Hey, so good news for you all!


Yeah, so my friend lent me a copy of The Heist Society and I was reading it and I thought, "Dang, I miss those guys."



No Water and Fire this time, though. But hey, more missions and stuff!

And I really don't know how long this is going to last, but…


So let's do this thing!

"You guys, check this out."

Gray slapped a newspaper onto the table, a grin making its way across his face. "Read it, and tell me this isn't a direct challenge to us."

Team Natsu was currently hanging out in Lucy's room, as they so often did whenever they were bored and had nothing else to do. Natsu, Lucy, and Erza had been participating in the oh-so-exciting game of trying not to fall asleep until Gray had barged in with his newspaper article.

Lucy picked it up, her head tilting slightly to the side as she read, a smile appearing on her own face. The moment she finished, she dropped the newspaper and declared, "We are doing this job!"

"Huh?" Natsu asked blearily, having just woken up from his nap. "What job?"

The article was about a gigantic diamond that had just been uncovered. It was currently on display in the Crocus museum, and the director of the museum had been quoted as saying these exact words:

"Nobody can break into our place. It's completely impossible. Hands down not possible. You might as well not even try. Short of a miracle, that diamond's staying right where it is."

Which, to Team Natsu, was basically like saying, "Direct challenge! Free diamond! Come and get it!"

"This is an interesting prospect," Erza agreed, scanning the article. "We should tell the rest of the team."

"Nah, let's not."

Everyone turned to stare at Gray like he was crazy, which in their opinion, he was. A lazy grin appeared on his face as he took something out of his pocket and tossed it onto Lucy's desk.


"Do I want to know where you got those?" Erza asked, raising her eyebrows.

Gray ignored the question. "I was thinking we could do this thing ourselves," he explained. "I mean, we haven't been on a mission together for a while. Like, just us four. We're supposed to be a team, right?"

Lucy frowned. "But if the director's telling the truth, this is going to be a pretty big job. You really think we can pull it off ourselves?"

Gray shrugged. "Only one way to find out."

Natsu picked up the blueprints, blinking sleepily at them. Then he paused.

"Um, Lucy?"


"How do you read this stuff?"

While Erza was busy facepalming, Lucy strode over to her best friend with a sigh. "Sheesh! You've pulled off tons of heists and you don't know how to read blueprints?"

She grabbed the papers and scanned them.

Her mouth fell open.

After double-checking the blueprints about seven times, she looked up at Gray.

"This is impossible."

"What is?"


"Lucy, Lucy, Lucy," Gray sighed. "Haven't you learned yet? Nothing's impossible here in the Academy."

"Yeah, if you have enough people! This is a seven-person job at least. You cannot possibly be telling me you want to do this with just us four."

"And yet that's exactly what I'm suggesting."

"This is insane!"

Natsu's ears perked up. "Insane? I like insane. So what's the security like?"

Lucy was scowling. "Pressure-sensitive floors. Motion-sensors. Cameras, of course. Wires. Lasers – "

"All of which I could dismantle with the touch of a button," Gray interrupted.

"No, you couldn't. Not the lasers and alarms. Or the gas."

"Gajeel could," Natsu put in, but Gray adamantly shook his head. "Don't even go there, Matchstick. So we ignore those. Seriously, Lucy, you broke into the Magnolia Museum. Why not Crocus?"

"Because Crocus is a whole lot harder to break into than Magnolia, that's why."

"Are you saying you're going to turn down this chance?"

Lucy hesitated. "Well, I didn't say that…"

"Then we're breaking into that place," Gray declared. "First thing tomorrow, we're heading for Crocus. Get a good night's sleep, you guys!"

He strolled out, whistling, hands in his pockets.

"I've never seen Gray so stubborn about a mission," Lucy remarked. "Why does he want to do this so much?"

Natsu leaned back and yawned. "Who knows, Luce? It's Gray. Nobody knows how that guy thinks."

She glanced after him, frowning.

"I dunno, Natsu, but I've got a bad feeling about this whole thing…"



Gray turned to see Juvia running toward him, wet hair flinging water drops everywhere.

"You were swimming?" he asked, eyeing her glowing cheeks and damp hair. It was a stupid question. Juvia only ever looked like that after she'd been swimming.

"Juvia is so glad Natsu and Gajeel got the pool working again!" she sang. "Thanks to them, Juvia can go swimming every day!"

She cocked her head to the side. "But what has Gray-sama been doing? This isn't where the boys' rooms are located."

"Ah, uh…" Gray glanced at the door of the room he'd just come out of. "We were discussing…things."

He'd wanted to keep the whole mission a secret, since if anyone else found out, there'd be no way to keep them from coming along. This plan, however, spectacularly backfired when faced against the force known as Juvia Locksar.

Juvia looked at the door, and her eyes narrowed. "That's Lucy's room. What was Gray-sama doing in there?"

"What? Oh... nothing! The team was just discussing some stuff!"

She leaned forward, and Gray gulped. This wasn't going well.

"Were you alone together?" she hissed.

"No! Of course not!"

Fortunately for Gray, at that moment, Natsu stepped out. "What're you still doing here, ice-freak?" he asked, noticing Gray. "You left like, five minutes ago."

"Is it any of your business why I'm still here?" Gray asked, highly irritated by the pink (SALMON!) haired pyro as always.

"Yeah, it is, since you're – Oh, hi, Juvia."

"Hello, Natsu."

Natsu shrugged. "Have fun chatting. I'm going back to my room. I've got homework."

"You do homework?!" both Gray and Juvia asked with genuine astonishment.

He threw up his hands. "How do you think I maintain my awesome grades?"

Gray raised an eyebrow. "Last time I checked, your best report card had like, one A. And it was in PE."

"Shut up! And how do you even know that? I never showed you those?"

He raised his eyebrows. "I'm a hacker, flame-brains."

"That was private information!"

"So was my underwear when you pantsed me!"

"You totally deserved that for dropping a salad on my head!"

"I told you, it was an accident!"

An gigantic argument commenced.

And it would probably have escalated into a gigantic fistfight, only Erza kicked open the door.


Natsu and Gray both gulped. "S-Sorry, Erza!"

"I-I was agreeing to, uh, Gray's plan to…throw a really big party on Saturday!" Natsu added quickly.

"Yeah, he was!" Gray nodded a little too enthusiastically. "We're best friends, see?"


"Okay, then," Erza said, apparently mollified. "Just… express your agreement a little more quietly, all right?"


Erza closed the door, rolling her eyes. "Boys. Sheesh."