if he was really that cruel or if he didn't realize that the agents were just as cruel as anyone who'd test on innocent humans. All he wanted was to be better...
[Shut up.]
(I'm with White this time- your bumming us out dude.)
Wade apologized and came back to reality just as the car stopped and he was unceremoniously told to get his "deformed ass out of the car." Owch. But he did as he was told and headed for the large doors. JARVIS greeted him and opened the elevator for him to ride up to the top floor. Tony's office. Uh oh.
As he stepped out of the elevator he was met with exactly what he didn't want to see. Despite himself he forced a stupid grin on his face. "Well then- didn't know you were rolling out the welcome wagon for me. I'm flattered you all came out tonight- and I hope it was worth it." he said with a joke in his voice. Made things simpler.
No one laughed. There was Logan, a scotch in his hand. Wade had to force back his own laugh, they both new neither of them could even get drunk. "Sit." Logan declared his face clearly telling him he'd be shipped off if he fucked this up.
Wade sat, but put his feet up on the glass table, wiggling his toes through his boots. "So what's this super mission I need to be sent on huh? Nothing to tough for me. I always find a way." He giggled. He does always find a way.
(Explode-y ways) Yellow reminded him.
[Kill-y explode-y ways.] White chimed in. Some reason that one always ruined the party.
"We know. That's why we are asking you to turn in your mask." Logan said, cutting to the chase, knowing Wade would only find a way to distract everyone before anyone could tell him why he was there. "No more missions, no more jobs, nothing else. S.H.I.E.L.D is willing to pay for you to go quiet and stop ruining the real heroes work Wilson. You better think hard before you even consider denying the offer."
Double ouch. Triple even. Turn in his mask. Wade didn't say anything, but his mouth was hanging open. This couldn't be real. Had he really been that much in the way? Had he hurt that many people already? Was he this low in the eyes of the heroes that had kept him going as a kid, kept him going now. He looked around. Tony Stark, THE Iron Man, Steve Rodgers, the one, the only Captain America, Bruce Banner, he knew what is was like to have others hanging about- didn't he? Maybe he did, as he wasn't looking towards wade, and looked rather ashamed at being there. Johnny was twiddling uncomfortably, Logan's eyes stared into him with resentment, Storm looked pitying. Pity from one of the strongest woman heroes this side of town.
This wasn't right. Maybe asking him to take a break was one thing, but asking him to turn in his mask was a whole other. They were asking him to leave the job he'd been doing for as long as he could remember. Quite literally. He didn't know how to live like civilians did. He couldn't live like civilians did. And turning in his mask, meant turning in his one, even if it was pathetic, claim to not living like others. If he turned in his mask he'd only be pathetic. No strength, less life, with an eternity to live it.
The thoughts continued to consume Wade until he realized he was standing, standing and shouting, incoherent even to himself and threw himself toward the window. Fully intending to jump out of the top floor of the Avenger's tower. There was a bang and he felt his hit hit the floor dully.
Unbreakable glass.
He really was an idiot.
He closed his eyes and listened for the others. Nothing. For once it was quiet, and that was exactly what it couldn't be. Not now. The thoughts continued to rage and he was pulled gruffly to his feet by the scruff of his neck. Logan. Wade yelped and pushed the X-Man off of him, running toward the door and to the elevator, he opened the panel within and overrode it to drop and then stop every floor if they wanted it back up. One good thing he'd learned at least. He figured he'd broken both his arms when the elevator it, but they could heal as he ran, and ran, and ran. Who care what news got out. Who cared. He just had to get away. He scaled a building as fast as he could, leaping from one to the other, barely catching himself on some, and overshooting some others. He was blind with an emotion he didn't know. Not one he could begin to comprehend.
This was the last chance. Get out now, lay low until it all blew over, take some lower profile jobs. Anything to keep the mask. Anything to keep the cover of the monster he was. Each of the heroes that had been called into that room knew who, scratch that, what he was. A monster. That's why they'd been called. A team of heroes to bring down a monster.
That was the last thing the thought before he crashed midair with none other than Spiderman.
At least he didn't know Wade was a monster.